what the shit

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Other urls found in this thread:


It was entertaining

The acting is abysmal.
Trust me, if you've watched any AVGN, you'll notice it too.

I've watched most AVGNs, the acting is always abysmal

His latest video makes all the other performances look like oscar nominees.

christ james look 60 years old

The episodes have gone to shit ever since he started working on his movie and started to "learn how to act"
Now all his episodes are just bland.

James is beginning to look like Jimmy Dore

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It's like he's parodying himself. Which doesn't work because his original content was already a parody. It's a parody in a parody. Holy shit, what were they thinking? That shit genie looked worse than my actual shits. Guest appearances, more like a bunch of motherfuckin ass bombs full of dukey stenching dipshits. I'd rather stuff my ears with toilet vomit than listen to these poorly delivered lines. Aladdin? More like Ala dis shit din my video!

I dont care, I love James, he's really child

I also like cinemassacre and rental reviews A LOT more than AVGN episodes

The acting feels stiff and unnatural his older vidoes had much more soul

I meant chill fuck

So what were they actually thinking?

Right, because learning how to act, means that now he sucks at acting, instead of just overacting and being ridiculous

Why did the animation of the genie seem so weird?
And who was the brunette with the boob bounce?


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We actually saw a hippo do this at the zoo once. It shoved its ass right up against the glass of its tank, started shitting, and wagged its tail super fast. The result was globs of shit going absolutely everywhere

something did feel off about his performance this ep but still enjoyable.

Where did the hair go?

This would been much better done in the classic simple game console and accessories style reviews he did without any of the shit side characters and special effects

It feels that way because the episode is dubbed

He's not into it anymore. Look at his other videos he clearly is more into movies than vidya these days.

Mmmm oh yes yes yes *licks lips*

>produces crap like this and has about much insight as a child

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>rental reviews

That's some of his worst modern content, not because of James. He's great when he's talking without an act about things he likes whether it be movies or the chiller videos like the Nintendo Power one. Everyone else on Rental Reviews is the problem, they're all so boring and unable to express any form of passion into what they're talking about while giving the safest of statements. I haven't watched or know much about the overall entourage so it's not like I have preconceived biases from their past content, but it should really be a one man to at most a two man show.

Who even is this bitch? Are we supposed to know all this people?

honestly if you want insight on these things Wikipedia is your best friend

Fuck nu-AVGN, but he can still make comfy kino


awful episode. It barely even reviews the fucking games.

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brown elf poster

the difference between some doing something badly without trying, and someone doing something badly while trying

Where did her chin go?

holy fuckin based

Yeah I'd rather see James only to be honest

It's been like that for years now. Instead of channeling actual anger, in whatever way he used to, he now just "acts" angry, and it's so forced. Even the swearing isn't as creative and free flowing as it used to be.

Earthbound was the last good review. Everything since has been TGWTG tier.

where is yours chad¿

on my chin

Wikipedia is written by and for retards.

You can tell he doesn't want to do it anymore but he doesn't exactly want to go back to an office job.
That and the fatsos won't let him quit.
Bootsy made the right call walking away from the circus that cinemassacre turned into

He was always acting, he's just tired of the character and is probably too old for it now.

I didnt talk about where my bouncing BALLS were while I was deepthroating your cute little mouth

that's james for you. He fucking HATES avgn and doesn't want it to exist.

>fatsos won't let him quit
everyone but ryan is an employee of james though, because james wasn't doing any work but still wanted a paycheck, so those fatsos are the editors now.
>bootsy leaving
bootsy got fired from his public bout with TDS.

This felt like a newer Nostalgia Critic episode than AVGN

Oh fuck no, that one was truly TGWTG tier.

it was a different time

Yeah, but there's a huge difference between then and now. There used to be some reality to it, now it's 100% acting.

>Yea Forums say that an episode is awful
>Go to YouTube
>99% upvotes


You just hate fun things

Pretty sure the problem is that he reduced himself to being dude in front of the camera reading the script, while getting directed by someone else.

If he's invested and writes/directs himself, like with Board James, he can be decent enough.

why was he such an asshole in this episode

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remember to sage and report eceleb threads

Based Kinamania is comfier than AVGN

for someone that loves filmmaking and apparently studied it, he sure as fuck is bad at it

>Popular opinion is always right

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Why did he change his glasses after the movie? They look way worse than the old glasses.

Worth sitting through for the rocco cameo.

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Yeah, who is this, and are there any nudes?

>click the recent Dracula video where I was expecting him to break down and explain which film is thematically and more in line with the actual novel
>it's just a "this movie adapted more scenes from the book"
Those special ed classes really panned out.

