How are the French so godly at character design?

How are the French so godly at character design?

Attached: wakfu amalia.png (550x800, 291K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Any country other than america is great at it because they're not scared of sex.

i don't know but my dingus likes it

Attached: nymphs.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

because it's the japan of europe

not even europe has stores that openly sell sex games, and all the consoles, including those from japan have rules against selling sex games on their platform

fapbait isn't good character design.

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yes it is

i think xa is brazilian though

yes it is

Betilla 9
Holly Luya 9
Edith Up 10
Annetta Fish 9
Helena Handbasket 7

Delicious French chocolate

yeah actually

Attached: 072.jpg (680x383, 40K)

They aren't, they just aren't afraid to make characters sexy. They're still boring, garbage designs.

how long have you been watching anime

I diagnose you with incorrect

Unironically have sex.

Because France is actually okay, with good looking characters and sex in general.
They're actually much more iffy about extreme gore, violence and political opinions than sex.

no, tinder gave women super stds and i refuse to wrap up my dick

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How do you ironically have sex? Do you say sike when you're done?

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Not like they'd swipe right on virgin ass anyway.

Please don't, I'm avoiding masturbating today.

Correct. Waifus that are forgotten about after a month for the next pair of tits are not good design

I have and 2D is way better, cheaper, and takes less effort than any girl I can get IRL right now.

>t. I couldn't get any pussy off tinder so all women are whores

Post Wakfu waifus



remember that you are talking with meme spouting retards.

Since you're offering then bed over

The French can copy anime and westernise it without turning into tumblominations.

It's not just the French. Delicious brown is life.

A suggestion is not an offer, stupid virgin.

best girl coming through

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Is this the new epic meme you kids are using these days?

french aren't much better than anyone else they just aren't afraid of being lewd and pandering to their older audiences.


She likes other girls

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As a suggestion its pretty worthless

nah it's just some retarded jock shit they stole from a shitposter on Yea Forums

She was too perfect for this world.

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inb4 seething replies from yurifags

>genki smile

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Sucks to be you.

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They aren't, this is just another chunk of propaganda to encourage France's population to racemix and turn into a Muttistan cowboy capitalist shithole like Colombia.

The French are literally the fucking niggers of Europe, the only reason they're "not scared of sex" is because they're a bunch of degenerate illiterate self-important faggots.

Attached: FranceIn100Years.jpg (530x712, 142K)

nah, /u/ is pretty lame

here's some attention user I know you wanted it real bad

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Unlike Americans, the French haven't forgotten what beauty is and embrace the appreciation of it instead of shaming it.

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Does someone need a hug?

>no bakara gf

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Fuck you, I remember every busty that I love

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The French Revolution was a mistake

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S3 was so fucking bad it made S2 look good. It was pretty impressive in a way.

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>drawing brown girls is racemixing propaganda

why so nervous boy?

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I'll honestly go for another round of dofus.

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what do you think he is?

Go home /pol/, niggers are hot

I guess it is for a hopeless ESL virgin such as yourself.

Imagine not liking delicious brown girls. How I pity that user.

>that video
>taking chunks out of context
>somber music in background
you also think the earth is flat don't you?
also sarkozy is a rightist, he's against racemixing

Fuck off. Express your feelings the stoic way you fucking revolting French cuck ape. It's no wonder some of the worst porn sites were conceptualised by the minds of French"men". Also stop deluding yourself into thinking your gutterspeak was ever better than the English language. Everytime a French person speaks it sounds like a downs syndrome fatty with pneumonia lurching up vomitus and spit. A disgusting tongue for a disgusting """"people"""".

every single European nation lost their colonial empires you fucking faggot
does that mean that everyone else is also seething?
honestly kill yourself

But you offered. You said
>Have sex
This is an offer. If you said
>you should go have sex
Maybe it would be a suggestion

I'll take far right

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user it's just a fucking skin tone. i can't hate whatever makes my iron the big iron.

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mmos are garbage

dumb anglo cuck

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why is there a guy drowning in the back?

>t.french girl got asked out by brown guy before I could

The mvoie was so good.
Whens Livre 2 coming?

you don't deserve those trips. have some more brown girls.

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Except Amalia is being fucked but Hugo and the cute French elf already has three kids with a proud retarded scottsman.

Yeah incels are shit at recognizing good design

Mad as fuck
Seething won't change the fact you subhumans got BTFO twice in 30 years

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do baguettes make cunnies too?

seething white boy who got cucked by hot brown dudes

That's not what an offer is you dumb virgin.

On top of sex ed sounds like you need to take a basic english class.

pic is Sina and Dexio as seen in Pokemon Sun and Moon. There were in XY but no one cared as much since they showed up once as Sycamore's assistants.

I like how you keep calling me a virgin lmfao. As if you have no other insult in that tiny brain of yours and immediately think I've never had sex kek

based and trips confirm

>Yugo fucking amalia
>he didn't see the cuckening in season 3
Oh user...

yeah but why is the guy about to drown
hes covered with sand and the flood is coming save him


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cute butt

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Only a virgin would be this stupid and cringe.
You tried making a witty response and it fell flat due to your lack of understanding of the English language.

