Witchfire will save FP-

>Witchfire will save FP-

Attached: videoplayback.webm (854x480, 965K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Looks boring as hell.


is this a dreamcast game?

woah, what if sekiro and doom had a child

looks like boring destiny 2 gameplay. Is there any gimmick its hoping to ride on to compensate?

>best looking FPS ever made

what did he mean by this?

wow look at all these enemies just standing around and waiting for you to kill them

this is perfect for gaming journalists

this is a journo game

>iron sight

Is there new gameplay footage???

I think it's Painkiller with powers
.Not really

Game looks like it's trying to be Doom, but has slow weighted animations like Destiny.

looks boring as nudoom
another game born dead because of consolitis

Attached: 1536349104303.jpg (640x1184, 70K)

Ah thanks.

Please don't tell me they turned this into a looter shooter

Literally Doom with better graphics, better mechanics, better movement, magic, looks like their going for Darksouls level bosses

>damage numbers
oh nonono

Not him but
>that speed
trumps everything else.

>Literally nu-Doom etc.
Yes, boring.

Looks like Destiny in a non sci-fi fantasy setting. But even slower.

>better doom
>enemy just stand there jerking dick

>I'm a boomer who always agrees ul-Doom is better Doom

3mb limit

How do so many shooters keep coming out every year and fucking none of them have good or even decent AI? It should be one of the most important things along with level design. Instead they just amp up the damage numbers and pretend this is fun difficulty modifier instead of an AI that actually tries to kill you and keep themselves alive instead of just fucking standing out in the open like braindead target dummies.

I'd blame consoles, but Turok 2 was a N64 FPS and its AI is better than the average game. I think it's just the devs dumbing down their games.

because a good AI takes more work and more importantly a lot of people would be upset if it was too good.

>damage number pop ups
Please tell me that's some developer debug function

Doom but at half speed

Reminds of that one vaporware game from the creators of Dying Light. Whats it called again?

I hope that witchfire will be as beautiful as their previous game. These guys know how to use unreal engine.

don't forget actualy variety in their abilities
fucking amazing how you all bitched at nudoom having 12 enemies at once but nobody noticed how the revenant doesn't shoot homing rockets anymore

would look decent if there wasn't any number when you hit
i don't get it
it doesn't serve any purpose and it kills the feel of weapons

Wow another L4D/Vermintide clone.


Hellraid, but it doesnt have guns I think.

This looks like good Doom

you can't make doom with graphics because consoles will explode if there's more than 3 enemies on the screen

Those exp numbers or whatever the fuck they are, popping up on screen, are annoying the fuck out of me.

>the revenant doesn't shoot homing rockets anymore
the fuck?

They are damage numbers, you fucking zoomer retard.

Considering the horribly paced, overly self-important Ethan Carter (however pretty it was to look at, even though they clearly hadn't done their research on where it's supposed to be set) - I'm afraid you're probably right.

Can somebody explain why in every one of these cookie cutter threads you retards have to dash out the last letter of the sentence?

Attached: furby.jpg (572x380, 48K)

>They are damage numbers
Whatever, they're fucking retarded either way. Imagine having that shit in in Painkiller, it's annoying as fuck.
I'm most likely older than you, chap. If anything those damage numbers are fucking zoomer-tier.

That doesn't even make any sense.
>you wanna know why a game can't be better or why it sucks?
>because CONSOLES
>Doom will never be good because consoles

I feel like you're stuck in the N64 - Gamecube era boomer. You okay?

It looks like a destiny reskin with better looking guns

No you are not, you inbred fuck.
>damage numbers are zoomer thing
There, you just outed yourself as the true zoomer.
Leave this board and never return, you fucking millennial cunt.

Attached: Final_Fantasy_VI.jpg (425x234, 27K)

DMG numbers are as old as dirt and common up to now. It's fucking nothing tier, retard. There's a hell of a lot more to criticize.

all he does is fly on his jetpeck and spam rockets
meanwhile, the mancubi don't actually shoot two fireballs at the same time
except in the new game for the pain elemental to be just a cacodemon reskin

What the fuck does that have to do with FPS games, you utter fucking moron?
>There, you just outed yourself as the true zoomer.
>you fucking millennial cunt.
So which one is it then?

>DMG numbers are as old as dirt and common up to now.
How many classic FPS games can you name with that kind of system?