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The Alladin Deck Enhancer, pfft. More like the AVGN Trash Compactor because this episode was GARBAGE that leaked out of the swollen infected asshole of a beached whale that couldn't stand any longer living on the same planet as a video producer this shit. WHAT WAS HE THINKING?!?!!?

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Made for getting balls slapped against it

why was he so mean to the genie?

>this wasn't played up as a joke
Just end it James

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He doesn't know much about film. James knows trivia, but is frequently out of his depth when he actually tries to discuss any deeper themes.

Nothing from an established series that's non-provocative never gets anything other than 99% upvotes, no matter how bad it is.

she still has a chin,not strong but who cares? she is a woman


>suddenly Yea Forums are movie critics
It's AVGN, isn't the whole point that its a farce?

A sunken chin looks bad on women.

>He was always dancing because that's a canned animation that came with the model
>They just looped it over and over

The director of The Amazing Bulk would be proud.

His acting was never this bad.
He at least used to be able to actually you know, deliver his lines.

The thing was that he ran out of games. Not necessarily to play but from his childhood. All of his early reviews where from games he played as a kid and got really mad at. He was channeling that childish anger but now it’s just a character that gets mad and yell cries about video games.

Did you see his camera collection video? He says he used shitty cameras in school and that most of his products were just dicking around with the tech.

>the genie didn't come back covered in shit just for James to wish something else

how the fuck did he chekov's gun his own review

>all of his early reviews were games he played as a kid
no they weren't. like 75% of the games he never played as a kid, they were loaned to him from mike.

what he essentially said was he's a brainlet that doesn't understand why people used/use film and chose digital cameras because they did everything for him: no film to change, no film to worry about exposing to light, no idea how to use f/stops and shutter speeds when filming with film cameras
he's just a brainlet that needs everything to be done for him, despite him claiming he loves filmmaking

More close to straight than sunken,a slightly weak chin is not optimal but its nothing that will destroy you desu,a really weak/recedeed chin like leafy is though kek

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Why does everyone hate mike, he’s such a chad and his video game reviews are better than most modern avgn episodes.

The Anglos' chins reveals the French influence on their lineage: always on retreat.

isn't it fucking pottery that over a decade ago he was massively ahead of the curve on the production quality side of things compared to his contemporaries and now he has the same shit he had for since 2011 and now he has fallen so far behind


trump derangement syndrome.
Man went off the fucking handle, several hundred posts reeing about politics and how america was ruined the day of and after the election, james and mike probably said "that's not really what we want associated with the brand".

Also he was apparently shit at keeping to deadlines anyway, took him nearly a year to get the bootsy beats footage out (which was literally just game capture and him sitting in a room)

trump derangement syndrome

His acting was never good to begin with, find something else to whine about autismo

>trump derangement syndrome
Just fucking stop.

No one here has talked about the real crime of nu-AVGN
He took 6 buttfucking minutes just to actually start the review
like holy fuck he has lost it

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i think a while ago they upgraded stuff, his boss ryan showed the cameras and lenses, but still, the production quality hasn't changed and it's all utter shit; quite embarrassing to pay so much for equipment and have no idea how to use it
all the editing is entry level trash a teenager could learn and do within a few minutes of youtube tutorials from pajeets

t. triggered filmmaker

Just because it was never good isn't enough to excuse his acting when it gets even worse over time.

Gee Bill, two chins?

I'm kinda glad we're jumping off AVGN's dick again, after the Ghosebusters video and he became "B-B-BASED" overnight (even though we joked about him being a cuck for nearly two years straight) I am glad people are actually calling out how lazy and fucking dull he naturally is.

am I supposed to know who any of those dorks at the end are?

Go rewatch the earlier episodes moron, his line reading is the exact same and his acting the same over the top face expressions shit, kys

I was watching the episode before seeing this thread. I just skipped most of the "intro" because it was abysmal. It isn't even charming bad acting or anything, it's just not entertaining to watch on any level.

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You don't know Rocco?
The rest are literal whos though.

It'll come back around again. For as long as anyone who grew up watching this shit on gametrailers/screw attack are still alive, people will be jumping out of the woodwork to defend it.

The problem with the new AVGN episodes is that he gets way too angry way too fast. It never feels deserved. The old nerd would get mad but never furious unless something was really bad but the new one gets mad at every little thing. When the old nerd got mad at something you can legit feel like James was mad and that he was mad when he played the game. Now when the new nerd gets mad it just feels like James is trying to tell a joke or just be angry cause he is the Angry Video Game Nerd. Still his Aladdin Decker video was one of the better ones he has made recently.

