EZ Mode fake gaymers BTFO
EZ Mode fake gaymers BTFO
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good glad for them
maybe now sony stops being retarded and we get bloodborne on pc
after all the jews of japan wont say no to money
This explains why the fanbase is so shit
People were hyped after DS3, his next game game will sell poorly because honestly Sekiro is just an ok game
never ever
That's funny considering DS3 was mediocre, why would they be hyped after that? Thank god Sekiro's good.
dumb frogshitter
Why? Their not interested in selling games, they're interested in getting you hooked into the PS4 lifestyle.
>jews of japan
they don't exist user.
Are you the same person saying sekrio would sell poorly a couple of weeks ago?
All the bitching was basically free advertising
>hyped after DS3.
But it was a strictly worse Bloodborne in a coat of Dark Souls paint. This is widely what the game is considered by anyone with a brain.
good for them i guess, shame is fucking activision also there, anyway, how DS3 sales were so low?
it's one of their ''console seller'' it won't happen.
Bloodborne was their real breakthrough game.
As much as I dislike Activision, I have to admit, they played it perfectly. They didn't really respond to the criticism about the difficulty or demand from make some emergency patch and let Miyazaki do his thing with only minor input. The result is an unconpromised game with an identity.
Where are the DMC fags now?
as long as they can use Bb 4k 60fps to bait virgins to buy a ps5, they'll not put it on other platforms
Activision will see this as a flop. 2M sales is nothing for the marketing budget compared to CoD selling 30M+ for low effort rehashing.
Bloodborne isn't a system seller, the game has sold 3 or so million copies after many years while Spider-Man and God of War sold as much in 3 days.
we're halfway done with the empulation, it will come, in time.
Activision would be retarded to get rid of one of the games selling points
It’s probably the best argument you can make. No one would give a shit about Dark Souls (which means Sekiro wouldn’t exist), if it wasn’t considered hard.
Masturbating to gay incest porn of vergilXnero, probably
I doubt Sekiro had a very high budget in either actual production or marketing.
People were disappointed after DS2
Any game with major marketing hype will sell now, because every streamer feels compelled to buy it.
Bloodborne 2 on launch will be a PS5 seller, it’s a good IP to have in your pocket
When will someone mod a waifu Sekiro?
bloodborne absolutely was a system seller
most people who bought bloodborne, only bought PS4 for that game
people who bought spiderman or god of war already had PS4 from playing fifa
Change the title to "Sexiro"
this snoyger is damage controlling, as games of that sort sold 95% of their lifetime in the first week. the numbers he announces were also done in the 10 first days.
Well, DS3 doesn't run on 20 fps. That automatically makes it better.
Sekiro didn’t have that much marketing.
>most people who bought bloodborne, only bought PS4 for that game
If CoD keeps selling 30m every year how come I never hear anyone talk about it or even know anyone playing it
And for what reason? Bloodborne was a 'system seller" at the time because there was literally nothing else on the system, Sony's resources would be better spent on speeding production for their other major games rather than wasting time on BB.
Let's be generous and assume half of Bloodborne's first year sales were people who bought it for Bloodborne, that's 1 million PS4s out of 91 million. Bloodborne is NOT a system seller.
>thread about sales
>immediately starts port-begging and whining about Snoy anyway
I think Activision is only handling their distribution in the West. They don't really care about whether the game is a hit or not.
Only Dark Souls 1 on PS3 runs that badly. What game are you talking about?
It’s not getting ported bruv
>as games of that sort sold 95% of their lifetime in the first week.
yet Sekiro has been top 3 in global steam top sellers since release and is still #1 global top seller right now
quit your unsubstantiated bullshit
I'm not the one who was asking for a port, idiot. I'm just stating that it isn't a system seller because that's a fact.
do you hear people talking about eating yet another McDonald's burger?
Have you never played Bloodborne?
These games usually cost 25-35m to make. They are very cheap to make and very consistently sell a few million copies in the first year. It was a safe bet.
>He doesn’t know
Google Bloodborne Epic Store
>easier game is doing the best in sales
can't wait for all game journalists to lose their jobs
>The fans have made Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice one of the most incredible game launches of 2019 thus far. The game has performed well on all platforms including PC and we’re excited by the continued support from gamers and critics alike. It has been gratifying to see the enjoyment from fans when they overcome each challenge.
