"speedrunners aren't actually good at the game they just autistically memorize a route and set of inputs!!!"

>"speedrunners aren't actually good at the game they just autistically memorize a route and set of inputs!!!"
>randomizers come out
>speedrunners are all better at randomizers than anyone else
what did they mean by this?

Attached: 1514437839056.png (1424x543, 29K)

Other urls found in this thread:


things that never happened general?

>op had sex

> (OP)
>things that never happened general?

>>op had sex

>things that never happened
Of course it happened.

I never got this argument.
The speedrun is the track itself, not the game being the track.
And most skips will only skip like 5 seconds and are much harder to do than doing it normally.
And even if you wanted the game to be played without major skips and glitches, every game has a category for such things.
There is nothing wrong with the concept of speedrunning, only the community being 5:3:1 manchild:tranny:normal/chad ratio

Is this image supposed to be in favor of speedrunners or something?

Speedrunners actually LEARN the game though.
Of course it depends on the game but there's a lot more skill to it than just mere memorization and autistic learning of inputs.
There's always moments of adjustment and improvisation cause not everything will go exactly the same every time.

A KH2FM Critical lvl 1 speedrunner will have no problems with the game, while most people who just play the game casually will struggle against Xaldin on Proud.

yeah, this is especially true for 3d games where they're constantly adjusting for a million variables.

>million variables
Woah. I think not even life has this many variables, impressive, speedrunners are truly the best of the creme.

>I think not even life has this many variables
what? of course it does.


It doesn't matter how good they are at the game or at exploiting.
The fact is it is more interesting to watch someone skilled play through the content fast then someone skilled skip the content faster.
I want to be entertained, I don't care about records.

the premise of this whole argument has always been flawed,even beyond the specific case of OP's pic.

The rules are never "go from A to B in the shortest time possible" period.
The rules always include what is or isn't allowed, and this can include glitch abuse alone, glitch abuse plus randomizers manipulation, and other various stuff.
And for each one there is a category, so a player using glitches in a speedrun that allows glitch abuse and for which any other player can use glitch is not cheating.

Cheating in a speedrun is breaking the rules set by the speedrun, not by the game.

If you want to be entertained to play a game you twitch zoomer.

I don't know what the fuck your post is on about but that image is dumb.
Of course you can glitch your way through a ton of games super quick, and of course that's pretty interesting in its own right, but when I want to watch a speedrun I don't want to watch some would-be transsexual break their character's legs so they can teleport to the end of the game like thirty seconds into the run, I want to watch somebody skillfully navigate the intended path for the game as quickly as possible.


>I want to watch somebody skillfully navigate the intended path for the game as quickly as possible.
What if the person doing that is transsexual

Attached: OP is a faggot.png (1424x543, 26K)

Then play the game faglords.
They aren't cheating, they aren't doing anything outside of the devs intentions, they are simply playing with the rules given.
If you're not entertained then feel free to not watch it.

If they play skillfully and don't talk about stupid bullshit during the run then I really don't care if they want to be the little girl or not. To each their own.

>the two kinds of GAYMERS

Attached: AaaaaaaA.jpg (193x262, 9K)

I barely have enough time to play games normally, I can't sit in my house for 12 hours a day trying to master some speedrun route.
What the fuck is wrong with you, "play the game", are you retarded? If I'm watching a speedrun then I want to see the fucking speedrun, if I wanted to play the game myself I'd fucking do that instead.

>devs intended for glitches to completely invalidate their game

Attached: 1492391015063.jpg (500x375, 45K)

Attached: 1514437839056.jpg (1424x543, 176K)

>00.01 bit coin has been added to your wallet

thanks for reminding me that OP's like you are fake, larping, and probably paid at this point in life (2019) to stir mindless, brainwashing filth of ideas and thoughts onto people here who either cant tell the difference or are specifically target for psycologial warfare from advirtisors and companies. honestly kill yourself, you probably will either same fag, grab your discord fags to keep trash threads like this "v relevant" because "haha v is 1 person

please please kill yourself

oh, to add to your "topic" both are fine and dumb force discussion

>What the fuck is wrong with you, "play the game", are you retarded?
Yea Forums everyone
You are clearly not happy with how the game is being played, either a) play the fucking game yourself the way you want it to be played or b) stop watching it. Literally shooting yourself in the foot and getting mad at everything but yourself.