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The design philosophy they're using for this game is quite promising. You can hardly judge the mechanics with such a small teaser, but I'm glad they're doing good progress. Hopefully they'll add kicking again like in Bulletstorm.

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pirating this for sure

OP has opinion
"Red is a good color"
He pretends to be of the opposite opinion
He starts the thread
"Red is such a shit colo-"
Then he posts an image that shows why red is such a good color

It's supposed to be like "wtf i love red now"

Why can't we just get a dynamic, fast for modern standards shooter? With enemies that aren't pushovers preferably. No gimmicky shit with no purpose, no magnetized actions with QTEs, no story telling reliance, just something that pushes the genre mechanically. There are many good ideas spread throughout shitty MP CoD-like corridor shooters or battle royales with no level design, yet all we get in the SP end is either ugly 90s shooter replicas with no quality or budget attempts at grafix that always suck with their particle spam and other assorted effects and boring ass enemies, it's like playing first person musou. Fuck. I don't want to be an idea guy, but it's so easy to come up with a dynamic shooter, feels like everyone is simply pretending to enjoy the genre.

FPS were never mentioned.
Damage numbers have always been a thing, including in FPS games.
Move the goalposts a little more, faggot.

Consoles fuck it up, you can't have a fast paced shooter with a controller, it simply will not work
Imagine having to look behind you and then above and below in quick succession with a controller, it just can't be done

I wonder what makes people so attracted to damage numbers being displayed on screen in FPS. Long ago, I remember when people got hyped about the first Borderlands and spouted the "save FPS genre" meme, and I'm now pretty sure it's just because numbers were displayed on screen. I find it kinda relatable, it is cool to see but it's also cringy how people don't realize this is the only reason why they think the game is going to be amazing.

The FPS genre needs to go back to the absolute basics to be saved. These FPS with all of these maneuvers and powers is way played out already.

>FPS were never mentioned.
Yeah, what is the OP, I fucking wonder?
>Damage numbers have always been a thing, including in FPS games.
So name them then, you fucking retarded mouthbreather.
>Move the goalposts a little more, faggot.
That's literally you, sub 80 IQ troglodyte.

>Witchfire will save FPS games
Who ever said this? Who the fuck ever said this you stupid fucking cunt? Are you actually fucking mentally retarded?! Did all these generic generic bait threads rot your already low iq brain? Kill yourself you stupid shit

For the people sperging about damage numbers, I seem to remember they said they were there just for internal debugging.

thats not cool man, why do u have to be so hurtful

You played it? you must have in order to claim all that shit.

the retarded thread formats people insist on using is so fucking autistic. I swear they're 12 yearolds.

Then make it about hitting large targets in certain spots, I don't know. There's no way ALL console players are okay with either aim assist or literal slow motion in order to aim.

You were buttblasted because they game had some "unidentifiable" numbers on the screen, when those were clearly damage numbers, present in all classic games, from RPG games to shooters.
You seem to me like the one who never played any classic games, and is complaining about a feature just for the sake of complaining and fitting in.
Well you're shit outta luck, that feature has been in games forever.
You outed yourself a zoomer twice in a row, and you're moving goalposts.
And also committing a new fallacy, appeal to hypocrisy, and arguing semantics.
You're no older than 20.
You don't blend in.

I'm 34, actually. What can I say, this thread would be already dead if I didn't use some bait.

I'm guessing you're booty blasted and are trying to project everything on me. At the end of the day you couldn't name me any FPS games with such a system. You know why? Because it's fucking new as shit, probably started with some Borderlands or some other shit game.
>but JRPGs
Great, this is an FPS thread, I don't give a shit about JRPGs.

DOOM 2016 already did

why are all the enemies just standing around waiting to get shot?

>WIP snippet

probably just a showcase of shooting

>slow movement
>dash button like in Shadow Warrior to compensate

We wuz old skool shoterss and shiet

>lol u mad xd
>lol y u no reply to my goalpost bait xd
>lol u weeb xd
Aaaaaaaaaand we're done.
Zoom zoom zoom.

im not the guy you've been replying tho, but you're one of the biggest massive retards i have ever seen on this board
the greatest most played fps game of the last 20 years had floating damage indicators whenever you damaged an enemy
if you truly are what you state, aka some sort of high fuctioning autistic game veteran, surely you know what im talking about?


