Camarilla Thread

Only The Camarilla may post in this thread.

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Is it true that vampires don't get enjoyment from sex? Because it doesen't make any sense since the player will be interested in sex and you can't roleplay as some asexual especially when you are given choices of banging chicks,

If I remember correctly, when you become a vampire, sex literally cannot even compare to how good it feels to suck on blood

Vampires get pleasure from sex, but since the urge to eat, drink, sleep, and fuck are all replaced by a thirst for blood it's nothing close to what feeding feels like, so they get bored of the idea pretty quick after being embraced

Toreador can derive some enjoyment, if only because they're closer to human than the other clans, but it's the psychological satisfaction rather than physical. But as said you generally derive more pleasure from feeding than any mortal vice.

Also, I just finished playing again, this time with the Plus Patch, the Sabbat Ending is so absolutely uncanon that it bears recounting.

>Sabbat basically want you deader than a doornail
>murder every Sabbat that crosses your path
>defeat Andrei in combat
>later he's willing to let you join the Sabbat seemingly with no strings attached
>reach final confrontation with LaCroix
>Sabbat not only lets you live, but disposes of the sarcophagus without opening it

I mean, it's basically the same ending as the Kuei-Jin minus you being strapped to the sarcophagus, but it still feels like someone didn't read up on the Sabbat before making it.

I just find the idea strange since a lot of players for example will help Jeanette just because the reward will be able to fuck her, but in reality the vampire should not care since the urge has been replaced, vampires should still have the urge to fuck.

Players help Jeanette because she's the first set of tits you interact with in the game and Therese seems like a stuck-up bitch. Realistically (at least, as realistic as a game about vampires and werewolves can be) Therese would be the one the fledgling helps, as her authority is more useful than Jeanette's bubbliness. But since it's a video game where the player has choices, and since most players are humans and not vampires, they'll choose the chance to watch the screen fade to black while implied fucking happens.

It also brings to mind the fact that there hasn't been a decent SFM porn using any VtMB models, despite them being in the Source engine already. Seems like an obvious choice.

Also relevant:

Think about it like that:
For vampires sex is fun but it pales compared to blood sucking, same as for humans kissing is fun but it pales compared to sex.

Also you can mix all those things. Having sex while drinking each others blood, creating a very special blood bond between lovers, similar to the one that Sabbat packs have.

Then a Toreador or Tzimisce vampire might be into a flesh of lovers tangled together in a union or something.

Or Gangrel might embrace some animalistic instincts.

Malkavians are mad as fuck so it's not that hard to imagine one enjoying sex while dressed as a chicken.

Thinbloods might enjoy it a lot.

And of course the Curse of Caine itself isn't same for every vampire, even within the same clan. In the pen and paper game there's a system of Merits and Flaws, that you can apply to your character. Some vampires can't look into bright light, some have no reflection in the mirror, some heal faster, some heal slower, some can't sire a new vampire, some makes nearby plants wither and die, some can detect magic, some can feel pleasure during sex.

And there's also True Love one might feel for a mortal or a ghoul and have sex with them to please them physically.

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Since watching true blood i was always wandering, do any vamps practicing feeding from eachother? Vitae much more potent than blood, wouldn't it be more pleasurable then?
And i by feeding i mean not full on diabliere, but just consensual, extremely sensual and highly lewd kind of feeding.

You realise that unlike most of Camarilla clans some of Tzimisce or lasombra might hold their word and be grateful?

I always thought that you had all this sexual options because you were still used to have them, you play a very young fledgling that still have humans habits
Which explain this, VV love the player so she want to please him with humans ways. Plus she is a toreador

Ah yes vampires specifically selected for being backstabbing cuntniggers as mortals sure are reliable

Except at no point in the game besides a single encounter in the Hallowbrook Hotel do the Sabbat do anything non-hostile to you. Both the Camarilla and the Anarchs talk shit about them, and pretty much every given Sabbat you meet will try to kill you on sight. Sure, Andrei is more Lawful/Neutral Evil compared to the usual Chaotic Evil of the Sabbat, but it still makes little sense that he'd somehow convince every remaining member to not murder you/not have some plan on hand to dispose of you given your increasing power.

