What is the best Megaten game and why is it Devil Survivor?

What is the best Megaten game and why is it Devil Survivor?

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What's going on here?

You're not wrong. DS1 and 2 are the best SMT games.


Fuck ds user it’s all about SMT 1,2,3

I want to yoohoo Yuzu’s yoohoos.

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That’s a weird way to spell Strange Journey.

Overclocked > DS2 > DS1

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I'm replaying it rn.
6th day, gonna get that fucking Bel's throne and fuck up everything with my bro Naoya.

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Where does Record Breaker fit in?

>Yuzu's route in vanilla DeSu is the bad ending outside the one you can get on the 6th day
>Overclocked turned her ending into the best one
I will never be not mad

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The trash can.

Based and dare I say Yuzupilled

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You can't actually think it's not better than the base.

what happened to meganine

Bunny is unironically the best SMT protagonist.

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He's got autism, man. Don't be too hard on him.

Can't I?
Okay fine, it's:
Overclocked > Record Scratch > Ds2 > DS1
I really prefer the atmosphere in DS1.

It’s worth it just for the scenes where you can say that the new OC is just Yamato in drag.

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It's good but the shitty cast and Y*suda's disgusting art brings it down.

Majin Tensei II is the better megaten srpg I feel.

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My brother.

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Don't you need to play DS1 before Overclocked though?

Nope. Base game is in as well. Overclocked is just more stuff added to the original.

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DeSu1 had the better story and atmosphere but as a game I felt DeSu2 had significantly better pacing and incrementally better mechanics, maps, and overall gameplay. The bosses alone and how each day has one makes the game more enjoyable to replay than the first one.

desu i hate atlus rereleases where they add an extra ending or something. it always feels just shoved in there and they ALWAYS do it. p5 rerelease is gonna be awful too.

Alright fags, time to settle this:
Or Soul Survive?

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Yuzu is a shit

Great tits, though.

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Reset. By a landslide.

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Obnoxious Sentai cosplayer girl > Yuzu

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Nocturne and Overclocked got it right yet just about every other rerelease fell into the trap of adding a new mystery waifu and a new route/ending involving them that was noticeably shoehorned in or made the overall writing worse. All Overclocked did was expand on the previous endings and throw in a couple new bosses which were the best in the game.

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>Nocturne and Overclocked got it right yet just about every other rerelease fell into the trap of adding a new mystery waifu and a new route/ending involving them that was noticeably shoehorned in or made the overall writing worse.
Dude that's literally Nocturne

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Reset has more plot significance but is kinda shit by itself, Soul Survive's a better song but replacing Reset with it as the game's opening track wasn't a good idea.

Based Yuzubro

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I actually really like Abel as a protag, if only for his demon lord aesthetic and biblical background.

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Devil survivor combat is slow and less strategic than most, writing is poor, music is bad. Worst fanbase.

Bad post.

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Close but not quite. Dante wasn't relevant in the game and the new content actually completed the game instead of being superfluous crap. The worst thing it did was make everyone choose TDE because it was by far the best ending.

I wish the game had let me kill that slut on day 8. Her and Midori are insufferable.

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>music is bad

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I say this as someone who loves the games, he's right about it being less strategic than most. Maps are mostly small and empty and positioning isn't all that important.

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At least you have the true waifu on your side.

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I want to shove my face in her ass.

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if you say anything other than nocturn or smt4: apocalypse youre an unredeemable faggot

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No one can actually think 1 and 2 have good gameplay even for snes.

Maps don't matter when the mechanics are good. And positioning matters when you have to rescue someone.

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best girl incoming

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And this is her

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Nah you can ignore that stuff entirely, just walk around and kill stuff. No variety.

Combat and Alignment choices were better in Apocalypse, but I liked the characters in 4 better. Only Gaston wasn't a huge faggot on your team and it takes a bit for him to join.

My nig. Her and Jungo practically never left my team if I could afford it.

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Reset. Undoubtedly Reset.

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youtu.be/sbnGWqYCB9s best track in the game hands down. Metatron fight was top tier in terms of atmosphere, music, difficulty and plot impact. God damn why chaos routes in SMT are so good.

>Hey Mari, you sure about joining us? We might end up killing other people.
>So what lol
Best girl hands down.

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How good is this game compared to other SMT games?

Level design is extremely important. Imagine if you fought every battle on an open field instead of having to modify tactics for each map to account for walkable terrain, enemy/npc placement, and special gimmicks (boss fights mostly).

It’s pretty damn good. Plus it’s one of the few SMT games with a law path that doesn’t actually suck.

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she belongs to kaido

Basically one of the very rare occasions in SMT in which optional party member is more OP than MC. Maxed her right away, never left my team. Also godlike character, finally somebody nailed the "madman genius" archetype right.

also her death scene in anime was cool af

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I stopped playing DS1 early on after they spent the night in the graveyard and saw that weird super powerful demon, the story didn't really seem that interesting. Does it get better? I don't really care about any of the characters so far

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By 'you' I didn't mean you specifically, I meant 'anyone playing the game for the first time that has >80 IQ'

It's not FE trash. The mechanics are actually good.

Say this again after getting Chaos Wave'd Dragon Danced from behind an obstacle you fuck.

Then again, I'd welcome hard mode with open hands

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It's one of the few Megaten that have all routes equal to each other then having a massive bias towards one.

But the chaos path is so rad that even the resident lawfag joins you on your quest to style on god.
Also based frosty becomes your general of your demon army.

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Where should I start if I want to play the series?
I never played persona either.

What others don't have that bias?


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SMT II and DeSu 2. That's about all I think off.

>sacrifice your humanity to save the world
>people still want to murder you
I couldn't kill them fast enough. Keisuke was right.

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reset my spaghet

Oh I agree that Naoya’s chaos path is based as fuck, it’s just nice to see that the Law path isn’t actually as terrible as it is in the other games. Also, Black Frost a best.

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Strange journey redux, has better alternate versions of the routes.
In the original ds game it is heavily biased towards the neutral ending, but in redux the neutral ending is arguably the worst of them all.


Start with Nocturne or IV. Or any of the spin off titles like Digital Devil Saga, Devil Survivor, or Persona 3.

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Fuck off, Ronaldo.

>Proving god right
They don't know any better, humanity has been drinking the god koolaid for too long.
By not killing them you also redpill them into realizing that YHVH is an asshole.


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I honestly loved that shit. Seeing people basically telling the angels to fuck off after seeing you in action was insanely cathartic.

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The didn't deserve my help after that. Fuck god and fuck humanity.

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It was the stupidest idea that I have ever heard, but I appreciate it for how fucking metal it was.

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Stop posting, Dagda.

Man of taste

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They clearly knew that what they were doing was wrong, the cowardly way they apologized and tried to pass the buck during that fight was proof enough. They weren't deceived, they just wanted a scapegoat.

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What did he mean by this?

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Toki is perfection.

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She is indeed

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give Ronnie some credit, he was fucking ready to dish out some justice on the stars themselves
Ronnie is weird, at times he is completely reasonable and level headed, then he goes comes out with shit like this, or just acts like an insane asshole.

Bunny > Otome > Psyduck > phys attackers > fumi

Plus this.