The aim down sight/iron sight looks atrocious. The UI doesn't match the mesh at all.

seems interesting may purchase.
I am more interested in the quake1 clones for xbox, most will hit this year.
Shit wait time is why these co lose money.

The only retards here are you and that other guy. Don't even care if you are him and are just samefagging, or are as much of a braindead faggot as him.
>the greatest most played fps game of the last 20 years had floating damage indicators
No clue what it is, but it sounds like utter trash that only a casual faggot would play.

>I am more interested in the quake1 clones for xbox, most will hit this year.
Wich ones? I only can think in Wrath

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This is literally destiny 2 lol
When bungie breaks destiny 2 again maybe ill get it
I wish destiny 2 could be played offline lol

GODDAMMIT, stop attending conferences and finish your bloody game already!
It's only been like what, seven or eight years?

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No its because the potato ai of the original doom is laughable in modren context. You can totally pile tons of mobs onscreen but all you are gonna end up with is serious sam at the end of the day because programming ai for that many models that don't clip or run though each other or even do anything besides basic projectile attacks and running straight at you would be one of the most expensive undertakings in modren games.

he's right and you're just pretending\baiting
i wasnt expecting anything from a retard like you
people like you are the cancer ruining this board

Attached: Tf2_standalonebox.jpg (220x310, 20K)


Looks alot like shadow warrior 2, not saying thats a bad thing

based and redpilled, the six meta will rise and valve will acknowledge the superior game one day

Attached: thumbs-up.jpg (272x153, 16K)

to be incomplete it looks OK but they could've taken away the xp stuff since I'm now afraid that this will be a random lootshooter.

I hope it’s a little faster than this. Like they are just showing shit off real slow.

it's pc only game

But that game is shit, literally the only reason autists still play it is hats. Play Quake TF then.
>people like you are the cancer ruining this board
Same can be said of faggots like you.

Will pirate.

the only upcoming game that will "save FPS" is boneworks

>read interview with the F.E.A.R devs
>say their AI is made up of 3 basic routines
>it only works so well thanks to the level design
Open world and large areas are the death of good AI.


Other than that it's fine

>It's a shooter
>Has beautiful graphics and models but shit tier special effects
>Instead of bullets piercing and blood gushing it's a recycled splat
>Not even simulated debris coming off enemies or things
>Not even bullet holes or decals

I remember Goldeneye and how I got impressed by decals in bodies and floors. Half Life 2 had it too. Newer games are just the splats and damage numbers.

alcohol is a drug though.

Doom enemies behaviors are better designed than modern FPS, though.

This better be a debug thing. Right?

based retard

Attached: Witchfire_01.jpg (3840x2160, 2.41M)


I'm almost positive you'll be able to turn off the damage numbers like in most games now a days. I think they included them because people like watching numbers go up in video games.

Oh sorry, GameCube.

>ADSing before every shot
WHy do people do this, this gameplay woyld rpobably look way better if ads was only used sparingly.


kys retard

Attached: Doom_vs_NuDoom.webm (320x240, 2.68M)

It's just a test environment.

They uploaded several 7-15 second videos over the last few months showing how they test things - including how much damage your weapons should make.

Those numbers won't be in the game.

That still mean there's RPG mechanics or better guns, etc
I just want shooters to have actual localized damage instead.

Oh thank God

zoomer and autists can only think in shitposting terms.

>That still mean there's RPG mechanics
Not necessarily. Every game basically crunches numbers regardless. The guns may have set damage based on where you shoot the enemy. i.e. more damage for headshot vs body

>player instantly kills anything and is never overwhelmed due to limitations of the engine thus making everything easy as fuck
I'm not sure what this webm is supposed to show that is good about nudoom.

>all that nothing in nu Doom

>player instantly kills anything and is never overwhelmed due to limitations of the engine thus making everything easy as fuck
You described OG DOOM

cope more

go play overwatch lmfao

based and robotpilled

nudoom footage is all from the end game and the doom footage is all early.
nudoom is still a good game though.

what is this pic supposed to prove

ul-Doomers BTFO

consoles don't have enough buttons to make an engaging fps and due to auto aim can't handle more than one enemy on a screen at a time

nudoom is trash

this, it takes a full minute for someone to turn 360 degrees in console fps games

this is why all multiplayer maps on console fps games are all choke points, there's no corners to hide in because campers would get the draw on players every time since they can't turn around and aim fast enough

Better than OG bitch

OG DOOM doesnt change late game

doom has way better and more challenging ai than the whack a mole stand behind cover call of duty shooters or the slow reaction big enemy shield regeneration halo brawlers

OG was bad, nudoom is unplayable

name a modern fps with good and challenging AI

>OG DOOM doesnt change late game
dude, why lie about shit everyone knows you're wrong about?