Just seems incongruous with every other ending, where you either die trying to obtain massive power or fuck off into the night or get strapped to the sarcophagus and plunge into the Pacific but who actually chose that ending lol. Why, of all the groups, would the Sabbat grant you so much clemency?

haha yeah im totally part of the camarilla guys
go tremere!

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Not as good as the feeling of killing Anarchs.

Guys I am replatying right now and I have some questions.
Where the fuck is quest which sends you to abbandonned hospital? I am pretty sure I should got it before visiting meseum.
Also, where should I expect Heather after meeting near laCroix tower?
Also2, will i be able to return to Noosferatu hub?

>Since watching true blood i was always wandering, do any vamps practicing feeding from eachother?
Tremere use it all the day, since such practices builds a special bonds, so they use it force discipline and obidience of neonates.
Toreadors might do it.

>the player will be interested in sex
Stop being a perma virgin manchild.
Have sex in real life.

You just walk into the abandoned hospital yourself, no quest for it. It's next to LaCroix's building, the fenced off block. Heather should show up at your santa monica haven, or your downtown haven if lacroix gave it to you. You can go back to the nosferatu place by going back through the cemetery entrance.


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Literally /pol/tards or stormniggers

Sabbat does it. They have a ritual where each vampire of the pack gives some of his blood to a cup or a goblet or whatever, then they mix it and everyone drinks from it.

Feeding on a vamps blood produces a blood bond, which can basically become mind control/slavery if you do it multiple times in a short period. The Sabbat and Tremere use them to keep their members all nice and cooperative.

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*teleports behind you*

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Lorelet here.
If the Giovanni only make new vamps out of those in the family does that mean vampires can get pregnant and have babies or where are they getting new Giovanni then?

Most Giovanni are human. They only turn high performers into vampires.

>>Sabbat not only lets you live, but disposes of the sarcophagus without opening it

Not opening it and disposing of it is the only thing that made sense, considering the sabbat, the "sword of cain", are an anti-antediluvian paramilitary cult and the sarcophagus was rumoured to hold an antediluvian inside of it.

The embrace introduces you to the inner circle. Most of the family members serve as ghouls to eventually become vampires.

Yes, vampires do feed on other vampires. Sometimes. That's literally how a vampire is first created. That's literally how blood bonds, magical induced love is formed and this was the norm for ages, and still may be the norm but players usually ignore it. There's an action called diablerie where vampires suck out all the blood, and soul/power of another vampire.There's a thing called the thirst of ages where many vampires over time eventually are only sated by drinking the blood of other vampires.

I'm not sure it's ever stated that it's more pleasurable to drink a vampire's blood.

If you blood bond one someone and they bond you, you'll love each other. Love is pleasurable. If you drink their blood it's intense pleasure for you, and if they drink your blood at the same time its intense pleasure for you again. Nothing stops you from also having sex or whatever during this as well. I would suspect this sort of thing isn't considered that respectable in Camarilla society though.

If I remember correctly, male vampires can't even get it up from the lack of blood pressure in their bodies. Vampires in WoD are essentially just blood sucking corpses, meaning they don't blink or breathe or do any of the normal things a regular human body would do unless they manually do it or something like that.

They can manipulate their blood for such purposes.

Vampires can direct blood into certain parts of their body, to legs to jump higher, run faster, to arms to be able to lift more, etc. Likewise they can direct blood into their penis. However their ejaculation would be likely only with blood.

This. They can spend a little bit of blood to sort of
imitate being alive though, that's why you can have sex with Jeanette in game.

Who /torrie/ here?

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Imagine fucking this pale but supernaturally beautiful girl only to have her leaking copious amounts of literal blood all over your dick, not to mention literally gushing it if truly excited

Those double humanity losses lash back a lot faster than I thought they would

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The Sabbat questline in the plus patch isn't very good. You should use the Clan Quest Mod if you want to join the Sabbat, it does it pretty well.

How do you guys think you will choose your clan in the new game? Diablerie? Or some tricky stuff

Caine Favoritism as with Bloodlines 1 protag.