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>rocco from mega64 is in a fucking avgn episode


He ended up watching Cuntbusters anyway after his wife made him.

well if i had 10 inch knocker i would make ladies release auschwitz-tier gases too

How ironic you call him "lazy" and "dull" yet you admit to spamming a retarded meme that wasn't funny anymore after the second month.

He should get his those other non stream videos subtitled.

the scene would actually work if he took the guys fez at least
such a small detail, that would improve it a lot

because otherwise its almost pointless violence

what the fuck are you talking about yes it is. did you need him to say
>wow what a shitty looking genie!

CGI Genie is proof that even at his balding age he still thinks he's going to make it.


He isn't your friend

Why are you still watching if don't like him

Yeah it was stiff and awkward but it had a sort of charm to it, it was enough, it didn't physically hurt you to watch.
But in this newest episode his acting way more forced so when it comes out bad, it's way way worse.
Just try to watch this and not cringe.
Ha, ya GET IT? cos he has several copies of E.T???


watch her VtMB video
she is the ugly-geek-slut-give-me-attention-nerds kind of girl

Wow, thank you for your insight dude who admittingly spams memes for two years straight.
should have linked

keep saying it

God i want to lick her feet

You really think he expected that super shitty effect to be taken seriously? Did you bump your head user?

He's done that same type of simple visual joke before, there's nothing cringe about it
The only thing that changed is your raging autism, seek help retard

Anyone else see the resemblence to the genie?

this guy was a huge avgn fanboy for years and shit talked irate gamer then eventually turned to irate gamers side like a huge homo

Yeah, that's the issue I think. In bad AVGN episodes you don't feel James

And? I also watched amazing spiderman 2 down the line and i hated it and the first one

but he did?

This one wasn't good but the other recent episodes have been pretty solid

The editing and writing in this one was very poor.
However I did learn something about the aladdin deck enhancer.

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Had seen worse episodes from nu-James to be honest but this still couldn't compare to old James. So which one was the last good episode Yea Forums? I think it's Robocops, Wrestling games or the Gameboy accessories

>Rocco was in the ending

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i always love how mike looks like he's cut off another person's face and attempted to disguise it as his

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Probably because he’s been doing AVGN for so long that he’s tired of it.

Is Dizzy actually shit or is AVGN just playing it up? Some early PCfags say that they have nostagia for it but I don't know whether it's just that or if it's legitimately good.

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2017 was officially the year he lost his mojo. His only good episodes were the experimental ones he actually had fun working on namely Berenstain, Polybius and Seaman. If money wasn't a factor he should stop making AVGN content.

Stockholm syndrome

You can really tell when James doesn't care about something, because he just sounds super fake when he talks about it.

This episode feels like somebody trying to imitate AVGN

Mother of god

Can't he just announce his retirement? But then again, isn't this shtick his career? How the fuck do youtubers retire?

Terrible episode but the chick with the sloppy jiggling tits should do porn.

They don't. I don't think any YouTuber has ever successfully retired.

People still shill that shit-awful game? Jesus fucking christ. At least she has some decent milkers.

>Can't he just announce his retirement?
Why would he announce his retirement?

So he's basically admitting that Erin has a loose ass?

>Raid 2020. Maybe I'll review that in the year 2020.

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>I don't think any YouTuber has ever successfully retired.
You are retarded.


He lost the flame. Older episodes was about him revisiting bad games he played as a kid. He's playing requests or games pushed to him nowadays.

The problem is youtubers have to put money in their videos sometimes and even then they usually not good with it and blow it all on useless crap.

She knew exactly what she was doing, it was her 3 seconds of fame, her channel probably rocketed like crazy.

Which chick?

screenweight's writing and he's the actor

His latest episodes were pretty good I dunno why this one was so terrible all of a sudden


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>3d girls with nice tits always have a disgusting face

fucking whore


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isn't this a part of the charm though?

Kino answer.
This is pretty much why NuAVGN isn't as good.

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Had to go back after the video was over and immediately record a gif of this moment too

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>this shitty gif turns on incels

fucking yikes

Am I supposed to know who any of the youtubers at the end of the video are? They all look like a bunch of smelly manchildren and low tier thots to me.

ugh, it was sooo islamophobic, shmtbh

Name 5

She could suck my blood any day.

>this gif angers the chestlet

Shane is based, you fucking faggot

fuck off pedro

>say you dislike women
>say you are attracted to a woman

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Those are some big ears

Yatzhee is going to murder him for this episode.