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Not really, it's agonizingly slow and boring but people like it because it's supposed to be boring because the characters are bored!

I agree, though I would say 2 has more polished/refined gameplay

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The best Law route is in SMT 2, I'm surprised that it was as good as it was shown in DeSu.

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FE has better mechanics and better maps

>this projection
Or maybe I just like it for the combat, biblical plot, and music? Ever think of that?


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Nice look Yukari!

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Funny that you should mention that.

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The combat isn't good so nobody talks about that part of it, when they do talk about it they just talk about the other parts of it which are actually good.

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>hey guys we should give all our supplies to people incapable of contributing to our survival in any meaningful way
>and then we should use our greatly diminished and now under-supplied army to fight the stars forever
And I thought Nocturne had fucking stupid reasons.

Atlus: the masters of reusing

Nice look Yuzu!

I hated the extended Naoya ending honestly

>he doesn’t Holy Dance on the graves of his enemies
Do you even DeSu?

I assumed we were talking about Raidou. The combat in DeSu is still turn-based.

He's talking about Raidou. Raidou is real time

Worst girl ruined the game for me, annoying cunt

Ah, sorry. My mistake.

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Wow, rude.

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Wow rude

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Pocky was a mistake.

Pocky tastes really good not gonna lie.

Was he right?

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DS2 was just: snipe from 5 squares away and never move so that your next turn comes abnormally faster

every single map.

>not liking based Yasuda

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Yes and i resent the fact that the game forced me to rescue yakuza thugs on pain of a game over.

I disagree, theres better snacks.

Keisuke did nothing wrong.

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>I want to yoohoo Yuzu’s yoohoos.
You might be onto something user.

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Whoa, looking cool, yuka-tan

Unironically has the best route choices out of any SMT game in recent memory along with nailing the atmosphere. If it didn't screw the pacing as much as it did and had a bit more in the way of characterization for everyone it'd be the best game on the DS and 3DS.
>Strange Journey
Just play Etrian Odyssey or a real SMT game.

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Definitely Reset.

>real SMT game.
SJ is a mainline game

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Yeah, but I mean a better one.

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Speaking of, why did they change the DeSu2 theme?

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>Haru's dress looks like it could fall off any moment
>it never does
It's not fair bros, all I wanted was a nip slip

You can't really say 1, II, if... And IV are actually better than it.

I'm not saying that 1 and 2 are better than it, but IV is debatable and IVA and 3 are definitely superior.

What's good about Yuzu aside from her boobs?

She's the most realistic.

I feel ya.

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Her sweaty pits.

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>What's good about Yuzu aside from her boobs?
Nothing much in terms of character, but she's undoubtedly the most realistic in terms of reaction to the shit the party has to go through. I can't really hate her for that.

Like Soul Hackers? Not him, but my knowledge of SMT and its spinoffs only goes to 4, Soul Hackers, DeSu and P4.

That's one of the best parts about her.

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Io's funbags

Soul Hackers is pretty fun, but it's definitely dated. Someone probably has that SMT series image saved, you should look at it if it gets posted.

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Why would you want anyone to act like a real girl?

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Because it grounds the setting in reality.

I have the mighty need to breed with this cow.


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>srpg trash

Who’s the best boy in DeSu2 and why is it Psyduck?

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Good memories of this game. Who has the gif of the MC doing Ice dance?

Io's death

I am pretty sure the singer of the new OP is the guy who voiced bunny in the nip.

>best route
>best girl

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Because freedom and chaos is best route.

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user's death.

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The cutest

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One of the few religious nuts that still has some decency after all (also tem tiddies)

I liked the Triangulum Arc in DS2 though

Did anyone actually care at all about Keita?

he's much more tolerable and entertaining in the Triangulum arc

Nah. I hear he has unique dialogue in his Fate episodes if you let Jungo die, but who lets people die in their runs?


I always thought he had legitimate autism.

I let keita die, you get to use yamato in a early boss fight

I dunno, I enjoyed watching him fall down all those stairs

Let me guess, you got stuck on Beldr?


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Fumi, Jungo, MC, and the Dance girl made everything easy mode

>city becomes a battlefield of demons, and humans who command demons
>Midori's immediate reaction to this is to become a real life superhero
I'd have tried that shit too.

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I always went Bunny/Hinako/Joe/Fumi for my team. You don't really need more than one Phys person, and there's enough magic dances lying around to run 3 Magic users.

I love how she got a Jack Frost to become a Black Frost through the power of friendship.

Unironically yes. There aren't enough jaded pricks in vidya so I like what I get.

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Keita wasn't even an interesting prick though.

Ronaldo did nothing wrong.

Ronaldo did almost everything wrong. Fighting the fucking stars was probably his best idea.

My team was always Otome, Jungo and Airi/Joe. Sometimes I'd swap in Hinako or Daichi if I wanted to multi strike abuse.

That's what makes it exciting

beggars can't be choosers

Chaos was the first route I finished the game on and it was awesome. You get almost every party member too

Ronaldo probably has the dumbest ideas of any joinable faction in all of SMT. Even forever alone was better.

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>entire motivation for revenge on a teenage boy was literally based on some notes inside a book
>suspects that the boy in question might even have a hand in his master’s disappearance but Yamato doesn’t even know what the fuck he’s talking about.
>master is revealed to not even be dead.

>Let's just kill every star that attacks us!
His ending was a shitty as I expected. Had a good laugh at the party getting ambushed at the very beginning of a cycle

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I like how even Bunny can call him out on being a giant retard.

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The Rage Soul/Attack all/Double Attack combo was too fun not to abuse with Jungo. And I went 3 mage in Overclocked so I tried to mix it up with DS2 since phys was much better

His justice was screaming.

>smt 'strategy' game
>less strategy than regular smt

They were surprisingly easy compared to Lucifer

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His ending was fucking shit. He just throws you into a prehistoric world and abandons you

Post Airi’s cute belly button.

I started liking him when he became tsundere. He started feeling like a bro who was always ready to throw down and always had your back if you picked the fight options

Lucifer is legitimately one of the hardest bosses in the series last I remember. The Ticos ain't shit in comparison, and neither is Alice.

Just hit him until he dies (with tyrants in your team)
Devol Survivor games had some major balance issues.

His faction has the best characters included.
Plus helping him earlier BTFO Makoto was based.

Every single SMT game is hilariously unbalanced, so it makes sense that DeSu would also be that way.

>but Yamato doesn’t even know what the fuck he’s talking about.
that's wrong, he acknowledges his master and even gloats about killing him, so even Yamato didn't know he was still alive
not to mention his master never told anyway he was still alive, as far as everyone around him was concerned, he was a dead man

I was just reading the manga (also played the game). It's pretty good. We need a DS3 but with a good story like 1

Alice is an absolute meme in DeSu 2. You don't even have to fight Belial or Nebiros. Just rush her and spam Physical attacks.


He still has a chance to mess you up with his stupid drain attacks
Tico Tico meanwhile just had a timer but you can easily cheese her just like every other enemy. The only way you'll struggle with Tico Tico or Alice is if you rely on Almighty damage
Beezlbub is tougher than those 2 due to attrition, unless you exactly how to abuse his gimmick

>DeSu 3
>Happening ever
1 and 2 sold too poorly for that to happen, and Career Soft has disbanded.

