Can you hear it, anons? The call to come home... All we have to do is answer. We're going home. We're all going home

Can you hear it, anons? The call to come home... All we have to do is answer. We're going home. We're all going home.

Attached: 1542277597327.png (1445x1200, 265K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Ahem, ahem:

Attached: 5600BC120CC74177BC9DDEFEBF59F9C0.jpg (250x250, 8K)

Shut the fuck up already

Even as a classicfag, these threads are getting obnoxious. At least get a different OP each time, they're so formulaic it practically looks like a false flag.


Attached: 1551072824013.gif (607x609, 754K)

Shit braindead gameplay.
Shit braindead skinnerbox.

I like these threads.
I can't wait but I hope it's not in August or later

I'm pretty sure you're correct.

Only 50% based post

thread themen

Attached: 1534388357125.jpg (512x475, 31K)

Let me guess, alliance, NE, rogue, minmaxing, furry?

Extremely based

Answer me fuckers, this is not for yous, i actually want to know your opinions on this. I actually am interested

Non-hunchback orcs on classic? Y/N and why

Attached: 1490390618244.jpg (217x277, 22K)

>Should something not in classic be in classic

>mad at a recurring thread on Yea Forums

you wouldve died during the days before /vg/

Alright bros. I'm going nelf hunter for classic. Bows or guns? What's the best pet? Any drastic changes from pservers that I should expect?


What? Everyone knows jannies are all Horde players.


oh dude I'm just playing comfy wow vanilla haha this is a good timooohhhnoooooooooo





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it's gonna be too populated to level my mage with aoe farming so fuck that

I want a comfy small realm

Classic will end up being unplayable shit and you will all cry like bitches alone in the end you autists. The keks will be real.

Attached: 1554850654595.png (3222x598, 775K)

It is purely optional and cosmetic, I want to know what you think of it other than NOCHANGES

warriors only

Attached: me mad.jpg (1800x1578, 212K)

Lol? No.

Why do you idiots keep pretending private servers aren't a thing? They've been packed to the brim with people happily playing Classic WoW for fucking years. I mean how stupid ARE you?

You keep on shitting on my board.
I will keep on shitting on your threads.

Simple as.

Attached: 1538150311624.jpg (600x600, 42K)

I can't believe it, after all these years
We're finally going home

Attached: Stonewrought_Dam_Front_side.jpg (1377x732, 308K)

No the models would look out of place. Just like the new race models.
>It is purely optional and cosmetic
so would be tmog or shop mounts.

Lol yes. Enjoy playing with literal jannies.

>Talking about games is BAD
>I come into game threads and stomp my feet!
Cringy manchild
Have sex


Attached: 1553646776298.jpg (1064x1600, 300K)

Why people dislike minmaxing? I find it enjoyable to maximise efficiency.

I'm curious, no hate but what even keeps retailfags interested at this point besides sunk cost fallacy.
I heard people pretending to be hyped for the newest patch announcement but how could anyone still have fun playing when classes have become this embarassingly bad?

Attached: 1548354905107.jpg (735x786, 85K)

Don't worry. You're gonna get sharted with 10 people per zone.

Can you explain why you think all jannies are horde? Alliance are the ones all about orderliness and being nice, horde is all about chaos and fucking people's days up


Attached: Gay_pride_Istanbul_at_Taksim_Square.jpg (720x480, 148K)

Blues already said it's only in starter zones
Have sex manchild


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Stockholm syndrome. Playing retail in 2019 the year of our lord is nothing short of mental illness.

I don't mind if people do it themselves, but when people start bitches at others for, say, not picking dwarf when rolling priest, not picking orc when going fury warrior, not picking gnome when going mage, etc, it gets annoying and tiresome

This isn't talking. This is a circlejerk and spamming multiple threads in a single day about a game that's not even out and has been beaten down to bits anyway. You're legit either mentally ill or paid shills. There's no other way to justify this autism.

Even SOME of you classicfags at least can recognise it. These threads are nostalgia cancer. And you will get what's coming to you because you are irritating autists who can't move your shit to /vg/.

Attached: 1543180359686.png (563x542, 157K)

Alliance = western = rich = capitalism = not doing stuff for free

Horde = africa = poor = communism = doing stuff for free

>Will finally be able to quest through the non retarded Thousand Needles

I fucking despise the Catacylsm remakes, ever zone permanently broken in half for no fucking reason

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*saves classic*

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Attached: kukenan.jpg (640x480, 109K)

Yikes imagine being so desperate for (You)s you sit in a thread about a subject you don't like every time a thread is made.
I know you do this because your images are always the same.

You're Obsessed.

Human female priest with high cooking

>uses his time to shit up a vidya thread
>half the catalog is twitter screencaps and waifufagging
Based retard


Attached: desolace.jpg (900x600, 151K)


>You're Obsessed
Exactly like you are with a 15 year old beaten to the ground game.
And lol if you think that I am the only one.

Cherrypicking as usual.
Also "everything's bad, so it's ok for me to be shit". Good job there.
Move your outadated autism to /vg/ faggot. Or go fuck yourselves and make threads in a more normal rate.


Attached: 1539262245774.png (249x249, 79K)

Good ones, anons

based Alex

>trying to move the point

Don't give the (You)'s to post number 458162848 faggot.

If you keep screaming it, it might come true

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I still wonder what the fuck they were thinking when they thought "yeah, let's just fuck this shit up" It's almost as if intentionally fucking up every zone would make it frustrating and less enjoyable to play through. But it doesn't matter now, we're going home.

kino in quest form

>I enjoy retail wow more than classic
>You enjoy classic
I hope everyone can have a good time and make friends.

Attached: 1542191608277.jpg (604x516, 50K)


Even after he finally killed himself this url will be etched into his fucking tombstone.

I'm sorry Ion is killing your version of the game, now fuck off

Attached: giphy.gif (474x379, 471K)

Whats your favorite zone, anons? For me, it doesn't get comfier than Redridge Mountains.