>can't enjoy new AVGN videos these days because I can't ignore his fucking hairline


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Let me guess. She has a patreon with tasteful nudes doesn't she? Because ahe seems like the type that would

Im actually looking forward to it

>uses the "more like (fecal joke here)" line over 6 times in this episode


I fucking wish

Wew lad, what a massive concentration of soibois at the end.


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>Rocco was in the ending
Fuck up your autistic headcanon?

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oh man

i woulda never found this SLUUUUUUUUT huge tits mcgee if it wasn't for you!


he's gonna take you to the past, transplant hair from his ass

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>You can really tell when James doesn't care about something, because he just sounds super fake when he talks about it.
Yeah he sucks at that. The difference between this and when he blathers about monster movies is like night and fucking day.

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I don't even watch AVGN anymore but you can tell James is forcing himself with the angry gimmick.

His best episodes are when he's informative as shit about stuff, he's got the not too boring teacher attitude when you want to actually learn shit and explains things pretty clearly. That's his true beef but he barely tap that shit

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He made a movie, what have you done with your life?

I didn't think he could make a worse review than Toxic Crusaders. I was proven wrong.

>avgn bad
No shit? The only reason people go to his channel is to watch rental reviews.

It just feels too forced. The avgn character used to feel more simple and way less pretentious. He really should stop making avgn videos.


like, go watch the older eps
a lot of it is shit he grew up with and hated.

but now, its scrapping around. the gun survivor episode was fun, but he hasn't been fun to watch since like the 2005-2010 era. now it feels like a boring slog to get to a joke in an episode.

and really, if YOU were playing a character on a not tv show for fucking 15 years, wouldn't you be sick of it?

i'm surprised he wasn't doing rental reviews like 5-6 years ago.


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The Earthbound video was ok.


>her channel probably rocketed like crazy.
Pam's not like all those other gamer girls.

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It's always been this over the top and forced though

Implying you wouldn't just a fat load over he face, you fucking faggot

>26k subscribers
I'm catching up, nice

I don't know why people hate that episode so much.
It isn't among my favourites but that old seriously overacting crazy man, who barely seemed to understand what a video game is, was a sight to behold.

Mouthbreather girls can deepthroat like true champs though, just a Chad tip for ya'll here.

oh mah gaw I can't even right now

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Headcanon about what. Ive never seen Rocco once talk about AVGN so it was weird seeing him

>james could have tapped this
how much do you think he regrets things now

he always said he loves the old universal monster shit and movies in general. again, you can tell his love for older AVGN when he is at least talking about games that HE played when he was a kid.

he should STOP making what is probably his main source of income? i mean, if he stopped, he would say so that he was bored 100% with it, but YT is his JOB now.

would you just stop working your job?

Fact: Since he make that ultra shitty avgn movie his acting just feel awful.

Fake news

just wait for the Game Chasers movie!
if james can't act, those two bumbling fucks should be trying their hardest to be Z grade acting.

I watched some Mega64 podcast where Rocco talked about meeting James in some game convention, they're in good terms.

who is this qt

If I was bad at my job I'd either improve or I'd look for another job. And hes doing nothing to improve.

The best episodes were the ones a couple years ago with a narrative. Like the berenstain bears episode.

But of course you fags didn't like them so he went back to the status quo

nice this is worse than chris bores alladin review!

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James here, not sure why you Yea Forums anons are so obsessed with my personal life (including my hair!), very bizarre website, anyway I doubt I'll ever come back so feel free to keep trolling you sad fucks!

improve sure, but i doubt it.
but look for another "job" like he has?

that is fucking impossible.

Enabler. It's people like you that tolerate shit that make quality worse for the rest of us. Step your standards up.

police here, you're under arrest

Motherfucker Mike here!
James, why aren't you fucking working?
I told you if i catch you not working, again, i'd fuck your wife with my 10" dick!

support me on Patreon, Fuckers!

Abraham Lincoln here, you're a faggot

nobody's laughing at your hair, fucking idiot.

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AVGN has turned into the Irate gamer.

That's because that's what they are.

Imagine actually thinking this was true...

My dude, you would have to go back YEARS to find the last truly good AVGN episode. I'd say somewhere in the Ep.101-110 range.

>using phrases manufactured on fox news to be easily parrotable
Yea Forums has always been one of the worst boards, but all the cable news watching boomers and hitler youth wannabes that flocked here after the election really tanked all the popular boards even further.