Well, to be quite honest, if you're going to tell someone to have sex, you should be willing to provide. Otherwise you're doing nothing to in fact solve the problem, which reflects poorly on you.

Too bad their games are crap

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???? btfo?
germany is still rulling over europe.
the UK is getting replaced by muslims and France is getting replaced by niggers.
at the end of the day the country that ended up winning is germany.

fuck off that game is forbidden here

how pathetic do you have to be to think people change after sex

But Dofus is good. Wakfu is the one left to die.


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Attached: dofusmovie.webm (1280x690, 2.61M)

Woops, wrong post number
Not deleting this, I own my mistakes

I maintain my belief that this franchise has been surprisingly good at instilling new fetishes in people. The Origin Nymphs and Barbara from Legends are just reinforcing that belief.

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>dofus movie bombed
>netflix has no interest in funding s4
>france4 does but they're going bankrupt
>the manga never gets translated
it hurts bros

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Your inceldom is your own responsibility.

Do you also expect someone to bathe you because they say you smell like shit
If you HAD SEX You wouldnt be calling fapbait character design good

They don't beat around the bush. They know what their audience likes

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>Except Amalia is being fucked but Hugo
God I fucking hated s3.

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As a long time Dofus player I can tell you to avoid both Dofus and Wakfu

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Germny is being niggerified as well lmao, in addition their military force is inexistant and they buy us electricity because they can't produce shit on their own, stay mad

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Enjoy while it lasts, in 20 years at most all you will get are burquas and trannies
t. parisian

I don't disagree but why the random colombia namedrop lol
come down here and I'll get you high on boypussy

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now why did she do that

Less self-loathing hapas, more delicious brown cartoon girls

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if it makes my penis hard then yes, yes it is

and they still own europe.
keep on seething and pretending that your shithole country losing its colonies was a good deal for defeating germany just to get fucked 50 years later and be ruled by germany.

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So literally anything that’s sexy isn’t good, got it

>If you have sex your dick suddenly stops feeling arousal

What, you didn't love Yugo out of nowhere getting angsty about living for a fucklong time and rejecting Amalia a minute after kissing her finally?

Yeah. I didn't hate Oropo but chasing Amalia into his arms was the dumbest fucking shit and I hated it especially because up to that point Yugo always had a good head on his shoulders.


Is that donkey kong's wife?

Sure lad. I'm not the one ranting about muh kike propaganda ITT tho.

Waifubait can only get you so far

Get fucked Ankama

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>you will never pet Miranda as she sleeps on your lap

who even mentioned kikes here you fucking faggot?
dear god learn to fucking read.

Some people don't consider it cheating if they use their ass instead

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if you post about THE GAME THAT MUST NOT BE NAMED you get spammed to shit
we used to have a THAT GAME general, even
please play I even have like three guilds waiting for anons to come back and the crafting is way better now and we got new mechanics and dungeons it's so beautiful but no one from here plays

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>tfw will never be miranda's pet and be part of her property

some people are stupid

Attached: Wakfu_S03E09_Raw_1080p.mp4_snapshot_05.37_[2017.09.11_21.42.50].jpg (1920x1080, 139K)

Miranda loves money more than Kabrok

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>muuuh racemixing muuuh propaganda
Same shit

>visible nipples

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Pussy is the Husband's hole
Its okay to use the backdoor tho

post moar nymphs

Not me, I have big boy IQ

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Sadly my collection is limited

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cringe and yikes

>an item in these games is a used condom
what the fuck

Attached: Wakfu_S03E09_Raw_1080p.mp4_snapshot_16.25_[2017.09.11_22.03.28].jpg (1920x1080, 156K)

do you also have a big boy ballsack that you drag acros the ground whereever you go

Whjat is the gameplay like in wakfu? I'm currently downloading it since it's free anyways

>mfw i got transferred to illyzaelle and there's only baguettes and spics

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>KARBROOOK, I'm trying to count the profit but I'm dummy thicc and the clap from my ass cheeks keeps making me lose focus

What do you think you'd find on monster enemies, user?


Oh yeah, I loved the sudden power spike, Eva becoming half a character, everyone's favorite idiot disappearing for half the season, the random drama with Ruel, Adamai going full fucking retard, and this stupid drama between Yugo and Amalia, not to mention shit breath constantly seething in both the OVAs and beginning of S3 about Yugo because he's still ass pained that his bad breath and attitude didn't get him Eva.

big ball sack
small penis
that's how I roll

Everything is controlled by the players, Tax Rates, Government of factions, you can even print money.

he's so hot

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Why can't real brown women look as good as they do in anime?

final fantasy tactics but you control 1 character. dont play wakfu, play dofus instead. wakfu is ded and requires you to multibox to get anything done.

