Behold, the most overrated videogame to have ever been made

Behold, the most overrated videogame to have ever been made

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If you unironically consider OoT "the best videogame ever" instead of saying "I just like it" then kill yourself you brainless faggot, or better yet: go play it and kill yourself of how bad it actually is

anyone who uses the term overrated in any capacity are massive faggots who should be shot

BASED. Ocarina Of Time was never good

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Based but I don't agree with you
How can you look at the opening and not gush all over the ocarina tunes

Imagine getting upset that people like video games

majora's mask's opening took a shit all over ocarina of time's opening

You have a point, I exaggerated a bit for attention
Of course ocarina of time isn't 100% trash, it has some things that are good, like pioneering the Z-targetting, but the point is the people who nowadays still say its a MASTERPIECE 10/10 HOLDS UP TODAY GREAT!

OP sucks

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that's not FF7 though

Post your favorite videogames, faggot

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Kid Icarus Uprising is my favorite

Good point, that one is also stupidly overrated
Willing to meet halfway and say FF7 ties with OoT

You shouldn't have said anything.

but the good things are what makes it a masterpiece. it pioneered 3d adventure and combat systems. nothing at the time was conceptually even on the same level.
sure, it's ugly and polygonal compared to today's graphic work but there's also a charm to the blocky exaggerated proportions.
The music was great. Ganondorf was great. Zelda becoming shiek was great.
The final battle was a template for boss battles for years.
This game would not be bested as an adventure game probably until Wind Waker on gamecube. And now smaller studios can adapt the formula.
Even by today's standards it's better than dogshit like Darksiders

>unironically starting an "OoT is overrated thread" in 2019

The lowest of shitpost bait my dude come on.

Have sex

ITT: jaded little underage queers who will never understand how magical it was to see a fully 3D zelda game for the 1st time after a childhood of 2D games

in fairness, i dont understand how you little teenie bopper pantywaists can fawn over faggotry like minecraft and fortnite, so to each their own i guess.

And then everything goes downhill really fast

Why? I like sharing my thoughts about videogames

irony at its finest, nintoddIer

No the lowest form of bait is Epic vs Steam threads made by Resetera/Reddit

Sorry bud, this isn't a cutting edge opinion in 2019. The title of best game ever itself comes almost entirely from GameFaqs polls (taken by literal children) in the early 2000's when the game would have been at it's peak.

It’s underrated, pheraps more so then any other game. Zoomers & contrarians hate on it so much that people don’t understand what makes it so good & never give credit to any aspect of the game. They just indiscriminately hate on it out of jealousy

being 3d doesn't magically make something good. your boomer ass was "wowed" over "muh grafix" at the time and shielded your underdeveloped brain from the piss poor gameplay, but looking back its objectively bad and worse than LttP.

No, I deny you
Ocarina of time is one of the ugliest games even for the time, compare to Mario 64, Banjo or others on the ps1, the palette is disgusting, the models are animated terribly and the biggest insult are the backgrounds. Its combat is simply NOT good or fun in any way, since all enemies are about turning in circles and waiting, waiting and waiting till there is an opening.
There is absolutely nothing of value to get nowadays from OoT, it is obsolete and has aged like milk in the sun

Okay, so what is the best videogame ever made then? And none is not an option.

Zoomeraptor makes another victim

it looks great and is still fun to play

but thats not bloodborne or any of the dark souls games or sekiro

>no argument
sasuga, alzheimers-kun

not only is your opinion wrong, but like i said 3D was a pretty amazing thing at a time when the games we knew and loved were almost all 2D (with some exceptions on PC). yes i am deliberately appealing to nostalgia here, i'm just pointing out what a raging faggot you are for not having the self-awareness to figure that out. pretty sad, but then again big chunks of your generation are destined to be genetic dead ends since you faggots cant even get it up for a woman. sad.

