Octopath Traveler coming to PC on June 7

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>Made in UE4

Hope you guys don't buy it or you're supporting EPIC

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>everyone that shitposted the game after Dunkey's review will now celebrate it coming to PC
really makes you think

>no source other than "It might be coming to PC" when you google this

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This cannot be happening switchbrothers.

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Jokes on you I haven't bought a game in 15 years

Is this still going solely on the rating?

Now people will praise the game in threads since PC faggots will stop shitposting about it.

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It's an alright RPG. Mods will make it better.

>15 years

This is 18+ site, Billy

Is it actually any good? I like the artstyle but I heard the stories never really come together in a satisfying way and that the gameplay is pretty generic turn-based fare.



>in a now-deleted blog post
Like I wouldn't be surprised at all if it came to PC. But couldn't you like, archive the blog post at the very least? Why no proof?
There is never any proof.

Why do nips hate epic store?

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Not really. I'm not sure, but I don't think this is own by Nintendo, just publish by them in the West. Square publish it in Japan, so I think this is 100% their idea, especially knowing that they ran out of hard copies.

Lol octopath isn’t coming to your snoy system.

>another pixel shit game for the steam master race

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>mfw I just bought it for switch for $50

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Just like it was gonna be Switch exclusive forever? LMAO

Judging by the character info, Cyrus seems to be by far the most interesting one.
Am i right?

>Kiwami 2
this day just keeps getting and better

I can't wait to play it with a comfy reshade filter.

That's not what he said but stay obsessed

I own a switch and play on pc and I dropped it after about 15 hours. Its not any different than the thousands of rpg maker games that saturate steam. Actually it might be even worse since it hardly has a narrative.

So, what is it the most comparable to?

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Lol seething

The coping nincels are coming soon

bravely default

it's square's god-awful attempt to blend bravely default with romancing saga and live a live.

Nincels literally on suicide watch

you do the same thing sonyger

wh-what do we do now nintenbros? this isn't supposed to happen

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Lol, what? No, people were already calling it shit because of donkey fucker?

That new Platinum game is next.

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And now suddenly Resetera is orgasiming over the game despite hating it last month.

Live A Live, but it suffers from story characters forming a party throughout the game and there's not nearly enough interaction between them aka when character A's "story time" starts everyone in your party who's not relevant disappears. Live A Live got around this by having each character have a chapter of their own and only getting together in the final one where there's no story concerning said characters.

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Bayonetta 2 is next.

dont worry all the sonybros assured me it was garbage

They've already announced it for Steam

Japs don't like targeting only the western market. Most of Asia already accepted Steam, and I'm sure Tencent has a vested interest in making sure Epic doesn't intrude into their WeGame territory

Epic will only exist to poach western AAA shit, and maybe 1 or 2 kojima games

in reality, idorts knew it was shit from a mile away while nintendo fanboys accused them of "parroting e-celebs" whenever they criticized the game.

This sucks, but only because I can't shit on the game without being called an angry Nintendo fanboy. Every part of me wants to remind people how exceedingly mediocre the game is and not a hill worth dying on for anyone.

I thought it was shit before Yea Forums started shoving that video down my throat

Boring, lazy, turn based JRPG. The definition of style over substance.

Enjoy your old game, I guess.
It's not that good.

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>since the game came out everyone was calling it an overrated piece of shit
>doesn't really matter since most people forgot about this game like 2 months later, especially after dunkey's video made discussion of the game impossible
>game comes to PC
I swear you guys don't even give a shit about video games and just care about who "wins"

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live a live also had an interesting premise and characters, whereas octopath takes that formula and applies it to what is otherwise the most generic jrpg-by-numbers imaginable.

He says, holding back tears.

You guys think we will get it on Xbox and PS4? My pc is too weak and I refuse to touch anything Nintendo ever since that day.

can't believe I got tricked into buying this soulless piece of shit


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Im looking foward to it, if only to see if its really good, or is it another case, its exclusive therefore its good

how is your pc too weak to run this glorified rpg maker indieshit-looking game? when was the last time you updated it, 1998?

Why would I be in tears over a video game coming to PC?
I play games on PC myself, I just don't limit myself to it.

>My pc is too weak
How hard is it too run a game that's just 3D sprites?

It took them forever to realize Steam existed which mostly came about due to fan demand. How long you think it will take them to learn about Epic?

Alright but are you an idiot? Epic receives royalties from sales of the game

Being on a team is the only way Yea Forumsirgins can feel like they belong somewhere, so they picked video game companies. They don't realize all the corporate cock they have to suck just for an identity.

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I have an ancient 15 year old PC. That's why.

Noice, bought it for Switch and I'll definitely double dip for it on PC.

didn't nintendo help with the game? probably means it won't come to sony's machine otherwise they would've announced it with pc already
xbox is far fetched, this is the last place you go for a JRPG

Man that's some 3rd grade level naming sense you got there.

Mediocre, JRPG Maker, shit.

Hope you PC friends have fun with Miguel. That guys a fun boss.

live-a-live is the shit. such a shame it never got localized back in the day.

switchfags can stop pretending this shit is good now

Didn't Resetera flip out over that dancer chick? Why are they suddenly cheering this?

Seriously what is the point of the switch at this moment?
The best version of BotW is on the Cemu anyway

It's fun if you like JRPGs but don't pay $60 probably

>now deleted blog post
Seems strange that it was deleted. Oh well, enjoy PC bros, i had fun with it, and hopefully you do too.

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smash is still a timed exclusive, so there's that at least.

Resetera is not one person, like Yea Forums is not one person. There are plenty of people who go to both sites, believe it or not.


>garbage soulless jrpg shat out by modern square enix
nobody wanted this, you consolebabs can keep it

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>A Thief and a Priest team up for no reason and don’t even talk to each other.

What a worthless JRPG simulator.