>French humor

Come to Remington
or Nox I guess but Nox fucking stinks

This is canon, by the way

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>just noticed you can see her nipples
based frenchcucks.

thats amazing

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God I wish that were me


what is it with the french?
they're almost as sexually repressed as the japanese but people aren't shamed for liking it

>you can even print money.
shut up don't tell them they'll cause another inflation

what is that dog doing


Attached: Wakfu_S03E04_Raw_1080p.mp4_snapshot_14.57_[2017.09.05_22.32.24].jpg (1920x1080, 143K)

>The only time you can see their panties is when they're in inflation mode
God damn it

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>objectively speaking the best girl in the series is the Butcher of Brakmar
>everyone would rather drool over meme cat, meme elf, meme druid, the cuck, general crazytits, pirate loli or the drunkard
It's just not fair


okay, is dofus similiar then? is it also cute?


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>another inflation
>selling shittty ass wood for 50kk
>come back a year later
>epic gear is worth 50kk

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again what are you even talking about you fucking retard.
i never said any of that shit.


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So humble

just because a playable race goes around without any underwear doesn't mean i can expect to find fucking used condoms on monsters
come on

Play dofus

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If the only way you can deflect criticism is via "You mad, libtard?" and "It make my peepe big!", both factors that have nothing to do with the actual character, it's a bad character design

yes to both

just remember to play on a single account server, i think the game automatically places you in a multibox server so you have to manually change servers after entering the tutorial

i want some hardcore shit france, not this weak cable softcore stuff

I prefer wakfu

Attached: Wakfu OVA - 2 [DVD_576p][AF467917].mkv_snapshot_09.43_[2014.10.25_20.12.23].jpg (1024x576, 79K)

making a character average looking is bad game design, because this is not fucking reality. games are a medium meant to escape reality and one of the things that shouldnt exist in fucking games are ugly people.

Loser, it's like you didn't enjoy Yugo's mind-battle basically destroying the nuance Nox and Quilby had, everything in the series turning out to be Oropo's keikaku, the non-ending, Yugo still being a wildly inconsistant tard at the end rather than manning up like he always does, and such.

Ruel also being a demigod was fucking stupid, though at least his wife was kinda cute. It's especially dumb when you consider he begged for Enutrof's help once in S1, only for him to outright give him a divine statement of "you're still a greedy bastard so get fucked".

God S3 was a shitshow.


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I had a crush on Tily as a kid. I had a shitty TV so I thought she was naked

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between wakfu/dofus and ladybug, how can any other country compete?

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Because they take the best of the West and the best of the East and mash it together.

Do they fuck? The guy is hot, too. Nothing better than seeing two hot characters fuck when it's canon.

That's pretty much exactly what it means.

For me, it's Xelor

Attached: xelor____by_fm_caradepalo-d33t56w.jpg (610x845, 280K)

oh don't worry epics are cheaper now
except for endgame pics, those motherfuckers reach the hundreds of millions easily

but that makes women feel sad :(

I like reading about the gods and their commandments in the universe
imagine having to fucking down a spoonful of motor oil each day
or sleeping on a bed on nails

How about Japanese designs inspired by the French?

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imagine what it would be like to manhandle her tiny body.



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It took me ages to warm up to her, only because M/Arena borderline lied about having Ly in it and I had a massive crush on her after playing 2/Revolution. I was super mad to realize she was swapped out especially since she's still featured on the back of the box.

Attached: LyCatlike.jpg (640x480, 18K)

Looks like a game for e-girls and trannies

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Attached: Wakfu_S03E07_Raw_1080p.mp4_snapshot_20.19_[2017.09.09_23.33.29].jpg (1920x1080, 183K)

>Baguette Dandy

If you can listen to Houssin's interview in french he doesn't really give a shit, he drew things on the fly to put in the game.

what why is it impossible

French animation > japanese animation > American animation

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Fuck this scene holy fucking shit.

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I feel sorry for the 2D

Someone post some good Cleophee thanks

an ffxiv thread is bound to come up soon

then explain why non-miranda ecaflips get not only no porn, but no fanart at all

Because anime doesn't represent "brown women" but just women with tans.

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Ankama hates money so maybe they will do fighting game? It will be beautifull and sexy and glitchy, maybe it will work in their favor.

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Oh hell yeah,

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He is penisless?


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he could just teleport the jizz directly into her anyway

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what does that image have to do with XIV?


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This is better french design.

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I could have sworn I had that image of someone with their head in Miranda's lap while she strokes their hair and watches a clock tick down but now I can't fucking find it anywhere

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Oh my. I need some lewds abap

someone explain please

Not talking about it. Since you don't understand, xiv gets bullied as the ''tranny mmo'' the most so I was basically just telling him to fuck off

>what if the final boss is freiza + cell combined

Attached: Wakfu_S03E10_Raw_1080p.mp4_snapshot_08.22_[2017.09.16_22.22.36].jpg (1920x1080, 107K)

that's literally every MMO though

When you say that, do you mean the characters are tanned or that brown anime characters aren't really brown, they're made like every other character but are made with a brown skin tone instead?

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I'm still holding out hoping Ly will get reintroduced into the series, but at this rate her introduction would end up with a solid 30 minutes of flat chest bullying from every side.

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She should have gone for the /ss/ route as soon as she saw VirginYugo kissing Amalia.

Attached: Wakfu_S03E11_Raw_1080p.mp4_snapshot_13.07_[2017.09.16_23.00.00].jpg (1920x1080, 170K)

They do. You're simply not looking hard enough.

