How do we spin the narrative so that Epic looks like the evil monopoly they are trying to become. How did they become the freedom fighters of PC justice in the first place?
How do we spin the narrative so that Epic looks like the evil monopoly they are trying to become...
Epic is based though and UE4 is a good engine
Epic is great desu
>developers will decide
>pass on transaction costs to consumers so you can give devs a bigger cut, while your cut actually never changes
hmmmmmmmmmmmm shell games with money sure does seem like they're trying to be helpful.
We don't.
Epic Store sides with the developers and developers and videogame "journalists" are litereally in bed. Just don't buy shit there.
>How did they become the freedom fighters of PC justice in the first place?
the fuck are you talking about?
Sorry, Mr. Journalist. We don't need to spin the narrative to show that Epic sucks ass. Now fuck off, you aren't getting your inflammatory screencap here, unless you samefag.
I would also like to know this. Epic is fucked up and i cant imagine anyone liking then when they’re trying to censor what games we can and cant have access too
They're not going to meet expectations, blame it on pc piracy and go back to milking fortnite after merging with wegame.
When you're scheming to push a narrative, the worst thing you can ever do is openly declare that you are doing so.
And maybe you know that already, and what you're actually up to is an attempt to make your opposition seem like silly people who have to "spin the narrative" to make the corporation you're shilling for look bad.
>How did they become the freedom fighters of PC justice in the first place
all they had to do was say they were and enough people would join them
>How did they become the freedom fighters of PC justice in the first place?
They didn't, you shill.
He's right. Gamers whine about literally everything but they still support shitty industry practices by buying the games anyway.
Because they will lead to the game prices going up and marginalize the already ridiculed feedback from the customers
Already debunked.
Fuck consumers
Fuck developers
Suck publisher cock
t. sweeney
Fuck off faggots, EGS is a piece of shit.
Developers decided Gen 5 consoles when they abandoned Nintendo for Sony
Look like history repeats itself
Game prices are already higher on EGS thanks to the transaction fee being passed on the customers
wow, your comment has some weight
he's talking about "media" rebloggers feedback, they spit on steam (after years of praising it for saving PC market) and retroactively making it the devil, and eagerly reporting on every epic narrative of "success", with no analysis beyond forcing their opinion
why do we need to spin it when it's literally true
everything they do and say is anti-consumer and pro-corporation
Holy fuck now this is dabbing
now that you have said that Epic is good has made me realize that Epic is actually good
I love having no features on the launcher
I love the CEO lying to me constantly
I love anti consumer practices
I love spyware
I love having a launcher that takes twice the memory of Steam
I love Epic
When people start saying the truth and use the word 'publishers' instead of 'developers'. Developers are paid a wage and sometimes receive bonuses based on # sales on release, not a cut out of total profits. Developers (who people think are the good guys, which is why Epic shills use that word) don't see a red cent from the difference and don't even get a choice in the matter. The whole lot goes to EA, Ubisoft, 2K, etc.
There's nothing to spin, they're not even trying to hide that they're blatantly anti-consumer. I mean just look at that headline, they literally don't care about consumers, because they don't need to. Epic doesn't give a fuck if consumers don't like them, because they know that as long as they can use their Fortnite+Tencent money to pay devs to go exclusive, people will be "forced" to use EGS regardless of their preferences. This pro-developer, anti-consumer stance is blatantly obvious in every aspect of their business model. Like not allowing reviews on their platform, so consumers have no easy outlet for criticism. Or by charging a much lower % for developers and making consumers pay extra in most regions in order to recover the difference.
Essentially, Epic is relying on two simple facts: The first is that professional games journalism doesn't exist and is literally just a third-party advertisement outlet for major games companies. So as long as those companies are on Epic's side so will all of the important news sites, which means that ignorant consumers will remain ignorant. The second is that even if they do get the full picture somehow, most consumers are idiots and don't care about anything as long as they get to play the next popular game. Most people don't give a fuck about their rights as a consumer. They might make a big show of giving a shit when they get fucked over, but they have an extremely limited attention span and will move on to the next controversy while not giving a shit that they've accomplished nothing and are still getting fucked just as hard as before.
Just like you, jellyroll
0/10 trying way too hard to make Steam shills look bad
>How did they become the freedom fighters of PC justice in the first place?
They didn't, the only people defending epic are the journos.
I really want to install the epic store to piss off /vee/.
But they don't have a game I want.
>only distributors (between the online Gog, Steam...) that buy developers/publishers and have them sign exclusivity contracts
>freedom fighters
Steam comin out of your ears like tea kettle.lmfao
Seriously do we need to get /biz/ on this? Because I honestly cannot understand how this works? It's basica knowledge that in business, you should squeeze your suppliers (the game devs in this case) in order to please your customers (consumers), since the latter is paying you and the former isn't.
why is everything Us vs Them now?
Nintendo did that to themselves. They have a terrible reputation with third party devs for decades and it is not without reason.
So is gamer circlejerk a real Reddit board?
Like if I google "reddit gamer circlejerk" right now will it actually bring up a page on which people circlejerk over shit like this while accusing everyone else of circlejerking?
It says a lot about the gaming industry when companies can repeatedly come out and say 'fuck you' and still make money, even worse is the fact that people will defend these companies.
>Epic Boss
This just sounds so wrong. Imagine showing this article to someone who has no idea of what Epic Games is.
What game should I buy from Epic?
Yea because Steam and Valve are at the top of good reputation eh?
Better than nintendo
Don't need to, everyone is already shitting on them. Most people really like Steam so we just let nature take it's course and encourage people to pirate/don't buy their games.
Nintendo brought an industry from the depths of a crash into a new golden age of gaming. Valve betrayed pc gaming by stopping to make games themselves and letting steam become a cesspool where indie games are buried in a sea of asset flip garbage whole simetanously being considered the only way other devs could put a game on PC or else we the “NO STEAM NO BUY” brigade and this was long before epic games was a thing.
It's not going to work though.
sweeney boy already tried his bullshit years ago when he went all "fuck pc gamers, bunch a pirates, consoles are the future guize" only to crawl back when he saw that sweet sweet steam money.
The shithead is just way too arrogant for his own good and thinks he's fucking Light Shinigami or someshit.
EPIC: Bringing piracy back to the PC.
>epic store is not a facebook for games
and this is a good thing
>baby neckbeard pc virgins complaining about downloading a free loader and making one extra step that benefits the developer and comparing it to console exclusivity
This guy looks like a kiddy diddler, and also hate how they never use the word "customers". It is always "consumer" as if you are leeching off them or "gamers" and that is just retarded.
>incel faggot buzzword buzzword homo complaining that people don't want forced shit that doens't benefit the consumer
>getting laid
>browse Yea Forums
Pick one, tubby.
Crash only affected America you dumb fucking burger.
absolutely based.
>Nintendo brought an industry from the depths of a crash into a new golden age of gaming.
A crash that only happened in America.
PC gaming was doing fine during that time too. It's just that the american console market crashed and didn't recover until the Xbox released. Before that it was just jap consoles
> a cesspool where indie games are buried in a sea of asset flip garbage whole simetanously being considered the only way other devs could put a game on PC or else we the “NO STEAM NO BUY” brigade and this was long before epic games was a thing.
Yeah, that's the reason why indie games sell so bad. Also damn consumer rights like reviews or refunds. Disgusting
>steamfags desperately posting bad memes to defend their favorite platform
Epic has already won.
Presented without comment.
>That's why we have to keep threads alive!
fuck you'r propaganda campaign
Not every Yea Forumsro is some fat virgin faggot im just at work killing time
Why does still everyone parrot that shit? It's obvious that Sweeney says "devs" but means publishers.
Publishers are the ones who get the bigger cut, they're the ones who sell the exclusivity rights.
Steam has gotten too annoying for publishers. Community-Reviews are the only thing that count, reviews by critics are the same as every other review, people can refund their games and then we have the whole sales garbage
>one extra step that benefits the developer
Literally no one besides epicshills care about this.
We all care about consumers rights.
welcome to the 2016 election, honestly
I dont care thats the thing the devs apparently get a better revenue percentage isnt hat what pc fags care about
you’re really gonna defend steam for what it’s become for developers? But sure, sure, it’s all about the “consumer”. The same “consumers” here on Yea Forums that actively participate in piracy which neither benefits or hurts the devs, just helps the consumer.