Doesn't sound like they think it's a flop to me.
Have you? It's doesn't drop below 27.
Not him but there's a precedent now seeing as those David Cage games are now on PC.
It's become a habit. No one thinks to talk about it.
Most AAA games never get opened by the normie masses.
Sekiro is a game you need to open and experience for bragging rights, even as a normie. Most won't sign up for that shit.
>All these replies to an obvious falseflag
Jesus Christ are you all 12 or are you pretending to be retarded
Yes? I keep hearing from friends and acquintances that they've been to mcdonalds today/yesterday/last week
Have you not seen how many articles are being written about it? Its all marketing, thats what games journalism is, streamers flock to Sekiro because its being touted as the hardest game ever by marketers.
Blizzard calls BfA a resounding success too. Publisher marketing bullshit is just that.
Sony doesn't own Quantic Dream.
You've never played Bloodborne
Sony doesn't own From Software either.
sales are facts user
BfA is the fastest selling WoW expansion to date, what's your point exactly?
No it's not. It barely broke even with Legion.
They own Japan Studio however.
>tfw still haven't defeated Isshin
Does this mean I qualify for welfare bros
Since From kept most of the IP rights I assume they put up a decent chunk of their own money against whatever Activision invested, so Activision is less likely to give a shit as long as they get a somewhat decent return.
Sony can't even be bothered to make a fucking PS4 Pro patch to fix Bloodborne's awful framerate. There's no chance it gets a PC port ever.
How did Sekiro btfo DMCV so easily?
You've never played it. Either way, it could run at 10fps and it would still just be a better DS3 in every way.
but imagine how many more copies it would have sold if it had easier difficulties!
By being a better game.
it didn't
DMC Doesn't get hardcore cred because it has an easy mode.
are you retarded
activision is a big company
they cant just release COD 10 times every year
they need other games too if they want to make more money
Meaningful change to the formula.
DMC5 is the same boring shit. It's polished, but it's the Dark Souls 3 of DMC games.
As I've already said, the game is unplayable so it, by definition, can't be a better game than anything else.
You'd know if you had played it.
>some people seriously think DS3 is below Bloodborne
the toppest of keks.
And Sekiro is an excellent game
>imagine being a rabid defender of some foreign corporation.
>100k more sales over Legion
>Mattering at that scale
It sold faster because the few remaining subscribers are eating shit faster. If you look at lifetime sales, Legion was higher. Compare that to the game's peak around Wrath and those figures are still nothing. It's all marketing buzz retards like you fall for.
most* people
based sekiro making dmcgays and bbfags seethe
Nice """argument""" user, but majority rules in this case. BB is the highest rated game for a reason user.
>bloodborne on pc
Already is
>If you look at lifetime sales, Legion was higher
Are you going to link these lifetime sales or just keep pulling shit out of your ass?
big companies look at 2m sales and see failure user. those games aren't free to make or market.
if it had Denuvo it wouldve sold 10x more
The point is, if Bloodborne ever came to PC it'd be because Sony wanted it, not because From wanted it.
>imagine being a rabid attacker of some foreign corporation for decisions that don't affect you.
And they also own Heavy Rain, Beyond and Detroit.
>that's 1 million PS4s out of 91 million.
that's 1 million $300 consoles that they wouldnt have sold otherwise
add the game and PS+ subscriptions on top of that
that's around half a billion they made with one game with a small budget
You're retarded. Go play Fortnite then since it's so highly rated by braindead retards all around the world.
Subs were higher in legion proven by the leaks, hence more copies sold. It's not my job to post numbers. Just my job to prove you wrong, which I've done.
>He isn't currently taking a break after his 4th playthrough
The publishing and distribution rights to those games all expired. Anything else?
it doesnt even have ps4 pro patch. its not a system seller its downright abandonware.
No, they don't, retard
Unless it's much, much further down the line and Sony have let From by the IP back. That'd probably be another 10 years though, got to squeeze out Bloodborne Remastered for PS5 first.
It's spelled "sausage", user.
Yeah, except consoles were sold at a loss during early life.
Sony's return on investment comes from people buying more games and them getting that 30% cut, you claim that people buy it for Bloodborne and Bloodborne alone which means they lose out.
>Compare that to the game's peak around Wrath and those figures are still nothing.
user, Wrath sold a shitton less than BFA
[citation needed]
Yes they do. It's even on the epic page.