The manga's out in english? Know where I can find scans?

>1 and 2 sold too poorly for that to happen
We have sales?

Why are atlus games so shitty nowadays? Why can't we have nice things?

The only place where i found it is in a shitty manga page
Albeit I didn't search too much

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Now I want to finish the Triangulum arc. I'll probably get stuck somewhere though as I was really bad at this game.

I saw a post about someone beating devil survivor without demons. Anyone know the details? How is that possible?



Did you even make usage of the Fusion Search system? It'll tell you about all the Unique demons available, and those are usually busted.

Alex was a surprising good addition to the plot

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Has anyone here beaten the Triangulum arc on a fresh new game? I had NG+ bonuses so I kinda breezed through most of the bosses since I had all my spells and abilities.
How tough are the bosses without endgame skills?

Based user

I did, it was super easy just like the septemberdrone route.

>Can't pick any route except for Yuzu's on your first run because of retarded level bloat

Other than that I'd agree.

Git gud

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That's your problem, the rest of us did other routes on our first run with no problem

>Cheat the game by reading an online guide that tells you how to build a broken character

Faggot. Unless you're retardedly OP magic-spammer (which makes the entire rest of the game a total bore) you literally cannot win on half the routes.

DeSu was my introduction into megaten as a whole and I beat Naoya's route which was the first ending I got just fine.

t. didn't git gud
bet you don't even go WORLD OF STR

What? All routes are easy.
I recommend starting a fresh file every playthrough so you don't ruin the fun of the gameplay. Or just save before the route split.

I went WURLD OF STR in DeSu 1 (not overclocked)

It was fucking suffering

>Best one
>when Naoya's 8th Day exists
Good joke

I had a yamato build in DeSu.
Try to beat that.

>tfw no DS3 for switch

What are they waiting for?

I wanna creampie Yuzu

>making DeSu3
we don`t have good things anymore


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Persona 5 Royal Purple Golden Crimson: the reboot remaster (featuring Yu from the Persona 4 series)

Based. Commander Gore would be proud. Ronaldo truly embodied the spirit of Neutrality. Mankind has no need for supernatural assistance. We can secure our existence with our power alone, and YES we will fight forever if that's the price of freedom.

Fuck unrealistic "true" endings were everything is solved magically and no price has to be paid.

Not gonna lie; I fucking hated the sequel. It don't want to make the SOUL argument but the atmosphere and bright, colorful setting robbed the game of everything that made it cool. And you end up fighting geometric shapes instead of deities, like what were they thinking?

>the neutral ending is to kill people actually doing something in order to help people who do nothing, and then doom all the survivors to a life of eternal conflict
You're right, sounds like a neutral ending to me.

My first Route ever was Gin's
Get fucked

Like someone else mentioned, the DeSu games didn't particularly have high sales and the team that helped develop the games (Career Soft) collapsed and was dissolved into Atlus. On top of that, SRPG's are rather niche to begin with and the only ones that really exploded in popularity were Fire Emblem and Disgaea truthfully. If it happens I'll be pleased though.

Any hope for DS3?

nvm i read the post above

>HUUUR what if we waves a magical wand and solved all the problems

The absolute state of "true" ending fags.

Why is god such a dick in every game but this one? That last comment he gives you feels very heartfelt.

The only thing Atlus is interested in pushing these days are Persona games truthfully. SMT spinoffs have all but died at this point. Depending on how well SMTV does though, it may invigorate Atlus to revive some old spinoffs like Raidou or Devil Survivor.


Persona is a SMT spinoff. They were literally trying everything they could for over a decade until they found something that worked. Turns out the answer was Scooby Doo.

>In every game but this one
Did you skip over the entirety of Devil Survivor 1? They were literally going to nuke Tokyo on multiple occasions.

What else can you do with the original setting?
It’s all been done in the first.
They tried something different and cool and it worked.

>There are people on this board, people you know right now who chose to side with Ronaldo of Bestkoto.

Attached: sako 9.png (1088x595, 670K)

You know what I meant. I can't exactly be upset though since Persona is essentially the cash cow that allows them to keep things afloat though.

No? It was blatant waifu pandering and she almost ruined the game for me.

Hard to blame them since Persona prints money and SMT guys have never been very popular. Which would you focus more on?

So? Tokyo is a hotbed for demonic outbursts. Best get rid of it to save mankind.

Just because the true ending is a gigantic asspull doesn't mean Clicky's route is good. His team wants to brainwash humanity into getting along, that's basically Law without YHVH. I'll take Daichi's failed ending over Clicky's because at least that one rolls you back into letting you pick a better route.

>Devil Survivor 1 = Religion
>Devil Survivor 2 = Evangelion

Makoto is a filthy pervert, not the best girl.

you say that like being perverted is bad

Regardless, the angels played dirty on multiple occasions in Devil Survivor 1. Saying "but demons!" isn't exactly an excuse to nuke everything. Especially from the perspective of multiple characters in the game.

Yeah? Fixing the terrible ending of the original was her idea.

I don't have an issue with Persona, but it's been pretty underwhelming for me after P3.

2 may have been doing the "Eva thing" but at least you always had a sense of progression and scope. 1 was you just running around like a retard wishing you could find some clue until the last day when everything gets info dumped and you fight the Bel's boss rush style.

Attached: bunny gaze.jpg (800x683, 104K)

Persona games after 3 pretty much just lost their balls. I don't think you have to go full grimp derp but you can at least do SOMETHING to have more meaningful arcs and stories.

Attached: 71-Persona3-19-247.jpg (640x448, 35K)

It was more realistic honestly.
>Running through Tokyo trying to survive without a single clue as to what's happening
>Finally get some information from Naoya on the greater scope of what's occurring
>Turns out you need to continue slaying the Bel's to gain passage to Babel
>Open Babel, become the Overlord of Darkness and blow the Angels away from Tokyo to revive the peace
The plot of DeSu 1 was simple.

2 was weird because even on a fresh start Bunny feels like he's on NG++++ and gets his kicks acting like a retard and shitting on people he get sick of 3 playthroughs ago.

I just bought DS:Overclocked yesterday
The only other strategy game I ever played was Tactics Advance and I sucked at it.
Am I in for a wild ride?

Yeah, that's my main gripe with them. The characterization is incredibly dull for the most part to the point where I usually zone out during cutscenes.

Maybe. Don't grind it ruins the game.

Yeah pretty much. To make the game easier on yourself though..
>Always focus on high tier skills when you unlock ability cracking, especially DANCE SKILLS
>Make heavy usage of the Fusion Search function in the Cathedral of Shadows since it shows you all sorts of demons you can access if you have the proper ingredients
>Always make sure to update your Compendium after your demons gain levels and new skills
>Grind Free Battle (Hard) whenever you can to stack money to blow on fusions and the demon auction
>Dump most of your points into MAG and Agility for your MC
Those are the major tips. Otherwise just go with the flow.

Thanks bro

based retard

Devil Survivor 3 on Switch when

It's not a matter of being realistic or not. Being "realistic" doesn't make a story good. There's nothing to latch onto and it gives you no information in a meaningful or interesting way. The geometric shapes of 2 all had proper build up and as the game progressed you learned a little bit more and more each time, either through your own investigation or through Psyduck helping you out.