If you think the phrase “the customer is always right” you’re being more than naive
Only contrarians actually think they're freedom fighters, ever since Ggate and some big Hollywood flops there's a strong counter culture movement to ironically remove consumer power due to the belief that A. Consumers are almost always wrong/spoiled and B. Consumers may say mean or offensive things but for companies it's really C. Consumers have more power to affect the bottom line due to word of mouth.
Publishers/Hollywood have tried to counter C. by trying to marginalize review sites or defang them, encourage pre-orders or early ticket buying which may include launch DLC or physical perks or shift games into a service which means you can't "refund" a service. Despite it partially working it isn't enough, they've taken some flops, consumers have bitched about certain changes and the pendulum is swinging back as zoomers age into tax paying age and want more bang for their buck. So Epic came in and decided to throw the glove into a realm they were timid on going, astroturf monopoly. If you control the supply, you can dictate price (less or controlled sales) have less competition that would force that price down while also for political reasons have control on what content exists. The bigger cut to devs is a smoke screen to lure in bleeding hearts and indie devs, it won't stay at that number due to stockholder pressure. The exclusive buyout contracts are the most dangerous one, since it subsidizes without risk to both Epic and to the Publisher a game release. If Fallout 69 is a huge flop it's already hedged against such because it's subsidized, this also incentives marketing those who sign on to make a return for both sides therefore pushing smaller devs or competitors down who didn't sign (another sign it's a indie trap). Essentially there's no upside to the consumer long run here, every industry behind the scenes moves like these happen it's to circumvent consumers, then fuck consumers with lack of choice. It's a long game with intent of true monopoly.
Epic is great. Competition pushes development. Steam has been shit for a long time and never got changed. Time to push them to improve
Nah, it's cool user. By the way, is the 10pc McNuggets still $4.49? I'm not going if you fuckers hiked the price again.
This guy looks like such a smug little cunt. I would probably download the Epic launcher if it wasnt backed by this fag.
>Because they will lead to the game prices going up
Already happened with 90% of the world. America is the only place where Epic Games doesn't dare charge more for games yet.
Reminder hes the same cockhead who left the pc market because of Piracy.
Now that steam essentially solved piracy and now that his fortnite money rolled in, he wants to take advantage.
And now his actions will bring back piracy.
>How did they become the freedom fighters of PC justice in the first place?
They didn't, it seems like most of the internet hates them, except for cocksucking, bottom dwelling journalist scum.
steam = rebbit, sjws, trannies, niggers, jews, fags
egs = 4changs, straights, whites
I fucking love competition too. Now the only way to play Metro in my country is for $110 because Epic's competition is improving gaming? Don't you love competition? I can't wait to pay $200 for Borderlands 3 when Tim Sweeney decides that $110 is too low. Deep Silver even bumped up the console prices to match the regional price increase in the Epic store to make sure we get to pay the competitive price.
>this is the future contrariantards defend
Indie devs are responsible for steam's current state. If steam goes back to being a walled garden they're going to complain again and good games will not make the cut regardless.
Lets not forget their competitive launcher that comes with 5% of steams features and functionality.
Steam is taken for granted at this point.
Id really help them if they increased the 1000$ entry fee for new games/devs.
Yeah. I look at way more games nowadays through the Steamstore than I used to. Not because there is so much shovelware and assetflips, you don't see those at all anyways. It's because of the system Steam introduced that shows you games based on the games you play. The whole tag system to which you can add stuff to your ignore list (eg. early access) really helps to see games you didn't before. It even shows games your friends recommend and/or play.
People pretend they used Steam to find games is just a lie. People find games through Streams, YT videos or recommendations from friends. Even when somebody recommends you a game, you usually go to youtube and watch gameplay footage. Before the assetflips were introduced you still had a shitload of garbage (AAA) anyways.
Steam is not responsible for your game failing. Marketing and getting the word out is on you, not Steam. You're not successful just because you got on Steam, never was, never will be
Isn't the 30% cut pretty common? Doesn't literally everyone else take the same cut except for smaller stores like humblestore or
30% is industry standard.
The %cut is completely irrelevant.
It was never important to anyone.
If steam was such a “bad store” for using 30%, it would have died long ago when Indiegala/humble bundle released, which both have a %cut lower than epic’s
If only I could be this based and swiney pilled
When Yea Forums is mad they're also wrong. I don't really give a shit about Epic but since Yea Forumsermin are buttfuming whatever they're doing must be pretty good.
Not only is 30% cut normal for every video game retailer, it's normal for most retailers of any product.
>Producers will decide who wins the game store wars, not developers
Fixed that quote
>Epic Boss says corporations will decide who wins the monopoly wars, not consumers
Wow, based Epic Games, fighting for real gamers like me!
>sucking cooperation dick
lmao at anyone defending any launcher
it's not about defending anything, it's about shitting on Sweeney and having a laugh at his autism
Steam is run 100% by gaben, who not only sacrificed the powers of devs/other publishers for the power of consumers, aka letting you refund anything if you meet the requirements, letting you rate a game negatively without consequences, but also is trying to improve gaming as a whole, i.e. nearly all games run on Linux now thanks to Valve, valve hosts multiplayer servers for third party devs and cares about the privacy of the consumer.
Been on steam since 2011, not once did i see my account having suspicious activity, but my epic account had 3 different logins from different locations in the first 3 months not from me.
What's so funny about him dabbing on idiot gamers? For you, I mean.
>gabe is our friend u gice
Lmao. Also stop saying "consumer" to sound smart.
I am torn bros. In one hand, i really want to play BL3 with my pals this year, in the other hand i don't want to support epic or piracy.
What is worse? Supporting Epic or Piracy?
lol. he needs to go outside for a bit.
Supporting Gearbox is the worst of them all.
Post >yfw you realise you're not Anthony Burch
Oh yeah and having a laugh at the coping shills
I find it interesting that they get away with publicly treating customers like literal walking wallets and taking their money for granted. It's sad that today's generation has no self control at all. This is going to lead to more international governmental control over the industry (until they get their share of the money, who wouldn't want a piece of that fortnite profit) and a resurgence of piracy.
Man you're so enlightened. And now I'm too! The world is fucked because I have to install a new launcher to play my video game.
also, you have to remember if epic becomes the defacto no more laughing at player counts and sales numbers become nearly impossible to judge or player counts to laugh at
Epic becoming the main stream means no more steam monopoly, steam force to stop being complacent and to get more competive, and more money to developers which means bigger funding for more games. How are epic the bad guys again?
Epic will never win as they'll never get a cent out of me
Epic is of course
Pirates barely have power while Epic could order a kill on you and your family if they really wanted to and get away with the crime scott free
well done epic, but I have not even begun to tango
And he will blame it on steam, abandon PC again and build his own console.
You are only a grain of sand, if you think you are going to make any difference.
someone got the epic spying on steam libraries webm?
Support games that are good not where they are sold.
Publishers will flock to where the money is. If the customers aren't getting those savings, why would they bother with the epic store version? Epic doesn't have enough money to do this forever. Eventually they'll run out and publishers will go crawling back to steam where all the actual customers are.
bingo! publishers are fucking greedy, and all they really do is advertise. and often times poorly, but continue to take a huge cut of profits
You valve fanboys are absurdly vocal and confident with your extremely vague knowledge about how the industry works.
none of the money goes directly into the pockets of the workers, no shit. The money goes to the studio. The studio can use this money to grow, hire more people, provide better working conditions to the workers, and in general to be able to exist and pay their workers in the future, and keep producing stuff.
You have to support the studio, not directly put money into individual workers pockets.
publishers either take cuts (like stores) or fully own a studio OR a project depending on their relationship (marketing /financial manager, investor, owner)
in case they take cuts this 18-23% difference between the store cuts usually mean A LOT to the devs, (let's say a store and the publisher both take 30-30% cuts, leaving 40% to the devs. This 18-23% extra cuts means around 50% boost in the revenue of the studio)
if the publisher fully owns the studio or the project it is still beneficial for the studio to make more money with their games, since this relationship comes with agreements about the publisher having to reinvest in the studio depending on their success
thanks m8!
top fucking kek
>more control over an industry
>the world is fucked
Way to go over your head just trying to prove a point. The issue of this whole thing was never about installing a launcher. The issue is that, today, a corporation can now get away with anything because: they have billions to throw away, the consumers they target are too impulsive, easy to influence and don't give a shit about anyone but themselves.
egs will be the same shit as steam in a few months. The only thing you have to decide is where you want your 60$ to go.
with EGS they creators will get 88%, and epic gets 7% for EGS and 5% for UE4
with Steam they will get 65% and 30% goes to Valve and 5% goes to epic for UE4
The kid literally said that this would lead to a globalist totalitarian government. I didn't need to exaggerate one bit.