Do NOT I repeat do NOT make fun of me or I will write an article about how Sekiro needs an easy mode I am NOT kidding
Your own data proves you wrong, if sub count translated directly to sales then Cata would have the highest sales as Wrath had the highest sub count, as those subscribers would go on to then purchase cata. Legion would not nearly as high as it is coming after WoD as WoD was WoW's lowest sub count that we know of. Subscriber count is not related to expansion sales, not even remotely.
The only thing you're proving is how much an idiot you are, no facts to back up anything you say.
If this is ever true I will delete my Steam account for them.
>1 sub = 1 copy
>12.5m subs d uring wrath
>3.4+/- subs during BfA
>BfA sold more
Publishing =/= owning the IP
And Ps4's were $400 in 2015, if I remember correctly, so that numbers even higher than you think.
Well user, I'm not sure what to tell you. You say "it's unplayable" but basically every who plays it disagrees. They disagree so much the game is considered by basically everyone who's played the series. You can pound your fists like a petulant child but YOU are the one that made the appeal to majority here:
>"People were hyped after DS3,"
How does it feel to be so retarded you double back on the point you originally made?
Exactly like me
I need 19 more levels to complete the skill trees, but I don't think I will do it right now.
Finally burnt out of the game
>I buy video games as a fashion statement so these games should be easier so I can DISCUSS the inner workings like a chode.
You guys kept complaining that they weren't marketing this game at all pre-release though
>1 sub = 1 copy
this is where you're wrong
Sony financed Bloodborne so it's possible they hold exclusive lifetime rights. In the end all they want is to sell consoles.
Or, it's actually a timed exclusive and after 5-10 years, From regains the rights. For a comparison, it took Sunset Overdrive a long time before finally making its way to PC.
I never made that post. Stop posting, snoybrony.
If they only published it then they wouldn't need to be be mentioned.
lol no, PC is a dead shitty platform. Enjoy "Weedcraft inc." and other dogshit indie games that's all you get
Sure you didn't. And even if you didn't, it doesn't matter because you're just some poor shitter that can't afford to experience kino and is forced to lap up the inferior copy.
rent free
They own it in the exact same way Nintendo owns games like w101 and Astral Chain.
Microsoft still owns Sunset Overdrive. Insomniac doesn't own shit.
I dont get it. you only need to play dark souls and you have played all of them. the gameplay is the same boring slow shit in every one of them they are just rehashes
This. If you've played any Zelda, DMC, Street Fighter, etc, you've played them all.
Are you retarded?
Do you even know what a trademark is? It's entirely different from a copyright, retard.
Probably hype after bloodborne. It's their first new IP and people don't like to join at a third installment of something.
what? what does that have to do with my post
>Do you even know what a trademark is? It's entirely different from a copyright, retard.
Are you really calling anyone retarded when you can't even read?
Look at that image again.
Both belong to Sony. They are wholly owned by them.
having great gameplay rather than "MASH O TO BE EPIC" and not catering to an emo niche
>It's entirely different from a copyright, retard.
Good thing it says Sony owns both of them huh. Imagine being this far in denial.
Thats not a popular opinion though. The popular opinion is that it is a good game. Not that that should affect your own opinion towards the game but you don't get to claim the opinion of the people just because of your own personal views.
I'm glad we agree that snoyborne is "cinematic" garbage and nothing else
Bro I’m some random, not the boy you think your having some sort of dialogue with. You are lonely and it’s pathetic. You think anyone here is your friend? You just want to fit in. You just parrot what you like to hear or see. I don’t give a flying fuck what these companies do. I don’t even play video games anymore, I come here to make sure I never act like any of you irl. This board serves as a useful tool to help correct self destructive social behavior.
Are you just pretending to be retarded or what? Point to me where it says Sony owns the copyright in that image. Pro-tip: the symbol being there doesn't mean Sony owns it, it just means the game has a copyright, or it would say they own the copyright, like it says they own the trademark.
>calling Bloodborne cinematic
Fuck off ACfag.
I really liked the game until Sword Saint Isshin.
The PS4s overheating causing input lag and 30fps cap is really fucking me over.
I though this being a Fromsoft game the console optimization would be A+ but I played myself.
Killed every other boss but SSIsshin is really just fucking me over.