In 1 you had some hints of stuff if you followed Haru's route but no matter where you went you basically never found out anything useful and all the while had to deal Yuzu throwing a tantrum every six seconds.

Attached: Mizar.png (300x426, 148K)

How many times are you guys going to ask this



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As many times as it takes.

P5 has literally some of the worst characters I ever seen.

Yeah, I did. It's not that bad.

>tfw played through both DeSu games at least 5 times on my 3ds
>tfw can't ever get into any other SMT game
I dropped SMTIV a bit after reaching tokyo and dropped both persona 3/4 around 10 hours in

On the contrary, realism adds to the immersion of the story. You speak as if there wasn't proper build up on the Throne of Bel and what the presence of the Bel's meant in the grand scheme of things.
>You barely learned anything
You had more than enough time to go through multiple character routes, and by talking to a variety of characters you got more than enough exposition on what was taking place little by little. By Day 4 things fall into place more and more, albeit this is late in the game. I'm not disagreeing that DeSu 2 had good flow to it, but I disagree with your argument on DeSu 1. I found it find honestly.

So who is the moat cucked fandom in megami tensei?
If... faggs
Devil summoner faggs
Dds faggs
Devil survivor faggs
Or mainline faggs?

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I'd still take them over 4s but fuck. For a game that's some 70 hours long there's really nothing in the ways of lasting character arc. I blame the SLink thing. It was too easy to just cordon off all the "character growth" into it's own sub section without any need to tie growth into the main narrative. If there even is one.

I don't know what to say to you user. You might just be attracted to the overly anime character cast honestly.

Attached: image.png (700x1086, 301K)

if... is mainline. And none of them.

Sorry, she belongs to the Demon lord.

Didn't IF... get translated recently?
Also If... is part of mainline.

>nine and imagine faggs arent even acknowledge by nuatlus, just like persona 1 and 2

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Man remember when we thought P5 was gonna be cool and dark and shit. Maybe sent in an actual delinquent school. How dumb we where.

Attached: p5 teaser.jpg (1596x898, 57K)

Didnt if... get thrown into the trash with persona 1 and 2?
Also atlus has never acknowledged that game in the west

Mainline easily

Attached: im_not_saying_it_was_yhvh_but.jpg (1280x1281, 634K)

Stop trying to incite arguments.
I really hate how Social Links are now an excuse to throw any form of character depth into a optional sub section instead of directly applying it during the story. Like I understand that the game was long enough as it is, but the characters literally didn't grow after their specific dungeon arc. On top of that the cast is a little too huge so someone always ends up getting overshadowed or slept on in some shape or form. In P3 you actually saw what the rest of your team did in their lives and how they interacted with people like Junpei and Chidori when you weren't in control.

Pretty sure I just don't like dungeon crawlers


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The anime was so bad, but Airi is so cute.

Attached: Devil Survivor 2 The Animation - 07v2 [A09F9110].mkv_snapshot_20.33_[2017.07.14_05.08.42].jpg (1280x720, 89K)

Fuck's sake, you contrarian fags are the worst.

Don't grind, the biggest flaw of the game is the lack of challenge

>Yuzu best girl
>Io best girl
Whats up with Yasuda and always making main heroines with big tiddies? Same with the Cyber Sleuth games

Attached: Devil Survivor 2 The Animation - 09v2 [73E23EB6].mkv_snapshot_12.38_[2017.12.11_03.50.06].jpg (1280x720, 86K)

>Lucifer went from being a majestic, but menacing fallen angel
>To being an ayy lmao with a queer taste of fashion sense

Attached: Lucifer.jpg (4226x1712, 1.24M)


man of good taste

>Having a different opinion on things makes you a contrarian
I see you don't understand the concept of an opinion. Hell, even Atlus acknowledges that they ripped many plot and story elements from Persona 2 and threw them in P5. It's unironically a soulless rehash.

Yuzu a fucking shit. She's useless and a constant whiny bitch who even goes so far as to insult Atsubro when he finds the answer we need. And she NEVER grows out of it

Attached: 3A58BE69-958F-4DFA-A640-C93374404641.gif (500x281, 925K)

>Soulless rehash
>Best selling title in the series as a whole
>Massive world wide acclaim that pulled in people that don't even find anime or JRPG's remotely interesting
You were saying? Have sex.

He has good taste

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>Best selling title in the series as a whole
>>Massive world wide acclaim that pulled in people that don't even find anime or JRPG's remotely interesting
That just proves further it's not a very good game.

This is the face of a chad

Oh hello, I hope Im not being any trouble but..VIOLENTLY CONVULSES VOMITS UP HER INSIDES AND EXPLODES!

Attached: io.png (1010x686, 713K)

>have to rely on otakus, years of hype, heavy shilling and ecelebs to beat what smt if... and persona 1 did with no effort
So this is the power of nu persona....wow

He’s based and redpilled

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Someone post G A R U D A


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More like, multi-strike everything:the game.

>Devil Survivor > Raidou > SMT > Jack Bros > Demikids > Shit >>>>>>>>>>>> Persoyna


Going by that logic, he should have loved P3 and P4.

Chad onesie

I liked DeSu 1 over 2 solely because you could play 1 without a guide and get whatever ending you wanted

To be fair, the maps aren't really the strong suite of Devil Survivor as most of them are incredibly bland and require zero thought. If anything most of the stress in maps comes from trying to keep civilians from getting thrashed or from enemies escaping. That was my one major gripe with the game, otherwise the character interaction, development, and gameplay was neat. Also on topic with DeSu, but I hope we see the rest of the Bel's in future games as summonable demons. I was disappointed that Jezebel wasn't in either of the IV duology since her design is so good. Belberith is pretty nice too.

Attached: Jezebel.png (1689x873, 968K)

Fuck this anti-skill game. This guess the weakness battle system is trash. Having to get lucky with the boss fights is tedious as fuck, especially having to sit through a 5 minute game over sequence. It is literally faster to close the game and start it up again. Are the demon negotiation luck too? And yes, I've beaten the Minotaur.

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True. The Dungeon Crawling element of those games were absolutely horrid though. In general Atlus is pretty fucking bad at making dungeons with the exception of like, Soul Hackers, Strange Journey, and Etrian Odyssey.
>More like Multi Strike everything the game
You get Multi Strike far too late in the game. If I recall correctly, it doesn't show up until like Day 5 or 6? Up until that point, Hassohappa and Deathbound put in major work. It's a shame though since a lot of demons late game either Repel or Drain your Physical attacks. If I recall, having Physical Pierce doesn't stop enemies from repelling them either.

Personafags, Atlus hasn't released a good Persona game since 2008

I like Airi but man do I wish her stats where better. The hybrid characters in 2 are still WORLDS better than 1s so she's generally pretty usable but it's hard to justify not using the Fumi/Jungo rape train.

Attached: airi jungo shoulders.jpg (1000x1350, 572K)

>He got a game over
Maybe once the first time David turns up, and maybe another on Minotaur/Medusa but there's really no excuse for getting a game over once you reach Tokyo

Just get to tokyo and the game becomes a joke. Pre-tokyo was pretty fun since there was a chance of stuff actually killing you.