CHAD PC mouse aim VS Console enemy AI

>OG DOOM doesnt change late game
Man, I'm not even that much into Doom, like some other fags on Yea Forums but holy fuck you're both asshurt and stupid.

Attached: (You).jpg (642x797, 125K)

And they all clip one another and literally run though each others attacks if not just running through each other. And no it didn't you have run at doomguy and run at doomguy while stopping to fire projectiles every 6 steps. Shit is potato ai that make asset flips look like they have good ai.

Show me how movement and speed changes DOOM late game

>if I move the mouse around pretending it has circle strafing it must be good

Attached: 653342.jpg (478x523, 105K)

Looks promising. I don't see the issue

look at those goalposts move.
>OG DOOM doesnt change late game
>no I only meant movement and speed
get fucked retard.

>better mechanics

It looks so slow, weird, that first trailer made me excited, oh well, one less game in my backlog/soon to buy.

So you still move slow as shit, so why are you acting like the webm isnt true?

why is he looking at that chick who is less attractive than the one hes with? never understood this

>damage points
What the fucking point? It's not like I'm going to fucking keep track of how much number X popped how much to know when the enemy dies.

Its literally all the same women you blind sob

His looks actually fucking awesome aside from those damage numbers. Hopefully they remove those by release.

Had never heard about this game, looks pretty cool desu.

look again, also go to specsavers lad, theyve got a deal

Fucking linear switches

Looks good to me, faggeet

It looks weighty but i need to see more. I hope we get some good bosses.

>So you still move slow as shit
get fucked retard.

also reminder that the nudoom "speedrun" uses an external program to help them lmao

not an argument

>So you still move slow as shit
Only if you play slowly. Your movement speed is legit faster than in nu Doom.

Why the fuck do people devolve into literal retards when comparing old Doom to new Doom?

>work in progress

new doom fans were always retards

ugh flying numbers.

Enemies aren't designed for that speed, neither is keyboard aiming

keep digging that hole

Maybe it's a looter shooter, user.
Have you thought about that?
You fucking dumbass.

>uuugh am i alternative yet guyse
>am i /vee/ yet??

Said the tard defending outdated game where you cant look up

I'm none of those anons and just want you to know that you're a massive faggot
Carry on.

is hating flying numbers an alternative thing? I always hated it, is it some super contrarian opinion all of a sudden?

"It's a looter shooter" isn't an argument of why there's damage numbers when the damage numbers literally do nothing to tell you how much health the enemy has in total.

>where you cant look up
mouse support has been available for years dude.
fuck off retard.

That's why arguably easy mode is a thing, but Doom was compatible with mouses since release.

I really liked Ethan Carter, and the photogrammetry technique is fuckin' baller for video games.
Still cautiously optimistic about this one, although it looks to be another Doom with a bunch of boring killrooms separated by corridors.

>damage numbers

Attached: 1c6.jpg (805x669, 36K)

I love damage number, fight me.


Compatible with mouse =/= mouselook we are used to

>Compatible with mouse =/= mouselook we are used to
You can aim fast, it's all you need

you fucking idiot

Doom once again marks the pace and standard FPS should have, I absolutely love it

>absolutely loving that the fps genre is once again led by trash


Except DOOM was actually fast and fun. This looks slow as hell.

Bold statement for a game you havent played.

You haven't used OG DOOM mouselook

>965 KB, 854x480
Tripple the fucking bitrate you fucking imbecile.

>Everybody on this board too fucking young to realize DOOM didn't run at 60 fps and none of these videos are accurate.

another crosshair-is-lower-than-center-of-screen bullshittery.
That enough is reason to pass.

Attached: Witchfire.webm (889x500, 2.99M)

Why are the enemies literally not doing anything in this webm?

It’s WIP.

So why is it being presented to me as if it's supposed to advertise the game? Show me something that would make me actually want to play it.

Because technically they are.