>inb4 mikiri the spear
I cant when it drops inputs
>20 fps
>forced CA
>forced blur
>2 hour loading screens
>not cinematic
It's literally the first line but hey if you don't want that let's take a look at the Sony page
>Detroit: Become Human™ ©2018 Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe. Published by Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe Limited. Developed by Quantic Dream. “Detroit Become Human” is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. All rights reserved
Oh look it says they have it there too. If they didn't it would have looked something like this
>Detroit: Become Human™ ©2018 Quantic Dream
Why are you even trying to deny this?
It's unbelievable such a handicapped is better than anything made in the last 2 (!) gens.
Activision actually seems pretty based in this case since they pretty much agreed not to meddle with the project.
this is good news once it's on pc i can run my cheat engine and make my own easy mode
Sekiro exists though
That's not enough for Activision
Sony owns the rights to Demon’s Souls AND Bloodborne
Theyre never coming to PC barring a freak incident.
Gascoigne has cut lines that say “Umbasa”, etc.
>Sony owns the rights to Demon’s Souls AND Bloodborne
They also owned those Quantic dream games.
I honestly wish they would do something with Des, it's just been sitting there for the past 10 years
>thread about commemorating Sekiro's success
>PCbros still whine about wanting Bloodborne
Was Sekiro that forgettable?
No, but Bloodborne was.
That's why you're trying to inject it into every conversation.
Quantic Dream/David Cage was niche/cult before collabing with Sony.
Nobody gave a shit about King’s Field or trusted From to make an interesting fantasy rpg until after Dark Souls 1
Quantic Dream had leverage to prescribe timed rights agreements and the PS3 was desperate for exclusive unique content.
From considered Demon’s Souls a failure and wanted to recoup cost of development.
What does that have to do with anything?
>somebody mentions bloodborne
>pcfags sperg out
every time
>Quantic Dream had leverage to prescribe timed rights agreements
>timed rights
There's nothing timed about it.
PUT ME IN THE SCREENCAP R/Yea Forums !!!!111
we don't want the BB knockoff we want the real thing
>Jews of Japan
Jews fear the samurai.
Yes I know. It's a worse game in every way almost (this is why it's rated lower).
>I though this being a Fromsoft game the console optimization would be A+
They see AAA 2m as a failure. This is AA.
Good to hear. Can't wait to buy the physical version on my xbone in a few months for $20
Activision marketing bux I guess.
More like DS3 completely killed the hype around Dark Souls as a franchise
DeS 2, BB2 and Sekiro 2 would all do great but Dark Souls 4 is basically off the table forever
>DMC5 does well
>Sekiro does well
>KH3 does well
>Western trash flopping left and right
What a good year so far.
this is very problematic
DeS and DaS were good man
if it's unplayable how did you play it
They ran like complete dogshit on ps3 and 360 wtf are you on about
Nigger DeS ran great
>epic Twitter screencap
Epic simply epic.
>dragon spits fire on bridge
>5 fps
yeah man in your fucking nostalgiatripping nigger brain it did
You flat out did not play it
and less than 10% has finished it
But that wasn't an opinion. Complain about twitter posts, but do it properly, dipshit.
I wonder how much money they lost in returns.
No. That was Dark Souls, or, arguably Demons Souls. Or hell, any of their decent games released before then. Or perhaps you were simply born after 2011. Or your first console was the PS4.
Post copy faggot.
Because it comes out of the distributors pocket.
>tfw Twitter fags are seething about Sekiro's difficulty this much because they were all tricked into buying it from streamers and thought it would have a casual babysitter mode
>the bigger the fanbase is the more people will buy it
It wasn't suppose to be according to journos. Remember, a more accessible (easy mode) game would've meant a bigger market. This wasn't suppose to happen and the journos are seething to the point they'll shoot up a school now.
Then why did Bloodborne flop?
dude 7 billion people on earth and the game only sold 2 mil lmfao
Anthem sold like 10m copies
DeS does not run great, it's about the same as Bloodborne.
DS3 was super popular and very well received, dummy.
DS4 will eventually come out and will be a huge success. You’re fucking retarded.
Sure it did Biofag. :)
stop port begging like a faggot and just buy the console. i have a ps4 pretty much just for bloodborne and persona (and nioh and yakuza when those were exclusive).
It didnt?