Watching tendies defend it was funny tho.

this game had a lot of potential, but the fucking party system is genuinely retarded and ruins the story of the game.
>Pick your main character and do their opening chapter
>go find other character and do their chapter
>go to other character and do their chapter
>all of this while grinding your character so they don't get demolished in their second chapter
>doesn't even matter who you pick up, none of the stories actually change depending on how many party members you have or who your party members are
>10 hours later you finally do the second chapter for your main character, but since so much time passed, you stop caring about your character and what they were really trying to do
I was genuinely excited for this game and even bought it at launch, but I seriously couldn't bring myself to finish it because of this shit. The only saving grace is we might get more Octopath porn, but let's be real here, how many PC users are genuinely going to bother playing this game and how many are just going to shitpost about it instead?

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Didn't you hear? Everyone in Resetera is a samefag.



because it's coming to steam, aka sjw central.

Steam isnt sjw

I have no idea what was wrong with having each character have their own separate story. Is it because they were determined on sharing the same world to cut down on the workload?

shitch users crying
feels good

>this game had a lot of potential
No, it didn't. The aspect you said ruined it is the main design element the game was made around. That and free money from retards with low standards.
Stop contradicting yourself and start calling out Square-Enix for what they are.
Square stopped caring about video games somewhere around FFVI.
Apologist faggot.



He's an autist that prefers knowledge over pussy. Of course.

I hope the PC release brings more memes and comfy discussion.

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>shitch users crying
Where? All i can see is people saying Switch owners are crying, but none of said crying.

should we be looking forward to video filter removals?
this looks excessive

it's funny how Yea Forums was saying this was the best JRPG in years when the game came out, but now that it's not a switch exclusive anymore, it's shit

Who gives a shit?

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Hope someone mods an encounter rate slider, exploration is ass with random encounters

I mean, if I had to choose between playing a jrpg on my PC or on a handheld, if still choose the latter. As a piece of hardware it has solid utility

>falling for ir8 bait

fuck off

It's not like that's hard to change in game. Use the cursed bow when you want more, use the special ability when you want fewer

It's a typo from the japanese twitter user that was reporting the sony third party censorship, people found it funny and now retards use it as an insult

This is Epic

Nigger what narrative is this, people were saying "it's shit" on Yea Forums ever since the Dunkey video

Now Snoyfags calling God Eater 3 shit since it also got announced for the Switch today that's totally different

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Literally nobody would care had Nintendo not backed it.

You know I dont even care about actopath coming to pc if it means more people play it. What I care about are cunts like who constantly try to start console war shit over this

Really? Nobody would have cared about a squeenix game?

keep saying it

what fucking donkey vide
and god eater was multiplat from the start

If it we're 2006, maybe.


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There are literally hundreds of shit RPGs like this coming out on PC weekly.

Well, Nintendo doesnt own the IP unlike games like Daemon X machina or Astral Chain.

>nobody would have cared about a squenix game

This website I swear

Shit game's been shitty all along

having their own separate stories playing out completely breaks the pacing of the game, as I pointed out, you have to keep going to different locations to do different parts of different characters stories, and all of this happens in between chapters of your character's story, and because of how long it takes to get to those places, it would take maybe 15 hours JUST to be able to do the next chapter your character's story. Also because of this, they had to build the stories around each character going alone, so there's next to no actual interaction between each character. And with an RPG, that shit is genuinely unacceptable

Imagine being mad at this because you don't own every real platform

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>Publishers and developers are totally the same thing guys!

I don't want to play RPG Maker games on any system. Well, at least on pc it'll be 60 fps and moddable but garbage stays garbage even with acceptable framerate.

Depends on who you ask. Jim sterling for instance, likes it a lot.

How else do you expect Nintenmutts to damage control?

PS4+PC best combo.

I wish I had autism then, women have ruined my life.

Who the FUCK gives a shit about 60fps in a turn based 2D RPG maker you GODDAMN RETARD.

This fucking website.

>I don't want to play RPG Maker games on any system.
I do, I just require them to be porn.

nintendies BTFO again

Paradox has better gameplay than this game.

This, and most of them still somehow look better than whatever this trash is.

>tfw this will also come to PC



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Yea Forums favorite JRPG is Xenoblade 2, it never was Octopath

Nintendo is funding that one, so I doubt it. Octopath wasn't funded by Nintendo it was just an RPG that Nintendo signed a contract to get a timed exclusivity deal for

Normal people do.

Neck yourself, cuck.


Reminder Switchlets were assuring people it would be the mobile game because nintendo never loses exclusives.

I loved this game, and I'm happy more people will play it now.

You go and tempt fate, Jamal. I dare you. I DOUBLE dare you.

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Shouldn’t you be begging for Persona 5?

Don’t worry about SMTV, the B team will be free once they aren’t needed to help the A team anymore once Project Re:Fantasy releases exclusively on the PS4 :)

gives me an excuse to continue it. lost my half completed file since i lost my cart so may replay it again sometime

It was less Yea Forums and more Reddit, Resetera, etc.

this shit was already debunked, they found the guy who made the original video and it wasn't dunkey

Japan and China have a very strenuous relationship.

>Yea Forums favorite JRPG is Xenoblade 2

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Is there any point to own Switch now?

Because Jap studios might be slow and occasionally dumb but they do actually make an effort to listen to fan demands.
They only just started winning over the PC audience these last few years and aren't going to actively piss them off.

Why does this game get so much hate? It had some flaws, mostly dungeon design, but everything else was really good

Like I understand some people not liking it but I find it odd that most discussion I see is completely negative


now port bravely default so I don't need to waste money on a 3DShit.

Weird how Yea Forums suddenly likes Octopath now that it isn't a Nintendo exclusive anymore.
Almost like they just wanted to hate it for fanboy reasons.

I'm fine with PC bros playing this game, as long as Söyniggers don't get to play it on their shitty MovieStation 4.

>P-Portbegger, s-stop stealing our games
Lmao, get some games. What was the last one, Spider-Man?

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Literally who?

free is always good

Why would sonygaf shit on a nintendo switch exclusive?
We will probably never know.

I wish this games combat wasn't like pulling teeth. I want to play it pretty bad but I just physically can't stand that horrendous muso tier combat.