So do Nintendo, Sony and MS also take a 30% cut?
Shut the fuck up Xi
they don't pay these chinks to be smart, only to astroturf and spread fud
shit is old
even normie youtube channels are full of the debunking of this shit. You valve drones are just fucking pathetic
The publisher can tell the dev to get bent. Many devs say (or pretend) they have no say about being exclusive on EGS
>the money goes to the studio
Yeah, sure
five renminbi have been deposited into your account citizen
>debunking of this shit
>CEO Tim Sweeney admits that they should have only made a copy of that file after users have given their consent, not before, and promises to fix it soon.
you are fucking retard
Epic is providing way better future for the studios. If Valve wasn't a greedy shithole company and would lower their 30% cuts to 10% then fucking noone would go with Epic.
you little shits are not entitled to bitch about where some creators have to sell their own property that you haven't even paid for. If a new store comes that supports them much more than they have every moral and legal right to go with them.
tencent shills fucking annihilated
Epic shills only exist on Yea Forums. It really makes you think
See how no one is responding to you?
Steam keks like to bury their head in the sand when it comes to steam yet go all out war when it comes to Epic. Fucking hypocrites
why do you give a fuck how much the publishers make?
no one goes into the grocery store and gets pissed that the bakers don't make enough from bread sales.
Is Sweeney going against every shill because he thinks it's funny, or is the person in charge of the shills not informing him of the narrative they're pushing?
What happens when Steam matches their costs structure?
did he shit those after seeing one of those images
Means funding for games
>giving Randy money
>more international governmental control over the industry
>lead to a globalist totalitarian government
>I didn't need to exaggerate one bit
Lmao dude. The EU is starting to take on the gambling/addicting side of games like Fortnite. If you think entities like the EU and the US will not seek to have more control over it you're disillusioned.
yeah, because every random twitter response is concrete evidence, especially if they are an ex-employee. there's no way they have an axe to grind
Kill yourself you retarded Nigger. 30% is a standard for almost all retail stores. I am entitled to bitch about whatever the fuck I want to as well, Just as we are all entitled to call each other retards.
I agree with a company's right to change stores, but that doesn't mean I have any obligation to buy said game if I dislike said store.
>epic store doesn't have account sharing, regional pricing, cloud saves, gifting, version rollback and library sorting
>this is good :) mmm chinese dick!
if you think companies invest all profits back into the business you are full of shit
I don't get the features thing. The only useful thing steam has is an xinput wrapper for controllers that actually works with most games so you don't have to use a chinese driver or some shit.
Everything else is obnoxious garbage that fills me with rage whenever I see the steam window like a clown rodeo through my virtual living room.
I hate every fucking launcher just on the principle they would've been considered cancerous bloatware no one could be dumb
enough to tolerate the existence of fifteen years ago.
Why aren't the gaming journalists pushing the discord game store? It gives an even better cut to devs than Epic without any exclusivity agreements, and its storefront already has more features than Epic.
Basically, no matter which side of the argument (Better for consumers or better for devs), Discord is better, so why aren't there any articles about it?
because you are a retard who doesn't know jackshit about the financial relationship between the publisher and developer and the product you are going to consume
you valve drones are like some low iq religious faggots who will keep denying things no matter how many times this shit is explained to them,
You jjust keep pretending that a game's revenue providing more money to the developers and publishers doesn't contribute to game development, because video game budget, the money paid to hire and employ all the developers just magically exist, and it's all about greed.
you retards would rather see the game industry crash and burn than to admit that you are defending an objectively much greedier system that literally holds back game development and contributes to you getting worse production values in your games
Because discord didn’t pay them like epic to spout out shit like they always do.
Nobody sees these guys as doing anything good for the market, except for people who are paid to market for them and contrarian retards.
your entire response is rubbish. you sounds like a NEET chink who is blindly supporting your overlords.
businesses pocket any extra cash. they attempt to make games using as little resources as possible.
>30% is a standard for almost all retail stores
and guess what, the current digital distribution IS fucked in general
still, don't confuse this with console companies taking bigger cuts since those companies actually require this money to keep operating, since they have to sell consoles at a loss, invest in marketing, research, and operate dozens of gaming studios
shitty app and online game stores that only pay electricity bills for their servers should have no fucking right to tax 1/3 of the revenue of the industry
>I am entitled to bitch about whatever the fuck I want
you are entitled to bitch
you are not entitled to tell the devs where they have to sell their games, and you are a little faggot for even insulting them for doing this shit
>digital distribution doesn't cost money
you weren't just paying valve to host your content, you're also paying them for the market visibility, market access, steam features that they develop that are integrated into your games, for them to develop things like the review bomb detection system, and for the whole fact that you're using their drm launcher.
You have an extremely shallow view of how this works
on top of that, they also give the developers the ability to generate their own steam keys that they can then sell to other groups outside of valve and steam that valve does not get a cut from.
>businesses pocket any extra cash
no you brainlet, businesses use their money to grow so they can get even more cash. This is how the industry works, fucking strange isn't it?
how the fuck do you think companies can get big in the first place? Again, do you think that their money just magically always existed? Stop being vocal and force yoruself to argue when you so fucking little about the topic.
Consumers buy the products, if you have none your store WILL flop
>no you brainlet, businesses use their money to grow so they can get even more cash
not him, but this is what businesses ideally do, and very very very many of them don't. they might put some money back into the business, but the rest of it whines up going towards bonuses, owners that sort of junk. businesses aren't machines, they're run by people, and people are weak.
I've explained how much money it costs, and it is jackshit compared to the revenue they make. It's literally just paying the bills for server maintenance and paying for a very small staff
how the fuck do you think Epic can get away with only getting 7% cuts on UE games with EGS and still make profit?
Of course it's good for devs (providing they do get that money from their publishers). But treating your customers like nothing more then mindless money throwing monkeys isn't the best way to get them to use your platform.
If they ever run out of their Fortnite profit (for any reasons), do you really think they'll keep their cut as low as it is right now? Granted their store doesn't cost them much but if they keep to their road map, the price for running it is going to ramp up. They'll have to find their profit somewhere unless they want to have network issues all the time, driving their customer away.
I agree that steam should be shaken, but if only Epic had waited longer to fully develop their store, and launch it when it was ready to take on the competition without the risk of making themselves look arrogant and shady, they would look much more appealing to the masses.
Yet Valve has a say on how many keys are generated and Valve has refused to issue keys before.
no, only non-profits use that cash to reinvest in the business. for profit business stockpiles the cash, just look at apple. graduate high school, then come back.
>how the fuck do you think Epic can get away with only getting 7% cuts on UE games with EGS and still make profit?
also not him, but it's very clear that epic strategy right now is to try to get a foothold and then once they have one they'll likely increase their share to actually maintain decent profitability.
going in hard and accepting very very very small profit or losses early in order to gain a foothold is an ancient market tactic
When have they refused to allow developer to issue keys?
Why does Tim Sweeney look like a downie version of Steven King?
did they purposely dress him to make him look like a stereotypically evil supervillain or is it just coincidence?
>has more text than a lefty comic
steamtards can't meme
No, Andrew Wilson is genuinely a super villain. The lack of any soul behind that man's eyes is testament to the existence of a dark afterlife.
they will not see a cent from me until they're storefront sucks less ass and they stop forcing exclusivity.
Businesses rarely grow with their own capital. They typically use their revenue to get access to loans, which increases their revenue generation, which then increases the capacity of loans they can obtain.
Only mom and pop stores use cash on hand to grow, and that's only because they don't know any better. In this context, a higher take for the publisher means higher revenue which means more capacity for loans which means they can theoretically take on more risk in the games they publish. So yes, a better cut for publishes DOES have a positive impact on the game development industry.
