What your latest video game pickups?
I recently picked up Donkey Kong Country on the SNES. It's kind of a hidden gem on the Super Nintendo. I did not finish it, but I played it a bit and it is a lotta fun! Very cool.
What your latest video game pickups?
I recently picked up Donkey Kong Country on the SNES. It's kind of a hidden gem on the Super Nintendo. I did not finish it, but I played it a bit and it is a lotta fun! Very cool.
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I got this game called Doki Doki Panic on the NES Disc system which is from Japan only.
Did you know that what we call Super Mario Bros, 2 in Canada is actually Doki Doki Panic? We never got the original game here
Got Oddworld Abes Exodus, Intelligent Qube, Ni no Kuni and Tomba! is coming in the mail.
I've been on a pretty big PS1 kick lately
Original DKC is a decent game, 2 and 3 are where the series really shines though
Haven't bought a game since chrono trigger a couple months back. Oh and a boxed jap white saturn for $30.
Wow. I did not know that. Very cool!
Xenoniggers 2
Just got Castlevania II at a local shop
>white saturn
I just love collecting for the NES, a lot of great games that can be had for cheap, and a lot of hidden gems.
Very cool
NES has actually kind of flatlined recently, rare and pricey stuff still exists but plenty of popular/common stuff can be gotten for cheap
We /vr/ now
This thread
/vr/ can be chill but i wish they didn't lean so hard on the "it has to be before 99 rule"
Really would like to talk about PSP RPGs there but, crickets
Honestly can’t tell if you anons are serious or just mocking mjr.
I bought the PlayStation trilogy of the Evil Dead games. I know they’re supposedly not that great, but Evil Dead is cool and I wanted to try them out anyway
Why collectors never play the games they get? What is the point?
I play my old games all the time, who are you talking about?
Not OP but i dont hate MJR, his stuff is simple and he seems like a chill dude
My favorite old youtube collector is probably Happy Console Gamer though, was glad to find someone else who loves Ys and Phantasy Star
I would make my own collection videos but im too afraid no one will watch them
I like /vr/ but there's only so much to talk to. Ive learned about more niche games in the Yea Forums cesspool than in the /vr/ circlejerk. I'm okay with the pre 2k rule because halo would absolutely ruin that board.
I disagree but yeah its a very small board so it doesn't move as fast. When a good collectfag thread gets going on Yea Forums its a good time, I at least know people here like Legendiabro
>that offputting N64 endlabel
I wish people would get the proper ones
N64 had endlabels?
Am I the only one who likes Jesus' black friend Reggie?
You can make custom ones, but a lot of the ones I see collectors use are just gaudy and don't fit
There was one or two youtube vids I saw once where guys had these really nice looking ones that fit the aesthetic of the carts
Let me see if I can find them. Its just those odd off putting/non-matching color ones trigger my autism
Nah, I think MJR is a bragging, e-begging hoarder. I enjoyed HCG years ago, but when I really started listening to what he’s saying all he seems to do is excitedly fumble over his words, even in his “reviews.” At least HCG actually plays all his games and seems to have a deep passion for the medium.
Reggie seems chill, always talks about how he played vidya while in the military,
No. Reggie's quite chill and dope
I bought Overlord 2 and Metro 2033. Overlord 2 massively disappointed me and I could have avoided this by watching any video on game but I got it for like 5 usd so it's not a huge problem.
Metro 2033 is pretty fun. My only problem is I seem to not be doing much damage despite choosing the option for me to deal and take more damage.
Might buy Bloodborne, I played it during my free trial of ps+ but I really want to play it again. Also might grab Sekiro but I'm waiting for the price to go down.
I spend more time fucking with crts than I do playing anything on them
You just sound like youre mad that he has video games and you don't
I think that kind of fumbling is why I like HCG, hes just a guy in front of the camera in his game room, but i can sense the passion
I think you're a fucking liar.
Playing FFIX on mine right now fell CRTpatrician
Not mad at all. I’ve got enough vidya to last me multiple lifetimes. People can do what they want with their money, but I legitimately think MJR has a problem with his constant purchases fueled by his unending stream of donations through patreon. I agree with you on HCG, though. While I don’t enjoy his videos as much, the way he is on camera is evident of his love of games and you don’t really see much of that anymore.
I guess I just don't get bothered by Patreon and think its weird when people get bothered by it
No one is forcing anyone to donate, throwing videos together/editing/etc. takes time and energy, im not saying it should be done "just" for money but if people feel compelled to make a donation because they enjoy the content that much I don't think it makes them wrong
I make a few patreon donations every month (like $35 worth all together) and thats it, just channels I like and a small time cosplayer who sends me nudes
But yeah, HGC definitely does have a genuine air to him, especially because he tends to play it safe but also just ends up shooting the shit and talking dirty and dumb with his friend Rob all the time about dumb childhood stuff they would do so it doesn't feel faked
Maybe someday ill stop being a shitter and share my collection, i just don't know where to start
did you ever find that video? or at least what you were talking about in terms of style
I'd like to get some N64 labels that look nice but I agree in that the ones you see a lot of people with are gaudy and dont mesh well (pic related)
very cool
remember to sage and report eceleb threads
retro gamers sicken me. grow up you manchildren
M2's Ketsui ps4 port since I got tired of waiting for English release.
