Octopath Traveler coming to PC on June 7


Decent 7/10 game. Enjoy PCfriends!

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I played the Switch demo and thought it was decent enough. Not amazing but its presentation made up for its faults.
I think my biggest problem is how when you start out you're just one party member.
Its boring if you can only control one party member. I don't know why so many RPGs start out like that and don't give you a full party to start.

That said the game is gorgeous, the music phenomenal, and the gameplay solid and I'm super excited to play this on my PC.

is this the actual switch game? thought it was some mobile spin off

>Made in UE4

Hope you guys don't buy it or you're supporting EPIC Games

Attached: epic store steam split.jpg (714x1017, 83K)

>Decent 7/10 game
I couldn't even be bothered to finish this shit. I appreciated the graphics and the music but the pacing was terrible.

Its the actual Switch game
The spinoff is still in development



Fuck I knew we cant trust Square with making an exclusive for Switch. I hope it bombs on PC.



Nah im not playing this shit

It's just some shill.

I have seen that same exact post IN THREE THREADS

Hope you guys are less disappointed then I was with the game

Oh shit, does this mean more memes?

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My focus is unparalleled


Let's see if that's true and it's not an Epic Game Store exclusive by June.

user, Square fully own whole rights to the game, they can do what they want. It's not like Atlus where one series is forever stuck on one console.

Is this game any good? I heard you can play as multiple people but wasn't gonna buy a system to play it.


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Glad that Octopath is getting more attention, hopefully their next game will be a solid 8/10 or above.

Atlus fully owns their games too. They're just slow on the whole porting thing. SEGA seems to be taking up that task now though if Catherine is any indication

Nice try, Snoy. Here's (You)


Neat. I already own it on switch but I want every game ever made to have a PC version if I don't have access too or don't want to use a console. I wish they released Bravely Default on PC.

>Decent 7/10 game.
which game are you referring to? surely it's not octopath "4/10 at best" traveler.

>PS4 and Switch both lost exclusives today

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Octopath is GotY tier as far as I am concerned. Please don't drag it into senseless console warring.

>7/10 is decent
>Octopath is decent
It's low/zero effort garbage slapped together for Square's nostalgia division sales quota, same as I Am Setsuna 3 from a subsidiary literally named Tokyo RPG Factory.
Square-Enix isn't in the video game business. A hex upon everyone who supports this shitshow of a company.
It's a 0/10. There are zero redeeming qualities.

Time to leave negative reviews EVERYWHERE

what did sony lose?

>There are zero redeeming qualities.
Soundtrack and combat

I fucking loved it, and want more people to play it, but reception and reviews are def all over the place for some reason.

I'm a PC Cuck, fuck off Nin toddler

>PS4 lost Yakuza Kiwami 2
>Nintendo lost Octopath
>on the same day
can't make this shit up

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This game is so mediocre.
Please don't fall for the Square shills.

This but unironically
The game is a fucking SNES JRPG sold for $60, except it doesn't even come close to the good SNES JRPGs. It's just nostalgia pandering, the only reason it was so successful is because the Switch didn't have any major releases when it came out.

Keep saying it.

Yakuza Kiwami 2

Glad this new IP that sold a million and s half and had to reprint physical copies because it was sold out everywhere is getting to PC.

I play on Switch and PC (Steam), Snoy.

I don't mind PC friends I like it so I hope you do to have fun.

Attached: best dragon.jpg (1280x720, 133K)

time for tendies to pretend the game was always shit when they were shilling it 24/7 the whole summer.

Console exclusives as a whole will be officialy dead in 3 years, except for first parties. Screencap this.

Not him but
>and combat
Hell no. It lacks the meta level gamelong customization of the gen it's aping off of with less combinations and flexibility than than FF5 in it's job and wirth worse encounter design than Lost Sphear.

It's "good" for people who think Neptunia has good combat I guess.

Now this on the other hand. I'm looking forward to this.

based kanna poster

It was their only game to play, of course they were shilling it.

Someone needs to make a day 1 speed up battles mod

I lost my copy and didn't feel like buying it again, but now I will.

nope, not with piracy officially back in full force thanks to the tencent store.

Alliance Alive is disappointing, user. Get it on sale or don’t get it at all.

I in-home stream my PS2 emulator, get fucked

What's disappointing about alliance alive.

Now its time for PCbros and snoys to pretend they didn't hate it

or just use the built-in speedup feature

Pcbros are based so it's ok.

But it was clear as day that Kiwami 2 was coming to PC, or is this just more LOL SNOY posting?

Sure thing, Snoy. Why are you guys so attracted to these (ex) Nintendo games when you don't even like them? I, for one, will not go to a thread about PS4 exclusive and shit on it for no reason.

The latter. Everyone knew all the yakuza games were getting ported anyway. This board will just take any opportunity to shitpost about Sony as always

it was rated on PEGI and ESRB a while back but nothing beyond that
today they actually announced it

I'm just here for Squeenix, consolebabby

>It's "good" for people who think Neptunia has good combat I guess.
That's kinda insulting. But then, again, you like Alliance Alive, so I guess you are OK in my book. Yes, I'm looking forward to this remaster, too.

Neptunia does have good combat tho

Reading is hard for you?

I want play with Kanna'ss

Hey cheers, you just saved me 60 bucks.

>PC version available via Steam
Steam doesn't even have to do anything it seems

Just stating my feelings. I've played rpgmaker fan translated games with more involved combat and most games with a customized centric party building focus, have far better ability progression systems in place. Unlocking passives based on unlocking main skills in a static order? Why? Obviously higher quality than the awful Lost Sphear in regards to presentation and nothing else.

Hard limits on what you can field is also just a ton of fun. No Tower of Power in this game is allowed, clearly.

Huh. Now I'm in the mood to play Dragon Quarter for some reason. I'm not sure I like that game. Oh well. Ciao user.

>Huh. Now I'm in the mood to play Dragon Quarter for some reason.
Why the fuck I have a feeling I talked to you a few days ago, as all 3 games have been mentioned there. Hm.

and square enix store
but oh no no no muh monopoly narrative is being shattered

Probably haven't. I haven't engaged in a JRPG thread in three weeks. Unless you frequently post on a certain franchise fan forum that won't be named talking about Scarlet Grace

Doesn't stop it looking like shit though

Nah, Yea Forums is the only place ''gaming related'' place where I talk about games. Oh well.
BoF DQ is really good. But to tell the truth, I hated it at first. It took some time for me to realize how good it is.

It wasn't even advertised as a PS4 exclusive though

>available on SQUARE store and Steam
read the link first shill

>since the game came out everyone was calling it an overrated piece of shit
>doesn't really matter since most people forgot about this game like 2 months later, especially after dunkey's video made discussion of the game impossible
>game comes to PC
I swear you guys don't even give a shit about video games and just care about who "wins"

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They have to pay for UE4 engine royalties - ENGINE

Damn Steam niggers are stupid

>Made in UE4
So business as usual. Your point?

Epic deserves money for making UE4 and Fortnite.
Not for their shitty store though.

And Valve deserves money for... uhm...


Having a decent marketplace with tools such as in-home streaming, mod shops, etc

My focus is unparalleled

>That one potentially good game on Switch
>gets ported to PC
Just how hard are third-parties cucking Nintendo right now?

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Oh sweet game was super good and was one of the few special editions I was really happy I purchased. I hope everyone on PC enjoys this game because it really is a diamond in the rough. Especially it's soundtrack.