>That nice, unpopular game you used to play is suddenly worth quadruple the price you originally payed for it.
That nice, unpopular game you used to play is suddenly worth quadruple the price you originally payed for it
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don't really understand why people are willing to pay so much for original prints of digital media that can be pirated and burned for much cheaper. I've just never seen the collector appeal. but it made me $70 when I sold my copy of Path of Radiance. (I was actually playing through it on Dolphin at the time of the sale lol)
physicalfags WILL defend this
>why pay just steal it man lol are they stupid??
Piracy is not theft
Nina Paley pls leave.
It's cheaper on ebay, I guarantee.
>amazon for old games
It's basically just a faggot, most likely one of those "we're totally an independent and not a corporate puppet" game stores using it like e-bay but without all the other listings from people selling the game for under 20$.
thats a really obscure reference is anybody supposed to know who that is
I remember when i could buy that game in a blockbuster for 2 dollars
Steambot chronicles is one of my favorites. I remember it giving me the option to hand off the girl at the beginning to the bandits, it let me, and the ride only got better from there. Superb game. Graphics haven't aged well, but fuck, the game is still sweet as honey.
That's a new sealed copy of something not manufactured in 15+ years I'm not shocked.
Oh definitely, but only if you want it Used, or don't mind not getting the full box. The price can get up to ~$200 if you want it new.
I actually just sold this game for 89 on ebay. I have alot of ps2 shit that went up in price
I think I only paid 30 dollars for this back when it was still sort of new. No fucking idea why it's this much now.
I just wish I wasn't retarded as a kid and bought a copy that included the actual case and not one of those shitty generic gamestop cases
Should I get this before it gets higher? Always kinda wanted to play it but it wasnt a priority. I waited on Panzer Dragoon Saga and now look where we are.
Is this game really that rare? I only paid 20 dollars for it at Gamestop at the time. I think I even still have the price tag on it.
Frankly if I had the disposable income, I'd buy it myself. Unless Granzella in some kind of miracle is able to re-release the game, it's just going to get more rare and expensive as time goes on. I used to have a copy, and it legit is one of my favorite games period, but it got destroyed.
What's worse is that the developer previously known as Irem ran in to issues with the Tsunami. For all we know, there may be no way to replicate the game.
>hurrrr old gaem izz le pricey
>posts amazon screen shot
Every fucking time, god why are normies so retarded
New and sealed copy in your picture. But yes its rare.
upvote base redpill etc.
well yeah. are they? it's not like the developer saw a piece of that action. only I profited through its sale. I basically just extracted value from Nintendo / Intelligent Systems
Wrong response?
All of my local vidya stores base their prices around what they find online. Even though it is just a bunch of retards over pricing their games, it does cause artificial inflation elsewhere.
>vidya collecting/collectors are people who probably love games the most
>piratefags and shitposters always find it easy to take a crack at them
That's how you know Yea Forums is just a shit hole, doesn't even care about the thing their board is named after
The issue is that Amazon is by no means the gold standard for where to get your online game prices from, most often it's ebay and checking through recent completed/sold listing to determine what the game has sold for
Pricecharting is a bit helpful in this but isn't always accurate either
The point being that it's just so cringe worthy to see people complain about retro game prices being too high but then going to Amazon just because its a normie retail site and use that as the main example when amazon rarely gets used for actual old game sales, sometimes if you're really lucky and know what to look for you can get some deals there but more often than not ebay is what's used to determine online """value"""
Am I really the only person that pays for games?
>go to /t/
>open catalog
>ctr+f "rom"
>The point being that it's just so cringe worthy to see people complain about retro game prices being too high
It's less a complaint and more a curiosity. I haven't been buying older games recently, so I lacked the knowledge about other stores and what measure they use to determine prices. Though Steambot specifically is going up across the board based on other sites I took a look at, Amazon was a quick and easy illustration of that.
user nobody is going to buy your $500 copy of whatever, just give it up.
Just so you can quite cringing and being mad about people doing things:
The creators of the game are in no way going to get money from someone buying an overpriced copy on ebay.
That part isn't so much the issue, I've been collecting for almost 20 years and even then I don't keep track of prices on everything
Once I own a game my price tracking on it just gets dropped in my mind
The issue is just misinformation, Amazon isn't an accurate way of tracking because you can't look up sold listings on amazon
5 retards can be asking 200 for steambot but no ones buying
On ebay the top 5 most recent SOLD listing on steambot show between 65 and 110 dollars so its price is a bit iffy but its nowhere near 200 dollars and is at least a much more accurate way of determining whatever fluctuating sense of value is there
The developers never see money from sales, all that goes to the publisher.