>I want to play an RPG that has a horribly paced story that is divided into 8 chunks that doesn't even have character interactions
I'm not saying they need to be like EVERY OTHER RPG, it's just the fact that this RPG was executed horribly.

God eater 3 is on switch?!?!?!?!? YESSSSSSSSS
I loved the first 2, I was sad when 3 wasnt on vita.

>Weird how Yea Forums suddenly likes Octopath now
The consensus is still that it looks like a RPG Maker game and everyone who pays money for it is insane.

>fight god at the end
>Why is it different
>Should be exactly the same
>job and subjobs

10/10 shitpost though.

Because it was mediocre, forgettable and absolutely not worth the time.

People are over the nostalgia bait low budget JRPGs, Dragon Quest makes Bravely, Octopath and those awful JRPG factory games completely irrelevant.

Switchbros aren't going to care as long as PS4cucks don't get to play it.

That's pretty good though, and you know the first party games are staying on Switch

people are only shitting on it now that it's not a nintendo exclusive anymore
really makes you think

>s-stop stealing our games
Like PC does Nintendo?

It gets hate because Dunkey did a video about it where he shits on it because he hates RPGs, so Dunkey fans mindlessly hate it too.

Are they really that obsessed? Poor lads.

Because there weren't literally hundreds of dunkey threads about switchlets being BTFOed!!!!!!! threads, cope more.

>Yea Forums favorite JRPG is Xenoblade 2
The only people that actual like that trash are dickheads from Yea Forums


you really don't remember octopath threads do you? Everyone kept saying "so now that we know this game is shit" and "wow what a mediocre wreck" and then Dunkey's video happened and everyone decided to stop talking about the game because now that he says it's shit, every thread will be spammed with it

Its a novel "return to form" classic jrpg but then oh shit you remember how the classics become fucking godawful grinds 10 hours in.

Its mediocre and was only jerked off due to nintendofag exclusive

I have no idea how people eat the shit called dragon quest. Its probably just mexicans and blacks obsessed with DBZ.

Only MS doesn't do that moron.

Bloodborne, RDR2 and Until Dawn will come to PC. Nintendo games won’t.

It had a great soundtrack, just enough freedom to feel fresh for a traditional jrpg, a fun battle system, and a job system which is like the best part of square jrpgs. I'm not really sure how its generic, I dont really know any games quite like it released recently

I dunno. I really liked it, where as I couldn't stand to finish xenoblade 2

>Nintendo games won’t.
I mean you can already play Switch games on PC so even if they dont get ported, they are already on PC

But you never have to grind in octopath

When are those faggots gonna blend Suikoden and whatever else?

Nintenbro here, I'm happy more people will be able to enjoy Octopath
I will probably double dip if the Steam version is faster for speedrunning

He probably meant games made by Nintendo. Probably.

the one where he was getting fukken kucked

lmao gottem

Not necessarily, it depends on the licensing agreement between Squenix and Epic. And it's likely that it's not the same licensing scheme as with indie devs.

The last one was GOTY exclusive, something Shitch could never get.

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Oh good, I don't have to buy a Switch after all.

The real question is when is this coming to chadbox and Playstation Quad

Royalties apply to every dev regardless of size

Already forgot 2017?
Or too traumatized?

Tbh I don't give a flying fuck
I have a friend that wanted to play it but he couldn't afford a switch, now he can

What about 2017 Nincel?


Nice,I really wanted this.

everyone currently posting on Yea Forums should be rangebanned. just wipe the slate completely clean. it's the only way to salvage this board

>Our standard enterprise EULA offers generous royalty-free terms to permit a wide range of projects across many non-games verticals.

Only the greatest game of all time won GOTY

This is Square Enix we're talking about
I'm still waiting them to fucking fix Nier Automata. This port might be shit, wait for reviews before buying

Might have been interested if the art style wasn't so fucking hideous. It's some deviantart tier dogshit.

What about it? The superior 4K 60fps version is on PC, why play the demake on Shitch?

>many non-games verticals.

Octopath is a game being sold for money

So GoW must be the greatest game of all time then.
Also, haven't answered my question.

Just go to some other site, fag. Sorry people don't conform to what you want them to. Maybe you'll have more luck on resetera.

So you're saying Nintendo makes the best games?
So Nintendo does always win, baby!

After how shitty Bravely Default and especially Bravely Second were, I'm not terribly optimistic about Octopath.

It's also on PiiU. Shitch is more worthless every year.
I think every PS4cuck have PC capable of playing NES graphics game. You lost game to PC cucks and PS4 cucks.

>complaining about problems on a pc game
Why do you even own a PC if you aren't okay with using mods? Niers has had a fan patch that fixes all its problems since day 1.

Man, snoyboys really are low IQ retards.
No wonder nobody respects them

He didn't say anything like that actually, you suck at reading comprehension just like Nintendo overall.

>Everyone kept saying "so now that we know this game is shit" and "wow what a mediocre wreck" and then Dunkey's video happened
People were still talking about the game very favorably until Dunkey's review landed and the threads instantly went to shit.

Nah it’s mediocre and the open world empty, i got bored by it after the 200 yahaha.

He pretty much confirmed GOTY=greatest, and confirmed BOTW is GOTY 2017.
So yes, he did

>can't refute and present argument
>just braindead name calling
Typical, dumb, underage Nincel

The point is you can negotiate an upfront contract to eliminate the royalty fee.

No, he only said you can play superior version on PC. You must be really dumb and illiterate.

Style over substance. Square made another Zzz... Fest. Hopefully RaySpace is better than this shit.

Nice. I hope the game's discussion will get out of the vain shit of presupposing the other's arguments stem from it being a Switch exclusive. Solid 4/10-5/10. Very decent.

