Was the Ghost Recon franchise ever good?
How would you fix it?
Was the Ghost Recon franchise ever good?
How would you fix it?
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1 and GRAW are good. 2, FS and Wildlands are shit
Is it nostalgia speaking or is that game underrated? I remember it doing cover-based third person shooting really well even before GoW came out, yet no one seems to be ever talking about it.
They've always been the casual's Operation Flashpoint/Arma as far as I'm concerned.
Wildlands should have gone full snake eater, more stealth and survival with less Just Cause
it didn't do any cover based 3rd person shooting
GR1 was great, don't remember if I played 2
GRAW 1 and 2 were great
Future Soldier was awesome, especially the multiplayer, and the gun customization has yet to be topped.
I vaguely remember the early Ghost recon games were hard as fuck. I enjoyed Ghost Recon summit strike but I never beat it. I loved GRAW 1 but despised the ghost recon games after. I think it needs to go back to modern yet somewhat semi future tech like the originals. I'm tired of all this future warfare stuff. I havent played the future soldier or will ands games
>it didn't do any cover based 3rd person shooting
We must be thinking of different games.
I would make another one.
>2 is bad
Both good as far as I'm concerned. I don't play only one game ever.
I think the PC and Console Versions were different. PC was first person like the previous games.
yup 3rd person was xbox 360 only
No. Xbox got the FPS ones 1 & 2 and some Tropic expansion
GRAW was when they went 3rd person, since 1st person tactical wasn't selling due to casul consoles.
Playing Split Screen was the shit.
Oh never knew. though the reasonings the same
I still play Ghost Recon through the Heroes Unleashed mod pack. Tried GRAW but didn't really feel it, I fucking hate Mexico as a setting which probably had something to do with it. Wildlands is only good for playing operator Barbie.
GRAW on PC and GRAW on console were two different games. I don't see why anyone would play Ghost Recon on console honestly.
we don't talk about consoles here
I had both GRAW on xbox OG and 360 and I can tell you the original one FPS was the better one. Especially on xbox live.
btw Mexico City was amazing in graw1, never seen a game render a city on this scale before
1 was FPS on both PC and Xbox
2 was console only and was 3rd person
GRAW 1&2 was FPS on PC, 3rd person on console (different game)
>I don't see why anyone would play Ghost Recon on console honestly.
They're good games. Especially back before the market was flooded with third person shooters.
I remember not liking the fact you couldn't see your gun models in GR1, only took me a day or two to appreciate the game as it is.
I miss having solid complete missions and an overall campaign but ARMA pretty much took over.
I really miss playing GR1 coop and watching your numbers dwindle as you progressed through the mission. You'd lose so many people when it came to clearing buildings.
I remember enjoying 2 as well but that was the middle ground between GR1 and Console GRAW
What stands out to me about Ghost Recon 2 in particular is the gunplay. The weapons sounded and felt good. Many console shooters of the time tended to have anemic weapons. Like you're shooting spitwads or something.
Whenever I try to get someone to play it, that's always the excuse. Even people that play Arma have refused. Not a problem for me since I used to play Swat 3 and learned to appreciate guns from every aspect aside from looks.
When did you play it? Not rendering first person gun models was kind of standard in tactical FPS at the time.
Has anyone played GRAW 1 on xbox 360 and PC? Which did you prefer? Was the campaign the same?
I prefer the 3rd person ghost recon games but was thinking about giving GRAW 1 on pc a try if its worth it. I remember how hyped I was when GRAW trailer dropped. At the time it was just called Ghost Recon 3
I remember being blown away by the graphics when the game first came out. Good times
>that hipfire at 0:45
games didn't look like that until they did. the gap between sd and hd gens is huge and they don't play the same either. sd gens should be considered retro.
Yes. To fix it I'd tell ubisoft to fuck off and have someone else make them.