They didn't say NOT do to that. They set the rules, it's their game's job to enforce it. If you can break the game's rules by moving in a certain way and it lets you then it's fair game.

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thats still dumb since nobody starts speedrunning a game from the getgo, they already saw everything and now want to do it as quick as possibhle

>he wants to watch a glitchless speedrun
>that means he should either play the game himself or fuck off
Dilation station is in the corner, user. Make sure to wash up afterwards.

It's gotta be said, though, the speedruns where it's just some faggot jumping out of bounds without actually playing the game are boring as balls.

>if you can break a game's rules you're not breaking any of the games rules, you're playing by the rules

I mean, they still autistically know a game literally to the implications of certain parts of their code. They (and with that I mean the ones that aren't just autistically playing, say, one Mario Kart track billions of times to improve maybe a hundredth of a second) know the chances of certain things happening, have memorized the chances of certain things happening, and can occasionally improvise as something unexpected happens (although with some, this just means going over to a plan-B that they also memorized).
So sure they're 'good' at the game in the sense that a mechanic is 'good' at driving cars because he knows all the ins and outs of what makes a car tick, but that doesn't mean they're not autistic you faggot OP.

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>I can't sit in my house for 12 hours a day trying to master some speedrun route.
You don't have to. If you have an hour of free time to play games every day, you have enough time to speedrun.

The game is the referee, they define the rules and make sure everything is up to snuff. If you can do it in the game without modifying the game itself via cheats or mods, then, by extension, it's fair play.
I don't get why that's hard to understand.

Then look for a glitchless speedrun. I'm not saying that you have to watch anything. Again, if you don't like the way the game is being played, then don't watch it or play it the way you THINK it should be played. It's entertainment, if you are not entertained then stop partaking in viewing it.
Do you genuinely have some kind of learning disability? Are you autistic?

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Speedruns that use glitches should be called Glitchruns.
Prove me wrong.

>mastery is bad

Casuals are the scum of the earth.

He unironically seems to think because devs don't bother patching out obscure to do glitches that it's "playing by the rules". Just don't bother, it's autistic, the whole speedrunning base is autistic to the max.

Devs love speedrunners, though. They almost unanimously encourage it as a hobby.

Yea Forums is too casual to speedrun

If you break the game rules with a technique you can categorize as a glitch or an exploit it is categorically not fair play.
Just accept that you're trying to defend a literal cheating contest as fair play. There's room in the world for cheating contests, they're fun too, but by no means can you call them fair play, you autistic fuck.

If the ref allows it it's fair, if the game allows it, it's fair.
A glitch is just unintended behavior, it's not cheating to exploit them. If they cared about it they would've patched it out. If the game doesn't say you can't do it then why should you limit yourself?
>hurr durr your autistic
I don't understand why it's autistic to think that using things the developer left in isn't cheating? If, in a baseball game, you reverse slash into a bunt that isn't considered an actual bunt in order to mitigate 3rd strike foul balls, is that cheating? NO, it's just using the predefined rules to your advantage.

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not him, but you don't quite understand. expanding on 's baseball metaphor. speedrunning isn't playing baseball. its using the same equipment but with a different ruleset, one that allows you to say, take your bat with you and hit the 1st basemen

>If they cared about it they would've patched it out.

Attached: 1511278446332.png (188x264, 77K)

This, I actually really enjoy non glitched speedruns but they are totally impossible to find without wading through dozens of glitchruns first.
Glitchruns are neat but just not all that interesting, certainly not as interesting as people make them seem.

They obviously don't, didn't consider it at release, and didn't bother to fix it.
Again, in baseball, the infield fly rule was put in place to mitigate exploiting infield flies for easy double or triple plays. They changed the rules because they didn't think that was fair.
The rules can obviously be altered.

the ocarina of time 3ds remake deliberately keeps in glitches for speedrunners to abuse

the winner has the advantage from being in the inside lane you fucking brainlet

This isn't an argument because they always have glitchless categories for people to watch. Any% is always defined as starting a new file to end credits. It depends on what is more fun that the runners gravitate towards.
Then there's also other categories like 100% and such, or that ban certain glitches if they're considered unfun.
I honestly don't get why people complain about a certain category when they can just as easily go watch a category that they DO enjoy.