>All the greatest fps games of all time are all about level design and have shit AI
>This nigger walks in

Attached: 1515850353787.jpg (800x450, 44K)

Nu-doom is shit because it didn't uphold expectations. A friendly reminder that Doom was the first FPS game, it was the first gory, scary demon infested game, it was among the first 3D games. It pushed a ton of envelopes.

Then Quake pushed even more, true 3D graphics, a soundtrack by Trent Reznor.

And then we get NuDoom nearly 20 years later and it releases as one of the most generic shitpiles I've ever seen. The only arena that it performs in is performance, and it made huge compromises to get there. That's ignoring all the shitpile elements they heaped into it to make the campaign an insufferable hide and seek game with hidden equipment and abilities.

>t. Never played a DOOM game

Bot enough buttons to make an engaging game? Nogga are you even trying? Since when do you need MIRE buttons to make a game more "engaging"? What matters is mechanics and how the gameplay feels. More buttons wtf. And auto aim could be turned off completely you retard, that shit is a literal option, look at GTA V and Red Dead for example. Both heavily built with auto aim and play perfectly without. They can make the game not have it and if the casuals don't like it, then they won't buy it. Just like how casuals don't like Sekiro because it doesn't have an easy mode.

>but auto aim is always there even if it doesn't have it you retarded newfag
People don't seem to know the difference between auto aim and aim assist. Aim assist is like aim slowdown, when the crosshair speed slows down when the crosshair is over the enemy. Auto aim is a complete lock-on once you hit the bumpers.


This looks great to me. Reminds me of Shadow Warrior which is a good sign.

You got a link to Alen's presentation of this years GDC?


The gameplay looks fluid and fine. The problem is that the game is made by 8 people and they clearly overestimate their own abilities given that the game is still not even fully designed according to them.

>Every OP is a shill
Fuck off

I played NuDoom, but yeah, I haven't played Olde Doom. I did read the book about its development though, and the release, and the impacts, and its place in the anal of histroy.

>Auto aim is a complete lock-on once you hit the bumpers.

>the anal of histroy

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You obviously haven't owned a console in a really long time, you probably never owned a Xbox 360 or PS3 to understand. The definition you are probably going by is one made by the PC community. Most console players will tell you when auto aim and aim assist is applied. Because the difference is noticable. If you're going to sit there and tell me that auto aim doesn't lock-on enemies and aim assist doesn't help you, then I'll have my answer because PC for some reason considers aim assist as auto aim.


>melee attacks
>"literally not doing anything"

>floating damage numbers
>double jump barely gets you off the ground
>slowass movement speed with dodges and sprinting
why do nudevs keep doing this retarded shit

How massive are your fingers?

They're pretty thin I just suck at typing on mobile.


no one cares what impact shit games had back then

>What matters is mechanics and how the gameplay feels
and guess what mechanics require input and for input you need buttons. Controllers have a massive lack in those with quick access in mind especially if you wish to utilize both analog sticks for full camera control.
Due to that you only have instant access to 4 buttons, 2 more awkward buttons (L3/R3) and 10 slow buttons.
Due to this you have to slow down the pace of the game in various ways and/or simplify it if you want the player to access more than 4 buttons in time unless you expect the players to adapt some retarded and awkward control scheme a la Armored Core or Monster Hunter on PSP.
And then we have the second issue. Analog sticks are one of the worst tools for aiming. Due to that most games have to compomize for that, either by slowing down the entire pace (eg cover shooters), giving the player stupidly powerful bullet time, building in aim assist which makes precise limb targeting nigh impossible and so on

I guess you should tell that to the millionaires that Unreal, Quake, and Half-Life generated which continue to impact gaming today through their feats like Steam, Fortnite, EGS, and the development of VR which was impacted by Carmack and Valve. Even independently people like Romero still hold gravitas in the gaming community. And the continuity of id franchises. That and NuDoom certainly appealed to the OGDoom crowd, so I'm sure they were expecting better. But with their cataracts and poor reaction time there's probably a good chance they thought it was still dope and it's just people like me who thought it was shit since I didn't play with nostalgia goggles on.

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Its bullshit though because most people I know want kbm to be compatible on consoles, only reason they don't fucking do it is because it'd cut into controller sales. You can get a keyboard and mouse for like 30 or less. Hopefully the push into crossplay gets Sony and Microsoft to stop being kikes about it.