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>the most

Jokes on you, I only have sex ironically.

Based. All those mad replies from seething virgins.

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looks like one of the shenrons in GT
God damn why did I ever waste my time watching GT

help me

>t. lowtest G*rmanoid

I would have understoot if he was a cunt just towards Yugo, but I for the love of me cannot understand why he thought going up against the Grovy-family would be a good idea in any shape or form.

Gag about people who get buried up to their necks in sand always get forgotten by their buddys when high tide starts

Frenchs, Belgians and Italians have always been the best at making female characters it must come from our comics.

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Quick rundown on this dragon looking fucker

nsfw not deleted?

>forgotten by their buddys
in any context I feel that

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>yugo I told you not to take the eggs
>fuck you
>nevermind we aight for now only

Eva is MADE for breeding

It's Adamai. After he walked off during Ogrest, he decided to start working out with dark magic and became edgy.

why are her nips silver
also why isn't there some ntr of Cleophee fucking Percedal

They're so cute.

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>of Cleophee fucking Percedal
Nigga, there is.

No user, you are cute!!

God I hate this ugly fuck. Why did they give him those weird lips?


>Imagine saying no to this.

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>NTR when Eva has three kids
you NTR fags never cease to disgust.

>tfw desperately love tactics games
>want to play wakfu so badly
>resist because it's going to die in the next three years
It hurts

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Fuck, for a second there I thought he was airing his cock out.

does Eva watch?

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He's the immortal God King of the universe and grows up extremely slowly compared to her.
/ss/ is apparently bad.

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helena handbasket is an 11/10 name though desu

i want a sniff of that brapper

Absolutely based

Gotta be honest I'd let Miranda findom me into a ruined orgasm

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Boolean search techniques are your friend, user.

God I love this image.

just play Dofus, idiot.

Choisissez votre destin.

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have sex

>implying it has to take place after she gives birth
Also I thought she just had the two little shits.

diisuke is the best at drawing soft tits


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Did you forget the current baby she is pregnant with and gave birth to
it was kind of critical to the story at one point


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>un-edited screenshot from the show

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Eva is for marriage and having children with. Cleo is for fucking all day every day.

No. She has three.

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>All these Big tiddy bingos
Where are the French cunnys?!
I know you hid them

I did, yes.

Gotta love the Yamcha Pose

Play dofus in a mono character server

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If you don't want ugly people why are you defending the freak in the OP picture

>he'd outlive her

But the visuals aren't nearly as good. Plus isn't it p2w up the ass? It's one of those games where you can literally buy stats, isn't it?

why the fuck are lewd series more fappable than porn of the characters
like that kenichi manga


based crocosec

Attached: Kerub ep.42 [TVrip_SD - 720p Upscale][softsubbed].mkv_snapshot_07.35_[2014.01.05_22.03.31].jpg (1280x720, 76K)

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I don't blame you, I didn't really find it interesting

i wish my kerubim rips weren't arse quality

Attached: Kerub ep.46 [TVrip_SD - 720p Upscale][softsubbed].mkv_snapshot_03.36_[2014.01.11_19.31.13].jpg (1280x720, 88K)

The freeplay mode is pretty bare-bones, yes.

and let the algerians have their way???

>tfw we got the best villian in the first season
fucking sucks desu

Attached: RctI9r.gif (400x224, 1.53M)

you just need a monthly subscription which is like $5 a month. and if you cant afford $5 then you have bigger things you need to worry about than vidya games.

Dat pixar face.

>tfw not a furry
>but that dog girl tho

Attached: The_Treasures_Of_Kerub_S1E11_(720p_10bits_TVsource_Eng.Subbed)_[080F5D73].mkv_snapshot_10.48_[2013.0 (1280x720, 101K)

>that moment when he shifts the time travel on and all that energy only puts him back half an hour
>his reaction
Pretty kino for a kids show

Attached: Dofus dance.webm (640x364, 2.55M)

Too late. S3 retconned it to his thing always having been Oropo's plan.

from when i watched the show it i think the issue is he ages super fucking slow so he is still in a kid body while all his friends are like in their 20s now including her.
I'm still mad.

An user said it the other day best;
the worst part isn't that the time travel didn't work, it's that it's completely possible.

Attached: The_Treasures_Of_Kerub_S1E23_(720p_10bits_TVsource_Eng.Subbed)_[9D1F0B99].mkv_snapshot_08.57_[2013.0 (1280x720, 126K)

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>go to play Dofus

wtf im a furry now?

Attached: dofus furry.png (1442x875, 1.78M)

>playing Rayman Origins in the living room
>my two younger step sisters are on the couch with me on their phones
>rescue her
>that vaguely pornographic music plays
>that little hip shake
>that jiggle on her massive tits
boy that was uncomfortable

Nice, I like it

i've warmed to the cg one, but that 2d preview is really fucking good.

Attached: The_Treasures_Of_Kerub_S1E25_(720p_10bits_TVsource_Eng.Subbed)_[A3F767A9].mkv_snapshot_05.21_[2013.0 (1280x720, 79K)

It's okay. S3 doesn't exist.