The individual bits of tech/experimentation/boundary breaks are more interesting than speedruns themselves, speedruns are only there to justify the experimentation.

Sekiro speedruns are fucking insanity and seeing how so many individual tricks come together to make them is amazing.

Anti-glitchfags BTFO

Everything in the game is the game's rules. Breaking them requires external methods. A glitch is a loophole: the game functioning as designed, not intended.

I don't get why anybody complains about people finding glitchless speedruns more interesting

the best speedruns to watch are TAS runs

>hurr Durr glitches mean less skill
What about flying in Crysis or extreme bunnyhopping in HL2 which are not only very entertaining but also require more skill than you'll ever have? Faggot.

I don't get that either. All the power to them. Watch whatever category interests you the most. No need to REEEEEEE that other's exist or might be more popular to run as they're more fun to the runners. Simple as that man.

Exploiting a game system or abusing a programming glitch isn't playing within the game's rules. It is categorically, by definition, breaking the rules of the game.
If it weren't against the game's rules you would be able to accomplish it without using any sort of exploit or bug.

I don't know how you could be so autistic you can't understand this.

>Speedrunners actually LEARN the game though.
most speedrunners just fucking copy other speedrunners you stupid retard

and I learned algebra from my teacher and a textbook written by someone else

Why do the people who use this saying always end up looking more retarded than the people they're trying to shit on?

Because today's speedrunners are twitch normies who got into the hobby because it's so cool and popular. Originally a runner needed to take a game apart and discover things no one else knew.


Flying in Crysis looks really boring, bhopping is miles better

The programming -is- the rules. Developer intent means nothing if it isn't enforced.
In Wisconsin, kids can get drunk as long as their parents buy the drinks, but when they turn 18, it's illegal for them to drink until they're 21, because they no longer have a guardian. Are you breaking the law if you get drunk at 17 there? No, the law is functioning as intended.
Sonic 06 has a gem that lets you turn small and jump multiple times, based on your stamina bar. But your stamina bar never decreases, which means you can jump infinitely. Is that cheating? No, that's just how the game's rules work.

Yeah and you don't plagiarize your middleschool algebra book every time you have to give change like every speedrunner plagiarizes the current fastest runner in their category.

You can't copy other speedrunners in randomizers because every randomizer is different.

An exploit is abusing the games predefined mechanics. It's not like you inject some magic code to make the game break. Literally anyone can do the same thing with a "clean" vanilla copy of the game.
Again, if they didn't see it as that big of an issue, then they would've patched it. Is using SR40 in Doom cheating because they didn't patch it out? Is bunny hopping cheating?

This is why categories exists and OoT MST/NoWW was created when the any% dropped below 20 minutes

collaboration is fount of innovation user

I never got the issue here. If I don't like thing I don't like thing.

I sometimes watch big speedrun events when some game I like is being played. If it's a run that skips 90% of the game I just don't watch it because I don't see the game being played.

I don't give a fuck if they're good or not, it's just not fun to watch.

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What do you mean people obsessed with a game are better at picking items in a different order yet on the exact same spots they're familiar with?

Can't just admit your initial argument was stupid as fuck can you?

It's literally the same but harder.

Sounds salty desu

no one cares faggot, I take my time with a game and I'm not autistic enough to play the same games over and over

Speed running is pathetic as fuck. Wow you're the best at something you and 10 other people care about. So brave so powerful. Most cringy sit is when a faggot runs some game no one cares about and says he got a """"""world record""""". Absolutely pathetic. This is the cope of people who can't achieve anything in actually competitive environments

>copy fastest runner in the category

Unless you don't actually create new strategies or improve on what the runner did (both commendable), you aren't getting first place and aren't doing anything worthy of note.

Who cares about the guy who did a worse run?

