Games for this kino?

Games for this kino?

Attached: skywalkers4.jpg (355x245, 94K)

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Owo what's this

ep 9

4k re-release

its supposed to be the episode 9 title...

Attached: skywalkers5.jpg (210x179, 62K)


That better not be the fucking episode 9 title...

>They're all dead and irrelevant

Third time's a charm
Nostalgia pandering doesn't work anymore when you kill the franchise this dead

What can they even do with 9 at this point? 8 didn't even seem to lead anywhere at the ending.

>star wars
No thanks.


Kylo Ben isn't dead.

3>6>1>2>4>Solo>Rogue One>8>5>7

Prove me wrong faggots

8 was pointless except for luke’s story.

And even then they decide to do what they did.

37 Year old Boomer here.

5>4>rogue one>6>7>solo>8>3>2>1

>liking 7
not surprise

Attached: 15156285332AAA.gif (726x400, 1.36M)

>prequels at the bottom
>5 on top

I think the sequel trilogy is consistent with what we've got so far. It has its highs and its lows. There were some terrible written parts of the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy was well, the prequel trilogy. Didn't stop ROTS from being mostly stellar.

prequels were shit
that being said clone wars was the best era
we need a gritty war movie with clone troopers

There's only one movie with the name Star Wars and it came out in 1977.

It kinda set up for a sequel with Darth Vader surviving but everyone knew that with the Empire crippled, the Rebels were on their way to victory.

I will continue to convince myself of this and nobody can stop me

>I think the sequel trilogy is consistent with what we've got so far.
indeed it's the biggest trash I ever saw even more than troll 1 and 2

The prequels were fine and only had minor flaws, Episode 3 is the best movie in the franchise, and fixed the bad acting for the most part too. CGI is better than puppets too.

I mean consistent with the entire saga but you are just shitposting and have no opinion of your own so eh.

This seems more legit.

Skywalkers seems like a spin-off or a game title.

Attached: D34tCTbX4AEZ01t.jpg (984x1183, 55K)

That poster isn't even the one they're going to put up in theaters. It's supposedly key art for the toys.

how is consistent with the entire saga when literally shit on the entire saga at every minute? my bet is you are stupid and only like to see X-Wings and things you recognize to clap at these

who cares, star wars is dead

Attached: eed.jpg (600x457, 11K)

that clearly the back panel of a toy package

>not RoT_
I want Disney to burn

You have no opinion other than what you were forcefed by RLM, etc. I was there and I know how the original trilogy was mocked for its puppets, stiff acting and controversial (at the time) reveals. The sequel trilogy so is par for the course.

>RotS and RotJ fag
The Emperor/Vader/Luke moments were the peak of the series for me and I love the way everything comes full circle (like pottery)

Reaction of the Mouse

Attached: 9bb0a3b1cb26bc09de21d61e61c37241.gif (398x478, 718K)

Battlefront 2017 is decent

TFA was bland and unoriginal, but at least it was not a trainwreck like TLJ.
What the hell happened?

Instead of trying to do their own thing in a literally limitless universe they're just trying to rehash the OT as hard as they can.

Crait was a soulless rehash of Hoth

But TLJ is nothing like Empire. And on top of it the plot makes no sense.

It still tried to have the same story beats.
>Empire equivalent chasing down Rebel equivalent
>Battle on a planet with a large, flat terrain with trenches where the good guys are just trying to hold off the bad guys until they can escape
>Unexpected twist happens with Ben Swolo killing the weird fetus guy

>Unexpected twist happens with Ben Swolo killing the weird fetus guy
Where the fuck are they even going with this and the anti plot tweest with Rey? Why even kill Luke so soon? Did they have actual plans or will they retcon everything in the next movie?

>Empire equivalent chasing down Rebel equivalent
>Battle on a planet with a large, flat terrain with trenches where the good guys are just trying to hold off the bad guys
>Unexpected twist happens
you could say the same about every star wars movie so far

Felucia, Mygeeto, Utapau, Coruscant, Naboo and Mustafar are all vastly different than the same generic 4 1 biome planets in the OT and nu-trilogy.

4>dogshit>everything else

Prove me wrong.
You cannot.

ever since Yea Forums got the big idea that THEY were responsible for trolling cheeto benito into office they take the hard contrarian stance and will even stoop to raiding review sites to "prove" what they believe. the alt right virgins from /pol/ especially will drop into any and EVERY thread that has a semblance of relation to Star Wars and spout their oh so unique (read: snowflake) opinion about the movie, which usually boils down to "Blah blah blah i hate this movie because it has a black dude and some women in it".

this but unironically

Imagine being so upset you unironically mention /pol/, alt-right and orange man all in one post.


I don't think you really belong here.


have sex

There's no indication that mushrooms will play any part, let alone a major part, of the sequel trilogy though.

Attached: MS Kino.png (257x255, 57K)

Is that an invitation? If so i'm totally down.

Sex is great but have you ever completed MAX300 on Expert?

>Yea Forums
What's the matter, are you lost? You poor little thing!

Star Wars is video games, why you linking to RedditLetterMedia dicksuckers?

Kylo is a Solo, not a Skywalker

the last hope

Not him but his mother is Leia, who's a Skywalker.

His granddad is Anakin

Han's last name isn't even a real name anymore according to that shitty side film

nigga it's the only Disney film that even approaches the quality of the original 6

>implying 8 wasn't kino

subversion of expectations>>>>>well thought out twists and planned storylines

That's not Rogue One.

Attached: Krennic.png (1280x536, 589K)


what did they meant by this?

Attached: ....gif (171x172, 962K)

Good post

Star Wars Has Video Games, but it's origins are not in video games.
Given the subject matter doesn't directly specify any a particular game to act as a baseline, this is easily discounted into the:
>"What is the (non-vidya thing) of video games?" (provides no example)
Type of thread.