>even though they clearly hadn't done their research on where it's supposed to be set

What do you mean by that? Ethan Carter's valley is photoscanned from an actual location. Do you mean writing/character wise?

>. Note that for gameplay reasons we actually discarded half of the valley scan and built the rest ourselves, so here you can only see the scanned half, duplicated.

How many of the buttons do you actually use on your kbm on a game? The glorified dpad counts as 4. You got your main 1 2 3 4 weapons. And then you got Left mouse Right mouse middle mouse. And if you include side buttons some mice include, then you could include the 4 paddles on the back of modified controllers. Think of a PC exclusive game though.

This whole buttons shit has caught my attention.

He's right you know? There's a lot of awkward combo buttons that are hard coded (Division, press/hold/doubletap inputs), and that's another issue, is you don't usually even get the option to rebind controller buttons. It's why you've got shitty mechanical compromises like pie menus or highly limited selections (NuDoom and Destiny as examples.)

So now you've got annoying delays for input chains and slower-to-aim analogue stick inputs, and to top it off there's an absurd input latency on all controllers regardless of the machine its interfacing with or the method (wired/wireless) top it off with the fact that most consoles are paired with TVs, ostensibly mostly budget sets, and you're talking about a 30-40ms delay in the best case on top of a 33.3ms frametime for your locked 30fps, and that's for SP content, MP adds another 5-50ms+. Everything has to be slowed down to adjust, even the most basic shit. That's why ADS became so prevalent, so people have adequate time to register a target, ADS, move to adjust aim and then lock target.

>How many of the buttons do you actually use on your kbm on a game?
I use 1-0 in any FPS worth its salt. Also necessary for RTS game control groups. Then there's bringing up any menu in an RPG or using any of a dozen skills with its own assigned button.

>The glorified dpad counts as 4. You got your main 1 2 3 4 weapons
slow access buttons where you have to take off your finger of the analog stick to switch em.
Thus you can forget about switching while moving without an awkward controller holding method. And forget about having quake tier weapon counts as well
Also you forgot about the space bar, shift, control, tab, alt , q, e, r, c and more. And that's just assuming the regular WASD position. With something like ESDF you get access to even more buttons.
It's the sad truth. Controllers are not optimized for games with constant camera control. They lack both precision and quick access button counts

if it was then why do they also say drugs AND alcohol??
retard btfo

>MP adds another 5-50ms+
not to mention that you can't bullshit in slowmo for input selections like weapon switching thus having to further slow down and/or simplify the entire gameplay to make up for that

The game is set in Wisconsin but I’m pretty sure it’s based on a location in Germany, which sucks because it the one notable game I can think of set in Wisconsin.


numbers 1 through 0 for weapons
q and E for lean
buttons for accessores like jetpack or maps or grenades or mines or whatever

Fair enough

I see an ironsight on the gun model but he never actually uses it.

cant wait for it to be an epic exclusive :(

all console maps are just rounded out chokepoints with sloping turns so there are no corners to hide in, if there were 90 degree turns any player who was camping it would have the advantage of killing the player coming into view because of the fixed turn rate

Attached: Battlecreek_Map1.jpg (1249x701, 214K)

maps like this that have multiple levels of verticality or fine aiming cannot exist on consoles because thumbsticks are horrible for aiming and autoaiming being unable to track individual targets at that range

Attached: 155253252516522.jpg (1280x960, 205K)

Wow I never even thought of that as a design factor, but you're absolutely correct. Too much range in the Z axis and campers have a sightline advantage.

Nah, that looks too boring to be a DC game.

>creators of fucking PAINKILLER made THIS
Please tell me this footage is slowed down or smth

Oh God, now I’m worried.

>haha wow look at these guys standing around shooting slow projectiles!
>what intense gameplay woaaaah!
Show me them fucking flanking or kiting or doing any kind of intelligent movement to keep themselves alive at all you retard

Yeah I get more shadow warrior vibes than Doom. Although without melee and wang that may not be the case.

I remember Phantasy Star Online had graphics fairly similar to this. Sonic Adventure 2 as well.

>damage numbers when there's no hud
>damage numbers when enemies won't even have numerical health bars
>damage numbers at all
what's the fucking point? It doesn't ruin the game but its such a pointless thing to add

One day some anons realized their threads would get people in them if they used as much bait as possible.