Someone please post a place in real life that looks like it

Attached: 1200px-Redridge_Mountains.jpg (1200x750, 126K)
the true test, if you cant solo this you are shit

Here you go
I'll be behind you always. Love Undead Rogue

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t. false flagger
Fuck off retailfag

Attached: 1553282281370.jpg (1024x833, 80K)

Buy new games.

As much as he was a cringey faggot with the camera presance of a hermit, he's been consistently right

>NuWoW Redridge

Get the fuck out of my face with that.

Where did they actually say this? All I can find is they've "floated sharding to avoid overcrowding". That could mean a lot of things. And based on how full of shit they were in the past, you're gonna get sharding everywhere they can to save a buck by reducing stress on the server.

I can't wait for all the depressed 25+ year old vanilla players to GTFO my game and stay contained in their own nostalgia server. It's going to be a huge relief for me to never see you faggots on retail trade chat ever again.

Gonna be maining priest, so I want an alt that isn't a cloth wearing caster. Which class would do better assuming I only have time to raid with my priest: warrior, rogue, hunter, druid?

Weak bait no (You)


Hunter is the least gear dependent.

>It's going to be a huge relief for me to never see you faggots on retail trade chat ever again.
implying anyone will be left to keep that chat on life support lmao

Attached: 1554831157741.png (528x471, 330K)

Yeah they very specifically announced sharding in a way that would leave it open to introduce sharding in other zones. They said it'd be in the early zones at the start, but they did NOT say that it wouldn't be elsewhere.

However, with the PvP update I'm slightly more optimistic, they can't make non-battlegrounds for world PvP if they are going to shard apart everything. But maybe the people who announced the PvP didn't communicate with the people in charge of sharding, so may not mean much. Could be a lie, even.

Hopefully, it ends really quickly though. Early barrens will be just as crowded as the starting zones, but when you get to Barrens you'll risk missing out on Crossroads raids if there's sharding and Alliance have had enough time to level.

>the chain proccs literally saving his ass

I play on Stormrage (NA), It's always full and there are sometimes login queues after weekly reset. Fuck off this summer to your hole and stay there for the rest of your life. Once classic comes out you guys can never talk about the good ol' days like a senile grandpa because you can relive it all you want like the man children you are.

Why does he keep looking forward and away from the Druid? Why doesn't a level 25 druid have Feline Swiftness?

Attached: 1512056588525.jpg (480x480, 11K)

What are you doing while waiting for Classic bros?

>playing through Oblivion
>rewatching the full extended LOTR trilogy

Attached: 1553045903804.jpg (259x193, 14K)

I picture you perfectly as an underage sobbing retailbabby typing this out, and it makes me laugh.

Retail trade chat is literally only spammers selling raid and dungeon runs. It's the most soulless dead game on the market right now

When I logged in for the last free weekend I spent all of my time in the AH selling off my valuable shit for WoW tokens for when Classic is out. I spent a combined total of probably 4 hours logged in and I saw less than 10 messages in trade chat. Half of them were guilds offering boosting services.

Attached: 1514582427566.jpg (268x284, 17K)

Don't reply to the mutt
He's a desperate tranny looking for (You)s

Playing The Witcher 3

>Anyone who criticizes classic is a retail shill
I've never played WoW I just think these topics are retarded and always the same dumb shit.

It's so full you need to be constantly connected to something like 5 other servers right?

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Based, how far are you user?

World of Warcraft is absolute trash. Even the "classic" one. It's not a hard game or even "hardcore" you do mundane and boring tasks. Fuck off.

Release date next week?

>I don't know what the fuck is going on.
Why do you come to this thread fag?

You're easy to spot.
You keep timing out your stupid bait post.

Drawfagging, watching anime and studying a bit to finish my freshman year.

Attached: 1530913702678.jpg (2048x864, 246K)

>LF2M WC heals/dps 18+

Attached: 868b3963fc92cc310653059656f7fcd4.jpg (1920x1200, 326K)

None is pretending that it's hard, bro. Chill.

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Ignore the bait poster
Don't reply to the bait poster
Hide the bait poster

Attached: 1475789086276.jpg (1500x1200, 1.97M)
>It's coming home,
>It's coming home,
>It's coming,
>Warcraft's coming home

>Everyone seems to know the game,
>They've seen it all before,
>They just know,
>They're so sure,

>That Blizzard's Gonna throw it away,
>Gonna blow it away,
>But know we can play,
'Cause I remember

> Lions on a shirt,
>Swiftys still gleaming,
>Thirteen years of hurt,
>Never stopped me dreaming.

>So many jokes, so many sneers,
>But all those oh-so-nears,
>Wear you down,
>Through the years,

>But I still see that tackle by Savix,
>And when Soddapoppin scored,
>Hobbs belting the ball,
>And the RPers Dancing

> Lions on a shirt,
>Swiftys still gleaming,
>Thirteen years of hurt,
>Never stopped me dreaming.

>It's coming
>Warcrafts coming home

>risk missing out on Crossroads raids
How does this shit even work? If you say something in general chat, does everyone see it or only the people in your shard? This is gonna be confusing as hell if they leave it on pvp servers for too long.

Rather hear about realms first. How many, what population and would you just give us a few RP-PVP for fuck's sake?

>I don't like this game
Thanks for your valuable input you retarded niggers. At least shitpost something funny.

I just downloaded it last night. I'm gonna start today. I didn't play the first two, is that going to be a problem?

Desolace because even back in the day I would go there to level when I wanted to dodge STV. STV is going to be a huge leveling trap if you aren't no-lifing right from the start.
Desolace is basically the anti-STV with how wide open it is.

Not really the game is basic and allows for the player to not worry to much about the story of the others.
There are a lot of references to the others and the books around but the story is good.
If you feel you can't play it without the story of the others there are Youtube videos of lore you could watch before playing it.

Literally nothing aside from work. I got 2 months of paid vacation june/july so I hope vanilla lands there

I really need to figure out where to get every dungeon quest while leveling. WC is great and all, but I'd rather not have to do it more than once with people that probably won't know the layout.