That said, this forgets that 100 sales at 12% is still less profit than 1000 sales at 30%. It's still too early to say if Epic is really delivering more sales in its exclusives, because you can make a strong argument that all the negative press around exclusives is better advertising for games than you could ever buy.
In addition, if Epic's anti-consumer policies continue like they are, there's no guarantee people will stay there.
fucking thank you. at least someone has real world experience.
Andrew looks like he would stab a panhandler to steal his cup of change
I am an ex employee of epic games and their launcher is spyware.
Your move.
>they also give the developers the ability to generate their own steam keys that they can then sell to other groups outside of valve and steam that valve does not get a cut from.
you forgot the part where Steam will refuse to give out Steam Keys if the devs ask for more than a handful of them
this shit was only meant to be used for marketing, like as giveaways and putting them into bundles, this is not something the devs can actually profit on. This feature is also something that other stores also have, not some "steam exclusive" feature like how you pretend it is
>you're also paying them for the market visibility, market access
what a nice wordplay to say that "your game is part of the Store". This is not something Steam has to pay extra for you retard, this is just fucking part of what an online store is
steam features that they develop that are integrated into your games, for them to develop things like the review bomb detection system
you realize that this system is not part of the games, and it is fucking nothing?
this is some shit the valve staff will have to supervise in the future, and they proved themselves to be fucking unproductive in these regards (like with their greenlight or censorship policies)
and to be fair, it is not the fault of the workers, it is fault of the company being greedy and not hiring more people. Valve is a fucking small company, only consisting of like 200 people.
99% of these currently "steam exclusive features" are just glorified website shortcuts, or shit that you can do with a free third party app in much better ways
maybe you just lack reading comprehension and words intimidate you
if these features are so easy, why doesn't epic implement them?
Hes not wrong though, devs follow the money and consumers follow the games. Its really that simple.
>bribe developers for [timed] exclusivity
>the developers, and by that I actually mean we, will decide this “war”
This tool is blowing smoke up my ass with this shit. It WILL be decided by the consumers and whether any given one is willing to put up with Epic’s launcher in order to play a game they want to play. The cut that’s taken from the devs does not matter to me or any other consumer. The factor is the storefront and the launcher. Their fortnite bribe money will dry up eventually.
if the epic store is so great, why does he have to bribe them to join?
Following that logic, why don't publishers/developers just sell their games on their own official website? Since online retailers take so much of their profit (and seemingly little in return from your point of view), it would make sense for them to just sell it on their own platform right? You are so stuck-up in your own views you don't even realize how stupid you sound. This isn't a fucking debate on who has the better name/logo/feature/whatever, this is about which platform is fairer to BOTH devs & customers. Valve takes a big share of the profit true, but they also offer some advantages to both parties. EGS right now gives all advantages to the devs, but non to customers because they have their fortnite money. When that runs out and if their gamble to buy out as many people from steam as possible fails, what are they going to do?
> if the devs ask for more than a handful of them
It's interesting that your definition of handful is enough keys to sell a ton of them to other PC marketplaces.
>treating your customers like nothing more then mindless money throwing monkeys isn't the best way to get them to use your platform.
you can see it that way, or you can also account the fact that this aggressive competition will serve the benefits of the consumers too in the long run, since more money
in that perspective you will see that epic is doing good things to consumers that heavily outweigh the minor inconvenience that comes from their aggressive tactics. This is the only reason why I even bother to defend them, and it just upsets me how people would rather take not having to click on a different launcher, or having to wait a few months for some minuscule features than to get better production values in their games.
The devs getting more money isn’t going to do shit for us, retard.
>This is not something Steam has to pay extra for you retard,
I didn't say it was, but market exposure is something with real tangible value that people with actual business experience understand.
Steam has the largest marketshare and thus can give you greater market visibility. There's value in that.
the more of your post I read, the more I realize that you both have zero business experience and are also just incredibly angry for no logical reason and incapable of carrying on a conversation.
they are literally doing retard
there is already a roadmap out with all of this shit coming in the next few months
I'll never understand why a consumer would give a flying fuck about how much devs or publishers make. it doesn't benefit the purchasor.
Roadmap has 6 fucking months for a shopping cart
They have made 3 fucking billion $ in a year thanks to Fortnite alone. They could take a 0.5% cut and still be ok as long as Fortnite isn't challenged by another company.
you know what, I don't care anymore
EPIC good, EPIC great
yadi yada
I'm going back to pirating everything cause I can't be assed to care about this asinine shit
Thats more complex. Do you mean "xbox live market"? Almost certainly except for studios MS directly owns. Sony presumably isnt taking 30% on games published by Sonys game studio
you apparently don't understand anything. you're starting that these features are easy to implement, why is it taking epic so long to make them a reality?
they don't even have a fucking shopping cart! get the fuck out of here.
Come back to me when Epic has all the features Steam has and more.
That is assuming Epic hasn't given up and retreated back to consoles again by then.
they can ask for more depending on how many copies their game already sold on steam, but the number of keys will never reach even a single percent of the games sold on Steam
epic is based, lift gabes sweaty balls off your eyes and see the light.
but are the features there yet
steam existed for over 10 years
and you're telling me that EGS can't even be assed to just simply copy the feature set?
What about included multiplayer servers?
Again, that basic threshhold is already high enough that devs can dole them out in solid quantity to other storefront seemingly without issue.
Just wait til BL3 is released and Epic says it sold 10 million copies (that they themselves bought as to make it look like epic is successful)
Watch all you fucking people shitting on Epic now jump ship and gobble the Sween
Sounds like this thread could use some insect repellant
>"why does steam take a 30% cut? We only take 12!" - Tim Sweeney
>*explains exactly why steam takes a 30% cut and that 12% is unsustainable* - Also Tim Sweeney
>in the exact same tweet
Based retard Epic mogul.
well... fuck your product
Sweeney is not an enemy.
No one said Epic games is the better store, they just offer devs the better deal.
>How did they become the freedom fighters of PC justice in the first place?
journalism shilling
I would agree if Valve actually reacted in other ways than just announcing a goddamn new VR set and a new interface. At first I was excited that it would shake things up in a good way, but now it's looking rather bleak both for EGS & Steam.
>Steam has the largest marketshare and thus can give you greater market visibility. There's value in that.
yeah, there is value in monopolies, and you only being to get good exposure in one place
yeah, Valve can fucking abuse that and charge more money from people for it
what you still don't really understand that this shit should NOT be supported
>hurr you just don't know anything about business
I guess I could say the same thing to you? I guess there is no point in shitthrowing with meaningless insults
I'm not saying that Valve is not doing a great job at maximizing their profit with abusing their power. I'm saying that people should not support them for doing this shit.
Who else here preordered their copy of bl3 directly from the borderlands website?
>Objectively better and more consumer friendly
>Has countless consumer friendly and also inherently necessary features
>Large library
>Low barrier of entry
>extremely useful tool for developers both large and small
>community integration
>mod integration
>30% cut goes directly into maintenance, eating foreign currency fees, and covering miscellaneous costs, does not offload it onto consumer or developer
>is not a monopoly
>does not pay for or force exclusivity, even for use of the Source engine
>offers keys that can be sold on third party sites without paying Steam itself
>adaptive queue that can be used to find more games that you specifically find interest in
>is a market leader with plenty of healthy competition already, but firmly sits in 1st place because its the best for the consumer by a wide margin
>over 120 million users
>30-40 million concurrent daily users
>120 million user consumer base
>the only games that are exclusive on Steam are because the developer didnt put them anywhere else and thats it
>doesnt scrub data to spy on you
>gives indies a chance
>no features
>no cart
>no search
>small library
>12% cut is a scam that requires a certain sales milestone to be met because otherwise Epic eats a larger perecentage, and also offloads tax and currency fees onto the devs and users
>has to bribe developers to use their service
>has to get exclusivity deals in an attempt to try and strongarm people to use it
>are trying to corner and control the market
>tring to actively enforce a monopoly
>hates the consumer and thinks the consumer doesnt matter
>85 million users, only 5% of which actually engage with the storefront beyond Fortnite
>Miniscule consumerbase
>unsustainable model that only exists due to the temporary bubble created by Tencent which will pop in approximately a year tops
>scrubs through data to spy on you
>doesnt give indies a chance
These are objective truths. There is no denying this.
my point still stands. why pay out to steam if epic is so much better?
additionally, there is literally no reason for a consumer to use epic over steam. better off using gog, origin, or any of the other storefronts
Seriously, if Epic waited one more year to fully develop their store, and pushed it out fully featured, they would be in a much better spotlight then they are now. The exclusivity deals would have created some controversy but not to the current extent.