You sound like the kind of autist who, when you played tag with your friends on the playground as a kid and you were about to get tagged, would shout that the tag didn't count because you have an everything-proof shield on and they can't say you're not playing fair because they didn't explicitly forbid everything-proof shields so you win.
If you're entire goal is to bypass the intended progression through unintended exploits and programming errors, you are NOT playing by the game's rules.
You're just an autist disingenuously insisting that you're technically not cheating by abusing bugs and exploits despite the fact that any reasonable person can see you're full of shit.

>> (OP) (OP)
>>things that never happened general?
>>>op had sex

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That's not a valid comparison since in a game you can only work so far as the boundaries let you. You can't simply shout at a game that you want to jump infinitely if it already didn't allow you to do so in some way, via glitches or otherwise.

>You sound like the kind of autist who, when you played tag with your friends on the playground as a kid and you were about to get tagged, would shout that the tag didn't count because you have an everything-proof shield on and they can't say you're not playing fair because they didn't explicitly forbid everything-proof shields so you win.
That is how computers work, yeah. Computers are literal machines, they cannot guess or assume, they do EXACTLY what you tell them to do. You're having a hard time coming to grips with the idea of loopholes. Did you know if the 100m dash doesn't specify staying on the track, it would be perfectly fine to just run around the goal line?

>yet on the exact same spots they're familiar with
You haven't seen the SM64 randomizer, have you?


I mean it's literally not that. The game isn't forbidding nor allowing anything aside from what it's programmed to do. Like I said, the game itself is the judge, jury and executioner and has to do those duties in real time. Nothing can "slip by" because everything has to be accounted for. The game is the ref, and by the rules it is given it allows only what is allowed. If there's a corner of the map where if you bunny hop backwards into it you clip out and win the game, and the game says it's fine, then it's perfectly valid.
If the developers did not want you to do that, then they should've accounted for it and fixed it.
Do you know how computers work? They literally do exactly what they're told. It's not like your bribing the game to do what you want it to do.

Attached: Wet_Floor.jpg (628x340, 43K)

I actually haven't seen a single randomizer that doesn't do what I just said.

>most skips will only skip like 5 seconds
nobody gives a shit about those
>even if you wanted the game to be played without major skips and glitches, every game has a category for such things
wrong, many games only have "any%" and "glitchless"
even for the games that have no major skips% the category is usually abandoned in favor of any% which, although understandable, sucks

Watch a 100% glitchless run. Shit is boring as fuck.

Glitchless speedruns are fun to watch and do because they require skill at the game. For me a good speedrun isn't necessarily about speed, but rather about doing cool shit and just demolishing the game quickly while still keeping within it's boundaries.

Most runs are boring if you watch all of them. For me speedruns are almost always just:
>see game i like beat fast
>wow no way, how'd he do this part?
>see that they either skipped it or cheesed it with some kind of AI loop
>huh, neat
>turn the run off

thats because if it were truly random it would be impossible to finish the game unless things ended up in a specific order.

rando logic is there for sanity, not to make it easier

So watch SM64 randomizer.



>abusing a bug or exploit in a game is totally fair because if it was cheating then the game wouldn't let me do it
>oh also when I glitch out of bounds and drop into the final room of the game that's totally fine I swear I'm still playing by the game's rules believe me
>the boundaries are set by the game and you can't simply break them from inside
What would you even call glitching past boundaries the game sets in your way... Maybe going out of bounds? No, that can't be it. That's a typical speedrun strat and as we all know it's not breaking the game's rules if you can do it in the game lol

oh no no no
trannies and OP (who is probably a tranny) BTFO!

To be fair, the "cheater" already had the advantage of shorter corner as well as being closer to B, so he would have won no matter what. That's life for you, kids. It's not fair.

Speedrunning died shortly after the AGDQs started. Like in the second year.

>people are still listening to this sociopath

>Speedrunning died
Then why is it objectively more popular and competitive than ever before in its history?

>even knowing what a speedrunner or randomizers are
this reek of discord tranny

I know that.

My SM64 memory is rusty, so what, does it add new spots? Got any other examples?

Is glitchless TAS a genre?

what'd he do?

For some reason people think speedrunners don't like the game they're running and that's how they play normally. It's one of the most retarded things I've heard

If the game let's you go out of bounds without cheating then it's fair.
The computer does exactly what it's told to do, and if what it is told to do doesn't match the developers intention, well, tough shit, they programmed it, they should've fixed it.
If you glitch out of bounds and the game is fine with it, then again, its fair.
If you jump on a turtle's head in mario an infinite amount of times for free lives and the game allows it, it's fair. If the game didn't want you to do that, then it wouldn't let you.