>Classic grandpas will never know this feel

I guess it's because you're all so old. I pity all of you. I hope you all find comfort in your upcoming retirement home.

Attached: goldy.jpg (643x711, 68K)

>cant decide between mage or lock
>cant decide between human or gnome

help me Yea Forums

wasnt that shit last expansion
are the orange numbers percentiles

Because this is his build

Attached: 1545752689655.png (316x414, 216K)

Human for extra rep.

>tfw gnot a gnelf

Don't reply to bait post user
just hide the post and move on


Attached: spit.jpg (320x240, 18K)

That group of gazelles makes me happy, just thinking about running my level 17 troll mage in the middle and using one arcane explosion

Yeah that was during Legion ~8 months ago. I was one of the top rogues on my server. That pic is my heroic Antorus parses. Mythic is not as nice because its a mixed bag of yellow & purple (because muh mechanics). I haven't played since because I'm in Uni for 3 more semesters.

Reminder to not kill diseased gazelles

never EVER roll a gnome. i'm warning you.

Uni isn't going to be able to knock the retard out of you



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>human lock

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When I was like 9 playing this game I always made an effort to kill the diseased ones because in my childish mind it was putting them out of their misery. I let the healthy ones live though.

The greatest racial in the game is the tauren aura.
Nobody corpsecamps tauren. Nobody goes out of their way to shit on tauren.
Some people get triggered by gnomes, some people get triggered by undead, but nobody, nobody hates tauren.

Attached: bonfire.jpg (1024x1024, 120K)

What race triggers you the most, anons?
For me, it's human females. I always make sure to camp them.

Attached: 1553392506012.jpg (570x549, 46K)

I hate Tauren more than all other races. I get pissed every time I see one. I fucking HATE the cow fucks. I'll camp them all day nigga. I make beef jerky out of them faggots.


but they give rage like everything else, plus it's a little faster to charge them when they're on the path I'm on

>being excited for paid runs through lower tiers and dungeons within a few weeks of launch because of nolifers and minmaxers
your youth is gone, you wasted it and nothing will bring it back lmfao @ ur life

My nigga

Attached: The_Loch.jpg (600x450, 90K)

That looks more like a Skyrim orc

how the fuck are these threads not considered the apex of blizzard shilling already

No way I'm gonna be an early adopter for this after they announced they went full retarded with the PvP progression. See you 1 year after launch after they ironed out their retardation.

Attached: lucky soup.png (542x633, 560K)

I miss Angwe, sadly we know that stuff like that chatlog won't be acceptable with 2019 Blizz and that behavior would be an instaban for "toxicity" making fun of trannies

Is this the comfiest zone Blizzard has ever created?

Attached: binglestools4.jpg (295x256, 10K)

Guys, we're all gonna make it.
We all get to go home.
I can't wait

Attached: 1a1lc01.jpg (785x1785, 212K)

1. they suck
2. i hate them

>tfw LFM Ol' Sooty

>hiding the difficulty level
wow user! congrats on being in the 99th percentile among normal mode raiders. now come back when you get your first aotc :)

Can't wait to do pvp.... oh wait...

This is FACT.
Ignore all angry retailcucks.

>mooom I can't pvp without ranks and other bullshit!
fuck off.

Imagine being such a retailbabby that you can't even fathom the idea of pvp outside of BGs LMAO

this is easily the most autistic thing I've read on this site and I've been here more than half of my life.

Attached: _chu.jpg (612x792, 54K)

For me, it's Troll Warrior.

Attached: jet plane troll blog post 2.jpg (1367x755, 281K)

Rolling prot warr and I'm ready to get my dick sucked hard and my balls drained by some dedicated healsluts and get prio on loot.

Gnomes, they're just short and ugly. Oxhorn had the right idea, they're made for punting off of cliffs.

fuck off XIV tranny

Oh there will be plenty of PvP in P1 alright. Blizzard made sure of that. They added the 1.21 PvP reward gear, which means an army of poopsockers will be out farming honor as efficiently and cheaply as possible at all times of day. This means everything will be unplayably camped by premades and twinks. And if premades are any indication, the moment someone actually steps up and fights back on fair terms they will instantly fuck off and go farm honor elsewhere, so the "epic fights" will last all of 2 minutes.
That's until P2 drops and we get dishonorable kills and the incredibly cancerous meta surrounding them and nobody wants to PvP ever again.
Great job Blizz!

Isn't prot warrior a fucking slow ass grind?

No matter what you do warrior is a slow grind.

Don't be stupid. Of course you roll a different spec before hitting your 50-60. Before then you can tank in any spec.

don't listen to the memes, warrior is alright if it's your second character and you have gold for consumables
don't level as prot though, you can tank shit as arms all the way to 60

who is the most HOSTILE race/class combination and why is it
dwarf hunter/female dwarf warrior

Prot talent tree was infamously bad in Vanilla to the point where MTs would tank some entry level raids as arms because it wasn't even worth respeccing.

Go 5/5 cruelty for crit, imp OP for more crit, deep wounds/impale, sweeping strikes, and a big dick 2H down the arms tree and it's a good time. Build up full rage on one mob, bandage to full, pull 3 or so, sweeping strikes, cleave away

Undead rogue
Orc Warrior
Night elf hunter

*kills your hype by releasing first*

Attached: shadowbringers.jpg (1600x900, 95K)

Gnome rogue

That was before they made changes to it. Classic will be in 1.12 when those fixes are already implemented.

t. seething tranny

>no content
You've been in everyone of these threads shilling this game and still your game is below 600k subs

wtf bros..... they said nochanges..................

>Believing Blizzard

>All we have to do is answer
And buy a copy of the same game you already own
And pay a monthly subscription that costs more than better games on the market

>heroic reclear percentiles


Doesn't change the fact that if people didn't need to be specced as prot to tank raids, you sure as fuck don't need to specced as prot to tank BRD.

take your HRT pills freak

Didn't need =/= wasn't better
Speccing prot is objectively better when it comes to tanking in 1.12. It's not needed, but it's better. Notice the difference?

but seriously, we can't let him get the nuclear codes

...Yes? I thought that was obvious? I've been saying "need" right from the start.

