What are some video games with playable animal races?
What are some video games with playable animal races?
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What are some furry games. specifically with nice furry tits.
Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon: Every Buddy!
the elder scrolls: daggerfall
The new Battlefield games feature animals in uniform regardless of side or theatre.
Is this a racism?
I don't get it, what's up with the furfag threads lately?
Not that im complaining, since they are better than the current average Yea Forums thread.
i don't think its nice to the animals to compare them to what i think you're comparing them to.
That's very pretty in a platonic way. Artist?
Any western game where you play as a negroid.
This is gayshit isn't it?
No, but it does come from a japanese fursuiter. Still cute AF though.
sweet jesus please mods don't delete this thread
My guilty pleasure. His MLP comics too.
I dunno about the mlp comics but that game has been my jam the past couple days.
Book of Lust
Good taste user, the only thing I don’t like is how the mother and the sister are so in love with grey wolf.
Mel is love, Mel is life
based cute cub poster
cringe furry woman poster
Dumb pedo
Who is this qt
Based pedo
Now post Oob, as tradition demands
Ye I don't get it either and its my only complaint really but its still neat seeing the interactions. Plus the sister is going out with him so that makes sense somewhat, the mom makes the least sense but I guess she does not really consider your character until she gets succ'd.
>japanese fursuiter
Wait, that exists in Japan?
I thought Nip furries and western furries were different
Yes sir
they don't get torched alive
At least we can cuck him or posset him. Haven’t played in some months. Any new girl?
There's a bunny girl, and the doe daughter and mom are intractable in the "world" (can sex daghter, but not milf yet)
Man i wish FFXIV did not cuck us and make animal race male only.
Every time
I remember the mother from some pics in E621. She’s married IIRC. There are two porn comics too. I think they are on sad panda.
How can a race be male only?
How the fuck would they reproduce?
my game, just fund it
Medium Height: 150cm
Life expectancy: 60 years
Gahitae have four fluffy arms with varying coloration and texture, one or two set of wings on their back, two legs, two black, round eyes, two moth antennas and a body full of fur, very fluffy and pleasant to the touch. Their mating culture works by a competition to see who fetches the brightest object, since Gahitae are attracted to objects that emit light. The male or female who brings the brightest object gets to be the leader for a year, and benefits include reproduction with anyone desired by said moth. Moths have a cloaca or penis and reproduce by laying eggs. Like most galakisak, they didn’t evolve much, and are limited to tribal lifestyle and music. Gahitae are extremely attracted to humans in shiny armor, and because of that kidnappings perpetrated by moth people for reproduction. Half-gahitae only receive two arms with fur, black but humanized eyes, and antennas."
Judging by some of the fanart, exclusively with viera.
I never playef a Final Fantasy game before but it sounds like I have to start!
Yeah, there was the short comic with Olivia and the doe milf, and the two longer comics: one with Cassandra and Mel, and the other with Julia and Olivia.
>tfw program fag that wants to do a SRPG like tactics Ogre or FFT with various anthros races and classes
>Can't draw/sprite/model for shit
Maybe I'll make a shitty skeleton
Why can't we ever have a serious, non meme, non porn posting discussion about animal races in vidya?
here, lemme make a skeleton for you
there's only a few females born, so either they all breed with her or only a privileged few are allowed to.
Start with 7
Porn's more interesting (and porn games)
With Goblin Slayer logic
I'm sorry, the first post ITT i made was asking for nice furry tit games because OP made me think of the first time i played Star Fox Adventures and how hard Krystal made my dick.
the threads get deleted regardless of the content so why bother
Cute, that's my first race
I meant a framework skeleton for an isometric tactics game but you knew that I'm sure
I have always wanted to draw an anthro comic with different races and a lizard protagonist. Recently started to practice but put on hold due family reasons.
Because mods are fags and this thread wouldn't reach 100 posts even without the porn talk.
when will he make jake x mel homo content.
Probably never ever, you should stop waiting like I did and search for other games
Didn't the one earlier hit 400 even with a bunch of Furry talk
That's pretty cool user, got a gallery I could see some work? I don't mind if you still yourself
Because even if they thing wasn't furrybait furries would still want to fuck it, and this place can't really stop them from ruining threads about actual discussion, on top of Yea Forums being extremely porn obsessed.
mods dont care about monster posting, but anthro posting they hate
which is BASED
There was one earlier? Damn, I need to stop playing video games and spend more time browsing the catalog
>Why can't we ever have a serious, non meme, non porn posting discussion about vidya?
No. I’m pretty barebones and I don’t expect results in years.
He already did tho. There's like 2/3 scenes at least
It's a risk.
Non porn threads almost always get deleted for suggestive furfag content.
Porn threads always get deleted for suggestive furfag content. Except when for once they don't.
Gayfag bara digimon dump threads get to live. Because some mod is a literal digimon fag.
what. how do you get them. been trying and the fuckers not giving me the D.
I see.
Even if you're shit it might be good to post results, sometimes people will give tips as they walk by and posting cringey art gives you motivation to not be cringe. That is my take on it, good luck user
>Champions - Call to Arms : vah shir berserkers, iksar shamans
>Elder Scrolls series : argonians and khajiit
>Exile / Avernum 2 and onward : slithzerikai and nephilim
>Age of Wonders 2 and 3 : tigrans, draconians
>Divinity OS 2: lizards
>Legend of Grimrock 1 and 2 : lizards, minotaurs, insectoids, and ratlings in the second
>Final Fantasy XIV: anime catpeople, and come July, burly catmen and lithe rabbit women
>Dwarf Fortress Adventure Mode: all manner of animal people (jaguar men are probably the most viable)
>Wizardry 6-8: rawulf, felpurr, lizardmen, dracons, mooks
>Might and Magic 8: minotaur, dragon
>Everquest 1 and 2 : drakkin / sarnak, froglok, iksar, vah shir / kerra, and ratonga
>ADOM : drakelings, ratlings
>Etrian Odyssey 4: bushi
Those are the ones off the top of my head. There's a few closed / private-server-run MMOs with others, but I don't think they count.
>tfw no wolf gf
Thanks doc
There is zero actual porn in this thread.yet
ahhh NO
AAAAAAAAAH i need a wolf wife
It was mainly about jap furries vs western ones. Lot of people were pissed off that it wasn't being deleted
Yeah it was pretty funny
Oh yeah the digimon thread yesterday was pretty funny too.
Well that's really well made and Is a lot less cringy than an usual fursuit
I have done some exercises from drawbox and drawing with the right side of the brain. Thanks user.
I've got some recommendations for you anons,
>A Fox Wedding
>Love is a Curse
>White Christmas
Well for that one you first need to get Cassandra to stop answering the door on Saturday night. Then you wait for Saturday night to roll around, and greet him when he knocks on the door. If your stats with him are high enough (maybe also influence + dominate spells?), you can ask to "hang out".
The other is just sexing Jake when you're playing as Mel, think your "stats" with him also need to be high enough.
Also docs.google.com
>Jap vs west threads.
Jesus I hate those, lots of cherrypicking.
Why not like both?
What doujin?
i would appreciate it if furries would make some art that isn't just smut
like 95% of the art is ugly grotesque porn
>we will never have another bloody roar because of furries