So you've never heard of a rethorical question?
Or how you can get it by context.
Low IQ sonoyboys probably don't even know what those words mean.

kill yourself you FUCKING nigger

That said, shitters like Gearbox are probably too cheap to pay upfront

So when can we expect Xenoblade 2? I don’t want a Switch for one JRPG

>game graphics are just fancy effects and 3d sprites
>mfw min. requirements: 8gb of ram

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That would mean he completely missed the original point, making him a retard.
Or you give him the benefit of the doubt, assume he doesn't have a single digit IQ and then he must have agreed Zelda is a masterpiece.

>rhetorical question
It was a retarded question as expected from a retard like you. Enjoy your no games system Nincel.

I, for one, welcome multiplats.

People shouldn't have to spend hundreds on each gaming platform to enjoy games.

I don't think a game that can run on Switch on a frank shit ton of FX could have much problem on any prepared PC.

Nice argument, really showing of your single digit amoutn of braincells.

Nintendo owns the studio that made that, so it's not happening

You understimate how retarded are Japanese companies when it comes to optimizing

minimum requirements are literally meaningless
minimum requirements means "this is the weakest PC we tested it on"

>That would mean he completely missed the original point
Original point made by me was that PS4 got GOTY exclusive while Switch doesn't, which is fact. Then you moved goalposts to "Nintendo made Zelda" out of nowhere". Only one digit brainless abortion here is you.

X2 was made by Monolith, and Monolith is owned by Nintendo. So... not so soon, unless they made some deal with Microsoft. They are buddies now.

Not that unreasonable, if it requires the full available ram on switch + 2gb for windows, that could push it into the 8gb requirements

Yeah, you being retard and having no games is nice argument. Don't have to tell me.

Min requirement means nothing. You can play it on lower specs and it will still work fine. Not every game, but still...

Why would you care about the platform and not the creative team that made it?
Or are you just a fanboy of a random plastic box, like a retard?

This is the most hideously ugly game I've seen in a long time. The art style is absolutely baffling. It's genuinely the worst of both worlds.

they aren't. Phil's philosophy has always been to make it so more people can play Microsoft games, that's why they've been porting shit to other systems, that's why they have a huge focus on streaming right now, and that's why they have been releasing shit like the controller for disabled kids. If Sony wasn't so fucking dense I bet they would've gotten their stuff as well.

Xenoblade 2 is made by Monolithsoft, Monolithsoft is owned by Nintendo.

are they really going to make me buy this game again just to play it at 60fps

Which is why people are celebrating finally getting some switch scraps after a full year, right?

>Why would you care about the platform and not the creative team that made it?
Because I pay money for it, you idiot?
Why do you care about corporations like some cock sucking shill?

>so more people can play Microsoft games
what games?

>better version

You would care about the people who make it, who actually deserve the money.
So why care about platform?
You didn't answer the question at all, just sperged about PS4.

>have to buy DQ11 again to play the optimal experience
>have to buy Octopath again to play the optimal experience

SE can't keep getting away with it

Why would they take a studio like that hostage? The JRPG audience is on PC and PS4

Yeah, an old stale game Yea Forums considers bad is scraps.
By every definition of the word.

you know, shit like Cuphead, Forza, Ori, Halo, Minecraft. They don't care about getting exclusive shit on their platform anymore, they're probably going to release most of their games from here on out on other systems but advertise the Xbox version as the definitive version of the game to boost sales on their platforms.

How will Octopath be any different on PC? The game seems to be complete as it is, although the way you can't put the side missions bar all the way up has always disconcerted me.

>hmm which is better, paying for a platform that has more games or paying for a platform that has fewer games with worse quality
You are corporate Nintendo shill that likes being fucked in the ass user.

PC is still developing as a jrpg market and
>LOL ps4
Why not just castrate your game now?


>Why would they take a studio like that hostage?
Because they own it? Tha's Capitalism 101

Because they REALLY wanted to get away from Bandai Namco before Nintendo bought them. If Sony wasn't too busy sucking ass with the PS3 around 2006 they could have bought them.

>castrating anything
>compared to shitch

oh no no no no
cope more nincel ^_^

Why not? Why did Sony buy Media Molecule despite the audience for their games not being on PS4? Why did Xbox buy Rare when the audience that likes Rare games isn't on Xbox?

Because they... own them? That's like saying "why is the Pikmin team held hostage by Nintendo, the main audience for tactical games is PC".

>implying Nintendo fans give a fuck about JRPGs that aren’t FE and normalfag bait

there is if you like bing bing yahoo shit
mario/kirby/yoshi and don't forget about labo
so if you are like 8-10 years old you may like it
otherwise nah

So your argument is literally PS4=GUD SHITCH= BAAAAAAD no matter how good the game?
Because that is literally what you are saying right now, platform is more important than the quality of the game.


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Xenoblade 2 still sold well on the Switch what are you talking about, so did Xenoblade 1. The only Monolith game that didn't do so hot was X and that's because it was on the Wii U at the very end of its lifespan.

Look forward to your cencorship of all future third party titles.
Cyberpunk 2077 family friendly edition will be great.

mods, better performance and will likely be cheaper than the switch version

I didnt need to listen to a youtube person to know Octopath was an average game

Mods won't fix the biggest issue of the game which is the story and lack of character interactions.

>I will be able to play this kino RPG without the dogshit dof and aggressive vignette filters


next I need bloodborne without chromatic aberration, 60fps and fixed frame pacing

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>ps4 wojak
>confirmed not to be on ps4
What does this say about sonygaf, are they just retarded?

kinda like how threads shit on halo and were always derailed but once that pc was announced man the cock sucking couldn't be stronger.
maybe Yea Forums is just full of children that if they can't play it the game it's shit or until their e-celeb loves it

>So your argument is literally PS4=GUD SHITCH= BAAAAAAD no matter how good the game?
Are you the same retard who lack any reading comprehension?
>Because that is literally what you are saying right now, platform is more important than the quality of the game.
No, I never said such thing, I said PC and PiiU can play Zelda and Octopath, which makes Switch more obsolete.
You seem to love sucking at basic reading comprehension just like you love suck Switch cock.

It's a retro styled JRPG. I don't see much reason why any of the motives would be better for the game (mods for what exactly? Cheating? I doubt the romhacking community will be much attracted to this, although it would be nice).

