>Invincibility frames are bad game desig-
Invincibility frames are bad game desig-
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Games are not capable of true dodging so i frames are necessary
Name 20 (twenty) people that have said this
Just emulated this. Hoho God damn, you guys really have some delusions.
who are you quoting
I feel like you get too many in Bloodborne, I've not look at the actual numbers but I assume it's more than fast rolls in the other games?
11 in BB.
so 1 full second?
Name a 3d action game with no iframes.
They are, but it would mean boss movesets would have to be easier than '20 foot guy swings 12 foot sword at everything in front of him'
Sekiro proved that iframes as a main way to avoid attacks is bad design. Combat flows much better in Sekiro and is far more aggressive than Bloodborne, you don't spend time jumping around like an idiot but actually engaging the enemy.
this game feels so much easier after sekino
Are you retarded?
sekiro tried to go in that direction with sweep and thrust
also, for honor
Sekiro has iframes you retard. You know it's all about hit and run right.
It's more the posture system that encourages aggressive playing than anything else.
Bad hitboxes prove
Learn some reading comprehension you dumb fuck, I clearly said as the MAIN way to avoid attacks. It's not all about hit and run unless you play like a fucking dumbass and take 5+ minutes on every phase of a boss like some people I've seen play, depleting their posture through deflections and counters is much faster.
That doesn't mean you can't do it nor isn't that the most viable option.
Some bosses it's best to focus on vitality at first because it makes them regain posture slower. Owl and Corrupted Monk come to mind.
it isn't the most viable option.
Besides that, running has nothing to do with iframes as running has no iframes.
Imagine being so simple minded and obsessed that you make the same thread every day. Shit must really suck
What is Tekken
Doesn't the game teach you that as early as Juzou?
I-frames used to only really exist as a brief moment of invincibility after being hit so you can't be stunlocked to death. The modern excessive use of them is only really a Jap thing and comes from their love of "Nothing personal, kid" anime bullshit gameplay design which pretty much requires them. Even the piss easy BAMHAM combat of western games like Batman and Assassin's Creed don't make much use of i-frames.
why do you feel the need to defend i-frames so badly? I think they're a great mechanic when done well, but I'm not going to spam threads about how good they are.
Sure as hell did for me. Kept rying to parry everything to build posture like a faggot.
Yes, instead they have enemies attack you one at a time like retards and instant one button counters. It's either that or iframes, the latter is a much better option.
For honor have i-frames
They're just reasonably short, delayed and countered by GB
bloodborne sure was easy also who are you quoting?
dashing is anime tier
try dashing in real life
they are
iframes on rolls are cancer
>iframes are good game design
Iframes have existed in hundreds of 3rd person melee action games. Why do we need to be reminded that they are good game design? It's just the fucking standard.
Try rolling in real life you fucking mongol.
>rolling in a full suit of armor is more realistic
Are you retarded?
>standard = good
they're a cluch to allow more creativity for the designers without making fights literally impossible
Maybe if the 7th gen wasn't the first time you played a video game you'd know why you are completely fucking wrong. It's shit tier modern game design.
fuck off
>Iframes have existed in hundreds of 3rd person melee action games
Proof that 3rd person melee action games are shit.
You can fucking jump in armor too. Neither one is a good idea in combat.
Why the fuck would you roll during combat? Do you roll to evade swings or do you just dodge?
>You can fucking jump
Admit that you were wrong and move on, we were talking about rolling
It's certainly situational, but entirely doable in plate armor
You wouldn't, it's just the mechanic the developers used as a dodge because dashing is not humanly possible having the game consist of only blocking would be boring.
jesus you're a fucking idiot.
It's been way before the 7th gen you fucking retard
You see lots of funky stuff happening in Tekken, just like any other fighting game.
I wonder what bayonetta would be like if you actually had to direct your dodges to avoid attack.
you realize those are 2 different posters right?
consider checking in for brain damage
im pretty sure the player dodged each of those attacks though. just slow it down, none of those hits actually connected with the player for the iframes to kick in.
yeah, and the comment is directed towards both of them.
I audibly chuckled
the eye traces holy shit
even cheesed, this boss is cheap
Tekken comes close but it still has true crushing states mate, it isn't all just hitboxes
The game.
so what you're sayingis even though rolling is unpractical and stupid they used it as a mechanic to make the game less boring, just like dashing ?
No, give me actual, tangible proof, retard.
Try fighting a 15 foot horse monster while wielding a giant cinderblock on a stick in real life
One is humanly possible, the other isn't humanly possible.
Simple as that.
Bloodborne has a small amount of i frames but relative to the quickstep animation its a large percent of it, but they discourage spamming by making you take instability damage during recovery frames.
You're talking about what's humanly possible in fucking Bloodborne. Compared to other shit hunters do weebdashing is nothing.
false equivalency
No it isn't
>in a fantasy game
I-frames aren't bad design. It works very well for certain types of games. It's just that Souls games combat design is ass. It's mediocre when you're fighting normal sized enemies but it absolutely fucking falls apart when you're fighting "boss" sized enemies like that webm. I fucking hate that people think Souls games are somehow the pinnacle of combat or some shit. The combat is the worst part about those games. Otherwise they do some quite brilliant things.
Yes it is
Not saying it's perfect but the player tried to dodge a grab directly into his hands.
Nope, you're just being an obsessive faggot about this one unrealistic thing in a game full of unrealistic things. Not sure why though. Did your father weebdash out of your life?
That fucking lock on/tracking bullshit is why all From Soft games suck.
>enemy is looking one way and doing his move
>all of a sudden he snaps to your direction and hits you
>enemy turns and tracks you mid animation because from soft can't design combat
reminds me of this
>loses argument
>hops on the strawgrasping train
every single time
You know what else is humanly impossible? Wielding this.
>loses argument
If you say so.