Would Bunny and Abel be bros or nah?

Attached: BE35A5FC-7184-4DE5-B03C-4BBF5116FB58.jpg (800x454, 286K)

>This guess the weakness battle system is trash
This is a major aspect of most SMT games including Persona to a degree to though. The only issue with IV's combat was the fact that the Smirk system was incredibly busted and doesn't work in your favor. Luckily they fixed that in Apocalypse.
>Bosses are tedious
Literally spam weaknesses, heal, and get the right dialogue option. I will say that the bullshit misses/critical's which result in the boss getting off a Smirk and blowing your party sky high was no fun though.
>Demon negotiation

Well I am on medusa. The only time I've gotten game overs is on the bosses, or just really unlucky on normal enemies. Still I feel luck is way to much of a factor in this battle system.

Abel is a pretty lax guy, so sure. Bunny might legitimately have autism, so it may be hard to adjust to him. I seriously don't know if he just likes fucking with people, or has actual autism when it comes to most of his dialogue options.

game because a joke after medusa

the real question is, who is canonically stronger?

Once you get further into IV weaknesses don't even matter. You just outright kill bosses with the same buffing/debuffing wurld of str strat you've used in SMT for years.

Id really love to see a Persona game pull a FATE, where if you don't get your characters rank up high enough then they basically become your enemy or fuck off if they didn't die. It was by all accounts super easy to get them up but it was still nice to see the characters come to an almost irreconcilable difference in opinions at the end and it played well into FATE because if you put in the time to win their trust, it makes sense they'd be inclined to listen to you.

It was a nice system that really played into the mechanics and narrative in a much more meaningful way than Social links.

Attached: fumi smug anime.jpg (1024x576, 37K)

>I seriously don't know if he just likes fucking with people, or has actual autism when it comes to most of his dialogue options.
It's probably both.

>>Demon negotiation
How? Is there any logic to it?

I like to think they'd be pals.

Probably Abel? I mean I like Bunny but in the end of the day he's just some dude.

Attached: nice cloak.jpg (400x621, 106K)

Before Record Break it was pretty definitively Abel, afterwards though it's probably Bunny.

>Are the demon negotiation luck too?

>refuse 2x
>end talks
Gets them everything

Attached: 1508522910893.png (512x512, 181K)

In SMT autism = power, so Bunny is naturally the strongest.

fug where's this scene?

Promo shot for DeSu 3.

Cat and bunny, desu sol anime when

reee don't lie to me
is it a NG+ only scene?

Once you hit Tokyo the experience gain and your demon options open up to the point the challenge disappears.
Up until your first step into Tokyo is literally the funnest part of the game if you like challenge.
It seems you don't like the challenge though so you'll enjoy the rest of the game after you've beaten Medusa.

While it's true that negotiation boils down to being a guessing game most of the time, your dialogue options actually matter depending on your alignment, and their alignment. Actually this might just be a coincidence, but it definitely mattered in Strange Journey. I personally hope they bring back the Personality System in regards to Demon Negotiation since it made things smoother. Saying nice things to demons with a Kind personality sways things in your favor and etc.
>Implying I didn't go WURLD OF DEX
user... I..


It's fake

If you don't have autism you can easily read the tone of the demon and negotiate accordingly.
If you lack the irl social skills I can't help you.

Just cheese it

well they hit the dialogue spot on

Attached: big bro.jpg (320x240, 32K)

I like challenge, but I don't like having to get lucky.

>I'd really love to see a Persona game pull a FATE, where if you don't get your characters rank up high enough then they basically become your enemy or fuck off if they didn't die.
I'd prefer the FATE system stayed in Devil Survivor since it fit the tone of the game. You're in an apocalyptic Tokyo. There's no time to focus on everybody you know? I'm not saying it wouldn't fit in Persona since social interaction and the growth of relationships is a major aspect of the game, but people becoming your enemy or dying would have what impact in the grand scheme of things? For main characters, yeah, but for side characters it wouldn't mean much.

Well you personally won't ever have to worry about "getting lucky"

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Would you guys be open to a Devil Survivor Q or something like that?

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>If you lack the irl social skills I can't help you.
Fuck off user, these negotiations are bullshit and you know it.
>"Hey kid, I'm going to kill you!"
>Pick the "Go ahead and end me option"
>Demon replies with "Don't worry kid, we'll get through this together. I'm joining your party!"
If anything the demons have autism and all of them have varying personalities.

I actually enjoyed Persona Q, so I wouldn't mind. Although it was incredibly easy.

"Q" is a sin, a bad meme, absolutely retarded, an shouldn't exist whatsoever. It's ridiculous how many people actually buy the Q games and find them quality.

Anything as long it satiates my hunger. ANYTHING THAT'S NOT PERSONA

well, what I mostly meant was that I wish there was some more significant pay off or consequence to doing or not doing them. You got some nice incentives mechanically in 5, but I'd like to see 6 have those out the gate so the game balance can be built around them. But ideally I'd like more significant plot branches and consequences based on them. Like a character who may or may not betray you deciding to stick around or redeem themselves if you do.

I'd rather they just go full tilt EO instead of the watered down Q stuff.

But your hunger will never be satiated.

Yeah I could see that happening. The issue is, they tried to be realistic with Social Links in Persona 3 but people got pissed off so they made them easier? Breaking a Social Link didn't do much beyond you having to reset it really. I don't know what they could do though to make things feel more realistic. Perhaps breaking a Social Link during the later half of them limits the power you have with that specific Arcana? It makes sense, but I doubt they'd go through with it.

>The issue is, they tried to be realistic with Social Links in Persona 3 but people got pissed off so they made them easier?
The issue with P3 was that you were forced into dating the girls which made the time management 2x as strict. And it was already pretty fucking strict.

Yeah but the only benefit of even having the Slinks in 3 was the XP boost, which while handy is hardly a necessity. In DeSu2 characters will straight up leave forever.

I personally didn't find it that hard since it was pretty easy to alternate between characters. Especially the male social links. The female social links were pretty strict though since you had to date one girl at a time like you mentioned.

>Yeah but the only benefit of even having the Slinks in 3 was the XP boost
I wouldn't say that's the only thing. Maxing out social links gave you some baller Ultimate Persona's. Siegfried and Surt saved me in the later portion of Tartarus.

We're talking about SMT not dark's souls you fucking dumbass

FUCK DEVIL SURVIVOR AND FUCK SMT, this is now a Persona thread. Gentlemen discuss your favorite Persona waifus.
>He doesn't understand the Dark Souls of Persona memes
How does it feel to be new?


Literally the only good thing about the anime was more Airi cuteness. I will never forgive them for what they did to Bunny.

honestly have the new version i made

Attached: rabbit 12 rev 2.png (1200x900, 334K)

Something about that face is terrifying.

What did they do to Bunny?