The price is a very good point. Switch games are very pricey.

We were talking about games, and their quality.
Why are you so obsessed with the switch?

Is it turn-based? What is the gameplay like?

Irrelevant. It makes Switch more obsolete therefore PS4 better in comparison.

Only ''worth'' it at like 75% off. PC gamers will see for themelves how overhyped it was. Only music is good.

The visuals may seem simple but this game actually has some pretty nasty framedrops at certain points

it's turned based. and it's pretty shit in that regard

No, I was talking about platforms since the first post.
Why do you suck Switch and reading comprehension quality so much?

So snoyboys literally don't care about playing games, they just shitpost their retarded wojaks?

Apparently it only did 1.5 million lmao that’s not even close to P5 and Nier

>So snoyboys literally don't care about playing games
That would be Nincels.

Get a load of this guy, you really are a fanboy of a plastic box

I've played it and haven't seem much frame drops (maybe in special moves? Dunno). It's still a turn based JRPG, it's a bit vain to be just checking on numbers on this kinda thing.

Nice deflection, trying to hide the fact that snoyboys are trying to claim this is good for them even though the game is confirmed to never come to playstation.

that's still good for a niche RPG. Persona, Nier, and FF are really the only outliers in terms of how well JRPGs really sell.

>wanting better system is being fanboy
Just look at this retarded Nincel

>first party

legitimately never ever

It is because they chose PS4 over Switch which is losing exclusives. Some people are happy that spend their money well and it's normal.

He's saying everyone on Yea Forums likes him and stole his opinion you braindead monkey.

Have you forgotten about detroid?
And why would that make them happy, it makes no sense.
Their platform or life literally hasn't improved one bit, it just makes them retarded.
And everybody defending this is also retarded, but maybe that's just because this place is sonygaf.

Did a bunch of people post nintendo wojaks after detroid came to pc?
No, only snoytards do that kind of shit, confirming themselves to be the worst fanbase on Yea Forums.

This game will be forever subject of console wars isn't it? How boring. The game isn't much to begin with, although certainly better than I am Setsuna

>a jrpg on a userbase of 12 millions consoles back then can't beat the one on a 180 millions consoles userbase
No shit Sherlock. If anything, XC2's sales were impressive, while P5 are low, especially considering all the hype it had


But will it be 60 FPS, unlike the Switch version?

Depends on your computer, I guess. Why is this important to you?

>can't even spell properly out of asshurt

PS4 has GOTY exclusive, I can basically play every Switch game outside of bing bing wahoo better on other systems.

Can we mod this into FFVI

Attached: emoji.png (227x222, 4K)

you dont get it

UE4 usage automatically gives 5% cuts from the game's revenue to Epic

>why better quality is important to you
Maybe some people don't want to play it on shitty quality like Switch system?

I remember the story being ass mostly the characters too.

So that's the snoyboys argument?
Not knowing the spelling of the nigger capital?

Nice, remember that one the next time Sony is voted by far the worst fanbase on Yea Forums again,

I'm used to games in that style (e.g. Squaresoft's and Enix's SNES era RPGs) to run at 60 FPS, not 30. It just feels weird, I don't know.
It's one of the reasons I did not buy the original on Switch

It doesn't matter to the gameplay.

it's a turn based RPG with next to no animations, if there's a game where FPS doesn't matter, it's this game.

>don't buy babbyshit console because I already have a gaming PC and a PS4 to cover all possible good games ever released
>one of the few good games on babbyshit console gets ported
All is right in the world, and natural.

Imagine being third world underage and illiterate like Nincels.
>Cyberpunk 2077 family friendly edition will be great.
Yeah, just like Witcher 3. Oh, wait.
Enjoy Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk uncensored on Switch of course.

>Some people are happy that spend their money well and it's normal.

>spending money on a no games shitbox
>b-but Persona
PS3 emulator
>b-but muh exclusives
I can watch them on youtube but hey, Detroilet is on PC (will pirate) and PS4 emulation will come soon. It took your shitbox like six years to have three games to play, Spiderman, Bloodborne and that Odinsphere remaster.


SE is the publisher in Japan, so it's fair game.
However, Nintendo is the publisher outside Japan, so even if Nintendo themselves didn't handle the translations, they did fund them, so don't expect a non-Japanese version of the game unless it's an entirely new translation funded by SE. It was the same situation with Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge back on the Wii U. While it eventually appeared on other platforms in Japan, Nintendo had published the game internationally and therefore had the rights to those translations. It's not that it's impossible for the game to receive new translations, but if it based itself off a translation funded by another company, that company would have the grounds to demand that translation be canceled.

It's embarassing the gameplay and exploration of a game like Golden Sun, which is more than 15 years old now, on a fucking GBA, is 10 times better than what SE lazily did in Boring Traveler

>framerate dosen't matter to gameplay
Oh boy, also 60fps looks much better in every game.
>call someone nigger
>can't even properly spell simple words in English
Ningglets are funny.

Nice COPE there.

>PS3 emulator
Can't play it flawless.
>I can watch them on youtube
Yeah, but you can't play them because you are poor Nintendo third world nigger.

>This is the best argument snoyboys have

Are you a parody of a sony fanboy?
You falseflagging is the only reasonable explanation for how retarded you are.

>can't refute
I'll take this as a white flag.

about as flawless as any emulator.

>sony games
choose one.

Decent reason. Can't avoid thinking what you would've suffered from the switch between SNES/Megadrive to PS1 lol

>framerate dosen't matter to gameplay
Well, not really in the case of a turn based JRPG without any reason to use reflexes, no.

ps4 lost Yakuza Kiwami 2 today so the exclusives counter went down on both.

>proving that you are illiterate third world subhuman
Yeah, those are arguments. Do you have anything like this?

>remove dof
>full mod support
>32 bit pixels in 4K


I'm a PCfag to my dying breath, but holy shit has Nintendo lost its mind?