We don't need to spin any narrative. They're launching an inferior product while insulting their potential customers. They never had a shot.
>muh journalists
Literally nobody gives a single shit about "game journalism" outside of Yea Forumsirgins giving them rageclicks.
Why does Valve always get a pass for taking away choice by getting rid of physical copies and giving digital distribution a monopoly on PC? The only way I'm willing to pay for a game isn't an option anymore because of Valve, Valve literally forced me to start pirating.
Valve used even worse tactics when they were pushing Steam and digital distribution.
No client is best client. People should be demanding DRM free physical releases on PC but everyone is too busy praising le gaben like the brainwashed drones they are.
valve/steam is not a monopoly. other storefronts exist.
They didnt get rid of physical copies and they dont run a monopoly, dipshit.
>BL2 has only ever peaked at 125k players, dota2
>csgo reach over 500k players daily
>Steam has 14m players logged on at any given time
Why does anyone think BL3 being on epic will make a dent in Valve's money printing machine?
bugman blown the fuck out
>Valve used even worse tactics when they were pushing Steam and digital distribution.
Sweeney is just an autistic programmer that doesn't understand why things he says or does would seem bad to normal people.
for what, so you can come up with another strawman bullshit why you refuse to support them?
stop pretending that missing thes minor features were ever a big deal to you outside of epic shitposting. Using a store is about clicking on a game, buying it, downloading it and playing it. Steam is just a glorified website and you can access all of these "amazing features" on other websites just as freely, and you know that exactly. The useless achievements are the only things that are currently really exclusive to steam.
you claim they are hard to implement, yet they are still coming to Epic, with the CEO literally saying that these features are not hard to implement or hardly require money to keep up so they are coming
the only thing epic fucked up is starting their campaign too soon before these features were already finished
good developers
>still on steam
con artist scum """"developers"""" making indie pixelshit or walking simulators
>going epic exclusive for the bribes China pays them
Its a legit business strategy, stop being such a mindless fanboy.
Like the games they sell through their stores eShop, PSN and XBL or whatever they're called.
I assume it's different for retail copies and also games published by MS/Sony/Nintendo but I meant like multiplat/indie devs who put their games on these systems
Reminder, Valve introduced Games Workshop, a DRM for MODS.
they didn't, it's just shills and bugman FUD.
hell, they even tried to give away free dlc on Xbox live until Microsoft stepped in.
what the fuck is your obsession with shopping cart on a store that only has like a few dozens of products so far?
How does this strategy benefit me, the consumer? If it doesn't, then Epic can go fuck themselves.
I'm sorry, it's STEAM Workshop
A shopping cart was standard on e-commerce sites by the time the year 2000 rolled around, bugman.
Tim Sweeney is 20 years behind the curb.
>only pay electricity bills for their servers should have no fucking right to tax 1/3 of the revenue of the industry
The mind of the shill is a simple but perverse place. A place where the cost of maintaining a truly global server network does not include the costs associated with having a physical location, internet access, customer support, business support, internal technical support, R&D, marketing, or any wages at all. So deranged is the shill that he resorts to spouting falsehoods about the target of his unhinged ravings by claiming a company that makes up 18% of digital distribution on PC and 13% of all PC distribution incorrectly makes up 33% of all distribution.
If the shill mind cannot even fathom the costs of operating a business, then how can the shill ever comprehend actual steam expenses such as:
>Steam Machines
>Steam Links
>Vive Base Stations
>Steam Controllers
>Steam VR
>Steam Servers which 75% of games rely on
>Steam Developer Support, including anti-exclusivity funding
>Steam international pricing, which sees steam absorb the costs associated with regulating prices
>Steam Patching
>Steam Community Hubs
>Steam Workshop
>Steam DRM
>Steam Anti-cheat
Hes just repeating what his favorite youtuber told him to say.
it isn't drm you fucking moron. you can download the mod from it, copy it out, them unsubscribe from the mod, then manually put it back in.
Because the "Steam killer" probably should make purchasing products as simple as Steam does if it wants you to buy from it?
>No Linux Support
lmao what year is this 2004. Their shitty game store is written in electron it could be ported to linux in like 10 minutes, they must just hate freedom, not surprising given chinks controlling attitudes.
Its not supposed to benefit you, they know people will buy their exclusive titles regardless of where they're being sold.
>DRM for mods
No, retard, its not a "drm for mods", you can literally use prepackaged tools to extract them and distribute them without steam, the workshop is just a modular hub built into steam for easily categorizing and installing mods.
God damn you're stupid. How the fuck do you even put DRM on a fucking mod? That doesnt make any sense.
Then fuck Epic Games and fuck China.
>55% is the standard for physical distribution
stopped reading there, this is just another valve circlejerking, misinformation spreading bullshit
and then again, why the fuck would you defend an unproductive middle man taxing 1/3 of the industry's revenue, just because "others do it too", when they could literally take multiple times less money if they simply weren't greedy?
this is the most ass backwards logic possible
it's the most basic functionality outside of an actual financial transaction you goddamn mongoloid
epic is so far behind everyone else I'm surprised they don't take mail orders
>Steam is a monopoly.
if I really didn't think you knew what you were talking about before I definitely do now.
>I guess there is no point in shitthrowing with meaningless insults
Says the guy who responded to completely courteous posts with a repeated string of insults.
fuck chinks, fuck niggers, fuck trannies, and FUCK jannies
You have every right to not buy anything from them. Hell, you can even buy bl3 from the borderlands website or amazon. You have options but you're just too braindead to consider any of them.
I started pirating because of Steam, it didn't "solve" piracy
Imagine letting yourself get brainwashed by an obese kike that ruined gaming so he could make more money
But "small library" is actually an upside for developers, especially indies, because it means more visibility. It's not a bad plan though, curate to intentionally keep the number of games on the small side to be more appealing for games they really want on the platform. They'd always have an install base because of Fortnite anyway.
Of course, they don't want to do that, it seems more like they want to take away from Steam and ultimately take its place.
>he thinks it is ok to manually but every single item you want to purchase separately
I do kind of want to clear something up, the devs are indirectly consumers as well. They're paying epic a percentage of profits to be on the storefront. I think the exclusive thing is anticompetitive, and epic should have just offered lower prices to get people to pick up their storefront, but developers have their right to pick where their games are sold and consumers want to buy games.
it's always blatantly obvious in these threads who actually knows anything about business and who doesn't, and it's never the people who are against valve that seem to know anything about business.
Or what's good for the consumer.
>Hell, you can even buy bl3 from the borderlands website or amazon
To redeem on Epic Store I'm guessing.
The real dealer/breaker is going to be GTA 6, considering the controversy they are taking just for BL3 (though Pitchford does have a lot to do with the fire itself). If Epic still have the money to throw at it, that's going to be interesting.
No, retards, you can't download the mod if you don't have the game installed on steam.
that would give the end users choice and control, and chinks literally shit themselves in fear at the thought of that kind of freedom.
You really think Rockstar gives a shit about Epic's bribes and 12% cut with all the billions they made from GTA V alone?
GTA v was the most profitable piece of entertainment media or some shit. They won't fuck with their releas model for 6.
... Okay.
Why would you need to download a mod for a game you dont have?
Also their os level spying protocol probably doesn't work on Linux making Tencent a sad boy.
that's the fault of the mod maker. they could result publish it elsewhere, like nexus mods. how the fuck is that valve's fault?
That's what Sony did with the PS1. They "bribed" developers to develop for their new console and gamers followed the games.
If i remember an article i read a while ago they charge about that, a little less if you take an exclusivity deal (which partly makes up the difference). But basically everyone charges the same. Valve savings comes at the lower end (smaller game sells dont lose all 30% in a cut) and not having to produce/pack/ship physical copies. When Steam was new it legitimately saved many publishers money, which is why many big pubs now have their own launcher--cuz if you ship enough games the savings offset the server costs
Piracy digitally distributes games for $0, what is Valve and Epic's excuse?
