Ok everyone there are only six good games in this thread

Ok everyone there are only six good games in this thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>trying to bait me into posting my favorite games so other people can shitpost me

Nice try.

Team Fortress 2
Enter the Gungeon
Crash Team Racing
Silent Bomber

>Ocarina of Time
>Half-Life 2
>Super Mario Galaxy 2
>GTA San Andreas
>Resident Evil 4

Boom there you go, don't @ me, I know I'm right.


There's only one six in this thread and it belongs to me

Attached: Yuuko hip to be square.jpg (770x680, 98K)

patrician taste

reddit taste

1.2.3, HOLD UP, there are 12, there are ONLY supposed to be 6, half of these are NOT good games.

>Sid Meier’s Civilization
>Sid Meier’s Civilization II
>Sid Meier’s Civilization III
>Sid Meier’s Civilization IV
>Sid Meier’s Pirates!
>Sid Meier’s Civilization VI
yeah pretty much

>San Andreas

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Big Boss' body is a good game. You can have sex in the game as well.

I want to fuck Big Boss!

Attached: Everyone wants to fuck Big Boss.png (650x806, 1.03M)


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Is that a golf 4?

Popular bad, I agree

Just gonna go down my steam library.

>Nigger of the Stars
>League of Niggers
>Nigger Age: Inquisition
>Star Niggers: Galaxies
>Niggerlands 2
>Nigger's Mod
>Team Fortress Nigger
>Nigger Kings II
>Nigminions 4
>Europa Uniggerversalis IV
>Sid Nigger's Civilization V
>Niggertoria II
>Domestic Nigger Simulator
>Orbital Nigger
>ARK: Nigger Devolved
>Marvel Niggers 2015
>Guild Niggers
>Star Wars The Old Niggers
>World of Niggers
>Company of Niggers
>Evil Nigger
>Star Wars: Niggers at War
>Nigger Chronicles
>Warhammer 40k: Dawn of Nigger
>Warhammer 40k: Dawn of Nigger, Bling Crusade
>Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Muhfugga Edition
>Nigger Scrolls III
>Nigger Scrolls IV
>Nigger Scrolls V
>Niggout 4
>Niggout Nig Vegas
>Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Nigger
>Mount & Blade: Niggerband
>Niggers of Eternity
>Star Wars: Niggers of the Old Republic
>Way of the Nigger 4
>The Witcher 3: Nigger Hunt
>Blood Bowl: Nigger Edition
>Divinity: Original Nigger
>Shadowrun Niggerfall: Director's Cut
>Shadowrun Hong King Kong
>XCOM: Nigger Within
>XCOM 2: I can't inject Nigger here
>Assassin's Creed IV Really Black Flag
>The Nigger Saga
>Battle Fleet Nigger: Armada
>Nigger Closet
>Nigger Bowl 2
>Niggers: Skylines
>Nigga's Dogma: Darkie Arisen
>Lord of the Niggers Online
>Nigger Duels
>Nig Meier's Civilization: Beyond Urf
>Star Wars Nigger Commando
>Niggerdew Valley
>Ultimate Nigger
>The Nigger Among Us

Attached: Homer read.png (549x415, 284K)

>Team Fortress 2
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Sonic CD (Taxman)
>Doom 1
>Persona 4

boom, big reveal
>inb4 reddit/kill yourself

Replace SMG2 with the superior game, SMG2

epic reddit thread


Imagine being so obsessed.

Hiro has already responded positively to reddit so that pretty much confirms they're welcome.

>Third Strike
>Civilization 4
>Donkey Kong Country 2
>Castlevania Bloodlines
>Dr. Mario
There, six games.


>Smash ultimate
>Mother 3
>Banjo Tooie
>Paper Mario TTYD
>Pokémon Y

Rick, I don't think this is such a good idea since gamers are toxic and all

deus ex
system shock 2
open xcom
red alert 2
dogz and catz

>Not recognizing the joke

Melee is turbo-reddit, but the rest are okay

This site has been infested by toddlers. I'm fucking done. I quit.

Well obviously Shaggy & Knuckles Super Star Saga is a real good game. I think we can all agree on this

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If the best game ever made is turbo reddit, then fuck my ass and call me reddit.

>XCOM: Nigger within

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The show anti nihilist and Rick is more of a agnostic than an atheist.
Why does Yea Forums use "GOD ISN'T REAL" and "LOL NOTHING NOTHING MATTERS" as points against the show when there's more actual flaws with it?


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It was dduring first and half of second season. Rick is now the voice of reason who is always right and can never be questioned.

>(((Rick))) & Cucky
big yikes

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this is you
now bend over

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Me on the right

>Chad BTFOs nerd
Whoa this is propaganda lol

What happened to Rick and Morty is a shame. Season 1, and to some extent season 2, are actually good

>Yea Forums, the post

its not like its dead. there's more than likely going to be another season because the popularity for the show hasn't died down and there's money to be made. it has a chance to redeem itself after season 3.

>Suikoden II
>Ace Combat 4
>Ace Combat Zero
>Victoria II
>Jackie Chan

THIS IS GETTING WAY OUTTA HAND, there's only supposed to be SIX.. at least think there are?

Not the civilization one that's for sure, the later games were downgrades.

>Niggers and food is the only thing on his mind
Bravo America

>Mortys granddad is a literal cuckold
>Morty is cucked by a nigger
>father is called ''beta male''
how can anyone watch this trash?

The new writing staff they hired for season 3 are all trash, the only good episodes from that season were written by people who worked on 1&2. I don't expect much from season 4.

>silent bomber
You're good, kid

i did the thing you said not to do

>season 4
That ain't happening user.

Show is too popular

>that 90's loser who wanted to game on PC but forced playstation games onto himself to fit in with his friends

>that still virgin fag that was born in 97 but wants really hard to fit in with the obnoxious 90's crowd

A literal fucking cuckold

A very likely underage redditor

Plays games exclusively based on Internet memes

00's zoomer faggot

Am I boomer yet guys? Faggot



Based literal redditor

What did this show do to Yea Forums that made them lose their minds. I don't get it, better and worse shows have come and gone, so what was it that made Yea Forums go insane over this one?

>>Mortys granddad is a literal cuckold
wait, what happened, how did rick get cucked.

let's doxx our moderators and send some ukraine killers after them

Close but still shit

It's popular and liberal in it's themes.
Just need these two things to make Yea Forums go insane.

he didn't user is just shitposting and obviously obsessed with a certain fetish

Liberal people liked it and since Yea Forums is /pol/ satelite itbmakes sense for them to go nuclear over it.

Grandad on his Father's side of the family.

Probably when the show went to shit in season 2, which coincidentally was when they hired a bunch of purple haired women writers.
They do everything they can to make white males look bad, right down to two instances of black man cucking them as a central theme of the episode.


Skyrim Special edition
Skyrim VR
Fallout 4
Fallout 4 VR
Fallout 76

Replace Fallout 76 with Skyrim Switch and you're good.

Todd aren't you supposed to be working on some space game?

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>>The Nigger Among Us
>>ARK: Nigger Devolved
>>Shadowrun Hong King Kong

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0 isn't even a number. Good job