Attached: SkeletonBus.jpg (400x395, 319K)

When was Witcher 3 released and when has snoy started their new censorship campaign?

>>sony games
Just because game is not bing bing wahoo doesn't mean it doesn't have gameplay. You are getting more and more desperate.
Yakuza wasn't PlayStation exclusive for a long time.





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>I have no idea what was wrong with having each character have their own separate story.
That's not the issue, the issue is that the other characters are not acknowledged.

For example, there might be a scene where an antagonist ambushes a character. The cutscene pretends like the other characters aren't there. So the antagonist gets the drop on the character, while the other characters are rendered invisible.

This is utterly retarded.

they lost God Eater and Yakuza

They are called movie games for a reason.
Because watching them on youtube is indistinguishable from playing them.

>it will be censored because I said so
Enjoy your lack of tits on your toddler handheld.

How is the combat system in this game? Is it your standard menu-based jrpg affair or something more tactical?

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They are becoming the third party slowly like Sega. Sony forced them to do it. It's humiliating.

Why even delete it?
What do you gain from delaying the blow of "Hey, you bought Nintendo's shit hardware to play this game but now you can play it on an actual resolution"?

what was the last game sony didn't censor?

>I think every PS4cuck have PC capable of playing NES graphics game
No they dont lol they own toasters

i thought god eater was already on pc.

Standard menu-based JRPG with slight bit of depth in character abilities and use of turns as "stack up".

Anyone that matters doeesn't know who that is

they are called action games everywhere user. Just because game has realistic more movie like graphics than your ugly Nintendo games doesn't mean it's worse, it's actually an advantage.

Last time I buy a switch game.

Where did the narrative come from anybody bought a switch for octopath of all things?

A year ago Yea Forums said it was a flop everybody hated and now it is suddenly the ultimate system seller and god given masterpiece.

>No they dont lol they own toasters
PC capable of playing Nintendo shitty graphics games cost less than PS4.

>Caring about resolution in a fake bit game

Are you a fucking idiot? They'd be celebrating the fact that you fucking lost an exclusive. Shit or not, which in this case, it's shit.

You mean press a button every ten minutes for a QTE?
Or walking slowly while the game talks to you?
Oh yeah, nice "gameplay".

you're not even trying

It's already on pc

Prove it

>You mean press a button every ten minutes for a QTE?
No, I mean, combat, shooting things you do in video games.
You must be really mentally handicapped do you?

shitposters that want to pretend to be excited for an RPG that was basically agreed to be a meh to average game because this board runs on BTFO culture.

Prove what? PS4 is popular in western Europe and America which are first world countries with people capable of having a PC. Are you retarded?

It wasn't a flop, really. It was generally agreed that it's pretty mediocre though.

So things not in sonygames?
If you want actual gameplay, consider getting a pc, sony exclusives are to flex your woke muscles.

>PS4 exists
>Therefore my PC is powerful
not proof

Honestly I probably won't buy it as I prefer RPGs on a handheld if its an option, but all the same I'm glad more people will get to play this. Atleast for the people the game will resonate with.

>Can't play it flawless.
i5 9600k + RTX 2080 I can play it a lot better than you faggot
Again cope.

>So things not in sonygames?
No, things in Sony games. I know you are third world subhuman but it was a simple sentence.

>So things not in sonygames?
Not even him, but denying reality is the purest form of seething.

anything is better than being an canadian with autism.

I never said my PC is powerful, I said it's capable of playing Nintendo games like Octopath better.
Why every single possible Nincel can't even read properly simple basic english sentence?
My god.

>I never said my PC is powerful, I said it's capable of playing Nintendo games like Octopath better.
No it cant lol

Especially with screen tearing from PS3 version.
This is Nincels argument.

Why pretend there is gameplay in sonygames?
Just admit you like slightly interactive movies with the occasional QTE, it's fine.
Plenty of people like VNs

>1050ti can't play Octopath Traveler
You are getting more and more desperate Nincel

>We are getting Nintendo exclusives now
Xenogears Chronicles 2 for PC when?

>Just admit you like slightly interactive movies with the occasional QTE
I just played GoW 2017 and Horizon. Name one site that called them interactive movies seething Nincel
Do you like your interactive cartoons on Switch? Maybe go for visual novels?

Im not trying to lie about my PC specs just to seethe about a game company and its userbase lol

Dumbass. What's happening is that the ponzi scheme of capitalism (don't get me wrong, all economic theories are ponzi schemes because life in itself is a ponzi scheme, but that's a whole other wall of text) is collapsing in Japan. The number of young consumers that Sony and Nintendo have access to in Japan is on the decline, and will be increasingly on the decline, so they have no other choice but to turn to western markets increasingly as time goes on.

Now, that pivot has been happening for a while; but with regards to PC vs Console, in Japan consoles are predominant and the PC market is basically just two groups: 1. westaboos who like PC only strategy games like AoE or Total War, and 2. the Jap's indie scene, which is dominanted by Touhou and RPGmaker trash. So Nintendo and Sony both having their own consoles with no PC ports just made a lot of sense for a long time. But the western market is differen; as while consoles do have a comfortable niche, PCs are heavily used and just about everyone has one with at least some games on it. A while back Sony tested the PC waters with some ports - notably Valkyrie Chronicles, a strategy game that was well suited for the PC - but I still never expected Nintendo to do it. Their games just have never seemed to 'fit' with the PC. I always thought they'd stick with their strategy of having a 'next gen console on the go' via the Switch and its successors. Sony going PC makes total sense, they have plenty of strategy and FPS games that would do well on PC - especially older FPS titles like Killzone and Resistance. But for Nintendo to hint that I might be able to play BING BING WAHOO with a mouse and keyboard just feels... wrong.

Again, I'm a die hard PCfag. It's good news for me, but I can't help but think we've switched timelines again.

Attached: 1415894706125.jpg (927x380, 77K)

the only game I wanted from the Basedbitch

Also, I don't mind sharing my games with PCbros as Nintendo+PC is the best combo. I'm just glad Snoyfags are out of the fun.

