V > VI

Why didn't you say this was better than VI? Glazed over this game for 26 years because no one talks about it, the fuck?

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Shhhh, not too loud, or else you'll upset the Terrafags and Celesfags


Why would you ignore V? VI was always really bad.

the characters and gameplay is better, the story is worse tho

gameplay>any other category
its a fucking video GAME

>Why didn't you say this was better than VI?
OP... every normal person knows that VI and XV are the worst mainline FF games.

Story is a gameplay element in Role Playing Games. Don't be an idiot.

The less talked about something is the better.


Best FFs by original console

FFV is by far the best FF ever

it's also the best Square game except maaaaybe Chrono Trigger

FFVI & FFVII faggots need not apply

>Story is a gameplay element
You're an apex retard.

3 is pretty good
1 edges it out by just a tiny bit but i still had fun with 3

3 is good I agree. The final dungeon is fucking ass though, super turbo ass.

VI and XV are the worst only if you're a contrarian retard.
Yes they aren't the best but they're still miles better than II which is just a SaGa game except shit and VIII which is an exploitable mess with bad story and awful characters.

1 is literally the worst in the series though?

No it isn't. And don't end statements with a question mark, it makes you sound like a pussy.

Time for your viscera to see the light of day! Now DIE!- Exdeath

My fave part was when he called out bartz for wanting to stop him without knowing what Exdeath wanted to do in the first place. He's my fave final fantasy villain by a longshot.






Everyone knows it has the second best gameplay of any FF game after X-2

fucking dyslexia

All I remember was being pissed that I couldn't beat the final boss with the party I had. Having to grind out some of the better jobs because my party was just getting wiped out over and over. That said the idea that no one talks about it is absolutely absurd.

Attached: Final.Fantasy.V.full.132479.jpg (762x719, 195K)

This game is always talked about OP, it's only your fault you're such a gigantic faggot

In that context I would say the story is better in V than VI since it's much simpler and allows you to put yourself in much easier.

I love both, even if I prefer VI, V is as good or even better in some aspects.
I have no fucking clue why would anyone say either is shit and I'm willing to bet that anyone who does say one is clearly better than the other, or that one is shit and the other is not, etc. etc. Is a faggot, a contrarian, a troll, a mix of all or haven't even played them

Attached: passing_the_san_check.gif (200x109, 1.96M)

Why don't you try playing a video game instead of Microsoft Excel next time?
Fuck me, an alpha build for VI gets announced for PC and suddenly there are like fifty Square-Enix threads.
Nuke this Hellhole, Hiro.

The levels in the jobs mean nothing. I was in the same situation as you, 2 of my guys were useless so I just switched the jobs at the steps of the boss and went in with those lvl 1 jobs and beat neoexdeath.

I don't agree in some critical aspects but overall I like your taste

The biggest insult is saying that VII is good, come the fuck on, the most overrated game in three billion aeons alongside ocarina of time

Because 2, 5 and 12 were basically the "out there" core entries until 13 shat the bed. If you love the Job mechanics in FF then 2 is the game for you.

are you fucking insane?

Low IQ snowflakes

>If you love the Job mechanics in FF then 2 is the game for you.
what kind of moron would say this?

2 is probably the worst game in the series. That or one of the recent games that no one gives a fuck about. Like XI onward

Attached: Trilogies.jpg (1020x1076, 353K)

Move IV up into good tier and XI and XII down into bad tier and this list is just about right

4 in mediocre tier is retarded. 4 is better than 7, especially from the perspective of taking all that was great from 1, 2, and 3 and vastly expanding the storytelling. 7 was no better than 6, and even the transition to 3d graphics was very ugly.

the grind is kind of annoying if you picked nothing but shit jobs, but it's pretty hard to make a useless character in V.
also endgame when you switch to the freelancer and mime classes and have all passive bonuses from every other class you mastered is the most kino endgame moment in all of final fantasy.
every other FF endgame is just garbage in comparison. I like that the game is hard, it means your decisions and builds actually matter.

Nah. V is the absolute best FF when it comes to feeling like you are on an actual adventure, though.

Give ten a try too. It's the best mainline FF

>the one game that always wins when FF games are battled against each other in a popularity vote
>when FF games like the whole 13 trilogy and 2 exist

>I good tier
>XIV ARR better than IV and XI
>VIII bad
What a fucking stupid opinion.

Shit opinions. Only Putrid Shit Tier is accurate.

>Galuf's health hits 0
>he keeps going

Attached: 1541176215648.gif (381x512, 536K)

>or haven't even played them
That is always the correct answer, we are on Yea Forums after all.

SaGa games are good. I bet you haven't played them because ''muh no EXP'' mechanic.
Insults are not an argument, user. I've said it countless times, FF VI fanbase is toxic. Not only they have no taste in games, but also no arguments. And here you are, proving my point. Again.

>Galuf resists the power of one of the 4 legendary crystals of the realm
>Galuf bitch slaps some stupid forcefield holding his niece
>Galuf absorbs that forcefield, then decides to fight Exdeath while under its control
>Galuf's health hits 0
>He fucks Exdeath so hard that the crystals all retreat back into him so he can disappear like a little bitch
what a bro

So, did FFXIV do them justice?