It's a cosplay of a life is strange character, that's all I know

There are no good games. It's all nostalgia.

there's a watermark that I just noticed when my post was posted
dumb me


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Some of his movie reviews are still fine, but AVGN dropped hard in quality ever since the movie and the """acting lessons""" James took in preparations to that, which completely changed the way he behaves on the screen. All the episodes after that point ranged from mediocre to painful. I'm actually surprised he still can even say fuck with all the family friendly shit on youtube nowadays. Guess that's a perk of being a big channel. Makes me wonder why am I still staying subscribed, I guess I just have a soft spot for James, and he didn't succumb to political shit yet which I can respect him for. I wish him all the best, I just accept the old AVGN feel isn't coming back.

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good post-100 episodes
>earthbound (156)
>gameboy accessories (147)
>seaman (136)
>tiger electronic games (113)
>ikari warriors (110)
>atari sports (109)
>ghosts n goblins (108)
>bible games 3 (106)
>dark castle (105)

And they say women aren't stealing our games from us. In 2004, when Vampire dropped, only nerds with PC's played it. They loved it. They talked about it. They have been tthe ones to keep its' memory alive. Now in 2019, some broad with eye shadow on can make a video about it, telling you how le epic she thinks it is, and people eat it up. Suddenly it's cool to be a nerd, when if you talked to any actual real nerds from back then, it certainly didn't feel like you were in the cool crowd. I understand why some people might get upset at this.

Ask yourself this, do you think that girl played that game in 2004? You think she was part of the group keeping the flame lit for this game? Or is she a bandwagon rider, hopping on to a moving vehicle that she had no part in creating?

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With all the cameos from other retro gaming focused channels, I was a bit surprised and disappointed that MLIG wasn't one of them. I hope it was only because they didn't own an Alladin to begin with. Doesn't seem like something either of them would buy, anyways.

Ever since James upgraded his set-up to RGB and shit, I've wanted to see the MLIG guys appear just once in the show. But that's probably just a fucking pipe dream.

Why? You don't want 2020 James to review it, you want 2010 James to review it. It will disappoint you, trust me.

Nah he is alright

You forgot re survivor and tomb raider aod

Why is the cinematography so much shittier? I mean, when he's trying to fit the cartridge into the enhancer, it's just a still shot, compared to old AVGN episodes where it would be a lot more dynamic.


i mean, we have that "someone says vampire, someone reinstalls it" image for a fucking reason and its not because the game is shit.

It was entertaining


>holy shit this fucking avgn episode made me mad.
Im from europe - from that part where we had shit ton of Famiclones and ALL kinds of NES cartriges.
And i had both Dizzy games and Robin Hood game on separated cartriges, and back then those 3 games were the TITS.
Especially Robin Hood.
It was a neat hardcore game where you explore the whole castle.
i know AVGN reviews shit for shits and giggles but him simply vomiting "durr hurr this game sucks" fucking made me upset.
Every kid from my circle back then would agree that at least DIZZY 2 is great because its simply an OPEN WORLD ADVENTURE game and robin hood is like dark souls 2D (yeah i know how memeing this sounds).

yeah, but it will be a nice FIRST review of 2020
and i hope to god he has a moment of "oh shit, i've been reviewing this shit for so long a joke i make 10 years ago is happening".

I'm glad he had Gaming Historian on, Norman does great work.

RE survivor and tomb raider were fun reviews

sorry EU fag, no one cares.
fucking avgn is american, none of us "grew up" with a shitty mascot like Dizzy.

Shut it Yatzhee

avgn phones it in reading scripts his producer wrote over lunch and gets 5 million views meanwhile guys like can go fuck themselves
if ain't fair

It's been long enough that it doesn't really matter if normies are into old games, better that then the modern AAA stuff that gets put out nowadays in my opinion.

You had every right to complain about normies getting into the industry in 2006/2007 via the Wii/mobile phones, and I'm a huge Nintendo fan but even I can tell that opening up the platforms to everyone put a dent in game design (to make things accessible to everyone).

Which is exactly why this guy over at /vr/ is probably pissed. We're talking about NES games here, and for all I know, those games might have been good to play back then. But James' review sounds like surface level garbage analysis. What am I saying, there IS NO analysis taking place there. It's all "Hehe look bown brown like poop hehe poopy diarrhea hehe" style humor now. It's fucking embarrassing.

>humor now

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That was the funniest joke in the episode, retard.

Except Worf had a tiny penis.

It was a good episode overall, but a few things could've been better, I think(in no particular order);
More-or-less this is a rehash of gaming Historian's Aladdin video, makes this feel like he's aping off someone else's work.