Using tranny to attack a more popular game is a sign of weakness. No facts behind your insult, just buzzword to mask your seething jealously of FF's success.

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Then we've been arguing past each other. Whatever. See you in classic, my friend.

These baits are getting worse and worse
Make them funny or fuck off retard

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>more popular game

Attached: loe.jpg (819x671, 66K)

Currently playing on a P-Server and I probably won't play Vanilla,PvE is to boring and PvP is a grindfest.I just like TBC/Wrath Class mechanics more and also I am a PvP player.
The only true thing I miss about Classic is the community and that World is alive and therfore World PvP happens.
That being said retail faggots have to be one of the most delusional faggots,literally stockholm syndrom and total Blizzarddrones.Imagine playing this Game beyond LichKing.
Classic isn't my favorit type in terms of Class gameplay but it has by far the best Athmosphere and feels alive.

Retail Players are absolute Cucks.Have fun going home to the rest in here.


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Don’t forget tailoring

I want to stab you in the fucking face, and I would if I could.

XIV is unironically tranny central though.

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God what an ugly fucking creature, almost looks like the Leprechaun from those movies with that hair and freckles.

nostalrius only had 15k players MAX and that was FREE TO PLAY with NO REGION LOCK

Pleb taste

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Attached: 1.webm (780x440, 2.94M)

Yeah but I wouldn't bundle up orc backs with tmog. It'd go along with more hair options and stuff from character creation. I for one don't want tmog in classic, nor shop mounts

see you in 2.5 years when we move on to TBC and you can go home too

only on aether datacenter which the person in your picture and everyone on /vg/ is on


Attached: tankhealer.png (625x430, 469K)

Phase 1 doesn't even have a PvP system you mong

this desu
classic will also have horrid casual retention, they will quit almost instantly from getting camped constantly in world pvp and seeing there's no LFG
that leaves blizz with probably 30-60k autists at most to work with
there's no way classic will be profitable

The way the camera moves in these trailers is so fucking jarring and corny.
Weakest XIV trailer so far, by a mile.

Attached: go away tranny.jpg (900x988, 570K)

>tread quality is going down
>trannies start spamming
Hmm i wounder what discord could be behind this?

And 70% of all those accounts were chinks.

on the flip side that music shits all over wow has put out in a decade

Nice goalpost moving tranny

for what, AoE farming and raidhealing?

the peak active numbers were only 15k online at a time. in comparison, one server on FFXIV called balmung has 18k people online daily.

See that one looks more like a gnome, not that first abomination you posted. Nontheless, a shit race only good for punting off cliffs

And yet only 15k online.
Wow it's almost like those numbers mean absolutely jack shit. If actiblizzard released # of accounts created instead of real online stats you would be pissing your pants laughing.
>same amount of devs as blizzard! w-when they were developing their first warcraft game before any meaningful amount of success and the first one that people don't even remember and..

Attached: brainlet.jpg (1462x2046, 121K)

kinda pvp healing, just healing in general

Discord trannies be gone
No HRT here for you

why reckoning then

Can't disagree even though I never played far into XIV. The music in that game is so fucking nice in general. Quite varied too, lately I've been listening to Seiryu's theme.
HW tracks haven't been bested by SB's imodesu, maybe ShB has some better stuff in stock.

You got some weird bogeyman.

Orcs, gonna put those niggers back in their slave camps

Not even remotely true. You weebs are the worst and jerk off anything non wow to try to compete.

to not be useless if I'm getting attacked.

not only do you resort to literal buzzword bogeymen in place of arguments but you can't even accurately identify your bogeymen

I'm going to flip my shit out if i'm not allowed to use my mounts
I even bought the pig
Please, Ion

Attached: Capture.png (915x410, 118K)

shave defense points and put them in hit chance
also you are going to use SoR, so dont rank up fear rest/improved LoH
and maybe instead of spiritual focus, learn consecration.
desu you have to be more specific man

He said "in a decade" so that's excluding Classic tracks which are admittedly the best WoW has to offer.

>Both post using the same wording
Too easy to spot tranny


wrong again lmao

>hyena is yet another wolf reskin
shit man these new mounts sure look cool and varied

classic/vanilla wow raiders are too casual to handle this

Attached: wow.gif (1150x760, 883K)

You can never go home, Yea Forums. You know this is true.

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>using honkler for this


Oh man, you got me.
t. brainlet.

Attached: Samefag.png (426x120, 7K)

>I've been found out

Orc Shaman resto bros where we @

Trannies be gone
No HRT here for your severed penis

Who the fuck plays this game?

You can always go home, it just won't be the same.

Kys marketer.

over 600k active players on PC/PS4

Attached: 1542816508152.jpg (385x688, 57K)

>Doubling down on the bogeyman of these threads
Yikes. That's how you know you've lost.

We'll see once I get there, wipe my feet on the doormat, crack open a can and get my long awaited comfy adventure.

Attached: 1554680722931.jpg (527x394, 19K)

>weebs actually think their obnoxious faggotry will somehow btfo the golden classic

Fuck off to /vg/

>i want to be a healer and also dps
you're just going to be useless for both then.

What's going on here, are they winning?

Shoo Shoo Tranny Jew

Which is harder? Mythic or Ultimate?

Attached: 21651.jpg (1584x914, 319K)

Will shamans be over-played on Horde? I want to play one since I never really played one during retail but I don't want to be part of a class that is going to be 1 in 3 characters

This isn't WOTLK, paladins can't just do everything at once better than everyone. You have to pick something

they wiped

Have sex.

>dumb boomerfag is dumb

About half of horde will be Undead, who can't be shamans, so no.

Hang yourself like the other 50% of your kind tranny

About the same difficulty and equally as soulless.

Post a WoW music track released within the last decade that's better than that trailer.

Have sex.

Attached: 1551523391852.png (738x669, 186K)

Thats good I guess, I mean I had fun in 2.0 but since then the games been chronically lacking content.