True, long slow walking sequences from GoW sure are gameplay, got me there.

>Nincel lost every argument so he goes for shitposting and call games that are not bing bing wahoo movies

yeah i can agree with that. the soundtrack was pretty kino IMO though
imagine that but in a story with an actual narrative and with characters you actually care about.


>SEETHING snoyboy needs to scream about nintendo in a thread that doesn't mention sony at all

Yeah, combat and explorations are not gameplay, 2 minutes segment is whole game.
Why Nincels are still seething over PS4 getting GOTY?

>Nintendies keep screeching about a direct and flood the catalog with it plus smash trash and Persona 5 switch rumors
>P5S most likely not a switch game, no direct, octopath now on PC
serves these faggots right

Attached: emoji.jpg (600x600, 28K)

thanks for beta testing NintoddIers

>mention Sony games
>no I didn't mention sony
Imagine being Nincel. It's like a mental disease.

SMT V for PS4 soon brothers

>tfw hacked switch + gaming pc
Cool! Now when are they going to bring the Bravely games to PC/Switch?

I've been seeing this done quite a bit lately, i am thinking it's literally the same case as game releasing New Game+ after release. They just want more PR, so news outlets will post two articles about a game release instead of one

Nice try, the "combat" doesn't even let you position yourself without doing that for you.

You can still like slightly interactive movies, no need to feel insecure, user.

>actually Square Enix
>actually Sega (of Europe for that matter)
Are you actually retarded?

If Persona 5 wont leave Sony hardware SMTV wont leave Nintendo hardware

I was upset and remain upset that people were insisting the game had a cohesive party and story up until the week the game came out. The dunkey video provides convenient coverage for this fact but the blatant misinformation just before release is both why I bought it and was extremely disappointed.

Persona 5 for Switch soon brothers

Attached: 1lF6.gif (255x239, 80K)

>the "combat" doesn't even let you position yourself without doing that for you.
It actually does user. Why do you talk about games you never played and think every game is easy and simplistic like your Nintendo games?

We all know how GoW works, no need to pretend it isn't true.
The game basically forces you into the correct position of it's cinematic "combat"

With it on PC allows me to at least pirate it unless square brings it to PS4.

>Haven't played it yet
>can't decide to pick it up on PC or go with switch for the portability
FUCK, any option is good but I only want one copy of it

Attached: 1554710292760.png (149x139, 44K)

>wanting to play inferior version

That's what you think

Cope. SMT is being made on UE engine and is taking long for a reason.

>Xenoblade 2

I'd recommend the Switch version if you have a chance because its available right now.

Dark Sun sucks ass, dude. What is this stupid pic?

Dunkey only played the first chapter, he even admitted it.
He even backtracked on being a reviewer, like all joke reviewers do once people call them out.

>buy on switch
>pirate pc
or just pirate them both idk

>Persona 5 won't be on Switch but PS4 GETS SMTV BABY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I swear consolewars make people retarded. I guess that's what 3rd world education does to you.

>caring what ecelebs say
Kill yourself

>If I spread lies maybe I will cure my inferiority complex
Ok user, I'm waiting for a source on that.
By the way, Nintendo "game" in comparison.

Attached: Nintendo gameplay.webm (853x480, 2.84M)

P5 is a special engine for sony platforms.

a few years once yuzu is working fine

Still interaction, unlike sony games.

Good decision getting a physical copy then. I hope people who play it enjoy it.

>P5 is a special engine for sony platforms
engines are not exclusive to consoles user

Pressing one button is hardly any interaction user.
GoW combat has like 100 times more moves.
Enjoy your movie games Nintendo drone.

not true, the engine P5 was made on clearly isn't made for Sony platforms and only Sony platforms considering it runs on PC

Top kek, nintenbrains

>Thinking engines determine whether a game gets ported or not
You don't seem to know Atlus very well do you


>thread about Switch game coming to PC
>Nincels still rant about Snoyny

Attached: 1490934002574.png (633x874, 56K)

PCbrainlets too

All prescripted and the game moves you into position to do it.

are you genuinely this retarded? The engine persona 5 was made on is the same engine Catherine was made one, which runs on Xbox 360 and PC as well.

What the fuck did I buy a switch for? All the good older releases can be emulated and I'm already bored of smash. The online network is god-tier awful. There's nothing comfy about playing a AAA game at sub-30fps.
My god this really was $300 down the drain.

Attached: 1543164810071.png (538x538, 322K)

not an argument

>Character theme into Decisive Battle II

Attached: 1123.jpg (224x225, 5K)

octopath is the decider for you?

I hope you at least had a PS4 first. P5 wave of games inbound.

You didn't buy one, Falseflagger.

>All prescripted and the game moves you into position to do it.
I asked you for a source on that and you couldn't show me, instead, you defended mashing one button.
Humiliating you is funny.

>0 reasons to buy an xbox now we getting MCC
>0 reasons to buy a switch now we getting OT

PC + PS4 is the master race

Literally the first reply is Rent free.

It was never really very good, it was just one of the first RPGs on Switch by a high profile publisher

Play the game, it's obvious there is movement assist.


have fun pc bros.
remember to always have therion in your party unless you want to backtrack to every dungeon

If thats true why am I selling my PS4 and just going PC+Switch? Where are the games that make the PS4 worth it if you have a PC?

If you got a physical copy, it means you own it. Unlike the PC version

>Yakuza announced for PC as well today
nah man just need a PC

I haven't even played it but hey that's one less game. Also can't wait the shit storm FE will bring.

I did you nigger, on the premise of I skipped that absolute shit device that was the WiiU

Reminder to keep change.org bookmarked.

Every action game has movement assist you idiot if you lock on an enemy.
Also still no source.

Doubt that half the shitposters ITT will buy the game.

>Posts the reddit nazi frog
Thanks for proving him right.

So you at least have a PS4 right? You not so retarded you choose nintendo over sony right?

Playing the game is the source, primary source infact.
No "play"/watch it yourself and see.

wtf bros? I thoughts nips hated Steam?