James gets a genie and makes no interesting wishes? Like, he doesn't even try? No wishing for NWC carts, no wishing all shitty games away, NOTHING? Wasted opportunity.

The coprophilia.
Look, I *know* this series has had a lot of shit jokes alright, and I mean *a lot*. But can we seriously tone it down a notch maybe? We don't need shit jokes and overly elaborate descriptions of what you can do with feces every few minutes, James is better than that.

I don't know why anons are complaining about his acting; sure, some parts felt a bit forced(the shit jokes especially), but he felt energetic and genuinely seemed to be enjoying himself. I also liked the new intro, gave me a feeling of James going for an old-Jontron style.

It's worse than ever, you know exactly what I mean. Don't act like I don't know James has talked about shit and piss since the beginning. That was with actual analysis and thought. That is gone now. GONE. He sounds like he reads from a script 2 other people wrote for him. The magic is gone, and I suspect I know why. Because 1. He doesn't have the desire anymore, and 2. It's no longer written from his perspective.

Two tiny penises

>99.9% of avgn fans: dude we're adults now, please just stop talking about poop every 3 seconds

>avgn: "no"


>James gets a genie and makes no interesting wishes

You hit on something there that is indicative of the bigger problem with his videos now overall. It all feels phoned in. No passion to create interesting humor. It's like a AVGN mad libs way of making videos now. Paint by numbers. If a teenager wrote an AVGN fanfic episode, this would be it. It's like the episodes are created by an AI on an assembly line.

STD isn't canon.

That's not what I'm saying. Like, at all. I want him to swear. I want him to keep the familiar AVGN humor. But his old videos had actual game analysis, not surface level "Hey so I just started the game and LOOK AT THAT!! The title screen is brown! Brown like feces! Ok, so next game is...."

It's completely impossible that you found that particular joke cringe and have not also been cringing at every single moment of every previous episode. There is nothing different in the level of writing or acting involved in that scene compared to any of his other work.

You're part of the problem then.
>james I want you to keep talking about poopie (HEE HEE XD) just do it on a deeper level!

Around the ROB episode is when AVGN got from "tolerably sobering" to straight out unwatchable. The whole "I'm le professional actor now" shtick is absolute horseshit and his voice lacks all sincerety and charisma. Compare it to the old episodes: Much worse audio-quality but miles more entertaining and listenable. AVGN died when he no longer did reviews as himself exaggerationg - but rather as playing the role of AVGN as a character. Fuck modern AVGN.

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>mfw 20:22

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Holy shit man, so you're saying... you're saying that YOU think what I'M saying is that I want him to talk about shit, but talk about it on a deeper level??? You know what? Nvm. This is pointless with you. i thought I was pretty clear what I said, but if this is what you're hearing, fucking forget it.

Imploying it's nu-AVGN thing, there already were episodes where he didn't actually review anything so let me refresh your memory

Also, didn't James mention sometime that Nerd's language has depleted (or something like that) hence he is trying to do a different approach?

To me his acting was never a problem because it's all just silly fun. However, lately I have a feeling he's simply tired and maybe even out of breath. For past 10 years his physical appearance has changed significantly, which isn't really a promising sign for relatively young male, and by that I mean he is aging quickly.

As for the cameos... I don't really know if James invites them or what, but if I had to guess I would say it's his friends who ask to be in the videos and James it just not assertive enough to tell them to fuck off. I am saying this because anytime he requested the Ninja, Glich Gremlin and perhaps every Mike's character turned out really good (for what it was) and Mike mentioned he was very unwilling to act in front of a camera. He was only convinced if he was to wear a mask or make-up.

You talk like a female.
I want to titty fuck you baby
show me them bobs

You said it perfectly. You fucking nailed it.

"AVGN died when he no longer did reviews as himself exaggerating - but rather as playing the role of AVGN as a character."

Klingon have everything redundant, it makes sense.

Great talk, guy. Top level bantz from you.

Wrong, only critical internal organs. Where's their spare limbs?

Spoony was always better

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There is nothing wrong with being crude and vulgar if you're clever about it, but screaming about taking shit and putting it in your toilet's reservoir, and describing the aftermath is not clever or funny; it's fucking cringe-inducing and makes me not want to share this in any sort of environment where I'd be judged socially(like at work, on fecesbook, or anywhere where people wouldn't comprehend the deep intricacies of a grown-ass 40-something year old man screaming about shit on the internet).

Not the guy you're replying to btw.

