What do you want to see in Marvel's Spider-man 2 for PS5?
What do you want to see in Marvel's Spider-man 2 for PS5?
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Venom and Carnage
I don't want to see spider man 2, I want a spiderman homecoming or into the spider verse game. Better films.
Nothing. Capeshit is soi-boi central and the PS4 version was the saddest shit I have ever seen. Fully grown balding men pretending to be spideyman while the game plays itself.
Seriously, Look up any twitter posts on that game, shit gets bad
The webswinging from the original spider-man 2
Why do they have to make a sequel? The first one covers just about everything you can explore. The only way it would be worth it would be if it takes place in a different city.
New characters and story arcs could just be DLC. It doesn't even make sense to re-release this game with the same maps and everything and just call it "Spiderman 2." But I guess I'm forgetting just how low the industry has sank, and still no bottom in sight.
You sound like a sad, pathetic human being
Imagine being this insecure
You must not have played the game in years, it was impressive at the time but in comparison to Spider-Man on PS4 it was dogshit
Imagine sucking Sony cock this hard, ps4 swinging is ass.
The Sam Raimi films are good, but homecoming is legitimately a better story, I strongly urge you to watch the film or read the comic it's based off of.
Spider man 2 used to be my favorite of all time spiderman film, but homecoming is better and spider verse is just a great movie with a good concept for a game if you could secure the rights to alternate versions of spider man.
removing the racist raimi suit
>Spider man 2 used to be my favorite of all time spiderman film, but homecoming is better
Just outright wrong. Spider-man 2 does a better job building up Peter Parker/Spider-Man as a protagonist which in the end has more impact on the story than Homecoming ever does.
How did Insomniac successful merge 50 years of Spider-Man spanning from comic books, movies, and televisions show in a single game?
Is it worth buying the game now? I've been kinda waiting for all the DLCs to come out and for some "GOTY" edition to come out with all the DLCs included.
Reminder to purchase Spider-verse.
The only half-decent Spiderman movie was the first. Venom is the thinking man's choice
>look! it's a nigger Spiderman! We also have Porky Pig!
Thanks, brainlet.
The PS4 game was so mediocre after the initial buzz and one fun playthrough that I havent even wanted to complete the two remaining dlc.s even when the raimi suit finally dropped. Just like everyone feared, the DLC.s were completely mediocre cookie cutter asset flips instead of some "daredevil and spiderman team up" tier shit that everyone was dreaming about
The gameplay itself is shallow as fuck and nobody who plays games a lot has a reason to keep playing the game, even less so than your average singleplayer game. It loses out on the combat and combo autism to any game actually focused on that aspect (even if it is pretty well done for a game that doesnt 100% focus on it) and the open world/ stealth/ missions are all relatively underwhelming/ serviceable at best without getting too into the details
aka the one and only primary mechanic that pretty much defines a spiderman game within any sensible persons head is the spiderman mobility and it gets extremely old extremely fast in this game. While there is inherently nothing wrong with a low barrier of entry, there is everything wrong with a low skill ceiling and just generally mcdonalds tier design where its not meant to have depth or longevity. The web mobility (and parkour which should be mixed in) should play like something between Skate and Tony Hawk's, it should be the primary gameplay attraction and it should be impressive both from a tech and gameplay perspective. Spiderman should be the game that pioneers new physics systems on such a mindblowing level that there literally could not be any "spiderman 2 did it better" discussion. The fact that the discussion exists at all shows just how fucking obviously lacking the game was on its primary feature.
It should be a spiderman simulator. Make spiderman a completely physics dependent character, show me some actual technology this time. The webs should bend, coil over things, have tension, momentum should be perfected. The players should also be expected to manually aim the webs at any level above intermediate, the auto swinging should be something that you initiate webswinging with, like autocombos in a fighting game, something extremely casual that has a specific use for someone who actually knows what they are doing. Just because the game is "inclusive" for retarded kids it shouldnt patronize the players or expect that to be an excuse for shallow gameplay and a lack of impressive technology
When you have all of that down, then you can worry about muh story with symbiotes, symbiote suit and its own functions, playable venom and an improved combat system that doesnt get formulaic and old after 3 hours