Now that BotW has been confirmed as the Greatest Game Of All Time, can we finally move on?

Now that BotW has been confirmed as the Greatest Game Of All Time, can we finally move on?

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By who? What website?

wait for ape escape 4 to come out

holy shit eric is FINISHED

Its a pretty decent PC game but certainly not the greatest of all time.
I imagine only Nintendo only fanboys would think so.


This is just like all those guitar magazines that always rank Jimi Hendrix as #1 even though he is clearly outclassed by players like Guthrie Govan. Saying anything but Jimi Hendrix as #1 results in manchildren flailing their bingo arms at the article. These lists are just made as safe filler content

What Culture apparently.


Literally who

>BotW has been confirmed as the Greatest Game Of All Time

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I mean I enjoyed my 80 hours with it but it wouldn't make my top 20
Couldn't even be bothered to actually finish it when I felt like I was done with it

I want to fuck link in the mating press position so bad.
He's so beautiful.

no, what

>plagued zelda fandom with trannies
I don't fucking think so

>generic open world game good because link is mc

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BOTW is hardly generic

>someone on the internet is telling me that I should like BotW because it's "Greatest Game Of All Time" because of their opinion and I should agree with them

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I personally didn't understand the hype behind this game and I personally do like Zelda games it just wasn't for me I like the old formula more it built up an escalating climax that had a satisfying end for the most part

I'm buying the remake of Link's Awakening just because I know it will be a traditional Zelda game but I'm buying a Nintendo switch for other games besides that

Imagine having a penis THAT small

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> Whatculture
Shit taste as always, ESPN unironically has better taste
> 1. The Legend Of Zelda; Ocarina Of Time
> 2. Final Fantasy VII
> 3. The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
> 4. The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker
> 5. Red Dead Redemption
> 6. Metal Gear Solid 2
> 7. Panzer Dragoon Saga
> 8. Resident Evil 4
> 9. SoulCalibur (1999)
> 10. Metroid Prime
> 11. Shadow Of The Colossus
> 12. Bioshock
> 13. Super Mario Galaxy 2
> 14. Halo: Combat Evolved
> 15. The Last Of Us
> 16. Skies Of Arcadia
> 17. Portal 1 & 2
> 18. Knights Of The Old Republic
> 19. Grand Theft Auto III
> 20. Mass Effect 2

> BOTW still in the top 3
Why do people love this game so much? It’s not even the best Zelda

I don't even like BotW all that much and even I know that's not true

> 17. Portal 1 & 2
>putting both game title under 1 number
Are they retarded? I have nothing against the Poortal series, which I do enjoyed but they just went over the rules of making their "Top 20 greatest game ever" or whatever it's called.

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>botw is the third best game of all time


quake is the #1 game of all time not even on the list, hilarious


Breath of the Wild is a solid 7/10.

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Because it was a lot of people's first open world game.

It's alright, I guess. I like the way you can climb and stuff. But it's got terrible dungeon and enemy design.

Quake is literal who tier, most journalists haven’t played a FPS except COD, Metroid, Halo & Half-Life. Which is why Doom & Quake never appear on these lists

go take your alzheimer pills grandad

yikes not a single good game in that list

Cope more Snoygger contrarian, nobody cares about your movie or Call of Duty/Fifa shit

I love Quake but
>#1 game of all time

9 times out of 10 these lists have a couple games the writers actually likes but the rest are games that are "expected" to be on these lists.

>when TLOU and SoTC are on the list
cringe and obsessed

>2 LoZ games in the top 3


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Why are people so obsessed with The original SoulCalibur, I literally never see a list without OOT, FF6-7-9, SoulCalibur & Metroid at the very top

Those are Sony’s only good games alongside Journey, they belonged on the list. Being a console warring faggot is just pathetic

yikes there are people who defend that list

Imagine being such a contrarian that you will cry about Iconic games you never played for the sole purpose of trying to fit in with the Yea Forumsivemind

This is objectively better then most lists you see from Journalists, only asshurt contrarians will disagree

> 19. Grand Theft Auto III
>not VC or SA
the fuck?

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He probably read somewhere that GTA III revolutionized the open world genre, which means it "deserves" to be on the list.

Speaking from the perspective of someone who has played none of those three games, so take this with a grain of salt, but isn't III what basically made the genre of sandbox games the way they were?

It was the first GTA the editor had played, they were all using Past Tence for most of those except a select few. So i’m guessing it was based entirely around childhood nostalgia & personal enjoyment

If he wanted that he would've choose Body Harvest which is basically a beta for GTA3

Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with rankings and the opinions of random journalists?

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Nobody cares about your literal who games faggot, stop crying that they aren’t on a mainstream list.

Because their opinions affect what the rest of the Internet will choose to believe, so if every journalist says BOTW is the GOAT. Then everyone else will follow suite & believe them, same happened with TLOU & Witcher 3

lol why would I wanna try to emulate Yea Forums taste? if that was the case I would talk about how much I love shit like dark souls, minecraft and fnaf

Why is MGS2 always called the best in the series now? I thought people hated it

and you give a shit why? Just play the games you want to
