Anyone else get legit anxiety when
diving deep under water in games?
Anyone else get legit anxiety when
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name 4 games that do this that arent subnautica
Endless ocean 1 and 2
Jesus fuck those shark
That fucking Eel boss in Super Mario Sunshine was the scariest shit
And then there's those damn Cheep Cheep that drag you further down if they grab you in their mouths
>attacks from any direction
>high pressure
The fear is understandable
Here's one, I'm playing AC Odyssey now and once you pick up
Poseidons trident you can breathe underwater and I've
scared myself silly many a times.
Ace of Seafood is disorienting as fuck, also God save you if you go into the Eye
I just want submarine titans remastered or a legit sequel.
OP don't you think that the people who didn't feel anxiety regarding unclear waters are already dead? What you feel is natural selection at its finest.
This is one of the comfiest games
Nah it's just a big puddle my dude
just like dry it off and stab the dessicated monster shitters
This post makes me want to buy oddesey
You should check barotrauma out by undertow games. Its free
>exploring a sunken boat in everblue 2
fuck this. Even in a peaceful game about making an aquarium and taking photos of fish, it gives me massive anxiety.
I might have to pick this up
this one is a fav of my childhood but some levels were super spooky like the trench, the aztec maze, bermuda triangle and the deep atlantic level with the wrecked cargo ship- thankfully there was plenty of shallow levels and the bonus atlantis level with only puzzles and friendly creatures was great, only way to actually die was running out of oxygen but at that point in the game you could afford a whole boat load of tanks as spares. - other games would be tomb raider 2's andria doria based level - the math game operation neptune and soma which gets pretty spooky even if the game is mostly just walking and atmosphere
Sub rebellion was pretty cool action oriented game but if you went below a certain depth you'd start get crush depth damage with a really scary sound to come with it.
I don't get this in subnautica when diving deep underwater (except for slight anxiety about oxygen at times,) but swimming near the surface over deeper regions gives me the ol' heebie jeebies.
nope, space engine is the only “game” that gives me that sort of anxiety
This. At least at the bottom of the sea floor you can be sure there's not gonna be a creature blindsiding you from below, but up at the surface you are truly surrounded with nowhere to go.
this, the game loses all of its horror once you get the PRAWN and can just trot along the sea floor, but sailing to the floating island in the seamoth always makes me super anxious, especially when I look down and see nothing but dark blue
Witcher 3 those fucking whales
SOMA had the best representation of the abyssal plain I've ever seen in vidya.
Only if I know that there's something down there that can get me.
forgot pic
Best underwater game I ever played.
>when you have to go into a narrow cave on the bottom of the ocean and it's full of spiders
Jaws Unleashed
i replayed soma in vr and stopped the game at this part, no thanks
crazy that there's still shit we haven't found down there
>game has underwater treasures
>playing Soma in VR
>sneak into your room while you play, covers walls with dark grey, change objects in the room and turn the lights off
>yfw you take off the VR helmet
>safe on the seabed
>imagine a giant version of this
Anyone remember Deep Fear? It was Sega's answer to Capcom's Resident Evil.
sadly subnautica is best we have right now. there are no good diving games. a damn shame because the concept has so much potential. I always loved diving/submarine flash games
Ecco sort of. The Sea of Darkness in particular, which I recall also having Vortex Drones and violent fish that would attack in the darkness if you got too close.
Dead game n still waiting for that new release
wanted to play that game as a kid but never had the system, was it any good? could probably emulate something that old, right?
It has probably one of the funniest lines of dialogue I've ever seen in a video game, but it's no good. It's incredibly easy and you're at no risk of dying because the game showers you with ammo, health and air grenades. Also you rarely ever need to fight or use air grenades.