Such a pleasure to collect for this system
Darius Cozmic Collection, albeit the standard edition because I can't be arsed to drop $400 scalpers' price for 5 more mediocre games and an OST that's already been dumped on khinsider.
Does he give Kelsey his hidden gems?
why is everyone in this show so fucking ugly
>just talking about games and collecting
>khinsider still exists
I've been on that site since 2005
It makes me feel comfy knowing such a weird mishmash of game OST's just exist there. I'm glad they were able to stay alive
I've debated on just getting a harddrive one day and downloading everything i want from there but theres just so much
where do you find CRTs anyway? i only find LCDs at yardsales
I bought Frog Factions 2/ Glittermitten Grove from limited run simply because it is a physical copy for PC.
I'm usually forced to pirate because PC is almost completely digital only, but I'm willing to pay for an actual physical copy.
You're probably ugly too
nah, im lean and pretty decent looking
It's hit or miss. Thrift stores can be good for them but for PVM style TV's thats tougher
Living in a major can help because they usually get dumped in mass from broadcast studios/film studios or hospitals/anywhere that used higher end equipment like that
I live in the LA area and at one point I bought from a guy who just had dozens because he worked at an editing studio for awhile but I sold it because they started getting really popular and i didnt have the space.
A year ago at an old HVAC estimating job of mine my boss and i were picking up some wholesale AC condensors from a guy with a ware house and out front he had just stacks of old salvaged video and sound equipment and he had literal stacks of PVM's and i found one of the component/RGB compatible ones and the owner of the place let me just take it for free because of how much we were spending on AC units. Nice guy, and ive been back a few times on my own to buy some other stuff but hes never had any other TV's and stuff there. It was a fluke
Start a youtube channel then sexy, ill be watching
Yes they did, I don't know you dumb cunts throw out your games packaging it makes it harder to find things
Every night
I think that poster meant the actual carts. Like Normal N64 carts don't have end labels so if you don't collect boxes, it makes them annoying to organize in a drawer or on a shelf if you don't have labels
Who cares if the carts don't have end labels? Are you mad if you stack a pile of discs and you can't tell from the side what they are?
That's why you put them back in their case, I don't know why you retards ripped up the case for the games even as a kid I kept every single game in their case.
I dont mind them but they need to be bigger and take up at least the whole width.
I bought a copy of Thousand Year Door
Never played it before and am looking forward to it
it was obviously about endlabels on the cartridges.
Who the fuck puts their games back in boxes when you still use them often?
Even the friend who kept the boxes and shit, folded everything neatly and put them away somewhere so they don't take up too much space while the actual games went in shelves or drawers.
>fold up the boxes
Okay what about the tray inside?
I started playing FFIX too but since I don't own a CRT, I looked into the Steam/PS4 versions.
Turns out there are some neat mods for the PC version.
Moguri mod is neat. Some backgrounds look like pastel paintings, not sure if it was the intended look but still
Moguri left me speachless. At times it felt just like playing in crt back in the day in terms of the visuals adding a lot to the immersion
You don't need a CRT to play vga games... just a smol tv.
Like psp. But honestly moguri is just that good so playing IX in HD is a blessing
Lately on Switch alone I've bought Ace Attorney Trilogy, Enter the Gungeon, Katamari Reroll, Monster Boy, and the Fractured But Whole.
Either he folded them too or put them all in a box, just stored them somewhere because they were identical or something like that, I don't know.
All manuals went into one place too
so which console is the most capable emulation machine to hack? i thought of getting a used generation 1 wii. which playstation would be the most optimal to hack?
literally all ps1 and ps2 games
Yeah, I was surprised how good it looks.
Going to try out Remako and the one for VIII. Though the the latter seems to look a bit off.
can't a CFW ps3 do that? i remember buying digital ps2 games on my slim ps3
You'll need original fat for that good like finding it for a reasonable price.
You can buy a PS2 for $100 probably
Disc Replay has PS2s for $50 if you have one near you. Great chain. Spotless consoles.
Original Xbox if you want to put in the effort.
i hate metal jesus rocks cause hes ugly but he has too much shit and im a poorfag and homeless
Just judging by hardware I assume that Vita or PS3 might probably be a good choice but no idea how well some emulators actually run.
Or just get a Raspberry Pi 3
He probably spends more on games he doesn't play, than you do on food.
PS3 slim can do it, it's just kind of a hassle to set up a PS2 game and it's like a half-hour process per game (unless it's been officially released)
I think Nvidia Shield TV emulates basically fucking everything, or you can just hook up a gaming PC to a TV and play literally everything besides PS4 and Xbone games
Does anybodyknow if Anarchy reigns still has an active community on PS3?
I'm interested in buying it, but I'm uncertain whether or not people still play online. I recall someone Yea Forums asking if people wanted to join a lobby some time.
*someone on
I got an everdrive 64, it's pretty sicks
Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers, HeadHunter Redemption
Giants: Citizen Kabuto, CN racing game
XBOX 360:
The Ghostbusters game, Dantes Inferno, Beautiful Katamari
Slime Rancher
Every few weeks I rummage through local stores and flea markets, last week was a good haul