Mythic is harder only because you're juggling 19 other retards instead of only 7. More chances of things going wrong.

Nah, it's gonna be Rogue, Warrior, Mage, Lock city

Attached: engineering.png (637x861, 848K)

Have you considered going ret with spell power gear?

>8-man raids
What the fuck?

Saving that for your daily reminder i see
Make sure you follow instructions
Down the highway not across the road

you can't complain about no content if you haven't played the 3 expansions worth of it

nice photoshop, discord tranny

Have sex.

There's 24 man raids too but that's LFR tier. Ultimate raids are 8 people so they can push more mechanics at a rapid pace.

I can i know your dickless ass can't

>Blizzard is so scared of FFXIV that they're now rushing out the next retail patch and trying to squeeze out Classic during the same time as the expansion launch

Is it hard for arms warriors to get spots in raids

Have sex.

>retail raids have less people vanilla dungeons

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Can't wait when nostalgia fags will actually kill themselves after understanding they will never come back in time.

the only reason why mmo raids are difficult is the amount of people who need to be tard wrangled, only 8 people kind of ruins that. what's even the point then?

dumb frog poster

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Would be baed if it weren't for the last part. The h*rde is literally a band of negroes wandering around their wasteland trashing beautiful Alliance society. Also Shamans suck ass


I see

assblasted aren't ya

MMO raids should be difficult because of the mechanics not because you have to wrangle 19 retards and hope they don't lag or disconnect.

No changes, retailfaggot

if you want to tank go fury if you want to dual wield dps go fury if you want to 2h dps go fury

Arms is pvp, you don’t raid as arms

>the only reason why mmo raids are difficult is the amount of people who need to be tard wrangled
when you don't need to tard wrangle you can increase the punishment for failure and up the count/frequency of mechanics

>small 2 boss raid in a 0.5 patch
>rushing out the next retail patch

WoW raids are more of a gear check while FFXIV raids are more of a mechanic check. Hence why level 70 people in FFXIV still can't cheese a level 60 raid like A8S because the mechanics do % based damage rather than flat number damage.

MMO mechanics are never difficult though. Combat is intentionally made simple because people will be playing over the internet with ping to worry about.

Have sex.

He's talking FFXIV, Retail has mythic fixed at 20 players and the other difficulties with flexible amount of players.
Minimum for scaling is 2/3/9 I think but I could be mistaken


>WoW raids are more of a gear check while FFXIV raids are more of a mechanic check
Have you ever even played a mythic raid?

You're so mad it's sad
Just like your life

Have sex.

So what exactly are these super hard mechanics that are difficult?

>meet the ilvl for mythic
>follow what an addon/discord bot tells you
>hope the 19 other people don't lag, disconnect, or aren't AFK

Get laid.

Most every class has a tree that’s more for pvp. There aren’t enough debuff slots for arms and fury outdpses it anyway

What are the retail devs going to do when classic ends up not only being massively successful, but takes away what remaining playerbase retail has?

I impromptu 2am sex last night with the wife when we both couldn't sleep. Then we both could. I'm also going to be enjoying Classic.

Have corrective penis surgery

>super hard mechanics that are difficult?
>increase the punishment for failure
>up the count/frequency of mechanics
reading be hard

classic will a big launch but 6 months later it will only have a niche audience left. just like every other vanilla private server in existence. big launch hype but it dies down once the content dries up.

Have sex.

You sure are mad

I mean you're describing pretty much all games there.

Classic WoW niggas be like

Attached: classic wow.jpg (802x1038, 261K)

I do have sex though.

What's the point of a bigger punishment if it's not to avoid failure anyway? Are there any specific boss mechanics you can name that are difficult?

but it will affect classic harder since everyone already knows what to expect from playing on private servers or all those years ago.

Have sex.

>if you play the mechanics correctly and you have the necessary equipment the bosses aren't a problem
Tell me more about how any game is difficult

enjoy your queue dodging premades making PvP impossible then.

>Seething Retail and Tranny cucks are still posting in thread
Imagine being so mad you sit in a thread of a game you have.

Superiority leads to others jealousy

oh boy I sure do love the game where you sit to eat/drink before EVERY dungeon pull causing it take 2 hours instead of 30 minutes.

>boss mechanics you can name that are difficult?
again, reading be hard
I've never said they're difficult but failure will more often result in a full wipe or cause a cascade failure into a wipe

As one of the few stable xiv players, I just want to wish you future classic players the best of luck. May both our games prosper in the years to come.

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Still mad tranny?

so then it's not harder at all then

Why are trannies so threatened by Classic? Why do they keep raiding these threads? There is no overlap between Classic and FFXIV communities. No one who cares about Classic cares about FFXIV and vice versa. They should be raiding BfA threads since that's the game FFXIV is a clone of, not Classic.

That is nice for them but troons will always be sad parodies of women and regarded as such, sorry to break it to you user.

If you're going into Classic like it will be a direct revision of your childhood I feel pity for you.

zoom zoom

Based blizz just announced a fucking avalanche of new content, raids, pet fights, mounts and even mount equipment

RIP in piss classicfags, we win this one

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Just avoid being on the same server and faction as the streamers


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point to where I said as much?
Ugg no read too good?

I'm uninformed on this. Is it just vanilla WoW? If so, wasn't vanilla WoW pretty unbalanced?

Look at how mad you are at a game that's not even out yet
This is true seething
Cope retard

It is a relaxing type of hell because you have downtime to socialize and stuff

Based logo.
Maybe there's a hope?

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this is the stupidest looking shit I have ever seen
how can you think this looks good?

Have sex.

The treshold for people joining a private server is higher than you think and the people who played back in 200X is lower than the huge amounts of new players currently paying for retail wow and can play both games.

Blizzard has never had good balance at ALL.

I gotta say, I'm very excited to purchase those from the cash shop when I get home from work today!

Now the Retail bait starts
Don't you retards have your own thread?