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>My SM64 memory is rusty, so what, does it add new spots?
It randomizes the location of every star, coin, enemy, and object. It doesn't just rearrange them, it literally throws them in random spots, many that are super fucking hard to get.

>speedrunner talks about how the game plays out "in casual"
>hasn't even finished the game the regular way
>just hopped onto some thing and got at it
>no emotional connection, the objects have no value or significance
I think speedrunners are worse at vidya desu

Maybe it has something to do with them constantly shitting on the games when commenting.

>If the game let's you go out of bounds without cheating then it's fair.
now here's the biiiiiig zinger
what is "cheating"

speedrunning is the most pathetic hobby anyone can have

Maybe because most speedrunners don't even play the games casually before running, let alone come up with anything new.

After watching speedruns for 8 years I can say surely speedrunners are somewhat skillful but they choke hard when things go not as they planned.

Cheating is affecting the game state using non-standard input methods.

And that is why people make speedrun categories, they are a arbitrary set of rules made so that people like you stop raging about whats fair or not.

Any% is literally "exploit the game to finish it as fast as possible" without any other real constraints besides the use of outside programs.

Don't like that? Go see if another category is more up your alley.

>most speedrunners don't even play the games casually before running
Imagine actually believing this.

I agree with this. I watch speedruns but much of the excitement comes from records constantly switching hands, or new techniques being found.
For a lot of games now, the runs all look identical, but the end time is different because they are margibly different.
Can't really watch most for commentary either because most runners are on the spectrum.

That's certainly different then. I remember it used to be speedrunners really loved a game and wanted to push it to its limits, that's why they speedran it

I find both categories fun when the route and tricks ate interesting, some game genuinely have interesting ways to bypass all the content, others lose all their appeal, but some games are frankly pointless to watch since they only rely on one singular strategy, regardless of if following the intended route or a OoB one. Randomizers are fun because they force on the fly route changing that really showcase how good grasp a player has over glitches and requirements, but not all game make for good ones.

Pokémon can be fun to read routes and theory crafting about in several categories but make for boring runs (especially at events where they end up needing to get backups way too often), but obviosly any route that bypasses battles entirely (IE:Go directly to HoF) is lame aside from as a novelty.

Basically it depends on the game what makes the interesting run, and that is why the categorizing system is so good, because the categories that are the most impressive are not necessarily the "truly fastest" and sometimes challenge is more interesting.

Let's put it this way, This SGDQ will have KH3 on Beginner, no matter how fast it is do you really expect it to be more visually interesting then KH2FM Critical at past events? Spoiler: It is about spamming Fire magic as much as possible the whole run.

breaking the games rules. if you do not cheat with some kind of external hack then it's fair. If the developer left in some bug that lets me clip out of bounds and I, as a player, mistakenly find it, am I breaking the rules?
Do you just want games to be linear hallways wear anything aside from the intended path is off limits?

>the runs all look identical
This is only true if you don't understand nuance in movement. It's really common for stupid people to think speedruns all look the same.

imagine a life so void of anything worthwhile that you spend your time playing the same game over and over, attempting to finish it faster each time, and then thinking that by doing so it's some big achievement; that's speedrunning

People don't give a fuck about speedrunners. They only give a fuck about the finished speedrun.
The dissonance is this: The speedrunner wants speed. The audience wants entertainment. Usually more speed = more entertainment, but not always. In finding tricks to go faster you'll end up using tricks that skip fun parts of the game or just look much less impressive than the flashy skip that is 0.2 seconds slower, and the speedrunning autism will always pick the strictly fastest one without regards for entertainment.

hes got a point you know

Imagine a life so void of anything worthwhile that you make things up about something you don't know anything about on Yea Forums.

Why would a speedrunner care about entertaining some faggot?

Are you saying that practicing established techniques and routes is invalid? It still takes skill and practice to pull off even really well established stuff

if it was programmed or left in the data, it's fair game.