Charging for digital distribution logically shouldn't be able to exist because people shouldn't be willing to pay for digital distribution, luckily for the industry there are plenty of subhuman brainwashed drones like those in this thread that happily give glorified donations for it and even get mad at others who don't.
What devs did Sony bribe? Source?
The platform is so trash, Its so much comfy to navigate steam than the wreck that is the epic store.
But yeah, in the end its going to be the jewish publishers that decide where do they get more money.
>Epic is based though and UE4 is a good engine
said no human ever.
Sure if you live in the US or the "rich" enough countries in the EU. They're not going to make a lot of profit in any other lesser countries due to their pricing policies.
Thanks, you're indirectly agreeing now that it really is DRM for mods, and that's a good thing.
>12% cut is a scam that requires a certain sales milestone to be met because otherwise Epic eats a larger perecentage, and also offloads tax and currency fees onto the devs and users
now wait a fucking minute
pretty much only noticed this sentence but I holly shit. I'm used to some misinformation spreading in these threads but this shit just goes way overboard
Epic is literally taking risk off from developers, making up for their lost profit if their game fails to meet a certain threshold with it's revenue on EGS
Turning this shit into literally the opposite instead of just simply ignoring it in your steam-pro shitposting is just a way too scummy bullshit
especially when that "certain milestone" the devs have to reach for benefits is exactly on what Steam is doing
>These are objective truths. There is no denying this.
please stop
>epic abandons the pc market claiming people only pirate games
>valve manages to expand the legitimate pc market by offering a better alternative to piracy
>little timmy smells money and tries to strong-arm his way back into the market
>actually drives people back to piracy with his shit store
This will never not be funny to me.
You're not fooling anyone, cheng.
Take two seems to.
RDR2 will be an indicator before GTA6. They would have to dig pretty deep to get R* to go exclusive, but I'm sure there's a deal on the table.
Surely you have some source to back that up
And even if the game goes to Epic store Rockstar has their own launcher and will publish their own version anyways
He's right you know? Developers will decide what store wins. If enough people ignore timed releases on Epic and buy the games on Steam, developers will start getting pissed as hell with epic.
They offered a better way for developers to release their games with more storage and cheaper manufacturing. Damn them.
videogame antitrust laws when? It's time to break up this monopoly.
>Devs will decide if the game goes to epic
>Publishers are the ones actually deciding
Epic Gays are kinda based (KINDA) for this very reason: making piracy great again.
They've already made dev/publisher rich by paying them for exclusivity deal. There's no reason to give them even more money by bying the game yourself.
They probably offered better terms with royalties and shit because they were the underdog.
What monopoly?
Weren't all cartridges manufactured by Ninendo? But everybody could publish cdrooms and were cheaper too.
Physical distribution cut isn't comparable, they have to deal with an actual physical object and the logistics that come with it, have a limited amount of shelf space which is a form of advertising, and retail stores outright buy those physical copies. 30% is ridiculous for digital distribution, it is literally nothing and piracy is able to digitally distribute for $0. Not that I give a shit about the devs, they deserve to die for charging for a download license, and the only way I'm willing to pay for a game which is buying a physical copy gives them less profit which is why Valve pushed digital distribution as hard as possible and tried to get rid of physical copies as hard as possible.
Digital distribution has made games more expensive than ever when you take into consideration you don't get a physical copy or manual, dlc and micro transactions exist, games are intentionally released unfinished or unplayable without a patch, etc. Used to pay $50 max for a physical copy that was better than today's collector's editions,now they want you to pay for a download, well fuck them I switched to piracy. Valve has done more damage to gaming than any other company.
why are you doing this?
seriously though. I give you the benefit of the doubt that you are not paid to do this.
what is exactly your purpose of going this far and playing this dirty to just to defend nu-Valve so much?
I don't remember the exact details, but yes Nintendo was the only source you could go to for cartridges and it was a problem for people.
Based 10-year-olds using their mom's credit card to buy V-bucks paying for my pirated copy.
you need to level up your reading comprehension.
Tiananmen Square of 1989 winnie the pooh dalai lama, cheng.
No no no, cheng. Not today cheng.
BL3 is published by Take two. Though Strauss Zelnick said he does not believe in exclusivity, he still went with the deal, even though BL3 was bound to be a good secces. If BL3 sales just the right amount during the 6 month deal, it can and will lead to a similar deal for RDR2 and GTA 6
Probably isn't a source. If he wants to make that claim you better have something to prove it.
>There's no reason to give them even more money by bying the game yourself.
well, they won't make the devs/publishers rich again if you don't buy games
Lol the fuck do I care. I pirated metro and finished it. If they kill steam I'll just pirate those games too. Moralfags and corporate shills can suck my dick I'm gonna get mine one way or another.
Tim himself straight up admitted to doing it, faggot.
Well Rockstar are just as greedy as they are, but they do tend to be protective of their ip, we'll see I guess.
Epic is based. Chairman Xi is the red sun on the horizon.
fucking based
EGS's moneyhatting is creating a plutocracy where only the consumer suffers.
Look at your image. That itself is a good indicator of how fucking shitty they are.
that's because no one likes publishers, but at least some people like developers. it's making doublespeak
but steam is the evil monopoly?
You are comparing BL to a series that broke plenty of sales records within its month of release. The profits from GTA V (Online microtransactions representing a good chunk of them) are so important that selling the game on Steam or Epic won't make a damn difference.
Everyone has their own point of view/agenda, it's not worth taking things too seriously in an anonymous shiposting board though.
Paradox is pretty cool m8
But Rockstar published RDR2 and is just a subsidiary of Take Two. They probably have a lot of autonomy just because of how successful they are, I wouldn't treat BL3 as a 1:1 precedent in this case.
Steam falls under no definition of the word "Monopoly".
herro, yes varve is a monopory.
Charging for a download is inherently anti consumer
You're right of course, I just think it's a possibility. By the time GTA 6 is announced we'll see how far the EGS will have evolved I guess.
>"The customers wont decide..."
why not
Well, I don't give a fuck.
I actually forgot Rockstar published it themselves, my bad.
Jesus Christ just bring back PC physical release for PC I'm so tired of these useless launchers and distributors that only want to bend you over backwards for cash
That will never happen. What I could see happen is publishers pushing for their own platforms. Something like Paradox.
>"Valve doesn't directly publicize how many of a game's sales come from keys versus direct Steam purchases."
>"b-but steam reviews, they are a totally reliable place to judge how many steam keys are sold, it's like totally 1/3 of all games sold guys I swear"
what a load of fucking manipulative bullshit
this shit also forgets to mention how EGS also comes with the minus 5% cut benefit of free Unreal Engine usage, meaning that EGS technically only takes 7% cuts in those cases
it also pretends that devs can "generate" steam keys themselves, when they literally have to directly ask Valve to get Steam keys.
I swear, every fucking weak the Valve shills come up with some new bullshit the drones can latch onto before they get debunked in the next weeks, just so the shills can pull some new shit out of their asses
I mean FFS, even fucking ex-Valve devs are defending Epic in their crusade to lower the taxes on gaming.
physical releases are becoming a thing of the past in general. What we need more than physical releases is some way to force businesses to post their digital sales.
I'm tired of games like Anthem touting how everyone loves them with no real evidence, then vanishing into thin air because it turns out that no one bought it
admitted what, retard?
link that shit in or I accuse you of being a lying little shit
What an entitled little bitch. Rides on his fortnite money train. Before he was a fucking nobody. I hope his arrogance will get to him
>This company is using its dominant market share to extract profit for itself
>Competitors exist giving vastly greater benefits to devs and consumers alike
>Ignored completely by everyone
>Another giant corporation with a massive marketshare comes in using vastly anti-consumer policies while not even matching the benefits to devs that those other competitors have
>They're the saviors of gaming
If you dislike Steam, that's fine. Steam has been complacent for years, but no one gave a fuck. But don't even try to fucking portray Epic as saviors of the little poor devs. That just outs you as a shill. Literally no one gives a fuck about the developers, or there would be article after article talking about those. They only talk about Epic because that's what they're paid for.
Epic is no hero here. They just have a different business model to extract their profits.