Attached: Imagine.png (240x240, 62K)

Sorry, user, you can't say that first part anymore.

english is hard is that saying that it's bad time travel is possible or bad that he fucked it up

I need context to fap to this


Attached: Wakfu_S2-E22_HD-1080p_English-Softsubbed_F25711AF.mkv_snapshot_12.24_[2012.08.09_22.54.14].jpg (1920x1080, 278K)

Why are Dofus/Wakfu so not fun to play? I like tactics games but something just seems really off about them.

Sex appeal is not the same as aesthetically appealing design. "Bad design" is design that doesn't convey the concept of a character that it's supposed to, which has nothing to do with how realistically or how ugly a character is designed because those design choices can be made to serve a purpose. If a character is supposed to be attractive but isn't, that's bad design. But if they're supposed to be normal/average looking and they just aren't sexy enough for you, then it's fine and you're basically just bitching about personal taste.

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Dance battle between the girls and a gang of guys.

because the enemies are bullshit and try to cheese you all day

also too many fetch quests

I'm saying the worst part is that it's completely possible to time travel, but that he simply didn't have enough. He gather fuck tons and fucktons of wakfu and it only sent him back 20 minutes out of the 200 years he was attempting to go back into.

It's more tragic that it's possible to time travel yet simply lack the amount of power to do so then for Time Travel to be impossible all together.

Did you play pvp at high levels? big brain plays with Srams,Xelors and Elis are crazy fun

Attached: inner rage.png (900x891, 498K)

Attached: Kerub ep.46 [TVrip_SD - 720p Upscale][softsubbed].mkv_snapshot_04.45_[2014.01.11_22.54.43].jpg (1280x720, 110K)

The most beautiful thing about that whole scene is that he really did win in the end. He managed to do exactly what everyone kept telling him was impossible, even for the god Xelor. For one moment he really did manage to get everything, only for it to all come crashing down when the realization sinks in that it just wasn't enough.

That also after killing or indirectly killing half the main cast.

His breakdown in the special was fucking beautiful.

Attached: OK6W_koKDTOqqqLDbIoPAqCtKN1aojc_oIYZh6lm6vU.gif (400x225, 982K)

>Love TBS games
>Hate fetch quests and shitty grinds
Back to XCOM it is.

what is this body type called?

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better than LoL popstars

Attached: rage.png (1920x1080, 904K)


Yeah, they added ouginaks a while back. They're treated as a heresy of ecaflip, similar to the sadida / masqueraider and sram / bandit splits. Their mechanic is a rage meter that buffs damage resistance and unlocks better attacks, and transforms them into a feral state at max rage, boosting movement and damage but locking pretty much all ranged attacks.

Breedable, like 95% of the females in Dofus/Wakfu.

French speaker here, I remember reading these comics at the school's library when I was kid.

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Trips confirmed for based and redpilled.

Attached: 1536265874059.jpg (800x917, 276K)

Pure bliss

Attached: happy peach.gif (220x165, 520K)

fridge body

I totally missed there was a s3 after loving the first two but i gather ignorance would have been better based on some comments here.

>tfw dick has stupid and specific tastes
>If 3DPD it HAS to be girls only
>If hentai it has to be girls only or futa with balls on girls
>If furry it's anything goes. Gay, straight, lesbian, futa. Simply does not matter.
I'm just not into human dudes I guess. I can't even do faceless-dude hentai. It's gotta be chicks. Maybe tentacle monsters.

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Why is there no english community for Wakfu and Dofus? I like both games but the lack of playing with people I can understand sucks.


>women """"""""""""opinion"""""""""""
haha o WOW


Attached: Dofus.Livre.1.2016.720p.WEBDL.h264.FR.EN.RU.mkv_snapshot_00.08.49_[2016.06.18_13.52.07].jpg (1280x690, 77K)

This is something I'd expect from the british.


Fucking this. There isn't absolutely nothing wrong with having sexy characters, but sexiness by itself does not automatically make the design good. It depends on many other factors too.

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read Spirou

Because they don't have boundaries and will say and draw whatever they want.

Attached: 1455562195302.jpg (1699x1165, 270K)

>What, you didn't love Yugo out of nowhere getting angsty about living for a fucklong time

He was getting angsty about the prospect of being stuck with a tiny baby dick for Amalia's entire lifespan.

>Yeah. I didn't hate Oropo but chasing Amalia into his arms was the dumbest fucking shit and I hated it especially because up to that point Yugo always had a good head on his shoulders.

If men could consistently keep a good head on their shoulder when it comes to their dicks, particularly as teenagers, the world would have been a lot better. But they can't. Your criticism is dumb.

a spic made that shit?

Imagine the kind of person that drew this

Attached: my nigger.gif (534x141, 88K)

she's so close yet so far

can I enjoy the Show if I've never played the games?

Breeding hips, legs to grab from behind, and cuddle form. Is nice

It amazes me how two words somehow, hour after your continually triggers people without fail. I'm inclined to believe it's a falseflagging samefag. This board cannot be that easy.

Is this overdesigned shit supposed to be an example of good design?