100% this.
James is fine. The other guys are fat man childreb and are very very boring to listen to. I wish they'd get rid of those guys so I could actually watch the reviews.

>critical internal organs
penis is critical to reproduction.
Best guest episode.
And everyone knows which one is the worst.

You're a fag if you noticed something like that

>/vr/ is pissed
only one user is pissed in that thread and it's OP throwing an autistic fit

>It's real

Based Mike

I hope for the day until AVGN, Spoony and Jontron all return to grace and deliever unto us the most KINO of game reviews.

I know, some day... some day...

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The AVGN character got simply boring, and now it feels extremely forced. I can't even imagine James actually liking to do so, he does it because everyone else wants him to be AVGN, while he just wants to be rather a film guy. In fact he should be one.

dude boobies lmao

James literally owns the fatsos retard
Impressive you literally got everything backwards since Bottsy was terminated without remorse

His acting was always god awful, it's just that it feels really really forced and trying too hard since, well, now it's the majority of videos so enjoy I guess.

Oh no, another AIDS Moby

>last Spoony content ever is:

F-fuck, how did we get the worst timeline?
Jontron might return, but I'm pretty sure he's not going to return to his old style. Spoony definitely is never returning, total lost cause.

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gaming historian and a bunch of literal who's got cameos but ross scott didn`t

I think the quality really dropped when he started outsourcing video editing. I'm not sure if he's still writing scripts, but it doesn't feel like it

Ross doesnt know anything about consoles.

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He said he was planning on laying off AVGN reviews after the ROB episode (i.e. the 100th), but caved in since the vocal majority of his dumdum fanbase has no sense of quality or idea when something should end, so they wanted MORE MORE MORE, gladly gulping down everything James' shits out. Plus the money he gets for each episode musn't be bad either.

>And everyone knows which one is the worst.
Macaulay Culkin?

Because honestly, everybody jacks off to this episode like it was a revelation of new world's wonder while to me Culkin's appearance was incredibly cringeworthy.

>Lloyd Kaufman
This could have been easily fixed in my opinion if James came up with a script, instead he decided to improvise obviously, leading to a situation when nor him nor Kaufman really knew what to do or say to keep things interesting DESPITE Kaufman returning some good lines;

>you need an old drunk- I mean! You need an old, mature man like me to explain it to you
>you said dick and I don't think it's very polite
>what am I gonna do? I'm gonna shit on it!

but it was too little to save this episode

he sold his channel to a jew producer after the movie tanks and he only makes an hourly wage
all add revenue goes to his christ killing producer now

Theres def. Been a decline in the AVGN vids, and while theres moments that are funny for yhe most parts the recent stuff isnt great.
The movie mightve made him lose vigor, but after the movie there are still rly great avgn vids.
I think it wouldve been cool to give the nerd a send off, a finale, years ago. Hell, he shouldve waited to do a movie as the finale. He shouldve never used E.T as the basis of the movie, especially since at that point soo many people online had reviewed and "raged" over it. The nerd deserved better.

Even old Spoony could've made a come-back if he brought back his Counter Monkey series. It doesn't require him to be the hip, optimistic 20-year old skaterboy-haircut Spoony. But even that is now a thing of the past. RIP Spoontang.

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You need to realize Spoony is dead. Dead in the dirt. No different than if a bullet had taken him out. The ghoul that masquerades in his skin is merely a doppelganger.

i mean, the last review he did was fucking Episode 7 coming out. that was like 2 years ago!

The Macaulay Culkin, Seaman, and Earthbound videos are my favorite "Recent" ones by him. Recent as in the past year. But I love all of his stuff since I grew up watching him. Meh.

Yeah this is the main reason the episodes aren't that great anymore. The making of the movie must have fucked with his grasp of the character cause you can see him try really hard to get into character in the newer videos forcing rants because the no longer come naturally to him


Post the originals!!

I like the vids where he talks about stuff similiar to the style of when he compared all the dracula films

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He sounds bored out of his fucking mind in all of his newer videos. It's obvious he doesn't give a shit anymore.

>the second wish
I laughed harder than I have watching a video online in a long time

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Stopped watching that garbage a long time ago. James / Mike or bust.
Too bad bootsy is gone.

came here to post this

The Gamers that saved Youtube...

You ready to RISE UP, Yea Forums?

yup, especially when he has to talk about games. Its good that ha last as long as he did since he always preferred movies.

>watching avgn for the fucking acting

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He also talks like a simpleton whenever he talks about movies though.

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More like the script is ass

What's creeping faster, Sharia in Europe, or James' hairline?