S. Links do the character's no harm at all. The characters in 4 and 5 tend to get more drastic development with more time spent on showing the process of change than 3's characters, it's just condensed into their arc surrounding their dungeon. When you already have a system in the game for the protagonist to go around and strengthen his relationship with people and learn about them it's only natural that the party members who you're supposed to have formed a deep bond with by the end of the game would be people he actually spends his free time with. It feels natural, actually makes it believable when they say they've grown closer by the end, where in 3 it only felt believable with Junpei, Aigis and maybe whichever girls you date, and it lets characters who otherwise don't get a lot of screentime have an opportunity for you to familiarize yourself with them. Having it be optional isn't an issue in the slightest, you get to know the characters well enough in the main plot during their arc, and matters like their past or their family, things that aren't essential to the character but add some flavor and give you a better understanding of them, can be there for you to pursue if you care or if you don't you can get more involved with a different character. Having information like that be missable is better than making you go through it when it bears no relevance to any part of the plot or the character's main arc.

The only character in 3 who was particularly well-developed was Junpei, and it had nothing to do with an S. Link or lack thereof, he was just given a good bit of attention and had more than one scene where he went through his change. Compared to characters in 4 and 5 his development is more spaced out, gradual and less formulaic because it's not built around a single dungeon, but none of that has to do with whether or not he has an S. Link, and when he does have one in P3P it does him no harm.

Attached: untitled.jpg (540x360, 21K)

No autism
All super srs no fun allowed brooding angst

You're forgetting random encounters. If you get ambushed then you can get wiped before even getting a turn, even if you're OP

Instead of making him Autistic he's a MUH FRIENDS crybaby
Most of the cast die immediately
There's nothing on the route split near the end just a a generic reset ending
Yamato is a generic edge lord villain
Makoto is in love with Yamato
Fumi's kind of evil

and a bunch of other shit I don't care to list.

Attached: Devil Survivor 2 The Animation - 09v2 [73E23EB6].mkv_snapshot_11.05_[2017.07.14_05.19.38].jpg (1280x720, 81K)

Holy shit, that sounds fucking terrible. Did these people even play the game?

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literally only braindead weebs think this

Making the ends all very nice and happy endings so you don't actually have to think about the ramifications of your choice really doesn't sound like a good thing

>S. Links do the character's no harm at all. The characters in 4 and 5 tend to get more drastic development with more time spent on showing the process of change than 3's characters
What? Every character in 4/5 is barely relevant to the main plot and their character progession in stuck in their SL's making them be inconsistent with their main story self. Ryuji is proven to be slightly smart yet his main story counterpart is a bumbling fucking retard.

Probably not. To some extent I blame the scant amount of episodes they had to work with. You'd need at least two full cour in order to give the proper game story some development. And even that would feel like it was rushing things.

But even that aside some of their decisions where just baffling.

Attached: Devil Survivor 2 The Animation - 07v2 [A09F9110].mkv_snapshot_20.16_[2017.07.14_05.08.10].jpg (1280x720, 89K)

Devil summoner fags

You can't actually be dumb enough to think this. Chaos and Law now have both pros and cons to their situation rather then just all negative apsects.

Kek I took the game over too

I feel like each character in 3 got enough time to shine and develop throughout the story with the exception of Shinjiro and Ken honestly. Social Links only further helped to add depth to their character arcs. Whereas in P5 in particular, most of your team didn't develop period outside of their dungeon with the exception of Makoto, and Futaba to a degree since the plot with her mother was overarching. Haru practically doesn't exist, Yusuke felt zoned out after Madarame got arrested, Ann's growth of getting stronger for Shiko happened in a social link, Ryuji's past with his track team was resolved in his social link, and then there's Morgana who actually does develop with the story, but it's handled so poorly.

bunny in the administrator ending is basically human polaris.

Attached: best_ending.png (345x271, 168K)

why are there zero (0) good megaten doujins

I just can’t hate Bunny
I still perfer SSS tier Bug though

Attached: 535A88C7-1ACF-4464-844C-F5BBE246EA23.png (350x472, 86K)

>Chaos and Law now have pros and cons
>Chaos in IV: "Dude wouldn't it be great if we turned Mikado into a wasteland because freedom lmao? At least you can become king now!"
>Law in IV: "Dude let's commit mass genocide on Tokyo. At least you'll die a hero and Mikado will be free from impure influence lmao!"
The endings nowadays are shit and you know it.

They don't have to be relevant to the main plot. They all have a thematic link to the game's main theme and they all fight together to find the killer or change people's hearts, which is just the same as in 3. Akihiko and Junpei don't have any special link to Tartarus or some shit like that, they're just Persona-users who agreed to join SEES which is all they need just the same as Kanji is just a Persona-user who agreed to join the IT or Makoto is a Persona-user who agreed to join the PTs. They're not inconsistent between S. Links and the story. Their S. Links aren't even available until after they've gone through their arc and awakened to their Persona, at which point their arc is done. Ryuji just behaves differently between the story and his Confidant because two very different situations are at hand between them. He doesn't even act more intelligent, he's just more solemn because it deals with matters close to him rather than him having fun with having a double life.

doesn't record breaker only have 1 true ending? been a while since i played

I'd say Fuka was pretty weak too but on the whole at least a good number of P3 characters had their narratives woven into the main story.

Yukari has to deal with the loss of her father and how he may or may not be responsible for the incident in question. His death is directly related to the big mystery.

Shinjiro is coming to terms with his own guilt and mortality as he faces his past and his connections to Strega

Junpei is from a shit home and has to deal with his own feelings of inferiority and jealousy as well as his own romance, and loss of Chidori

Mitsuru's family is connected to Yukari's and are the ones responsible for a lot of this shit and she too has to deal with the loss of her father during the course of the game

Koro is good boy.

Attached: koro paw.gif (512x384, 1.63M)

>But it's morning...
Too funny.

DS3 when?

Learn to read

Abel is pretty based so I don’t blame you. That said, I love them both.

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It has the best cathedral of shadows


There were no proper pros or cons to the endings in IV. Both were absolutely retarded.

It has three endings as well as a bad one, although Yamato's ending is probably the closest to a "true" end.

Amane was pretty chill as far as law fags go. Though I wish there was a way she could keep her tits out with her non evil personality.

Attached: Amane.jpg (800x1000, 203K)

I HONESTLY felt that was the best ending. Think about it, after Canopus was dead, you had the power of heat, time, gravity, and space. You could VERY EASILY take out any star deities and then just reset the world if you need to repair or revive anyone.

Plus this way you kept Alcor and Car Caroli and you would eventually destroy every administrator in the universe until Humanity was left at peace.

God I love Bunny.

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>You could VERY EASILY
You nearly got total party wiped just fighting Arcturus. There's no guarantee you're gonna be lucky every goddamn time over the span of billions of battles. Not only that but it would become emotionally draining. Being able to reset things won't help if your luck runs out sooner rather than later.

Same. She’s too cute.

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>fire emblem has some balance fix / 0% growths patches and full on romhack games
>tactics ogre and fft have major fix mods that almost make them playable
>devil survivor has nothing
>there aren't even any challenge runs that people do for replay value, there's nothing

I don't agree that characters in 3 had enough time to shine and develop, but I do agree that characters in 4 and 5 could use screentime outside of their arc, but I don't think that means they need more development, they just need a presence and to do something rather than just stand around and throw in the odd comment. Just because a character isn't currently undergoing some change doesn't mean they can't feel relevant and have a presence, and I don't think any of the characters in 4 and 5 had a need for more personal development after their arcs. Some of them definitely could have used some focus on their relationships between each other or someone else, which Makoto has a little bit of but not much, or they could just have no more development at all but just feel like they have an active role in the business of the IT or the PTs, but all this is a separate issue from whether the characters need more development, which I don't believe they do, they just need a stronger presence.