You're so mad it's so pathetic

people already socialize on the mic during combat without having to have downtime

holy shit retailbabs ahahahahah nice content

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>t. spent all money on chopping dick off and now can't muster up $15/month

>No one who cares about Classic cares about FFXIV and vice versa
literally this. It's almost a forced rivalry at this point. Whos writing these threads, vince mcmahon?

It sounds more like you are extremely emotionally invested in classic and hope on a near religious level it will capture even a spark of your childhood.

Personally, I am going to enjoy it as a different flavour of WoW, but I feel your hyping yourself up a little too much.

After all, Vanilla was pretty basic bitch and the added levels of tryhard will only make you feel depressed.

Have sex.

How comes WoW Classic sub fee is $18 in canada while FFXIV sub fee is only $12? What the fuck

Why, user? Why, why, why? Why do you do it? Why get up? Why keep posting? Do you believe you're posting for something? For more than your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it weebshit? Or Nintendo? Perhaps Banjo? Could it be for Half Life 3? Illusions, user. Vagaries of perception. Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose. And all of them as artificial as 4channel itself, although only a tranny mind could invent something as insipid as Final Fantasy XIV. You must be able to see it, user. You must know it by now. You can't win. It's pointless to keep posting. Why, user? Why? Why do you persist?

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WoW is such a cool game.
I bought a 3 months sub and intend to play until 110.
I am at lvl 21 and some quests have so far a lot of charm.
I play Alliance. Should I also start a Horde character or is that verboten?

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It'll be fun for a few hours like every other BfA patch I guess. Atleast I can play it for a weekend with the Classic sub and then just go back to levelling to 60. The new areas look fucking amazing but there's still nothing worth returning for.

Cope tranny

It's been fun to farm (You)s from you guys with a simple "Have sex". Good luck in Classic, losers. =)

AHAHAHA look at this reddit spacing retard
Cope faggot

And now you can do it even more

Cope with what? A game I am going to play? How does this even make sense you obvious newfag?

You don't have to do this unless you're grouping with shitters tbqh
The retard oomkins will cry "m-mana... mana!" and you'll just keep on trucking and stop for sips if the healer (who understands mana management) finally goes OOM, or before the boss.

Cope faggot

Get laid.

>mana breaks
>For DPS

Sounds like someone is at fault for letting any DPS other than a Warrior/rogue/fDruid or Mage in the party.

>Azshara focused patch
Holy shit, it's like they're deliberately trying to sabotage it. Azshara was the worst zone in the entire world of warcraft

>That fuckawful wheel on the left



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acquire intercourse

I honestly can't tell whether you're serious or not

They're taking advantage of the gullible nostalgia audience, just like Nintendo.

Be honest user, you'll hate literally anything new that happens because you're invested dramatically in nostalgia

benis in bagina :DDD

>i was just farming (you)s I am totally not mad (:
good luck in life bro

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>Shit talking anyone with a redditchan pass

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Do you care about wpvp?
Stay alliance then

I've personally rolled horde, and rarely found any wpvp even during bfa assaults (and when you do, it will always be some gigantic fucking cheevo hunting raid that horde isn't interested in fighting back)
Meanwhile on an alliance char i boosted to 110 with the "free" boost i got with bfa, i could easily find pvp during assaults

>They're taking advantage of the gullible nostalgia audience, just like Nintendo.
>Pass user since 2018

How do I show off my Yea Forums pass powerlevel?

haha yeah man based redpilled thinking comment right there

stop trying to fit in.


Azshara pre cata was a bland recolor with basically no content and annoying quests
I never played cata and never will so I don't give a FUCk about anything after WOTLK.

>retail streamers quitting left and right
>wow news channels basically preaching the same doom and gloom after every blizzard announcement
>new ion interviews basically just stating "we understand, but we have no idea how to fix the game"

retail is dead boys
time to go home

>nazjatar not underwater

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What's stopping chinks and bots from ruining Classic on day 1?

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It won't be the same. You're not 14 anymore. Those days are gone forever. Any nostalgia will be hollow, and then people will leave.

You're sad and delusional and you can't recapture your childhood.

I wonder why they're focusing so heavily on this patch, Ion seems to be doing alot of interviews with different gaming magazines too just to talk about it. Why aren't they talking about Classic to them too? Surely these journalists know that Classic gossip will generate more views than an update on BfA right? While the blue posts about Classic have been stellar something's seriously fucked in Blizzard's marketing department

Why are my Zhevras have no hooves?

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Wow.. look at all those $25 mounts and $50 pets you can buy! Based blizzard!

I played on Nost. Recaptured my childhood just fine, thank you.

Because fuck the players.

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user, this is about the character that zone is named after.


How about you recapture my cock in your mouth

I don't automatically hate anything new, I enjoyed a few current year games already.
But seeing this picture I can tell where all their resources went for this patch as they seem to have made two (2!!) new models at once!! Quite impressive. Outside of that I can tell there'll be:
>a new area with some time gated rep/dailies to grind
>maybe a new dungeon that'll be cleared by everyone day one because LFG exists
>a new raid that'll be cleared day 1 by everyone because LFR exists
>*maybe* some PvP changes none cares about
All neutered by the fact that there's still shitty necklace azerite shit going on and that class design is at an all time low. Literally no reason to get hyped unless you really love crabs, then you'll get to have fun walking around for 2 minutes after 7 months of rep grinding.
Game's unsalvageable bro. I'm sorry.

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They won't be able to afford it, they won't pay subs and can't computer lan cafe farm like they do on private servers. Also, Blizz would deal/report them more efficiently than previously. As well as they may have their own containment servers?

>$50 pets

Typical uninformed classicf*g
I only spent $10 on mine, take that

Because kiting by keeping both mouse buttons down is easier when you need to constantly check your surroundings to not run into mobs that can potentially kill you in-between the auto shot cooldown.

I stay Alliance. The Horde is also just too scary for me I think. The quests are probably really dark where you have to murder Humans in cold blood and stuff.