Based Zone.

suggestiveness is more arousing than just plain naked
One piece swimsuits are super hot because of this


Attached: Dofus.Livre.1.2016.720p.WEBDL.h264.FR.EN.RU.mkv_snapshot_00.07.26_[2016.06.18_13.48.49].jpg (1280x690, 111K)


Sure. It's a pretty good show. Think you might like it. The Dofus show / movie is also pretty good.

I don't like yuri or tentacles so the zone flash did literally nothing for me.

What do you think? The chimps hasn't evolved past "I AM STUPID" ms paint comics yet unlike white humans who evolved into more effort images

even the background characters are breedable

Attached: Dofus.Livre.1.2016.720p.WEBDL.h264.FR.EN.RU.mkv_snapshot_00.18.21_[2016.06.18_14.28.03].jpg (1280x690, 163K)

>literally everything went as planned
>everything went in place
>it was going to fucking work
>literally just did not have enough power

Attached: 30402949284.png (1245x699, 633K)

Thank you user, have an Eva for explaining a cool concept to a literal retard

Attached: 1c9d18a44ea559af2887af39ff372826722d2238.png (600x836, 811K)

can you give me a viewing order? and please tell me there's an Eng-Sub version somewhere online.

>My soul when watching the animation of his backstory

Attached: 1541186646479.gif (740x900, 1012K)

only japanese can make good porn because they can separate their art and politics from one another, thats why you always get cuck interracial breeding grounds shit from the west since everyone there is so obsessed with brown hordes taking over their countries and raping their women

do you ever see jap porn with evil chinese men coming to japan and taking their women?

NoW we are talking

What class should I pick, Yea Forums?

Attached: Screenshot_20190411-124908_DOFUS Touch.jpg (1480x720, 506K)

Okay fucks, I've decided to take a quick break from anime and give Dofus/Wakfu cartoons a try. Which one should I start with? Eng dub or French+subs? Where to download?

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Attached: Dofus.Livre.1.2016.720p.WEBDL.h264.FR.EN.RU.mkv_snapshot_00.18.41_[2016.06.18_14.29.42].jpg (1280x690, 192K)

End yourself, Pedro.

You're a voyeurist. You feel like you're on the outside looking into the porn scene instead of projecting yourself into the male in the scene. Usually due to a lack of confidence, should work on that.

Attached: Petit+spirou+Mlle+Chiffre+a+saute+mouton.jpg (640x282, 89K)

I'd buy this, if they didn't have a pretty long-spanning shared history at that point. If Amalia was a rando he got a massive crush on I'd get it, but fucking hell, it's been how many years since S1? How many things they've learned about each other, things nobody else can or should know? You can't just slap "well teenager and teenagers dumb" as a foolproof explanation, without taking into account everything that has happened up to that point.

Season 3?
I have no Idea what you're talking about.

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Same except the bonus scene is hot af.

Attached: 3424342324232343.jpg (1676x934, 165K)

They use fat guys instead

>the girls are in different places
am triggered
Also that blue girl is cute as fuck.

french plus subtitles you mong.

Attached: Dofus.Livre.1.2016.720p.WEBDL.h264.FR.EN.RU.mkv_snapshot_00.21.09_[2016.06.18_14.35.44].jpg (1280x690, 218K)

Yes, and whites/blacks too since all 3 are seen as beasts below pure nippons. Common trope in NTR stories.
But of course, you, a burger only sees nigger dicks

>second panel

French artists like sexy things but French society in general is really horrible and prude in appearance they will throw it under the bus at any public occasion, even though they will consume it for themselves when they are alone. It's really fucking tireseome.
That being said, new taxes for artists in general are coming, don't expect much of that original freedom anymore, the only artists able to survive will be employees of big corpos now.

Attached: Dofus.Livre.1.2016.720p.WEBDL.h264.FR.EN.RU.mkv_snapshot_00.21.11_[2016.06.18_14.36.10].jpg (1280x690, 217K)


the point is ntr and interracial cuck shit is a drop in the bucket in japan, in the west its EVERYWHERE

>People whop have sex or in a relationship stop caring about sexy characters in media

>they can separate their arts and politics

funniest shit I've ever read
nip porn is oozing with their politics, disgustingly so

Hero Aca dude likes Wakfu.

Attached: __cra_and_evangelyne_wakfu_drawn_by_horikoshi_kouhei__9f06d3a647084d97e8354efd51ebc6ff.jpg (1023x1460, 109K)

>attacking the form of shitposting
haha o wow. But I guess it validate the comics, you are already SEETHING.

>they see your penis.. in action

Stopped after season 2 and that weird OVA that made no sense. What even is season 3?

you buckle up and say 'no homo' in a brooding voice afterwards

Attached: wakfu4.jpg (720x1280, 117K)

I'd recommend starting with Dofus, since it takes place before everything else, chronologically speaking and some of the characters show up later. Bear in mind, it's less plot-focused than Wakfu, save for the movie (Book 1: Julith), which sets up a few things later. At that point, it's Wakfu's season 1 and 2, the OVAs, and then season 3 - though the last one is a bit divisive.