>pretty much only noticed this sentence but I holly shit
That spacing, those errors, the extremely poor reading comprehension, and the faults of logic give your post away as a crafted shitpost. I mean I know you will cherish any attention you get, and some people will knowingly respond to shitposting just to scratch an itch, but you are being a little to obvious.
>Ctrl+f developer.
Now I can't just go around giving (You)s to everyone, so if you didn't get one, but wanted one, then ask yourself why I didn't give you one.
Hi 458178493
Those of you who did get a (You) refer to pic related.
They don't control the entire PC gaming market and they aren't the only store where you can buy games.
Beccause they dont, faggot.
Look up any definition of the word "Monopoly", it doesnt apply to Steam.
>pfft yeah dude stay mad lul xD if u dont like epic u must be mad af LMFAOOO
You sound mentally ill
yes villainizing consumers always works out
Works for EA and Blizzard.
steam hasn't been a monopoly since they started selling other studios games like Darwinia which were also available to purchase elsewhere.
>Chinks aren't humans
Consumers have been getting fucked in the ass for years now and they keep asking for more
Its because its a basic feature that a retard could add in.
>don't even try to fucking portray Epic as saviors of the little poor devs.
because what?
because it exposes the fucking truth you are so fucking afraid to face with?
>b-bbut you are a shill
kill yourself
believe it or not, Epic is a company that does fucking care about game development, and this shit didn't start with just the lower cuts bullshit. This is the company that also develops the world's most popular video game engine, and they would even make that shit completely free on their platform.
EGS takes 7-12% cuts from the devs, takes risk off from them with offering to make up for their lost profit if it fails to reach a treshold, and even directly financially supports them.
They contribute shittons to game development, and lowering the taxes on gaming multiple times does also contribute to shit.
now go on and keep spamming your epic shill faggotry or your totally true and not manipulative chinese boogeyman bullshit like the good little gaben cocksucker you are
>how do we spin the narrative
We don't, Epic is doing it themselves. But nice try, falseflagger.
At least one thing the EGS is successful at is taking some heat off EA's reputation somehow.
Please tell me why Epic is better at 12% than Discord at 10%.
Go on. Tell me how that's better for developers.
Paying the price you'd pay for a physical copy for a CD key is what killed gaming.
>constantly trying to make Linux gaming a thing
>they want freedom of choice in almost everything they do
>sees that they can easily bully steam with money since they aren't afraid of underhanded tactics
>some how steam is the evil monopoly
This meme is older than time itself and originally had nothing to do with steam you fucking newfag.
>lowering the taxes on gaming
You keep saying this. Explain.
first, who the fuck said there is anything wrong with Discord, or them taking low cuts is not also a good thing?
second, EGS only takes 7% from UE games
third, a new store needs to be able to make itself relevant. Epic does exactly this, it will also force Valve to lower their taxes eventually (at least if this retarded gaymers rise up lynching won't seriously kill them), they might affect the whole fucked up digital distribution with bringing spotlight to how greedy it's current state is, and by being a threatening competition to the current giants like Valve.
Discord also taking low cuts is a nice thing, but in itself it's nowhere nearly as relevant as what Epic is going.
>becoming a thing of the past
Is what Gabe, Tim, and the rest of the industry want you to think. Stop being a brainwashed digital distribution drone,
If enough people demanded it then it would happen, the industry doesn't want it though because actual physical copies means you aren't attached to a platform which means they would have a much harder time selling dlc and micro transactions and they would have to actually test and fix their games before releasing them.
Dont trust Chengs lies.
He's not wrong though.
Gamers in general are plebs.
They fall for preorders, microtransactions, bullshots and fake news (like this).
Doesn't matter what launcher devs use, gamers will take it in the ass with no Vaseline so long as the game looks pretty.
>sees that they can easily bully steam with money
oh, poor little Steam
you realize that Steam could lower their taxes on gaming anytime they weren't plain greedy, knowing that simply they can get away with it?(mainly because retards like you who defend them for it)
if they lowered their 30% cuts into 10% cuts noone would fucking go with epic exclusivity
fuck you sweeney is a fucking chink traitor
Death to sweeney
Death to chinks
>Epic does exactly this, it will also force Valve to lower their taxes eventually (at least if this retarded gaymers rise up lynching won't seriously kill them), they might affect the whole fucked up digital distribution with bringing spotlight to how greedy it's current state is, and by being a threatening competition to the current giants like Valve.
No it wont.
Epics model by their own accord is unsustainable, and also does not justify their shit behavior.
30% digital is the universal norm for a fucking reason. This shit costs money to run and operate. Tim fucking Sweeney himself said 12% is unsustainable, and his storefront has 2% of the features Steam does, does not operate as globally as Steam does, and has half of the accounts Steam does, andd has a concurrent userbase 1% the size of Steam.
And its still unsustainable for even that.
>You Valve fanboys.
>Never mentions Valve once.
t. faggot epichink
Thanks for paying for my copy, I'll enjoy the purest PC platform ever: private trackers.
This is Cheng.
Cheng is Tencents representative on Yea Forums and the appointed viral marketing supervisor for the Epic Game Launcher.
Say hi to Cheng!
>Epic boss
Every time.
Conspiracy theory: Tencent is using Epic to force potential competition in the American games market to commit to unsustainable practices (12% cut) in order to indirectly take them down so Tencent can be the sole games distributor in the U.S.
>epic straight faced called all PCfags pirates and abandoned their ass when they didn't buy their self sabotaged Gears with GFWL
>come back years later without as much as an apology
>and even bring back the console faggotry they learned from their time with Microsoft
All the while Tim Sweeney has that fucking stupid smile and nonchalant "I don't care how you feel'" atitude towards legitmate concerns and cossumers, that really makes me want to punch his face.
Not even Pitchford's as puncheable.
Well Tencent just launched their own game store launcher thing outside of China recently so i think that has some merit.
The only reason they have that cut is thanks to Fortnite wales throwing their bank accounts at them. Take their Fortnite profit out (say the governments start banning loot-boxes/ micro-transactions, whatevs), will they really keep such a low cut? I seriously doubt it.
If the current Fortnite business model is "helping" game development and setting a standard for the industry then holy shit it's going to be even worse to work in this industry.
Fuck both you and pcbros.
>game store wars
im done fuck you faggots
We need to find the epicfags discord to stop this horse shit from piling up the board
We found the stevefags, the trapfags, and the meleefags discords and would you look at that, 90% of there bull is now not fucking pestering this board. Not that they are totally gone but it definitely stops a good portion of raiderfags when getting doxxed gets a step closer to reality.
This, sadly.
At least that 30% covers my 17% transaction fees. Epic makes you pay for that instead.
> Tim fucking Sweeney himself said 12% is unsustainable
no he didn't? unless you can provide some source with that
With EGS' launch he literally talked about how digital distribution maintenance only costs a few % of revenue for stores, which is the reason EGS can lower it's cuts so much.
He talked about this years before EGS was a thing, calling out App and game stores alike
Like a month ago he even talked about the features and how much those cost, and said they aren't more than an extra percetn, and that they are coming to EGS too.
>30% digital is the universal norm for a fucking reason
yes, and this reason is literally just that they can get away with it
physical distribution costs more, so devs initially happily accepted the "lower 30% cuts", before people started to realize that the shit these digital distributors have to do is fucking nothing, like hardly more than paying electricity bills for their server maintenance and paying a very small staff
>but steam has more users, it must cost them more
it is irrelevant how much more users Steam has when it is completely in tone with the increased revenue
>valve lowers thier cut to 5% once you reach $10M
Explain this Epic fags. This is even lower than your store.
Not the other guy you're talking to. Say I agree with you on this. What do you want me to do?
Nigga Epic has a piece in their privacy agreement that says it can track your social media accounts. Steam doesn't.
>Devs have to cover transaction taxs
So epic only gives an effective 1% more profit then steam.
Why has no one said anything about this?
>Pro free speech
>Reviews will be "opt in" for developers
>On record saying they will never have forums as they are too toxic.
Fuck off Timmy.
Free speech for developers to control the narrative. The second class dredges, the consumers, aren't allowed a voice.
I would be surprised if their longterm goal isn't to merge with Epic, they didn't buy 40% share just to capitalize on the potential of Fortnite at the time.
If they're talking about 'winning' they've already given away that they're at least as bad as the competition since their goal is to rule the market.