Attached: 200px-Wavedashing.gif (200x150, 369K)

enlighten everyone in this thread then. what do you gain by being the fastest to beat a videogame?
fame and fortune? do these professional athle...gaymers get paid for beating a game faster than anyone else has?

>speedrunning is attempting to complete a game as fast as possible
>apparently this is wrong

>play game for fun
>tranny pulls up beside me
>"you know you can do this section way faster if you use the box stacking glitch"
>pretend I didn't hear xer
>"y-yeah well, I hold like, 4 world records on bubsy 3D"
>just continue playing my game and having fun
>light turns green
>me: "see you later, gayboy"
>drive away as I hear a gunshot in the distance

Attached: ju91gjf1.jpg (836x484, 183K)

even if they did manage to get paid for it, it's still fucking pathetic

>buttblasted runner
Point me towards 3 games where the top 3 fastest any% times do anything significantly different from one another. Mario jumping and extra time at a certain spot doesn't count as nobody but autists (see (You)) notice them.

Oh look everyone it's /shmupg/, the known general of frauds.

>what do you gain by being the fastest to beat a videogame?
Loaded question, but generally it's done for recreation.
>do these professional athle...gaymers get paid for beating a game faster than anyone else has?
Sometimes, yeah.
Are you illiterate?

Remember when video games weren’t so autistic?

i have no idea what that is, i browse Yea Forums like once a month. stop being a seething tranny for 5 seconds and answer a question without getting upset

I don't have to imagine anything, I can just look up grindmonkeys on speedrun.com at random.

All of the top 120 star records utilize very different strats and you can tell which runner is playing just by watching subtle differences in their movement. It's a very expressive game. Stupid people probably wouldn't be able to see it, though.

based tranny getting triggered over the realisation that he is actually just wasting his time

No. It's just a hobby to a lot of people. What do you have to gain from playing video games in the first place?
They're different in execution. The recent Doom E1M1 8 second run was only had because of some frame perfect bug on top of some flawless execution.

>I have no idea what that is
Lmao sure thing fraud

This is the biggest flaw of speedrun streams, you don't want to see the dude getting teleported to the end game credits, you want to see some flashy shit happening that requires a lot of skill, memorization, and a different take on how to achieve certain things ingame.

Hence why 'glitch exhibition' videos are much more entertaining than regular speedruns videos, people only care about the fancy parts, not the optimization involved.

Why did you bring up trannies when no one else mentioned them? How big is your proto bulge folder, you obsessed freak?

guys, is this impressive? if i manage to do better will i get all the gaymer gurlz?

Playing the same videogame over and over every day isn't a hobby. That's pretending you have anything meaningful going on in your life when in reality everyone is hoping this is the day you finally kill yourself and stop being such a parasite.

>I don't have to imagine anything
Of course you do. That's the only way the lie you told would make sense.
>I can just look up grindmonkeys on speedrun.com at random.
In no way does looking up speedruns demonstrate that the lie you told isn't a lie.

A hobby is just something you choose to spend your free time on. To some, playing the same game over and over in hopes of a better time is a hobby. I don't speedrun, but whenever something cool comes up I'll check a few out.

>Playing the same videogame over and over every day isn't a hobby.
Of course it is. People have been doing this since the dawn of video games. Even more once the 90s hit and MMORPGs became a thing.

Need for attention.

Sounds like projection, user.

While any% technically includes 120 star runs, you know that's not what I meant.
Not going to watch a several hour run to see someone go to a different star first. Most of the top ones use the same route anyway.
>can tell who is playing based on how they move
Literally on the spectrum.

>one second difference
The Doom record was impressive, considering the other stood for like 20 years. But in most runs my point still stands, a second saved over 2 hours isn't massively entertaining after you've watched the same game ran over and over.


Speedrunning is literally a more complicated "simon says" and involves barely any actual skill or high-functional thinking, which is why it's dominated by smelly low functioning autists. This is an irrefutable truth. Stay mad shitcord trannies.

>massively entertaining
And? Entertainment is really subjective, and, like I said, I only really check it out when some record gets broken in a game I like.
I don't think anyone actually keeps up with speedruns of more than 10 games at most.