Since when is a command an offer? Telling a hobo to get a job shouldn't imply you can/will help them.

That bra is huge, jesus.


Sure, if you say so.
Maybe I just don't subconsciously look for it like you.

gib blue oni gf

>ywn take joris to a brothel

Attached: wakfu5.png (1280x725, 1.02M)

There were some tremendously fucked-up scenes even in the show near the end, when he plays with puppets like it was his family, but the special really went above and beyond
Also don't forget
>every ending has a funny little scene depicting the extra of the episode doing something amusing
>Nox special has this

Attached: 230.png (1230x646, 559K)

But this character looks black. I dont like black girls.

>he doesn't know
how new

clownageer spotted

Yeah, it makes the season 1 finale really impactful.

Attached: Nox with his family.jpg (1855x1200, 682K)

This. Only a few fapbaits have managed to get to iconic status. Like Chun-Li and Lara Croft.

Ironically amalia is actually a pretty good character

God himself thinks you're wrong, how else can you explain missing those quads by One(1)?

Attached: 04.jpg (1024x768, 92K)

Attached: wakfu.png (1240x3200, 835K)

>the entire west together
>produces more of something than a small island nation
Hell, if we were on equal footing, japs has us beat I'm bestiality, monster rape, insect insertion and a bunch of other sick shit

the real fucked up thing is that in the end it was all for nothing

actually, erotic pictures are even better when you're not a virgin.

Attached: wakfu7.jpg (1609x1609, 1.55M)

Yeah, haha...

yeah but thats all fantastical, do people really ever expect to get raped by a giant wasp? the threat of brown/black men is real tho

I would if I could, BITCH.

Oh boy, the Americans are here. Goodbye thread.

I like the tactics gameplay and character designs but fuck I am not fond of MMO's!!

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oh man it's complicated. What if I stick with release order?

France is a shit country and the women are all cheating whores. The men are all freaks and perverts that let other men fuck their gfs and wives because they're secretly bi and lust for manflesh.

It's not fucking fair bros. After he fucks u p I just want him to succeed even more. He gave so much and for so long and inadvertently fucked himself so hard. I hate it

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>a small island nation
Japan population is 126,8 millions
that's about twice as France.

Seeing the massive redesign Betilla got, I'm pretty sure my dick would just spontaneously burst into flames for a redesigned Ly.

Attached: numphf.png (797x929, 962K)

So just watch the TV shows and movies.

>Yugo clones from OVA turn out to be living Heliatropes but with defective lives
>They're butthurt that Yugo never listened to them despite being their God
>As one die the lifespan of the rest become longer
>The last living clone wants to kill all the Gods and replace them with his pawns
>Spends thousands of years on planning this shit since the clones were sent back to the beginning of time
>Fails in a couple of hours if not days
>Also retcons Nox and Ogrest as they were the plans of VirginYugo
Probably incorrect, but this is how I remember it.

>mfw I saw the finale of S1
>mfw I realised that the main characters, by attempting to stop Nox, actually may have made him use too much power fighting them to be able to go all the way back.
>mfw Nox was literally doing no wrong because he thought/knew that it would all be undone when he reversed time
>Mfw nox's entire character.
Literally the greatest character I have ever seen in any show, and if not best character, by far the best villain in any show.

Attached: Wojak.png (703x773, 154K)

>or that brown anime characters aren't really brown, they're made like every other character but are made with a brown skin tone instead?

99% of the time that

>pastry chef
>pirate loli
>sock girl
fucking christ this show

That's fine. You might wonder who a few characters are or what they're up to, but it doesn't make things incomprehensible.

I'm reading the comics though.

Imagine being THIS inferior to your peers, you think niggers is a threat to you.
Protip, if you were pure white, you'd have a huge advantage over the best of them. But no, you're just a filthy mutt whose so inferior to the naturally attractive, charming and intelligent white man, you can't beat some brown deformed cunt over a girl. Should just kill yourself and save us the rope.

so how much new stuff is there. kinda tuned out after S2 of Wakfu but i heard stuff about a four episode ova

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He COULD have gone back 200 years if he absorbed all the Wakfu from the Sadida Tree, but, it was not meant to be.

Okay smartass, but where to download it or watch online? I have no idea about current torrent sites since the fall of TPB

Attached: 1551327397536.png (1360x1360, 51K)

And compared to all of the west? Then they're small potatoes.

The best villains come with cool helmets and their reasons for doing things are usually pretty good but come across as hilariously evil.
Pic related.

Attached: bondrewd.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

Attached: wakfu3.jpg (950x531, 209K)

>the text translates to orgies

Attached: 1546283555362.png (548x566, 35K)

Attached: wakfu8.jpg (1080x1920, 366K)

tfw the same thing happened to me when seeing the shop keep in the Slippery Falcon

Dofus can be watched subbed on thewatchcartoononline dot tv
Wakfu can be downloaded from

Wakfu was fun during it's beta and a little time after the release.

Punished venom Joris.

Pretty sure that a Frenchie didn't make this, but would this be considered godly french character design?