Some anons did not like this and told them to fuck off. The anons said back "no u"

Can you guess who fucked off?

anti nu-doom retards in this thread make me realize why it's so hard to revive arena shooters in any capacity.

If you fuckwits would stop shitting on every little game that decides to do something new then maybe we'd actually have some more games in the genre including the old school hardcore ones you want so god damn much

Attached: peterson.jpg (272x255, 8K)

>slow projectiles
Look, it's retarded.

I see it as a form of tough love (the legitimate criticism at least). There are certainly shitters who want nothing more than to watch the communities surrounding these games eat themselves, though.

I was thinking that too. I hope the game doesn't turn out to be a Borderland loot shooter

>something new
>"enhanced movement"

Attached: Riko.png (426x1024, 607K)

New in level design compared to the other DOOMs

The response to nu-doom is like a fan getting mad about Original Zelda vs OoT or differences in old to new Mario.

It's a new iteration. Get the fuck over it and learn to enjoy things for what they are. Not every change is something being "ruined". People are so used to devs ruining their shit that they're scared of any change

Attached: 1535228767924.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

Looks great. Somebody should make a game out of that.

Tough love is fine but old communities have a tendency of ruining what they love out of nostalgia

Real men play quake faggot. Bhopping and circle strafing are the best game mechanics ever discovered. Have fun with your faggy double jump.

But user, Quake is fucking dead

>Doesn't have strafe jumping
>Can never be overwhelmed by huge hordes, because game is designed for only spawn max 8 enemies at a time
Absolutely pathetic

maybe quake needs a fucking real port in 2018 of all fucking years

Quake is in fact dead. Doesn't change the fact that its successor, TF2, is still 100x better than any other multiplayer FPS game because it actually has hard to learn and fun to master game mechanics and still is the 3rd most played game on steam after 10 years. Once it dies and everything becomes fortnite i'll probably just stop playing vidya.
What is this?

>Doesn't have strafe jumping
Neither does OG DOOM
>>Can never be overwhelmed by huge hordes
Neither in OG DOOM

TF2 died for me after the mann co update.

Valve letting a bunch of fans clutter the game with unfitting weapons and hats fucking sucked and nearly none of them were as amazing as the original class updates

>Neither in OG DOOM
maybe you should try playing past episode 1, user

zero skillllll required lel

Difference is OG doom came out almost 20 years ago. You'd think they would add some more mechanics instead of lame weapon attachments and cut scene kills for health.
What do you play currently? I'm guessing single player mostly correct?

I beat the game, maybe you should try serious sam retard to see real overwhelming hordes

>add some more mechanics
Such as?

You virgins will never understand this, but it's not about how good she looks or anything about her really. It's about the thrill of the conquest. Knowing she's probably some beta's oneitis makes it even more exciting.


Try it, if you like it, cool. If you dont, sorry for wasting your time

Attached: 1546729654181.webm (500x220, 2.86M)

So its true to DOOM

Used to be League since my friends played that. Never liked it but I like my friends. Then Overwatch, started out promising, was hoping for TF2-like control maps. OW turned into annoying esports bullshit though.

Now I just play single player and silently hope that DOOM Eternal's multiplayer is sent by the gods themselves

Rocket jumping. Circle strafing. Literally anything that requires some actual skill and is fun to actually pull off. Are you going to tell me that you actually enjoyed running around the arenas in Doom(2016) with your measly double jump?
Did you play 2016s MP. It was shit. I wouldn't expect too much.

They outsourced 2016's MP. They said Eternal's is being made by the good devs this time

>Damage numbers
It's ruined.

I'll give it a shot. Looks fucking amazing and i'm tired of shifting through 12 runs in ROR2 to get the proper items for an actually good one.

literally just doom 1993 graphics

>Circle strafing
Boy how retarded are you, circling around a enemy isn't a mechanic you dolt also you can already do it in nuDOOM

Attached: 1501017876020.jpg (640x604, 36K)

Looks pretty decent to me. The game looks shit but the graphics look perfectly modern. Certainly not Dreamcast.