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How about you suck my cock

NO RPPVP servers at launch for CLASSIC


>They won't be able to afford it
gametime tokens they bought already from farming/botting on retail.
>can't computer lan cafe farm like they do on private servers
vanilla wow runs on a fucking pentium 3. they can just play at home.

Any why would I know about nuwow fanfiction chars? cmon now use your head retailbro

Shut the fuck up nigger faggot
Eat a bullet you faggot cunt

Gonna roll a rogue for main, should I go Warlock or Mage for alt? Also any bros playing on Lights Hope right now? I'd post on the wow private server general in /vg/, but it's unironically 90% tranny discord guild drama shitposting.

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>oh, you can still tell what's going on?
>here, have some more color vomit

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I'm personally rolling on rp-pvp (i won't mind waiting) and hoping the proportion of chink farmers is lower, because i'm aware blisshart won't do shit about them

what'll happen if classic surpasses it in subs?

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>mattering at all
Neither of those even gives you relevant equip. neither of those even has all the mechanics of relevant content.
>class design
Warlock, DK and heal Shaman play nice.

It's from the PoV of some lagging aussie or something

Warlocks are ice cool

>why would I know about nuwow fanfiction chars
Ok at this point you have to be trolling.

Blizzardâ„¢ WoW Token sales

As fun as Classic will be, people need to remember

>Devilsaur leather will be camped by premade groups
>Queue dodging will make PvP unplayable for almost everyone
>AH prices will be so heavily inflated due to monopoly groups that any outside attempts will be destroyed.
>Pugs will be run almost entirely by elitists and everyone will expect reserved gear choices.

I'm going to have fun either way because a Druid will offer a nice challenge and has tons of viable roles, but people need to temper their hype with realism.

Will Classic have sellable WoW tokens? If so, RIP the economy.


The chink farmers don't play at home, they use internet cafes to mass farm altogether, basically like a job, while being watched by a boss. I'd be surprised if they farmed (botted and got away with it as well) on retail, seems rare these days, Blizz tend to catch on to it.

Just a couple more years and we'll be home

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Tokens are like the one kind of gold selling that doesn't fuck over the economy though.
But even so I doubt they'll do that, they'd either have to sell for same gold prices as retail which would be retarded or bring so little gold that no one would buy it

Blizzard says they're going back in time and deletes retail. Classic becomes retail again, and Burning Crusade will be released in one-two years. Honestly, how could recycling good MMOs for new generations now that the original playerbase are decades older backfire? If the game was actually fucking good, and they just update the graphics, it might honestly be better to just "reset" an MMO every 20 years.

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Farming raw gold or via mats is not as efficent as farming T-mogs and playing the AH.

Chinks are too stupid for that so they get fucked.

Blizzard semi-regularly does banwaves for botting.
Tokens kind of killed Gold sellers

I doubt Devilsaur camping will even be a thing tbhdesu. Also it's normal to see AH princes inflated, you can abuse that yourself.
The rest I don't disagree with.

>3k pop regional servers

Redpill me on horde warlock

Attached: endgame vanilla wow.jpg (1400x882, 271K)

>Not getting on your alts with your friends to gank devilsaur farmers over and over
>Not running your own groups and getting more people to join because you don't reserve gear

You have to be a brainlet to believe tokens have no impact on the economy

Playing the AH is not scaleable for chink farms.
In fact AH players ensure that the mats that chinks dump below value is bought quickly making scaled farming pay off

>recycling good MMOs
>mfw city of heroes is NEVER EVER coming back

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Shut the FUCK up bitch

Both classic and retail will be under the same sub

Tokens extend your sub, they don't give you gold directly. You can sell them on the ah. Sort of like in Eve Online.

hit too close to home?

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>20+ people make a Devilsaur cartel crossfaction
>Rape your attempts to outcompete them

Unless Blizzard will actively ban Devilsaur cartel, then you're not going to do shit about it.

This was a massive problem on Private servers and will be a massive problem on Classic.

As will Queue Dodging, unless they put the deserter buff in, PvP will be impossible.

>Will never wake up to see that City of Heroes and PreNGE SWG are being rereleased with updated graphics and gameplay fluidity done in a way that doesn't change the original aesthetic or flavor of the game

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>shit tank
>pull now or i leave
>clearly in stormwind

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They don't generate gold, they only redistribute it among the economy.
The fact that it's like free 7€ for blizzard for every token is a genius buisness model.
Especially since it makes keeping up subscription and buying addons or other games basically free

Hit your mothers whore mouth last night faggot
And tonight i'm going to break your ass bitch

Who hurt you?

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>tfw that was me like 4 years ago
I shouldn't be so hard on myself. I've definitely grown a little. My mom is nice though

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made more sense originally bro

You buy a token for ~20, you sell that token for gold.
The buyer of the token gets a month of sub worth of blizzard money

shut the fuck up you fucking tranny nigger

the green text indicates guild chat

>raid in 30 minutes
Maybe they're getting DM buffs?

Now this is the second time today that someone called me a trannie.

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Blizzard should watch this video and restart development of Classic with it in mind this time.

Tokens would make sense if you could only buy them for gold and weren't tradeable. This way it's another gold drain that combats inflation.

u mad

i hope to god you become a statistic you faggot

They pull an OSRS.
They keep retail going but pare down the team understanding that it's a legacy product bleeding users.
Classic either starts a new development track, or releases BC, or some combination of the two, probably with player polls along the way to make it feel like a "community-driven" game.
They remain on the same sub to make retail feel included but Classic becomes the main thing.

Then, WoW client for mobile devices.

Why would Bliz allow you to play without getting money out of it?

you fucking gay nigger
i'll fucking break you bitch ass nigga

For once the frog is based, except for the female orc part.

We're going home lads...

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yeah u mad jit

These are confirmed to be actual rewards though.

>blizzard gifting game time to poopsockers
It's meant to combat gold sellers and pocket the money they were making.

i'll jit your fucking face with my cock you queer


look at your bitch ass can't even say anything anymore huh scared ass bitch
yeah fuck you bitch loser

People who support retail should be banned from Yea Forums.