Nobody can disagree with this. It’s just the truth

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>While any% technically includes 120 star runs, you know that's not what I meant.
What do any% runs have to do with anything? We're talking about speedrunning, not one type of category.
>Not going to watch a several hour run to see someone go to a different star first.
No one said anything about going to a different star first.
>Literally on the spectrum.
I'm sorry that you're too stupid to understand nuance in movement. That's literally where 90% of the skill in SM64 is, so it makes sense that you don't find it impressive.

I can just tune to a VOD and watch the grindmonkeys embarrass themselves on something really basic that isn't part of the route they're aping.

what's with your obsession with trannies?

The fact that anti-speedrun people are this angry and stupid makes me extremely confident that speedrunning is a great thing.

What does that have to do with not having played the game casually?

They aren’t killing themselves fast enough

okay, sure. find an SM64 run that does this.

calling people a tranny is the Yea Forums equivalent of redditors calling everyone incel. are you new?

>I'm sorry that you're too stupid to understand nuance in movement.
Nigger it’s fucking flicking your shit caked thumbs to make Mario go BING BING WAHOO

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This entire discussion is pointless because glitchless categories exist.

Despite what clueless autists on Yea Forums may want you to believe, speedrunners want to have fun. If the fastest way to finish the game is totally lame, guess what, it's not gonna be a particularly popular category.

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>Nigger it’s fucking flicking your shit caked thumbs to make Mario go BING BING WAHOO
With every post you make my point becomes more and more evident. Keep screeching about things you're too stupid to understand, little guy. I thrive on this.

Read the chain. I originally said that runs become boring after a few years because games get optimised and world records use the same strats, making them too similar to be as entertaining as their first runs/discovery of new techniques.

Read the chain. You ignored my last post to move the goalposts.

h2 super jumping was fun

Pic related is both you retards

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>I am VERY MAD about people who I will never meet playing a single player game in a way I do not approve of
Just fucking turn off twitch and you never have to see any of these speerunners again. You are seeking out things to get mad about like an SJW.

So why don't you go copy other people's methods and match their times? lmao

I'm so weird about glitches in speedruns. I'm mostly against glitches. I want to see someone that's mastered a game I like and run that shit perfectly as intended. Some glitches are neat though and I do enjoy seeing them. It's just boring as hell seeing some speedrunning grind their character in a corners for 30 minutes and fall into the ending cutscene but glitches that cause your character to shoot a hundred times and triple the damage or something like that is cool as hell. I just don't follow speedrunning too closely. I'm sure finding a new glitch is incredibly exciting and it would be fun to be part of the moment but most glitches just make for a largely uninteresting run.

>tfw want my cake but also want to eat it too

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*Gets an even better time due to copying*

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>wrong, many games only have "any%" and "glitchless"
Wrong. If a category doesn't exist then you make the category you fucking retard.

Yeah, that'll definitely happen

speedrunners shouldn't delude themselves that what they're doing is anything other than the product of a boring and pathetic life.

Not as pathetic as complaining about random shit on the internet.

Why are ALL speedrunners autistic manchildren with anger issues? Literally every single one?


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Imagine a life so void of anything worthwhile that you complain on the internet about what random people do.

90% of the fun of watching speedruns is how they break the games in absurd ways.

Because only literal autists dedicate their entire lives to trying to beat a game as quickly as possible

Yup it did and still does. :3

You're missing the whole point then. You're into skillful play, not speedrunning. There's content for you as well. People who actually enjoy speedrunning enjoy seeing the game get broken in order to get a short time.

I only watch speedruns of games that have been beaten in minutes, up to 20 max.

I kinda like Factorio speedruns

tfw I will never get my spoon

anti-speedrunning autism is by far worse than speedrunning autism. just look at you people.


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Nozomi is still fat

>he's an anti anti speedrunner

Because speedrunners are autistic enough to memorize certain inputs, yes.
It's not about optimal play like in DS2 with: use rapier, dodge
It's more like in DS2: use rapier, dodge and repeat * 100 until you've mastered the boss so much due to autismo

The routes are literally second generally speaking. Randomizers still get the best times because the best players do 100% runs and thus know the best and fastest ways of hitting all possible random chests/loot

How is this so fucking hard to grasp?