The year is 2019

>the year is 2019
>I still haven't played Bloodborne because of scummy industry practices
Consolefags will defend this

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm sure Sony have definitely noticed your protest and are absolutely tearing their hair out over it

Why should anyone give a shit about you or what you think?

>scummy industry practices
like what

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are you that much of a poorfag that you can't afford a $300 console to play several exclusives and then sell it?

>paying to play a videogame once then sell it


So what does that make of Steam, Nintendo, and xbox then? Oh wait, that's not scummy industry practices at all.

How do you expect Sony to sell their console? Or Nintendo or Microsoft?

>eventual port inevitably
>Plot of game centered around winning by not playing
>port will allow online community to be revived like it didnwith remakes

Honestly one of the rare situations where this was delt with well

>Plot of game centered around winning by not playing

>got a ps4 for free from a friend
>platted BB after buying a used copy for like 30 bucks
>sold it after because PS4 is garbage
Make friends. He sold his too btw, I'm not just a huge dick

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Further you get the more fucked up things get. Unless you consider the loss of your humanity beneficial

Just wait for emulation.

>scummy industry practices
Sony won't even let you use this game's minor online features without paying a monthly subscription. Dark Souls 1 and 2 were free to play online on the PS3, but those games and Bloodborne require a PS Plus subscription. What a load of shit. You are literally getting ripped off if you use a PS4. It is literally cheaper to build a $2000 gaming computer than it is to play on PS4.

How it should be:
>since game is available on different systems as well, I'll try to sell my system by offering bettter framerates or better visuals than others

How it is:
>why bother if I can just make the game not run on other systems at all lol

Xbox has this too.

Yeah but that's Microsoft, everyone expected them to do this shit because they were scammy since their inception. But Sony used to have free online play.

>I still haven't played Bloodborne

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>input lag
>frame rate issues on a game that already struggles to maintain 30 fps
>No old hunters dlc which is the best part of bloodborne
great experience you got there.

I say this as ps4 player who already beat the game.
Out of all Soulsborne game only this and Demon souls exclusive to one platfrom and I will bet if Demon souls get remaster, it will go multiplat.
Just admit it for Bloodborne, Sony is fucking scum to locked this only to one platform, the game which developed fully by third party.

Like on original PS4

>input lag
Barely noticable

>frame rate issue
Just like in original game

>No old hunters dlc which is the best part of bloodborne
>desperately defend paid dlc
I pirated every From game because they are greedy faggots.

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and guess what? you will never get the sequel as JP studios too dumb to make this kind of game and From don't want/need exclusivity anymore/more money too. Win win for all the gamers not matter what their platform of choice

>fully developed by third party


>Bloodborne[a] is an action role-playing game developed by FromSoftware and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 4


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Sony is a shit platform, I agree and only BB is worth the praise it gets. But the idea that exclusives are a scummy practice is just stupid, because that's just a criteria for competition. The scummy things I'd highlight would be:
>blatant censorship
>forced online subscription fees
>selling a downgraded system in comparison to the xbox, despite being the same price range
That's scummy practice, not exclusives.

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You'd have to be a NEET or a poorfag to think that this is responsible spending.

It was funded by Sony


If you can't notice 5+ of input lag, you should have the wiring to your brain checked or play the original. I notice it at 2 and games start feeling like they're underwater at 4f of input delay.
Also, BB runs at 1080p.

Me neither since Sony refuses to remaster Demon's Souls. I'm not buying a console for one game.

You're not missing anything anyway. I considered the game boring and a waste of money.

Base PS4 is stronger than base Xbone. And X1X costs a fair bit more than PS4 Pro despite having no games

Neat. You should check the Japan Studio Wikipedia page next.

PS4 was always 1080p at least. The input lag and artifacting are certainly noticeable, you dipshit.

In what world is ~$600 for a console and a few years of online cheaper than $2000?

Shhhhhhh dont explain to Yea Forums that the entire purpose consoles exist is to push specific software

>Director(s) Hidetaka Miyazaki
>Producer(s) Masaaki Yamagiwa Teruyuki Toriyama
>Designer(s) Kazuhiro Hamatani
>Programmer(s) Jun Ito
Out of all this only the two producer is Sony Japan guys, so yup I agree Sony funding (moneyhat-ted?) the game. Doesn't mean Miyazaki cannot develop the game without Sony money.


>fully funding a game so that the developer can take creative risks without worrying about profit is "scummy industry practices"
You're delusional.


I played 10+ hours of game on my friend's PS4. It's a same blurry luggy shit. Bloodborne performance is atrocious, don't kid yourself.
At least on PC I could played it with actual gaming controller.

And if input lag was THAT bad I would never finished such fast-paced game.

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The game has already been developed and released user. It's not coming to PC unless From buys out and renegotiates a new ownership contract or Sony decides to port it.


>so Tomb Raider xbox moneyhat is shit but bloodborne is based?

I'm being overdramatic, or as I like to call it, o-dram. To make a point. Nothing personal, dude-ee-oo.

Sure you "played" (YouTube) it lol. Higher resolution, more responsive on PS4. Just because your poorly wired brain didn't noticendiesnt make it untrue.

It objectively runs at 1080p, you Eurotrash fuck. This isn't an anecdote. It's in the specs and the input lag is measurably, provably there.

>get ps4 pro
>turn on boost mode
>start up bloodborne
>still runs like utter trash
Why can't I just enjoy this shit at a proper framerate and resolution

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Do you understand what the free market and intellectual property means?

I've read many posts from those who streamed the game and had a serious time with Gehrman because of the input lag. Did you manage?