It's the same sub.
Also if they haven't lost the last bit of brainpower they have they will space out the content so that classic and unlocking "new" content in it will fall into the later half of a content patch cycle when the raid is on farm status for the majority of people and the only thing to do while waiting on the next patch is the weekly raid + 1 weekly m+.
That way they can minimize the subscription fluctation.

>yeah broo vanilla was so awesome dude i am old-money not unlike these retailcucks
>what? no haha, i only played vanilla in private servers lol i got interested in wow around wotlk haha

If I remember correctly it's also significantly cheaper than gold sellers were when it was introduced

You'll be supporting retail by playing Classic

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you got autism

People who support classic should be banned from life.

you got this fucking cock coming your way bitch faggot

Cope harder.

I'd say it would improve the gold value of non-NEET players which would be an unseen incentive to keep them playing.

holy shit so much seething

We're going home, you're going to a shittier timeless isle. Keep crying.

you must be 12 years old

Probably because theoretically the pool of gold for selling is now much bigger and you effectively have everybody farming gold to be sold instead of just bots and hacked accounts.

my dick is 12 inches up your ass bitch

you mean your ass

>Leveling up on lights hope
>Find RFC group through trade chat
>Everyone is talkative and nice to each other
>One guy ends up inviting me to a guild at the end of the run, which we tanked with a shaman and some 4 man shit at the end.
>Everyone adds each other to friends for future dungeons and questing
>mfw the last time I played retail at the end of WoD, and shit like that never fucking happened ever.
I'm sorry, but why do people think classic will fail? Popular private servers seem to be able to maintain the strong community elements that made the game so great. I don't understand how this can't become OSRS 2.0 in terms of success.

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>we are going to play an inferior version of the game! our home is a literal shit pile! u mad bro?
haha ouch...are vanillafags this deluded?

It must be the canned tranny phrase and anime girls that make people think you're mentally ill.

Fuck you bitch faggot
I'll cock your face so hard they will have to get a shovel to fix you

Blizzard will find a way to ruin it. Remember that it's 2019 Blizzard, not 2004 Blizzard.

>tfw started playing during TBC
>tfw will never truly make it home

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you have your own cock in your mouth that's why you mad

Fuck you dumb tranny bitch

you fuck trannies yourself that's why you mad

And Jagex isn't fucking worse? You really think JAGEX is known for good decisions and management? OSRS fucking saved their asses, and classic is about to save Blizzard.

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Where the fuck did you read dps from this, are you retarded, you think Reckoning is for dps?

because those private servers only drew a small dedicate group
classic WoW lives and dies on it's community, and an official Blizzard classic server will draw in the mainstream crowd
it will be tarnished and dead within 3 months

I fucked your mother and your sister
You can call me kara boga nigga

jagex and blizzard are two vastly different companies on a business scale. activision will interfere and ruin classic.

>Banished, from my own home...
>And now you dare enter my private server?
>You are not prepared.

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>and classic is about to save Blizzard.
>highest profit ever

>actually trying to play Prot Pally
fucking kill yourself shit never apply to play with me in anyway, shape or form
massive cringe yikes AND oof, fuck off

>and classic is about to save Blizzard
>about two dozen shitposters from Yea Forums are going to save Blizzard
lol see you in two months when you'll be complaining about Blizz betraying you, retard fucker

you banged your own mom that's why you're retarded

>wo dozen shitposters from Yea Forums
You mean you retards that come into these threads and shit it up with bad bait while screaming it will fail for hours on end?

I don't like retail, therefore Blizz is dead!

Hey guys, Director and Producer of FFXIV here. I hope Classic has a successful launch after we release our successful launch.

Attached: blizzcon.jpg (1210x1613, 624K)

I banged your sister retarded and now she beats your ass because you're a prissy bitch

surely much better then posting the exact same fucking thread every fucking hour with the exact same responses and reaction images

>and classic is about to save Blizzard.
Blizzard makes money by selling expansions and store mounts. Classic could have ten times the numer of players retail has, they would still make more money off of retail. Classic money is just a side dish for them.

>You mean you retards that come into these threads and shit it up with bad bait while screaming it will fail for hours on end?
Yes, I meant Yea Forums vanillafags.

XIVfags and Classicbros should stand united against Retailcucks

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you mean you banged your sister so that's why your genes are retarded

>Posting the same bait over and over is better than people talking about the game
You're so mentally broken by classic you need to be taken out back and shot
Imagine being so massblasted by a older game you have to cry in there threads every time they are up

The only one I disagree with you on is Dwarf Priest. I mean, I don't care what other people want to do but when it comes to a raid where fear ward is useful, you're the first one cut if a dwarf whispers.

>Blizzard makes money by selling expansions and store mounts.
Pretty sure most developers and publishers would kill to have WoW's userbase with a subscription model.
Assuming even just half a million subscribers would generate 7.5 million in subscription fees every month. And that's not taken into account people subscribing via tokens for ~20 a month

I fucked your whole family retarded and that's why your stupid ass keeps coming back

imagine spamming vanilla threads every day, every hour and then pretending that people want to play it lol

Imagine being mad a game exist and you have a NEED to come in and scream like a child
Absolutely pathetic

Maybe not having the literally same thread with literally the same OP multiple times per day would help.
Also it's just too fucking easy to trigger classicfags


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you banged yourself retarded.

Next reply you make means you're eternally gay and retarded.

Look at you!
Look at how mad you are! AHAHAHA

>generals are full of garbage
Imagine my shock.

I am not a vanillacunt though lol

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I think it's safe to assume that WoW fans, no matter what version of the game they like, are retarded babies.

Case in point

>never even played WoW
Can I come too?

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you're going to be eaten alive by elitists and private server veterans

>never even played WoW
neither did vanillafags haha

You're not even smart enough to not be places you don't like to be
How can anyone take you serious if your too stupid to not enter places you don't want to be
Honest to god full retard
Yeah look at the true pinnacle of genus being in a thread about a subject you don't like.
You're right i'm correct that you're a full blown retard and a pathetic one at that.