Be 10 years old me

>be 10 years old me
>friend invites you over to play vieo games after school
>hey, user, you get to pick!
>he only has NHL, Madden, FIFA and NBA games

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Fun local comp games.
But I'm guessing you were the fat kid who always got picked last, so you told yourself you don't need to use your body anyway since your superior brain will make you rich and all those jocks will one day work for you?

There is nothing worse than sports video games.

I've toyed with the idea of getting one of the hand egg ones just to have it play bot games as background noise.

gachashit, VNs and ASSFAGGOTS

What a fucking lie that was. Most of the jocks in my school are successful businessmen/lawyers now and make double what I do

literally the perfect combination of all genres. RPG, Action, Strategy, Simulation, City/Team Building. dumb ass

Not really, sound like you're projecting there my lad.

Unique sports vidya is fine, licensed sports vidya needs to go

If it were NFL Blitz or NBA Jam, I could go with it. Those felt more like arcade games than sports games.

>Don't like sports games
>get new job, coworkers meet from time to time to drink beers and play fifa
>"We just play to have fun, donĀ“t worry user, except for this guy, no one has been able to beat him"
>Play one time and lose, getting used to the controls
>Next round I play against the guy who supposedly no one beats
>Beat him 2-1
>Never play fifa before in my life.
Normalfags are shit even at game they are supposedly good

God how did Americans unironically vote this guy into office? He looks like a god damn orc

But sports games are literally god tier co-op and vs games.

Sorry you're such a fucking loser you can't have fun playing virtual hockey.

based and redpilled

I had a friend that would ring my doorbell when I wasn't home and ask my mom if he could play on my sega saturn.

I wasn't fat, but I was always picked last because I was shit. So I never improved. Bravo sportsfags.

>He doesn't want to play NBA Street or NFL Street


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Wow someone wants to pay money to play a game version of the same game they can go outside and play. Eat ass dude.

oh can you build a major league baseball team over 20 years in real life, smart ass?

>be me
>ugly pimple kid
>bully tonnes of loser faggot nerds because I was and still am insecure
>just pass highschool
>kids I bully all go to university
>grandad get me a union job at his work
>8 years later
>I make $120,000
>go to Starbucks
>one of the faggots I bullied took my order

Ahhhhh and I was such a cunt when I ordered my machiato

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Yeah man, I too fucked Emma Stone

If you build it, they will come.

Madden should have ran for Presedent.

He was kinda busy being dead at the time.

>they have a Mario sports game

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>sports games are bad

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At least he got laid before you did

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America wasn't stupid enough to elect celebrities at the time.

Madden and NBA were pretty fun on N64. I prefer Jet Force Gemini for multiplayer, but those are pretty good, too.

>Never played Mutant League Football

Are we talking pre-Reagan or post-Reagan?
Are we talking pre-JFK or post -JFK?
Are we talking pre-Washington or post-Washington?

>implying anyone would invite me over
people would only want to come to my house so they could steal my food, money and not have me seen around their families instead

Nothing wrong with assfaggots.


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>he black
>you show him smash
>never have a bad game in your life again