It's an interesting episode, but still worse than the old episodes.
Especially that everyone-gets-a-cameo bit at the end was garbage.

At least there is always a thread every time there is a new AVGN video, so there is no need to subscribe and have him flood your overview with uninteresting content.

Maybe so, but you saw a lot of passion and effort. But he has somehow gotten worse at everything over time. Doesn't help that his voice has been fucked up since the sports games episode, I think.

James still has some hair left, whereas Europe is already a caliphate.

Mexico in America

Glad I wasn't the only one.

I'd be interested to see data illustrating how many more viewers she earned doing this cameo than all the others combined.

Did Cinemassacre lose subs?

I swear they were at 3mil a long time ago and they're at 2.9mil right now.

Gaming Historian is legitimately too high-brow for AVGN even though James inspired him

All those literally whos at the end felt like vintage TGWTG tier autism

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Where did the subs go?

Unironically the best episode in a while

complete with mediocre (yet pleasing) tiddie.

I think you remember wrong

The first episode ever where I closed the tab after 5 minutes.

No, they've just been growing very slowly and steadily. Adding nearly another million over the last three years.

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he just looks too hairless to me

Wrong cuck.

never watched any of his videos. never even clicked on one. never will. it looks like the kind of shit you though was hilarious when you were 14 and you kept up with it but if anybody goes back to watch it theyll think youre retarded for ever liking it.

like with arin. oh everyone loved egoraptor, but all his shit is fucking garbage. like looking at old Yea Forums and seeing all the cringey stupid bullshit we used to think was funny. the "meme" websites are just old Yea Forums and look at how much we hate those

this was so obviously written by mike, avgn doesn't have the time and he doesn't care, he likes movies more than vidya, but mike likes vidya more, that's why he isn't in the new half in the bag imitation james does with his buds where they discuss films

mike still plays games daily and writes all the shit for avgn episodes

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I get is easy to make videos when they're unscripted, but i love his scripted videos. The one about Dracula was his best video in a long time. Do more scripted shit, James.

The bears one was fantastic, people hated that one?

It's not even written by him anymore, most of this bullshit is written by that fat fucking kike, Ryan. I can't even begin to describe how much I hate that little puke.

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>The one about Dracula was his best video in a long time.
All he does is just compare scenes from the movies, no insight, no nothing.

>The acting is abysmal
literally every AVGN
every single "UGH" he's ever done is pre-recorded while he poorly mouths it out on camera

Literally who are these people?

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Don't post or talk about Erin on this shithole you fucking morons.

She's too pure for that.

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Can somebody please make a webm of this bitch's titties bouncing?
At 20:23 to 20:26

Phase Two. The three fatties were just the start...

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It was interesting, better than rental reviews.

It was boring as hell.
Phoned-in crap, which is par for the usual with modern avgn.

treasure island dizzy sucks ass. The other two are better but its mostly nostalgia

You ever seen his elmo in grouchland review?

Shit I already got ninja'd
I love Yea Forums hahhaha

Get the fuck out
Anything past Dreamcast will always be modern.

>Now in 2019, some broad with eye shadow on can make a video about it, telling you how le epic she thinks it is
People eat up her tits.
Look at her other vids where she's not as revealing and they have much less views.

Shill me some good youtuber to watch.
I already follow Mandalore, Ross, Setth
Just don't give some turbo autismo with 30+ minutes videos

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Civvie 11

maybe hes acting shit on purpose so he can get AVGN out of his hair

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No he couldn't since these were just clips sent to him.
He could have tapped pic related though.

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Who is that?

Only one I know is Game Sack.

No matter how shit James is at his worst, I can't ever let him go. Every other e-celeb can fuck off when I realize they're shit, but never James.

OP watch this to cleanse your eyes/ears off of that filth

>become famous and have career off making fart jokes
>women literally throw themselves at you and force you to have sex with them

I just skipped the awkward moments, it did take just over 6 minutes to actually start reviewing the item though.

>Get into Jontron
>He says he loves Spoony and AVGN
Makes sense, since his first videos were like a mix of both styles.
Man, i miss Spoony

Nah he turned against AVGN before he sympathized with Irate Gamer. He still thinks Irate Gamer was a douche in the past and he still thinks the old AVGN stuff was some of the best content ever produced in the Web.

But her turned on AVGN way before that.

episodes 1-100 were kino and then post 100 pre movie was alright. After that there are only a couple of memorable episodes.

>dumb anime poster
When will they learn?

Lloyd and James should've been some non AVGN thing like James and Mike Mondays.

>last video Spoony made was 7 months ago

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