>nor doing focused/unkillable runs

Wasn't the whole danger that because you needed everyone alive for full admin access to Akasha no one could die? They pretty much had to run a gauntlet until the whole sky was dead.

Yeah, turns out when the game is actually fun you don't need to invent ways to make it enjoyable

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That's a given, that doesn't count. I bet 95% of people have no deaths and no free battles and no mid battles saves and no compendium in their first playthrough.

There's an easter egg a lot of people (surprisingly) don't know about that actually lets you side with Keisuke. It requires not responding to Dolly on your phone ever, never initiating in conversation with her while Keisuke is doing this shit either, and responding neutrally or positive to Keisuke during your interactions or emails with him.

During the showdown with Yema round 2, Atsuro suggests you can actually Bullshit this and choose to not fight, in which case Yema actually spares the life of the officers since they don't wanna get double teamed and agree to change their ways. He joins your team but his death clock remains the same. When Keita finds him he will now be with Dolly and Black Frost for a MUCH MUCH more difficult showdown, but it's thematically really kind of awesome to be able to side with Keisuke.

yeah ok kid

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Which game has the best battle system? Or are they all the same?

I thought all you had to do was just BS the fight and Midori gets butthurt anyways.

Now I’m just imagining Ronaldo with a shotgun and him shouting at the sky and administrators to get off his planet and shit.

Arcturus was both
A: Cheating
B: Manipulating the Astrolabe

During the true ending you have access to both the Astrolabe AND the forces of creation. No administrator will even fathom your power at that state.

Be the change you want to see in the world, user.

If you ever agree with her justice at any time Keisuke is doing this bullshit then you won't even get the option to side with him. Most people who play DeSu 1 mindlessly go after Midori because there's no other options on those days that are considered "as interesting" and maybe they want Black Frost since lots of routes end with like 5 characters and a severe lack of team diversity.

They are different and it's a matter of opinion
I like Soul Hackers the most bur few would agree with me

Having a stronger presence in the story might as well equate to having more relevance. You can't have a strong impact on characters or events if you aren't relevant to the main story. This isn't to say that everyone needed to be present and together at every given moment, but they could have used more screen time outside of their personal arcs.

It's actually possible to save Keisuke by saving Mari beforehand so she stops Kaido.

Doesn't she just delay him by like an hour? And if you don't naturally stop or confront Keisuke he still ends up clashing with and losing to Kaido?

If you wanna save Mari and Keisuke you have to get her bag and give it to Kaido instead of her and tell her she's gonna die. That way he'll show up for the fight and won't be there to kill Keisuke an hour later.

>You can't have a strong impact on characters or events if you aren't relevant to the main story.
I don't agree with that, at least not in the sense that the character doesn't need to have anymore relevance to the main story than being a member of the IT/PTs. I agree that characters could have used more screentime outside of their arcs, I'm just saying that that screentime doesn't need to have them develop as a character, and it doesn't need to be linked to the main plot either, it just needs them to be doing something. I think focusing on a relationship they have with someone else would be the most appropriate way to handle it in the case of most 4/5 characters, but just letting you see them having an active role in the IT/PTs could work just as well too.

he only loses to kaido if you try and kill yama. You can let kaido lose to him.

>Honda getting punked by Loki and banished to the Makai because he couldn't save his son
That shit always made me laugh for no reason whatsoever.

Yes, but that's not avoiding anything, that's just delaying. The "side with Keisuke" thing sidesteps all of these issues and in my opinion is a win/win in getting rid of Midori because she's a REALLY annoying cunt.

>he unironically still hates Midori

Her whole arc was she was annoying and selfish but she learned how to actually do good things for others and be responsible
Hating her just because her voice is annoying is shallow and you're a cretin

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>Honda will never get to reunite with his son on any of the routes
Honda had it rough, man.

It honestly feels like most of the cast have no lives outside of how they interact with the main character. Makoto has her sister and Futaba has Sojio but what are Yusuke and Ryuji doing when you're not around? What is anyone in 4 doing? Chie and Yukiko are introduced as super BFF but you never really get the impression their relationship is deeper than it with Rise or Naoto.

Ill contest that they can be there just to pad the roster and wanting to help their pals is a fine reason in it's own right but you have 80 hours and nothing happens.

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There was a survey awhile ago from atlus that asked what game series we'd like to see more of with DeSu being one of them.

Don't look at me. I love that little retard. She was one of the few character who was at least trying to DO SOMETHING and try to help. Plus that stuff about her dad being a dead sentai stuntman? that tugs at the old blood pumper.

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>midori 342
Post your folder

This, but I still hate her for her voice

What would a DeSu3 be like?

I hate her because she's naive to the point where you wonder if she's ever been outside at all.

I unironically hate midori. I hate her, I hate her JP voice actor, her US voice actor, I hate the way she talks, her script, her character, her outfit, and I hate that even in her ultimate bit of character development she still boils down to a 1 dimensional good guy who outright leaves you in 2 of the 4 endings and actively fights you in 1 of them. She's a cunt.

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Please pay no mind to my file names. I just put random numbers at the end because seeing (1) drives me up a wall.

Shut up, Keisuke.

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I like Midori

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We can argue about the DeSu characters for as long as we want, but we can all agree that Atsuro is the best boy, right?

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Someone told me to ignore every honda event so I never actually got to see his story

>SMT 4 comes with a thicc ass guide book in the years of no manuals
Why did they do this?

Yes. That motherfucker is ride or die, actively helps the story, has his own ending based on being a badass, has the respect of every character except Yuzu (who is a retarded cunt) and never strays from your loyalty even if you want to punch god, OR satan in the face.

There's a reason we call him Atsubro.

I like how Midori was a deconstruction of a magical girl.
>Actively tries to aid people as best as she can because it's what her father engrained in her mentally
>It ends up backfiring since logically, people will be frightened of a girl who can summon demons
>She becomes an outcast and people try to kill her for her good deeds instead of being grateful for her courage
>Refuses to believe anything you or Keisuke spout because she's so stuck on her sense of justice and belief
>Eventually ends up thinking about things from a realistic point of view and becomes slightly more serious about the situation
I just disliked her voice actor honestly, I always turned the volume down. Her character design was nice tho.

I agree completely in the case of 4, and somewhat in the case of 5, and while I'm generally not that fond of P3, that it actually shows things outside of the protagonist's perspective is one of the things that didn't really carry over to 4 and 5 that really should have. 5 has a bit of it with Makoto and Sae, and it also has a bit with Makoto and Ann but it was pretty insignificant, but it also has Mementos dialogue where the characters actually talk about time they spend together without Joker, which I think is a perfectly fine way to make them feel like they have their own lives without actually showing it, which I can understand they may not want to do if there's nothing plot-essential going on in Yusuke's private life, for example. It still gets the point across that the character's have their own lives and do things without Joker, which doesn't come across as much in 4. The issue with it is just that the dialogue is in Mementos and is constantly interrupted by battles and doors opening and whatever else, and you don't spend a whole lot of time down there to begin with, so it doesn't make that great an impression. In 5's case, I think just making those conversations less easy to miss would solve the problem, 4 would need to completely change its approach to the matter though, because there's only one time you see things outside of Yu's perspective and the most you get in the way of them bringing up character's lives outside of him is just that Yosuke and Teddie or Chie and Yukiko or whatever other grouping will often enter the scene together as if they were already spending time together before you got there, but that's pretty minor and doesn't get the point across as well as it could.

