What do you name the main character when you play jrpgs?

What do you name the main character when you play jrpgs?

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If he's dark i give him a black name like Jamal/Tyrone. if he's pale i name him after my former friends.

I named joker Pat Hamburge

Hey you

Minato Arisato
Souji Seita

I look up the canon name and use that


I always name them Scatman for some reason

My own name

P3P, I used Rigatoni Alvarez. I prefer fantasy rpgs, so I usually just try to think of something that fits.

This. Isn't that the whole point?

Something that fits the setting. For Persona I just go to a Japanese name generating site and keep hitting random until I get something I like.

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The main character's name. A JRPG usually has a protagonist that already has a personality and back story, so it would be foolish to name them anything else. If it were a WRPG, I'd come up with something.

My name even if it's a female.

Pro Tagonist.

I don't play JRPGs

Except my name is dogshit and most people in real life opt not to call me by it.

Default name if there is one. Ace otherwise. Sometimes I might change it up and name my characters as references to something else.

every time

Onii chan

Devontrius, because that's my name in real life

I'll name them something that sounds like it would fit in the setting of the game. I'd rather it not sound out of place, (unless it's like Jamal-kun or some shit) so it's better to go with something that works. Of course, it always ends up with some disgusting weebtrash name for the first name and something irrelevant for the last part like "Junpei Baseball" or some shit.

Default 100% of the time, and if there is no default option I give him a random name based on what he looks like.

Usually something that has Hiro in it.
Like Hiroto, Hiroki, Hiroshi or something that is relevant to the story theme.
Like I called bunny from Desu2 Hoshi Subaru.

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>there are people who named their P5 character anything besides Ren Amamiya

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>Ren Amamiya

His name is Akira Kurusu user.

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Ted Cruz

Akira Kurusu Sounds cooler

Sure, and I also love playing as Souji Seita in Persona 4 Arena.

I give them the canon name.

Papa Dice

it's Akira Cruz you retatds

In persona I've always used always my real first name plus Sirius as a surname

Well for persona 4 I named him shaggy doo, and for 3 fes I went with pimp daddy since I decided to go full harem

Her name is Yuko user.

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P3 mc was Jesus Christ
P4 was Senpai Sensei
P5 was Dindi Nuffin

Canon/default name or I randomise

Dindu Nuffin I mean. Sorry I'm a phoneposter.

I always named them there canon names are.
Also notice in the picture the eyes get slanter and slanter.

P1 was Moose Tornado
P3-P5 was Slop Gruul

anything else is autism tier, unless if you are replaying the game

default in jrpg
jrpgs are written with a more or less fleshed out character in mind so it feels weird to rename them

canon names never come out until way after release though

Kenpachi Ramasama

Just my own name, like you're supposed to do if you're not a weeb sperg

Nigga finna

If the game is set in Japan and there is no default name then every single time I name the MC 'Hiro'.
If I have to choose a surname I'll just pick a random one like Nakamura

This guy gets it.

Restricting yourself to the "correct" name is autism, you retarded autist.


It’s Ren Amamiya in the Anime, Mementos Mission manga, and the dancing game. He will NEVER be called Akira ever again. Stop using it.


This but first playthough only.
After that it's either "Canon" name or something related to them based on story from my first playthough

>Minato Arisato
Eh, I'd prefer Makoto Yuki but whatever.
>Souji Seta

I name them whatever I feel like. Like I named the Strange Journey protagonist after one of my friends and the Persona 3 protagonist off of something random.

default or canon name
shu jinko otherwise

Back when FFVII was a new game I named all the characters after my friends and the women after my friend's sisters

Canon name if he has one and it's my first playthrough. Something similar to my real name if it's just the latter. In any other case it's the stupidest shit I can come up with at that moment. Some games force you to name party members, in which case I do go with "serious" names sometimes, but I really have to think those through or else I end up cringing at myself for the whole playthrough.

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