To play it at 60 fps and not at at the unplayable unstable 23 fps on PS4.
Well yeah, that's why I bought the game.
Did anyone else get a consistent freeze when they were on the way to get the white flower at Senpou for the baby head guy? You've got to jump across a canyon and grab a ledge, but on two seperate playthroughs the game would freeze for a solid second just as you were meant to press grab and I'd fall. I got around it by mashing grab but it really felt like something testing should've caught. I guess it stands out because it was the only noticeable bug I got.
>Bloodborne isn't a system seller
This, when it was free on the PS+ people hated it like no other PS+ game i ever saw.
um sweatie..
>normies hate games that don't let them hold down a button and win
nah dude tell me it ain't so omg i'm crying help
most pathetic post ive seen on this board in a long ass time, you can practically hear the zoomer flossing in the distance
japan does not play PC, idiot.
BB on PSNow, sure
but not a fucking release on PC
like you got Demon Souls on Steam, right?
yeah, no...
and only 90 million have playstations. So i guess it is true: Gamers are an oppressed minority.
Nice numbers you got there Biofag. :)
you're right, bloodborne takes two buttons to win
dodge and attack
>/v thinks facts are opinions
But I played DeS on my PC. :)
People saying DaS3 is hated are delusional. You only read that shit here. Look at the user reviews on Steam and Metacritic. People fucking love it.
Millions of flies also eat shit, doesn't mean it's tasty.
People are shit eaters.
Say you hate it. I don't give a shit. But the game has extremely positive reception outside of the negative Yea Forums circlejerk.
Because Activision was strictly the publisher, and only outside of Japan (maybe outside ofAsia). From published the game themselves in Japan and had full control over the IP.
>To play it at 60 fps
Fromsoftware are hacks, they neve patched Bloodborne for PS4 Pro, leaving the game to rot with huge fps issues.
Fuck them.
But it does mean flies like it you stupid fuck
>he just outed himself as low as a shit eating insect
Why not just learn to play the game?
That's what I don't get about asking for an easy mode. Isn't it rewarding to learn a game and beat it through learning and getting good at it?
You forgot that you need a brain to understand how to use those buttons.
Are you literally incapable of reading posts you inbred and likely cholera-infected ESL?
I hate Dark Souls 3. That doesn't mean it's unpopular.
>bloodborne on pc
>jews of japan
nice bait or you're simply retard
It's BBfags, doing the exact same thing as they are doing now with sekiro, i.e making tons of retarded threads to keep up some sense of relevance, people who were "tired" of souls games and wanted something new yet still bought the game anyway, and people who'd played souls games religiously and thought dodging and hitting things was now incredibly easy despite the bosses movesets and AI and general enemy behaviour being far more complicated than that of prior games, and thought the earlier games were any more difficult. That and the group of people who genuinely found so much ire in the games linearity that they condemned the entire thing as "soulless derivative unoriginal trash".
Also dark souls 2 fags, who seem to have some weird grudge with dark souls 3 despite their main, how do we say, "sources of ridicule and torment", coming from Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne fags.
Turns out if you make a game with an actual story and not cryptic world building in lieu of one people will give you their money.
Wonder what's going to happen in the sequel then?
Why do people like Souls games? They are always the same repetitive trash gameplay with the same shit "story" told through flavor text. Seriously, what is the appeal?
>Wonder what's going to happen in the sequel then?
Do shit in China, what else.
what? the amount of complains about difficulty comes from the new people buying a From game
?? are you a retard
Would be a perfect escalation of Sekiro, it's basically Sekiro but larger scale and more high fantasy.
BB and DaS3 are my two favorite games of this decade. I don't understand the hate. I think Sekiro was a bit weak though.
>I only listen to the Kardashians, they are super popular
Are you actually retarded? All the bitching happened exactly because every fucking shitter and his mother bought the game and then couldn't get past the Ogre.
DS3 was the most popular, best rated, best received and objectively the best souls game keep coping DS2 niggers
Quantic Dream games are coming to PC though
Jesus they are salty about this
The truth scares and infuriates them user.
He doesn't think Sony owns them.
So he's just a retard, ok then.
>having great gameplay
This is your mind on Fromsoft
Yep but what did you expect from the group that will call any game on the ps4 good until its ported where they then say it was irredeemable shit.
DS is now pretty much dead, Tenchu is their new cash cow.