Oh man, I sure love first-person shooters. I sure hope that in the 25 years since the advent of Doom many interesting subgenres have been created like with shmups, fightans, and platformers. Imagine what it'd look like if the only good platformers nowadays were all still Mario clones with little deviation in structure, core gameplay, and tone. Let's look at what's on the horizon:

Quake clone
>Ion Maiden
Duke clone
>Amid Evil
Heretic/Hexen clone
>Wrath: Aeon of Strife
Quake clone
Doom clone
Descent clone
>the upcoming Descent reboot
>Serious Sam 4
Serious Sam, but with EVEN MORE ENEMIES
fuck if I know what this is, the devs probably don't even know either
>Rage 2
Bulletstorm with open world and vehicles yet no scoring system to encourage you to kill with skill
>Doom Eternal
nuDoom 2.0



>damage numbers
game ruined

Literally soulless, those are all just stock UE4 assets and shaders

You do realize how stupid you sound correct? Try to circle strafe in nudoom faggot. Tell me how fast you get going.

Many 3d platformers are very similar though user. Calm the autism

That looks rad.

Different guy here

What you lose in circle strafing you win in running at the enemy and jumping over them and using twitch aim.

You are in fact right. We should just stop making videogames altogether. I mean, some will be similar, so why even make any in the first place?


All the FPS innovation is happening in VR, m8

Even retrofitting an old game like Serious Sam results in complete fucking magic, let alone made-for-VR games like Boneworks

And then you press your Glory Kill key and watch a cinematic. I get it. That is what is fun now isn't it. Having the game play itself.
Definitely comparable and definitely just as fun as going 90 mils an hour.

Pretty sure they gave that up and just made PvP a thing to offer what you want.

>put on fast animations
>an animation plays for a quarter of a second


Attached: 1424662460207.jpg (1053x1070, 328K)

I like both old and new doom, and this looks cool too

Attached: 1543884960313.jpg (301x301, 17K)

Oh hey, more stuff by Painkiller guys. Needs more baddies though, but again super-alpha so who knows but those boney boys aren't very angry

>talking about circle strafing
>posts a strafe jumping video

Are you braindead?

Attached: 1513233894370.jpg (638x558, 64K)

Depending on the surrounding mechanics, level, and enemy design, including sprint, ADS, and dodging might be a good idea.
There isn't just one formula for creating engaging shooter gameplay.
Just because it isn't a 1:1 remake of quake doesn't mean it's going to be a bad game.


Imagine the autism required to get this triggered over fucking damage numbers in a video game like these two retards lmao

>best looking FPS ever made

TF2 looks really different from what I remember.

>He doesn't jump while strafing
Faggot confirmed
I would play Deus Ex human revolution if i wanted cutscene kills

Unironically better than NuDoom. At least this is trying to be its own thing instead of cashing in on decades old nostalgia.

user the kills seem more like a quick melee with the fast execution perk on. Now if you wanted to say it's stupid you have to have a perk for that then we'd be in agreement but otherwise it just takes a perk among a perk system that you don't need to use at all anyway

>He doesn't jump while strafing
Can you stop pretending you know what you are talking about

"He won't stop making fun of my game mom" >Just don't use this mechanic that is required for healing

Can we combine spells and kicking to kick something back and have it explode, seems nice

this looks like a slightly modified bulletstorm, which was okay but woo did it have some damn quirks

>when you read too many weeb NTR mangas and ruin your lizard brain

Same lead developer iirc

It's literally just a test build, not an actual level in the game.

The webm OP made is the whole video they posted.

>chromashit aberration

what exactly did console fps games bring to the table again?

That's a dumb pasta, and you should be ashamed.

looks way better in this compressed webm where you brain fills in the details than in the actual video where it looks like any other current FPS. actually I'd say FC5 looks better and that's a fucking open world game. meh.

oh and the gameplay is pure cancer, RIP.

Youre retarded

The worst part is it was actually Wolfenstein 3D that debuted as the first real FPS. Nobody called that out.

It's not a bad pasta though, NuDoom did nothing new and everything the same. Including but not limited to the retarded character development, and I mean that in both senses. It was too slow and it was a bad decision. The only reason it emerged was to emulate many of the games in the current dredge of shit that emerges from devs. Probably a product of focus group studies.

But then it went one step further, and it was piss easy, like fucking boring. Movement felt weightless. The double jump was brokedick. Enemies were baby tier. At no point was the game legitimately challenging with the exception of one rune trial. Still nothing new, nothing like it would've been grabbing OGDoom or Wolfenstein off usenet and booting it up for the first time to shred demon hordes and terrify your orthodox mother. It was just another painfully generic shooter, but at least you got pretty graphics at a reasonable framerate.