I didn't like too many of the voices in 1 anyways. 2's dub was goat thought.

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I slept on Atsuro's route with Gin because you don't get an 8th day in Overclocked, but man did I love his character. He was down for you regardless of the decisions you made and made sure to put you first. Real ass character right there.
Honda's character route was actually boring as fuck.

Yeah it wasn't that bad

>Ryuji just behaves differently between the story and his Confidant because two very different situations are at hand between them. He doesn't even act more intelligent, he's just more solemn because it deals with matters close to him rather than him having fun with having a double life.
No way, it was absurdly jarring to see post Kamoshida Ryuji and Social Link Ryuji side by side.
It actually feels like the writers wrote the Kamoshida arc AFTER they wrote the rest of the story. Ryuji in the Kamoshida arc looks like a delinquent but that's more of a 'disguise' because he's actually a good kid and used to be a good student before Kamoshida broke his leg.
But in the rest of the game, he's written as if he's an actual delinquent. It literally feels like they split all of Ryuji's good aspects and put them in his Social Link and put all his bad traits into his main-story self after Kamoshida

I personally turned voices off entirely. Much more comfortable reading at my own pace and imagining voices

Another thing I liked about the FATE system was that it wasn't always one on one. You had those moments but a good bit of the time you'd be the one walking onto the other characters events. You'd stumble on Airi and Hina arguing. For example. And in fact the way Airi and Hinako argued actually did make them come across like actual friends. Or events where Jungo had to interpret Keita's "Smash" attitude.
Hell there was even a seen where DAICHI of all people interact personally with Yamato in a somewhat silly but somewhat significant matter.

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Honestly, this. I like little details like that. Makes the characters feel more alive imo.

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I actually like the portraits in DeSu 2 compared to how jarring they looked in the first game.

As much as I loved the aesthetic, premise, and music. I just could never really get into the games. Once demons started having COMPs it just felt too tedious.
This track still gets stuck in my head regularly though. So damn catchy.

He is an actual delinquent, he's just not an asshole, and he's never inconsistent in appearing that way. He's disobedient and has a short temper, which both ultimately lead him to the situation he ends up in with Kamoshida, which is relevant in both his Confidant and the story and is consistent across both of them. The only big difference between how he behaves in his Confidant and in the story is that he's energetic and enjoying himself most of the time in the story, and when he is upset he's angry rather than being sad, where in his Confidant he's not nearly as energetic or loud because he's dealing with his old teammates, but again, those are just two very different circumstances and it's not at all unreasonable for him to behave differently between them. I'm not suggesting that he acts the exact same all the time, but he never does anything that contradicts his character or makes him feel like he's just turned into someone else, he just doesn't approach every single situation in life with the exact same attitude.

I know it's extremely difficult and maybe impossible tow rite every character with every character but the effort to spread the characters outside of just simple pairs is really appreciated all the same. The group really did feel like there was some stronger connection on the whole.

>That bit where Airi goes on about how cool Makoto is only to immediatly see Otome teasing her for what a dork she is.

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I say SMT IV.
> Best story
> Best setting
> Best characters
> Best music
Every SMT game has good gameplay, so even the most flawed design of IV does not stop it from being enjoyable. Meanwhile it's the only SMT game where I found myself willing to read dialogues. Not just party bantz but walking through each city and talking to everyone.
I agree that Nocturne's minimalism is wonderful while Apocalypse has the tightest gameplay in the series but IV is my fav. Suck my dick, ducko.

I also like that one bit where Jungo goes to Otome for advice on how to help his cat and how she helps him learn to let it go.

>Persona: you accidentally catch the girls in the bath and are subsequently pummeled even though it wasn't your fault.
>DeSu2: You purposely watch the girls changing and get away Scott fucking Free. Not only do you get away completely the only girl who does catch you thinks it's hilarious and sends an email where she playfully calls you a "naughty" boy. You then get mad fate gains.

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I was pleasantly surprised on how Airi was a non-shit tsundere. She was actually pretty cool.

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>decide to go check the metascore of these games just cause
>those user reviews
What the fuck bros, why would the entire DS series just get reviewbombed out of nowhere like that? Don't remember the user scores being negative when the games came out.

A bunch of MegaTen games got reviewbombed out of nowhere, it wasn't just one spinoff or the games on one platform.

It ain’t just those games. The other SMT and Persona games got review bombed too for some reason.

Yeah that was good too. Or Jungo helping Fumi with her experiments. It's all little things but it adds up to a lot. And I think that's what Persona really needed more of.

Even simple scenes of Makoto and Sae having dinner really helped out a lot. Like I'd be far more willing to buy Yukiko's Inn problems if we actually got those moments of her parents coming down on her. The biggest issue with the P4 cast's problems is that we only ever really have their own word to take of them.

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>Implying Metascore matters
People don't seriously think this, right?

is grinding necessary for these games?

I've had Record Breaker installed in my hacked 3DS for months now, but this thread gave me the desire to play through it. Thanks lads, let's have another DeSu thread again soon.

You should see #FE one.


Otome and Makoto were great, man.
>that one scene where they both fall of Bunny and he has the option to say “this is nice.”
>all of those times that you can call Makoto a pervert for barging in on you
>all of those scenes in Otome’s Fate route where she teases you.

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Megaten in general, no
Devil Survivor also no unless you want to go for the ultra bosses, or you pick Naoya's route first

I really liked the character interaction. You can tell they had fun with the dialogue in this game.

some autist review bonbed every megaten except P5 some time last year

P5 got it too, it was just less noticeable because it has a lot more reviews in general.

is the 'no demons' / 'starting demons only' challenge really possible in devil survivor 1?
How about in devil survivor 2 triangulem arc?

Im just surprised by how much of there actually is. I've seen early level FATE routes reference later game events depending on when you do them. They don't just exist in their own picket universe. It's crazy. And in RB all of it is voiced.

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Great thread. Surprised it reached the limit.

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No prob user. Have fun.

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>or you pick Naoya's route first
Don't get his hopes up with your lies, they're all disappointingly easy

Naoya's route isn't that hard even in NG though? Did you mean AO?

god the amane fight fucked me up

Agreed. It’s honestly impressive.

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While I agree that P4 sholud of had more moments like that, its the game that suffers the least from this issue.
Honestly, I wish something similar to this would happen to Mitsuru in regards to the company after complications arise.

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Truck is the strongest element.

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Based Fumi

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Where the fuck does she keep those laptops?

That's none of your damn business.

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I liked Daichi. He was believable nervous and somewhat cowardly but never to the point where he could just ignore people in front of him. He was always eager to help out in non fighting capacity and even when push came to shove he'd pull out his phone and fight right then and there.

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