>all these SEETHING casual babbies
My dic is diamonds coated in titanium
that's absolutely correct you massive fucking retard
Right i still remember all the topic about Nioh, it qwas a GOTY when it was still PS4 exclusive, then it get ported to PC and went from GOTY to garbage in a day.
There was no big marketing campaign for Sekiro lmao. It had a picture with no game title for a year, then the E3 trailer and then basically nothing until the month before release. Activision for their titles could shove their games everywhere and get it on TVs, shopping centers, billboards, bus shelters etc and thats when you can tell there's a big marketing budget
It briefly happened after the Joker reveal too. Every thread even suggesting it might get a port was met with how the game was shit.
analysts aren't retarded. They didn't expect this game to sell CoD numbers nor did they fund anywhere near as much for Sekiro as a game like CoD. I imagine their forecasts expected around Dark Souls 3 numbers.
>The fans have made Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice one of the most incredible game launches of 2019 thus far
Doesnt KH3 and REmake 2 sold something like 5 milions in a week or so?
Yeah they just mean so far in the first quarter of the year, Sekiro is among the top selling games I think
Probably in that order in terms of financial success for the developers as of now
I love DaS3 but more as a fun 'soulslike' type of game to play with friends rather than something with the deep meaningful content that got me into the series. Also fuck that layout, it's like a scrolling beat em up in terms of linearity.
Did it sold well? I hope so, to spit in the face of Ninja Theory and his asshole CEO.
>Doesnt KH3 and REmake 2 sold something like 5 milions in a week or so?
Fuck no, are you retarded? also learn to speak english esl retard
>Probably in that order in terms of financial success for the developers as of now
sekiro 100% outsold DMC5
I think this is where the gap in understanding is. I saw someone describe it as being like learning an instrument, and while there's a massive difference in terms of the time commitment, the buzz of beating a boss is very similar to that of finally nailing a song you've been working on for a while. No-one's saying they're better than anyone else because they beat a Dark Souls game, it's not an achievement that you sat there for a few hours learning boss patterns, but it is a lot of fun. Making it easier would remove the actual fun bit.
Well she's literally just saying that singleplayer games are not for her.
It passed 2 million but I'm not sure if it passed it as fast as Sekiro
I'm only giving DMC5 benefit of the doubt of being out longer and also passing 2 million previously. Sekiro will probably end up being higher at the next sales roundup
>it seems like low hanging fruit to aspire to best an AI designed to be beaten
This just doesn't sound right for someone who plays fighting games and does endless hours of lab work to actually get combos to work. Its not neccesarily AI, but you are aspiring to perfect the timings of frame data to get an optimal combo to work that is inherently designed to work but hard to do. Sekiro and other singleplayer games can provide the same kind of satisfaction under different conditions
I'm glad it was successful. This proves that Japanese games with solely Japanese themes, settings and story are not only accepted, but also wanted and encouraged by the audience.
>less than 2% of the install base bought a game
>is considered a success
why is the bar that low? shouldn't AAA games be selling like hotcakes on a console as successful as the PS4?
>bloodborne absolutely was a system seller
I'd hope so, it was the only thing released for the system
Heh pretty good kid
It's not an exclusive
and look at the concurrent players for a shitty live service game , i.e non existent.
I know, I guess I was speaking more broadly, the install base is massive yet the best selling games are all under 10m (aside from horizon)
that's less than 10% of the people who own a PS4, what are the rest of the users doing? How can people be happy with the success of the PS4 when games are lagging miles behind it?
>Sekiro didn’t have that much marketing.
Total bullshit. If you know about a game in 2019, it has a bare minimum $10M marketing budget.
>what are the rest of the users doing?
lmao cope
Because most people that my PS4's use them as media players and sports game boxes you numbskull.
>Pulling numbers out of your ass
fifa 18 sold 11m, that's not really much better
>11m every year compared to games with 3-4 year dev cycle
you get it now dont you user, sports games put those numbers up EVERY YEAR
So she wants an AI designed to be unbeatable???
why are you rambling about the ps4 and its user base in a Sekiro (a multiplat game) thread of all things? do you have braindamage? the only kind of people who would do that are Nintendicklet Switchlets.
>people like DS3
>will also shit on bloodborne for being too edgy and grey
literal retards, DaS2 fags at least are self aware, 3lets are beyond helping