Imma yarr harr

Nice! It’s a good game - not perfect, but it has one of the best turn based combat systems I’ve played. By the end of the game you're having to set things up 4 turns ahead for each character. There’s kinda an overarching story, but it’s really 8 smaller stories you typically don’t see in rpgs like this.

Ironic console wars are legitimately really fucking boring to watch desu

Why get a gaystation if you could play on pc?

>play the game
Unlike you I did. If you want to prove something
you have to post source Nincel.

>Doubting Sony
Sony always wins

Attached: 1543260186651.jpg (782x768, 84K)

And before the port
>nah man I don't need yakuza what is that gay game?

To play games PC don't have.

I JUST HACKED MY SWITCH. Piece of shit is just collecting dust

Probably not. Half the people claiming to be PC people probably just snoy people trying to start shit.


If PC was so great, pclets wouldn't be begging for ps4 games and making a big deal over the single port they get once a year.

Why the fuck would anyone want to play this on a $200 PC? Its like playing Tetris on PC.

The game is made for portable and best played that way.

>implying a sprite indie looking shit needs anything more than a laptop

nintendo loses 'third party' exclusives all the time. stop be retarded and/or 10 years old.

>God Eater 3 on Switch
Nice, I might want to pick up a Switch before Animal Crossing comes out then.

this is literally a thread about snoyfags losing their minds about a switch game coming to pc.
So no, pc is the way to play.

ps4 didn't even get a single first party game since september, don't talk about having no games.

It will be Epic Games Exclusive.
Screenshot this post.

Just go back to all the threads before today anytime someone mentioned it will not stay exclusive.

>it just won't feel right
Not an argument.

Attached: 1545082653959.jpg (720x720, 42K)

Catherine, Full Body.
When was the last time I could see tits on Nintendo game?
Oh wait, never.

PC hasn't gotten on in 10 years.

>>nah man I don't need yakuza what is that gay game?
Atlus literally changed the ending to be more trans inclusive, on behest of sony.

Why would I be mad when I own both? Why do you hate having more options?

jokes on you im just shitposting. i own everything, even a fucking xbone

Technically you do for the hidden class boss fights.

No you don't get it moron. Big business don't have to deal with the same shit that small ones do.

They could simply buy a license for a certain version of UE and then pay for upgrades as needed for example. It would cost more upfront but save more when the game sells due to no royalty.

That 5% shit is for poor people getting the engine for free. It's almost exclusively an indie scrub problem.

>Port machine
Were Nintendies really that delusional ahahajaja

Three fake news in one sentence, the Yea Forums shitposting is improving

>Catherine, Full Body.
Bad news buddy.
>Catherine: Full Body Voice Actress Claims Localization Adjusted “Bigotry” in Translation

I'm not a poverty fag that can't afford more than one platform, nor am I a console fanboy that gets violently upset when my favorite plastic box loses an exclusive, so I am quite happy Octopath is going to PC.
Now you can choose between Maximum comfy with a handheld JRPG or masterrace shenanigans, and if more people can play the game now, that's fine by me. I enjoyed the game on switch, so if the modding scene is pretty good I'll probably get the game a second time for PC.

Attached: card_1016030sp_cutin_1.png (1024x512, 92K)

>Atlus literally changed the ending to be more trans inclusive, on behest of sony.
Game has lewd parts and wasn't censored. Shitch can't even get it just like Cyberpunk because it's a weak platform for poor toddlers.

Weak bait.

All PS4 owners are recommended to pirate the game until a PS4 version happens.

Well, atleast there's one other reasonable person in this thread.

see Now COPE more.

Oh Thank god. I almost buy a Switch to play this game.

>not a single lewd part censored
>not on Shitch like Persona 5
Sony won

>implying she's not interested in his travels
Pair them up during his quests and do more inn visits for the heart to heart conversations between the characters you pleb.

>sony doesn't put sony published games on PC
>but nintendo does

wtf I hate nintendo now!

>Implying PS4 owners can run the game

Also, its doubly fine that PC gets this, because none of the changes in DQXI S will be brought over to any other version of the game, if Builders is anything to go off of.

Same, PS4 and PC is way to go.

We still have DQ11 definitive
Suck it

I want kuro to pee in my mouth!

>pc is the way to go

Official statements from the English voice cast are rumors? Did you even read the article linked?

Attached: Erin-Fitzgerald-Catherine-Full-Body-Statement-Localization-Atlus-1.png (468x374, 50K)


>they can't

Should be able to properly emulate it on Cemu by the time it comes out though, right?

>he actually thinks that will stay exclusive
How many times until you learn

>mobile phone tier game

>a game named Octopath "Traveler" has too much traveling

Maybe you should consider the fact that your investing in many character's different journeys instead of just one story all the way through as for the reason of all of the traveling.

That or be wise and run around the map collecting each town location for ease of fast travel when doing the main quests while fighting along the way to get your experience up because the real core of the game is the gameplay loop (at least in my opinion the most fun to be had is the gameplay loop).

>no Yakuza 6, no Gow, Horizon, Persona, Catherine FB, Bloodborne, Ghost of
PS4 and PC are best combo user, Switch and Xbox are obsolete

Cemu isn't a Switch emulator, and the switch emulator that does exist is shit.

Source for what


It already sold a million and a half, I’m glad it’s gonna get even more sales.

Couldn't you at least try to name a good game on ps4?

That they can't run it. Are you retarded?

Oh, that's unfortunate.

Fullbody ruins the art direction of the original game. As for the rest I either don't care or a PC version is inevitable.

>Yakuza 6 is inveitable, Persona is emulatable, the rest besides Bloodborne are movies
You still only have Bloodborne since 2015

Dunkey is that guy that got cucked twice, right?

Yeah, I did. I couldn't do the same for Switch though.

Am i supposed to pull up an article saying PS4 owners have toasters for PCs or something, because that seems pretty obvious
Still cant run it lol

>its bad because its not on pc
>never evers


Cemu is a Wii u emulator, tardo