A while ago I bought starfox 3d for about 20 burgers and later I saw a thread here saying that it went up in price, sold it used for 70 bucks.
Did I become the jew?
>The issue is just misinformation, Amazon isn't an accurate way of tracking because you can't look up sold listings on amazon
>5 retards can be asking 200 for steambot but no ones buying
That's fair, I know I would pause and look for a lower price if I were buying myself. You can get a copy offshore for FAR less, but that would come with its own problems as well.
Do you play what you buy?
I know not everyone knows, I just want people to be informed for the sake of accurate info, arm yourself with knowledge friend
Most definitely, I don't buy for rarity/value, game collecting as an investment is a fools errand
I try my best not to go over 50-60 on a game and thats usually RPGs that go that high, most of what I buy is cheap but I break that rule every now and then depending on my interest and monthly budget I allow for collecting
Like, I've been getting some old PS1 stuff lately, i've wanted Tales of Destiny for many years now, scored a copy for 75, its a bit but it was a good deal compared to average pricing and its really fun so far, im glad I finally get to experience it
Same just went for Tomba! game hovers around 100ish on average, got a copy for 70, its a lot for a platformer but its a game i have a lot of nostalgia for
Gotta have rules to make this worth it for you, everyone collects different, just make sure to have fun
What do you think about people that pirate?
One-time turnabout isn't full jew. I won a DS Lite from a Stacker machine (on my first attempt) way back in 2005 and sold it on ebay for nearly $175. Since then, I haven't bothered to sell off vidya stuff.
They're much smarter than me
Why is shit on Amazon so ridiculously expensive?
>try and find a PS1 or PS2 era game
>sometimes they literally cost hundreds of dollars
Do the sellers actually think people will buy them?
>That obscure game you love suddenly had a bunch of brand new copies dumped on Amazon for dirt cheap
>Buy a couple
>See a thread about unpopular threads jumping in price
>Check your game again
>play Melee religously
>become big Captain Falcon fan
>Buy FZero at EB for $15
>both are worth nearly $150 combined today
feels good man
but I don't play this shit, who wants to buy it?
Just pirate/emulate it.
Because Amazon has a more captive market. Their gift cards are in larger circulation than ebay's, plus plenty of credit card companies offer rewards/cashback deals for using Amazon. Additionally, most people aren't using Amazon to buy older media, so the sellers are more willing to try price gouging than their ebay equivalents.
And sometimes people do buy the expensive shit, but it's mostly just collectors who want boxes on shelves, not actual gamers.
If nobody's buying it ain't worth shit.
is the supply scarce? if yes, then the price goes up. it being niche usually just drives the price up even further, because the people that want it, want it badly enough to pay top dollar.
Pay for your games.
She's an animator/cartoonist who's hardcore anti-copyright. She made Sita Sings the Blues and Seder-Masochism, making them both completely free and share-able.
Dropping obscure stuff with no regard is one of the fun things to do on an imageboard. Besides, it's nice to sometimes be completely blindsided by something you've never heard of, information moves so fast and is so common than stuff that would have been underground things seem like common knowledge.
Why pay for games from a dead console?
There is no point.
Because its just listing, there's no accuracy and its usually overstock from weird third parties, see Don't use amazon as an accurate means of online retro game prices
Not me
I have no issue with it, its a gray area when it comes to modern games but if the console is after market then I think """piracy"""/emulation is almost necessary to ensure that a console survives and is properly preserved. There's dozens of reasons why its important, I just think piracy is a big misnomer
It's just as important as physical collecting imo
nice. I know what I'm doing tonight then.
PC game market is weirder
But of course digital should ideally be cheaper
Uncultured swine.
Bought Steambot Chronicles for 19.99 at my local used book and game shop. Saw Rule of Rose for 24.99 years ago.
McKay's in Knoxville is pretty nice.
I only buy physical copies of older games if I can’t find a torrent of it or it’s not on a site to download and buy.
don't the BT games have that issue where they were full of plagiarized music? That might be why
If by BT you mean Budokai tenkaichi its the original DBZ Budokai line of games that had the amazing plagiarized music.
It's a fucking ps2 game
Frankly we are starting to reach the point where it might be justified to pirate early ps3 games