To add to this, UE4 is one of the most widely used engines in games, which would then become proprietary for Tencent if a merge does happen. Does Tencent even have their own engine?
>The only reason they have that cut is thanks to Fortnite wales throwing their bank accounts at them. Take their Fortnite profit out (say the governments start banning loot-boxes/ micro-transactions, whatevs), will they really keep such a low cut? I seriously doubt it.
wow, so you SERIOUSLY believe that Epic made EGS to just lose money on it, because the 12% cuts are not profitable?
isn't the narrative supposed to be that they are a greedy company company who only wants money?
regardless, keep in mind that Fortnite is not actually Epic's real money maker
Unreal Engine is. Epic is already taking 5% of the industry's revenue on all platforms for like every 3rd or 4th game.
They did it to survive when the fortnite money runs out.
What they're doing now, the free games, the moneyhatting, the 12%? These are all short-term tactics to build an install base with a sunk-cost mentality.
nothing I guess?
just stop spreading bullshit and maybe rethink your stance
It's Chinese and completely believable that they would do this.
Yes, but fortnite relies so much on those console sales that sweeney boy wouldn't dare say a word about them.
step 1:cut all ties with Yea Forums
step 2: shill on reddit
step 3: ????
step 4: profit
They are taking a gamble to eat up the userbase of steam, thinking that a majority of consumers will come to their store and stay there. They are aggressive in their strategies because they can afford it right now. It's not that complicated.
The fact that Valve is taking longer then a rabid sloth to take actual actions to respond to this new fast competition is also helping.
In the end, only helping devs will not make the industry any better. They'll have to find a compromise and start taking consumer friendly policies sooner or later if they want to stay at par or maybe even superior to steam.
The best thing is normies will associate the war only with epic. Tencent will remain clean and then swoop in as the savior with their own system free from any negative pr.
Epic/Sweeney use "devs" but mean publisher. Publishers are the ones who are upset that Steam became more pro-consumer (or rather was forced to)
They're not perfect but I guess they publish some alright games with shitty DLC pricing
Why would valve need to do anything? Epics strategy isn't remotely sustainable and they'll burn themselves or if the market in 4 or 5 years if steam doesn't go bankrupt by then. Which is incredibly unlikely.
It doesn't fit the narrative in the first place. The point is to make Steam look bad even though their cut is pretty normal.
Yea Forums isn't that much different anyways. A lot of faggots got upset about the 30% cut and I've read many times how someone told people to buy from GOG because Steam takes a 30% cut even though GOG's cut is also 30%.
Steam was pissing off publishers then journos and their faggot indie friends got upset because their games aren't successful because there is so much shovelware on Steam and Valve doesn't work hard to make those shitty games a success and goes against devs by allowing userreviews and refunds, and then we have the whole porn/animetiddy game drama when SJWs started to shill
If Epic manages to somewhat sustain themselves for a while, publishers will go to them
tencent is responsible for the chinese social credit system
what more is there to say?
Epic can't buy exclusives forever for that cut and will rise prices or has to establish the 30 percent.
While steam will have the same prices.
user, Tim already said that Tencent has no involvement in anything at all. Their people that sit on the board just sit there silently and offer no input at all, and all that data they scoop up on your machine is just stuff they're gathering for reasons. He can't tell you what those reasons are, but they're good reasons!
Now that you know, you should stop bringing up Tencent, because their influence on the company was already debunked.
>UE4 is a good engine
Unless you want a lot of players on screen, sure.
>Now that you know, you should stop bringing up Tencent, because their influence on the company was already debunked.
Wrong, shareholders can and do influence what their parent company does. They are in fact, part owners of the company and as owners they have say in what a company does.
>Now that you know, you should stop bringing up Tencent, because their influence on the company was already debunked.
>owning 40+ percent
>doing nothing
you are a funny one
EGS is about pleasing publishers.
No userreviews/scores, no sales, lower cut and so on.
Stupid idiots, Sweeney already said that Tencent has no say whatsoever
yet when a game is no exclusive and steam has it too: why going there?
Steam will most likely have the better price and if not there a keysellers.
When the products all sell less on PC they will either ditch PC or ditch epic and ditching PC would not please the shareholders that want more and more profits.
>Stupid idiots
>Sweeney already said
Who would do such a thing? Lying on the internet? Sweeny wouldn't!
why are you autistic faggots loyal to gaben or any corporation, or epic.
what has that fat fuck ever done for you. you pay for all your games, yes?
He made claims and provided no proof. You, on the other hand, can suck my penis.
as if I care about china which is a shithole
nintendo treated third parties like garbage by arbitrarily limiting the number of games they could release per year, charging a $19 nintendo tax on each individual cartridge, and censoring their games.
the only thing that also applies to valve there is censorship, but if you think tencent will be any better on that, you're delusional.
I'm sure epic will be completely ok throwing several millions of dollars at every game for their store without making anything remotely approaching hat back.
Depending on sales, they may draw publishers without even giving bribes. Like I said, they're taking a gamble on whether or not the majority of the industries consumers are easily swayed.
>after users have given their consent
"You must accept the terms of service to use this product"
Considering their unwillingness to give out concrete sales numbers, I'm assuming that's not likely.
>hey guys, exodus sold 2.5x better than last light
>not redux, the base game that had abysmal sales and zero marketing on account of the publisher literally going bankrupt
top fucking kek. you really think that 40% ownership doesn't give orders? are you a fucking NEET?
>a CEO says something to protect the reputation of its company
Remember Blizzard before the fusion? Same shit is bound to happen with Epic & Tencent. If Epic does not meet the expectations they've set with the EGS, they will be fused with Tencent, 90% guaranteed.
>developers getting a significantly bigger cut of their sales is not better for the industry
>Customers having to pay more, is
Indeed, and I think the fact that BL3 is 6 months instead of a year also shows their strategy isn't as successful as they anticipated.
Based retard.
can you explain exactly how they pay more?
>he thinks developers see that, and not publishers
make that two grains of sand. :)
fuck that bugman prick for making customers cover that cost.
I don't think you even understand what he's talking about in that post
epic makes customers pay the transaction costs, while valve doesn't
what's not to understand?
Do you think them taking that extra money and using it to make better games is more likely than just taking and pocketing it?
there is a fuckload of idealists thinking that the extra cash goes straight into development of new and better games and not to corporate leeches.
Feel free to elaborate if you think they're wrong.
he doesn't have anything worthwhile. they don't pay their shills very much, and as a result they're often stupid.
To be fair in an ideal world it would, but then in an ideal world there would be no controversy, no problems, no need for drm, no need for publishers, no need for online stores, no need for antivirus,...
I wouldn't be surprised if the were cases the extra money was used to make better games.
That would be a very small minority of cases though. Most of the time the publishers, who epic are actually going to and not the developers, are just adding a lot of that extra income to their own pay checks.
>gives more money to developers than STEAM
>Epic is evil
I don't know why you people are such faggots.
1) They dont, its a trick.
2) Steam is honest and exceptionally consumer friendly
3) Epic is Cheng Bugman.
>devs will decide
Devs will decide fucking nothing. They will learn a hard lesson that the only thing that matters is the consumer, and they better suck the consumers cock or they're going to go out of business. Just look at all of those shitty SJW devs who keep crapping out garbage games.
well said.
>if its good for the devs its good for the consumers goy!
same line every time nigga, how is this new?
you're either a fool or a paid shill. there can be no other outcome.
>gobbling up anything a CEO says
How weak willed can you get?
China money vs Gamers. Who will win? More at 11.
Because devs and journos are so tired of Steam that they are willing to jump on the cock of the first large-scale competitor that props up that claims to deliver on what the devs and journos complain about, regardless of whether or not the store is better or worse for the consumer. Chances are, Epic is paying the journos to shit on Steam as well while shilling their own store. In fact, it's mighty suspicious that only Steam gets flak for the 30% cut and Epic conveniently launches their store solely to compete specifically with Steam's cuts just a few months later, despite 30% being the digital distribution industry standard.
chink bugman shills vs Yea Forums
>you see that mountain? You can climb it
>it just works
No matter what corporate brand/person you suck, wether it's Newel, Sweeney, Howard, Molyneux or anyone else, you guys are all the same weak-minded sheep contributing to this industries problems. You are pathetic.
console cuck mentality