Attached: gehrman joins the hunt.jpg (349x600, 52K)

As it stands there are no plans to port the game or Demons Souls. Going forward, I think I will rely on this very evident precedent over your hollow claim.

Honestly insecure faggots like these do not deserve good attention from Sony.

I've only had real problems with mystery niggas. Other bosses were pretty easy.

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True or not my claim that Miyazaki can develop the game without Sony money, still cannot deny my point that the game fully developed by From Software.

You don't matter. Sorry!

Fuck around with the chalice dungeons. They're the best thing in the world, and a pretty meh part of BB but it does serve as a decent boss gauntlet. There's genuine challenge to be found there, and some really good bosses too.

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I beat it. But the input lag was bad enough that I could see it.

You seem insecure honestly. Businesses don't need to cater to you. They provide a product and you decide to buy it or not. Pitching a fit like a petulant child is honestly extremely pathetic and I feel sorry for you having so much stock in this. Some day you'll grow up and this won't be a big deal.

*they're NOT the best thing in the world

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that's not scummy, that's making a deal, scummy practices are like Ubisoft and it's endless amount of microtransaction content, some of it is stuff you can get in game like weapons and others are time savers. and then they sell expansion dlc alongside that shit. when they could bundle all of those microtransactions into the dlc or just include it into the base game or include it through patches. for them though that's too much work, and it's also not getting them even more money.

Sony was in charge of music production user.

What is up with Pc fats wanting everything all the time? Fuck dude buy a used ps4 for $150 get bloodborne wipeout omega fist of the northstar and Spider-Man. Should I complain to Nintendo I can’t play botw on my ps4? Holyfuck are you self entitled

>PlayStation™Now Data Use and Streaming

>What picture quality PlayStation™Now stream in?
>PlayStation™Now games are always streamed in 720p. If your broadband speed is too slow to stream at this quality, you cannot use PlayStation™Now.

>This means that if the picture quality you are receiving is lower than 720p, this can only be due to local network connectivity. Try the following to improve picture quality:

>Hardwire your device to your router using an ethernet cable.
>Stop other devices/applications that are streaming or downloading using bandwidth and switch off Wi-Fi on mobile devices.

>What sound quality does PlayStation™Now stream in?
>Currently, in stereo only, but we are investigating the availability of surround sound.

Acting smug even though you're wrong.

Cannot wait then for BB2 exclusively for ps5 by JapanStudio
> All your Sony exclusive example made by third party while Nintendo one's is first
Brilliant dude.

>All your Sony exclusive example made by third party while Nintendo one's is first.
Outside of Fist of the North Star which was Sega who paid for the development of those games. Sony that’s who come the fuck on (you) can’t be that stupid.

>made by != paid by
c'mon user

>Cannot wait then for BB2 exclusively for ps5 by JapanStudio
What's the point you're trying to make here?

>bought a ps4 in 2017
>only games I own are bloodborne and nioh

>Literally the only game carrying the entire platform

Your splitting hairs it’s Sony’s ip just like Zelda is Nintendo’s. You wanna play? Pay up big boy.

I don't play games at 30 fps. Or 20, in the case of Bloodborne.

>year is 2019
>OP still doesnt have a PS4

lmao fag

At least you can emulate it now.

Imagine being so upset you come to a thread to shit on a game and gloat that you don't play it.

Here’s some exclusive pc games for you. Jealous console plebs.

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>still daily Bloodborne seethe threads


Don't worry emulation should be here in a few years.

Back to my original point. BB will be more successful if be made with multiplatform in mind and not been tied for one platform only unless it's been made first party studios. I doubt we will get the sequel as quickly as they made DS trilogy if not ever. Except they bought entire Studios.
Sony is the king of moneyhat for Japanese games this generation far much worse than their competitor.

How the fuck does ONE game manage to cause so much butthurt in the pc community?

Imagine being so upset you come to a thread to shit on a game and gloat that you don't play it.

This entire thread, and basically every other Bloodborne thread are low-tier falseflagging

No shit it would have sold more if it was multiplat, that's not what Sony wanted they wanted to sell their console, so they went to from and entered a deal for an exclusive and it sold relatively well for an exclusive. No one's gonna argue that it wouldn't have sold more as a multiplat, the difference would be probably be a few less PS4 specific sales and an addition of a lot of non PS4 sales for the game.

Exclusives have been a thing since the mid-90s you utter faggot.

>future tense.
BB will not "be more" anything: the game has been developed and sold as an exclusive. I'm just not seeing your actual point. Are you ESL?

>gonna be playing Bloodborne for the first time ever later

What am I in for guys? I see nothing but praise for this game (seething shitposting not included) and I've played all the Souls games. Will I like it?

If its worth mentioning, DS1 and Demons Souls are my favorites because Im a sucker for atmosphere

and now is when he says that it's been scummy since the 90s, even though exclusives is not scummy to begin with.

A flawed but ultimately great game. You might not like it, it's not for everyone. If you like Souls games, it basically captures the essence of what makes them great and improves on them.

>"Im poor and can't afford a playstation even though it's been out for years and seen several price drops"
Okay? Since when were blog posts allowed?

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i-i'm playing it right now and i can't solo orphan guys...

make sure you get the dlc
the main game is very hit or miss in regards to quality

A faster paced game, actually more closer to DeS than anything. Try not to use your tatics you employed in souls, but you'll adapt pretty well anyway. Saws are OP and are essentially straight swords, so don't use them. And play the DLC, it's probably FROM's best piece of content yet.

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yeah I got the GOTY edition, I want to make sure to get the full ass hammering.

hit or miss, i guess they never miss huh

turns out physical pc games aren't dead

>fags cry about console exclusives just because they can't pirate them on pc
Eat dicks