>Be a movie retard
>Leave home to watch a 3 hour movie and previews at LEGIT 2:30am
>Sit in dark room with other retards.
>Sit quietly and occasionally laughing at cringe jokes.
>Dont ever talk to people you watch the movie with
>This is supposed to be """social"""
>Leave your butter-smothered seat and drop 3lbs of popcorn to sleep and dream of fictional characters.
>Literally watching some Hollywood degenerates roleplay in shitty costumes made for toys.
As opposed to
>Pop in game at any time
>Invite friends and talk to them even when you cant meet up physically.
>YOU are the character(s)
>Can actually train your brain
>You dont bother anyone unless you want to
>Games are replayable and vary in gameplay rather than being the same shitty story over and over.
>Games can be timeless
>You will never have a memory of sitting down and seeing some actor, but will remember your favorite levels and even music in games.
>Games have feels.
Video games are the best form of entertainment and there is no denying it. Can't imagine being as braindead as moviegoers. Fuck movies. Steve is in smash.
Why is vidya superior?
It's just the stigma of the old Generations but most people who don't play video games or haven't played video games are pretty much dead or dying so don't worry.
Video games are the most stimulating sector of entertainment humans have ever created how could it not be good for your brain when it's actively keeping your brain going you have to engage with it unlike other entertainment mediums like books movies and music
but why you posted an image with fifa faggot
Sports games are fun when you cant meet up for the real thing.
>movie BAD
>vidya gaem GOOD
At least in Yea Forums they actually talk about TV and movies.
Movies < Video Games
Movie Fans > Video Game Fans but not by alot
you can't be serious
What a dumbass thread. Who the fuck actually doesnt know how to pirate movies? Who the fuck doesnt like watching movies that interest them and exclusively plays vidya in the first place? Either way, its not like either "hobby" isnt just pure consumerism and therefore is not an actual good hobby worth spending a ton of time on.
They do? That sounds awful.
They do though. They actually have a happy of off-topic shitposting, memeing, and actual movie/tv thread. Yea Forums is 90% shitposting.
As opposed to illegit 2:30am?
With what?
With the facts, sorry. This is just how it is.
>one copy of cinematic game please
I see you've never been to Yea Forums
>Moviefags know their entertainment is dying, so they have to force movies into video games with minimal button pressing and brain activity to feel normal.
Name some games with minimal button pressing and brain activity.
Any AAA PS4 exclusive
100% perfect thread and post. May the simulation host bless you and your loved ones OP.
Do american cinemas seriously have butter taps or is this a Yea Forums meme?
Do they constantly get threads about Shadman, Stonetoss, Homestuck, trannies, Donald Trump, or Christianity that take forever to get deleted by dipshit janitors?
Oh, so you can't. Alright.
But i just did?
Yes plus daily interracial porn threads
Butter taps are real. Giant bags are used for a dispenser. Have to replace every couple of days. I used to work at one. Really filthy people actually come to theaters to see movies. By the time they leave, the butter leaks from the paper bag and the whole table is smeared. They eat popcorn out of the cupholders and cant hold still enough not to spill anything. Tip for American moviegoers, never let your food touch the trays or the tables. We just reuse rags and sometimes use vinyl cleaner which really only makes it look better.
games are literally movies these days
But he did user.
>"Minimal button pressing"
That's a nice cherry picked fantasy to made up there.
As opposed to Mario where you have to press A all the fucking time? Yeah, minimal button pressing.
>"to made up there"
OHNONONONO Moviefags can't even compose a sentence. Are they all like this?
You literally just press different buttons. There's constantly combat and movement going on in Spiderman, are you retarded? You could argue there's too many cutscenes or they take up too much time, but the game has just as much action as a Mario game.
You guys are so hellbent on hating everything about Sony you forgot that you should actually play fucking games before you decide they're dogshit.
>people who play games are called gamers because they play games
>people who watch movies aren't called movers because they are fat pigs who can't move
Okay but nobody ever got laid after "playing a romantic comedy game" with their gf. virgsperg.
Haha, good one. That sure made me xD.
Woah, calm down, who said the game is shit? But the game basically plays itself, the game was made to make you feel like spiderman, and I'm sure it gets close, but be real, compare it to an arcade game and you can see the "press x to do awesome" overload.
Those are the things you think about when you have free time OP? That's weird.
Movies is the plebeian form of entertainment. Books and theater/opera is much better when it comes to storytelling. Videogames is different. Plot wise is not as enriching as what books and theater can offer but at least it is more entertaining than wasting 2h watching a shitty movie blockbuster shilled by plebs and pseudointelectuals
>Implying you get laid because Adam Sandler kisses a blonde and not that the couple are already having sex.
>Implying getting laid in a theater isn't comparable to getting a hooker to blow you at a Chuck E Cheese's, where there are also tons of kids.
You're right on the first part, I apologize for getting unreasonably butthurt.
I don't see your point though. Spiderman's combat gets pretty tricky once you get to the later parts of the game. I don't see how that's any different from a Mario game, where the first parts of the game are braindead jump = win levels, and then it slowly progresses to more difficult platforming.
Plus the game has harder modes. Surely you don't think the hardest difficulty in Spiderman has only minimal button presses?
And Mario levels can be very hard, just see the Special World or the Champion's Road, that doesn't mean the rest of the game isn't piss easy.
Games like Spiderman, are like rollercoasters when Mario is like one of those fair games where you get a shitty plush, both are fun but one requires way more input from you.
Because games are so heavily influenced by your own personal experiences with them, it someone hinders the developers in getting across a meaningful message or story. I'm not saying all games need to have deep and mature stories, but when I read a book or watch a movie, I'm getting everything the writers intended exactly as they intended it. I know that's not always important to everyone, but it is to me personally