Attached: Je suis monte.png (600x399, 185K)

>"hey bob, you do that experiment I talked to you about yet?"
>"the one with the... uhh...."
>"Yeah that one. Did you do it?"
>"uh... yeah boss I did..."
>"How did it go?"
>"She uhh.... well... she um..."
>"Bad news?"
>"You could say that."
>"Haha it's cool, dude. another day another dollar, right? Not every experiment can go right."
>"yeah, boss."
>"Hey, you going to lunch soon? What did you bring?"

Attached: dad of the year.png (864x400, 329K)

most countries in "the west" don't produce 2D media at all. "the west" when it comes to this thread, is France, the UK, and the US. I can't even include Spain and Italy because their entertainment market only survive thanks to French paychecks.

All the downloads for the full seasons have like 1 or 2 seeds though.

Last time I played the game was lagging in new updates even though it played fine before. Also that obnoxious PLS SUBSCRIBE bar at the top. Oh yeah and anything not max level in Mt, whateverthefuckthenamewas being completely deserted because subs only.

But I do have a lot of unused shit like Amalia's finisher so go on, convince me to return.

I'd play it.

>game balanced around the use of bots
I still remember trying to farm the Gelano once the new server came out, fuck that noise

Oh, I had no idea I could find this on nyaa.
Which series should I start with? Dofus or Wakfu?

The bird?
good taste user

>they absolutely know what they're doing

Attached: 1509730832176.png (298x279, 40K)

Is there a place I can find these online. I don't even care if they're translated or not, I just have a strong need to read them after all I've seen of them.

The mono character server has tons of measures to prevent bots, it's not really a problem anymore.

You're assuming that they were in full romance mode since S1, instead of since the OVA, after which responsibilities of their lives took them apart again.

Besides, man, what the fuck, since when the girl you fancy is not the absolute last person in the world you'd want to share your doubts and feelings of inadequacy with? Which definitely include the literal worry about the dick size, but, below-the-belt talk aside, also plenty of other concerns, from political fallout to the possibility of having children. For that matter the concern about far outliving her is also valid - would you really not be concerned about the fact that your girl is doomed to wither and become an old hag before you even reach maturity?

This looks like trash

I don't even know, but when I came back they ramped up massively the cost/effort to craft fucking anything, made me quit within less than a fucking month

Best villain. Best powers. Perfect amount of insane.


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the dofus series is a spinoff set many years before the wakfu stuff. just start with wakfu season 1.

Attached: WakfuProblem.png (672x378, 434K)

>French artists like sexy things but French society in general is really horrible and prude in appearance they will throw it under the bus at any public occasion
France truly is a western Japan

Start with season 1 and don't go any farther because it only gets worse.

>Oh hey a sacirer grill in S3
>no screentime at all

dammnit Tot

Attached: kali_by_whitedovehemlock_dbmam35-pre.jpg (933x857, 101K)

Attached: nox.jpg (600x333, 22K)

I mean... Yugo's a god.

the rest is fine.

Attached: Episode 17 - Grougaloragran l'éternel.mkv_snapshot_10.31_[2012.07.05_22.46.53].jpg (912x496, 56K)



Does someone have the webm with the first fight grugerolagan vs nox (when he carries baby hugo)?

He hasnt hit puberty yet. so he cant even get it up

>The final battle when he freezes Yugo and moves his sword to point at Yugo's face like the hand of a clock

Good god, what a great shot. I mean a bit pointless from a practical standpoint but damn man. Good shot.

What's under his hat anyway? I'm too lazy to keep up with the show these days.

Attached: 1503862492191.jpg (443x371, 33K)



Even with minimal embellishment, they were pretty goddamn close even during S2.

>Besides, man, what the fuck, since when the girl you fancy is not the absolute last person in the world you'd want to share your doubts and feelings of inadequacy with?
Yeah okay, so how about that's done in the manner of actually being curious about what she thinks, rather than try to present yourself as a martyr even though by this point you should know more than anyone that she would understand the concern you have.

Again, my problem is specifically with the two of them. By S3 this should have been something they could have discussed without this contrived bullshit.

To be fair, the best Yugo manages is down him. Nox literally kills him immediately afterwards.

He's part dragon so i'm bretty sure it's something like that

Dangerous post my man, well done

Attached: oooh.jpg (246x235, 8K)

Attached: Wakfu_S2-E14_HD-1080p_English-Softsubbed_CDB098F4.mkv_snapshot_04.37_[2012.08.06_22.06.49].jpg (1920x1080, 164K)

>>What's under his hat anyway?
Small cute glowing wings that all Eliatropes have, you see them in season 2.

That's not Joris' mom

Attached: Wakfu_S2-E14_HD-1080p_English-Softsubbed_CDB098F4.mkv_snapshot_11.30_[2012.08.06_22.17.24].jpg (1920x1080, 152K)

That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

Attached: 1554921648802.jpg (1920x2160, 797K)

This whole episode was magnificent.

Attached: Wakfu_S2-E14_HD-1080p_English-Softsubbed_CDB098F4.mkv_snapshot_10.40_[2012.08.06_22.15.05].jpg (1920x1080, 148K)

>Basically an AI idolshitter
>Yugo has a crush on her