Dare you to find any place on the internet whatsoever that doesn't say this game is great

Fuck me, that's a hard question
If we talk about "best" as in the one without fissures in its code and that it is just well made I couldn't answer since I'm not an expert in programming.
If you refer to best as the one that provides the most entertainment that's no good either because it is subjective
I offer you an answer that won't satisfy you, but at least I hope you understand, I would say the best game would be Super Mario Bros for the NES, but not because the game itself but because how the NES revived the videogame market after the crash of the 80s and thanks to it the industry kept going and evolved

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>primitive 3d with bad gameplay good, perfected 2d with engrossing gameplay bad

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>because I say so
Get fucked, nerds, OoT is trash

This is pretty tiresome, but I will take up your argument. Ocarina looks miles ahead of some of the early polygonal stuff on PS1, which still managed to look pixelated even despite using polygons. Even for great games. Pic related.
The combat was also pretty damn good. Fighting the lizards was all about movement and figuring out a way around their shields. Multiple enemies require you to exploit a weakness by using Z-targeting to get around them. Again, this is a huge leap forward for 3d combat.
The adult link temples are still great. The puzzles and side quests in the open areas, like in Karakiko Village for example, are still fun. The time traveling mechanic integrated into so many of the sidequests was brilliant.
I get that you don't like the game, but it is a good game. A pioneer of design.
It is no more obsolete than early NES or SNES titles. If you're only interested in games made in the last few years, then fine, do you. But you're wrong.

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May be overrated, but it holds a place with me, I will always remember it fondly.

>tfw I remember going to the woods pretending I had the golden gauntlets throwing logs over my head

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Haha we all know you come from now

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Everyone knows it isn't trash though.
You're not making any of us angry we're just bored and have nothing better to do for the moment than indulge you.

That's not Final Fantasy VII.

>improved graphics
>better gameplay
>best zelda story
>best zelda atmosphere
>doesn't hold your fucking hand every 5 seconds

nah m8

i agree

fuck off contrarian faggot

Agreed. Majora's Mask was better.

that's a weird straw man, but thanks for showing your true colors, now fuck off back to

with your other underage buttbuddies. PROTIP: browsing /pol/ won't stop your mom from enjoying being gangbanged by niggers.

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>the absolute state of zoomers
don't worry OP, just keep making this same thread for months/years and then you will get newfags trying to fit in thinking this is the collective opinion
you know you have nothing better to do ya simp

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Yeah, it’s overrated. But it’s still the best videogame of all time.

Hey don't patronize me, I still play a fuckton of SNES and NES vidya
I don't agree with you at all, grey and brown blurry environments smeared as backgrounds and animation that is just plain bad can't be attributed to the times (similar to how disgusting the models of FF7 are). Your claim about the lizards is untrue, as with many other enemies the only thing you had to do was wait with the shield up and hit when they showed an opening, and using the Z-targettjng is not a exploit of an enemy weakness or a strategy, its the absolute only combat for every single fight in the game.
Pioneering design isn't praiseworthy and people nowadays have to take off their damn nostalgia off and admit the faults of the game that can't in any way or form, be still considered a masterpiece "best game ever"
But you are a good guy who argues well, so out of respect I'll just admit that we disagree in this
That's good, liking things is great, you can like anything, I personally play action 52 regularly, the worst game ever made


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Dumbest post of the week, congratulations

Op is a zoomer

I mean, the people who consider it the best are also the people who throw shit on a remake that just made the game more into the creator's original idea. It baffles me how much people rage over Oot and MM for the 3ds.


>Recycled models
>Same bad gameplay with gimmicks
>Horrible story for grimdark edgy 2deep4u children who watch game theory
>Shit atmosphere due to recycled EVERYTHING, reminding you constantly it's just a shit rehash of OoT with no soul
>Literally holds your hand 24/7 and is only like two hours long compared to the length of OoT.
Fuck off, fedora.

I liked them user

Did you suddenly forget about WW's existence, user?

OoT on the 3DS is a complete improvement, MM from what I've seen is an absolute downgrade because it dumbs down the difficulty badly


bad graphics
no multiplayer
no battle royale mode
game bad

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Based and ironicpilled

Personas 3-5 are the most overrated games of all time.

They have more cutscenes than gameplay and what gameplay is there is shallow. I've never seen a more blatant case of "it's okay when Japan does it".

>he stopped after an hour

Lol, what a faggot

this is the most overrated game. built up solely because it's an exclusive. And I'm a PS owner... it was alright.

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