>VV loved the player
Holy shit you got used hard kek

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Honestly, it was more that I didn't want to fight Andrei a second time and the only option was to pledge undying loyalty to the Sabbat to avoid it. Also I was playing a Tremere, so it wouldn't make sense to join them.

Supposedly Diablerie in 5e is less taboo than previous editions, so that's the most likely explanation.

Can someone explain the appeal of malkavian to me? The dementation is just a reskinned dominate, if you want to play stealth nosferatu is probably a better choice, is just because of the wacky dialogue?

Which ending of vtmb will be canon? I'm not too versed up on the metaplot, but for such reasons Kuei-Jin ending and Strauss Camarilla ending can't be canon

Jeanette uses you too :(

Also tits

Nosferatu completely fucks social playthroughs even if it utterly dominates stealth playthroughs, so if you wanna mix Stealth/Social interactions for a more balanced playstyle Malk is by far the better choice.

Considering you're playing a thin-blood, the "canon" ending of the first game doesn't really matter, or they might try for an Invisible War-style "every ending of the first game was canon". But my best guess is that either siding with the Anarchs or No Affiliation are canon, considering the game goes to great lengths to convince you that the Camarilla and Sabbat are both horrible and the anti-authoritarians are where it's at.

Guess we'll just have to wait and see, but I'm guessing it will all boil down to an email on a random computer talking about the terrorist attacks a few years prior.

Jeanette is just an insane Malk who does appear to be lonely at the end of her story and it makes sense for her to enjoy the company of the MC, there's also no advantage or benefit or her doing this she just wants to fuck you to escape loneliness. VV is a Toreador, they're infamous for using their sexuality to manipulate others, characters with high inspection or Nosferatu players get unique dialogue options that allow you to cut through the bullshit and let her know you are aware of her manipulation, more or less confirming that she is a manipulator. On top of this she will treat a Nosferatu player the same as any other character as if she likes him but if you pick the right dialogue options she will reveal her contempt for your clan and that she finds you repulsive, which makes it obvious that she was manipulating you at the start, since its the exact same manipulative lines she uses on every clan we know she is always being a manipulator and never has feelings for MC. She also pretty much outright says that she loves Hatter for his mind and she is infatuated with Isaac Abrams because he is her sire.

All in all, Kuei-Jin can't be canon and Strauss ending would give the Tremere too much power despite meta-plot saying they split up(?), so really, Lacroix gets blown up either way. I'm more interested in seeing how they reference side quests and other characters. For instance, imagine one of those 3 guys competing to be embraced from the Giovanni mansion, like you meet one of them

Mercurio said he knew a couple of men that has conquered her in the bedroom, and if you hack her laptop you can see she has like 5 contacts all of which are men and some even messages asking to meet up

I don't think that laptop is hackable in the real game, it's some plus patch fan fiction, it even implies that Jack fucked her which makes no sense

Oh I wasn't aware of that, Jack fucking her isn't that ridicilous

It does appear that her laptop is hackable without the Plus Patch. As for Jack, dude's pretty capricious, maybe he did it once for kicks since he's been around for centuries and wanted something different.

It's physically possible but I just don't believe he would, Jack is a living legend, he could fuck anyone he wants. I don't think he'd want anything to do with the Camarilla aligned baron of Santa Monica

Does anyone have a pdf, mobi, epub, of the 5th edition core book? I would greatly appreciate if some user could share.

I can't remember anything about the laptop, but she definitely sleeps around. Mercurio says so, Therese says so. Mercurio might be wrong, but I think Therese should be pretty reliable. And that's from the base game, no mods.

Go to /tg/ find WoD general, they have pretty much all books ever with links in OP

>VV love the player
>He FUCKING fell for her lies

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Do you get 3 points regardless of if you save Jeanette, Therese or both in plus patch?

Also which choice do you guys like to do

Unlike VV, Jeanette actually bangs the MC

Jeanette is definitely a slut, I was just saying I think her affection towards you at the end is genuine even if she only likes you as much as the other guys she fucks, VV on the other hand is a complete manipulator who has no interest in you.

Basically every official sourcebook for every relevant tabletop game in existence and a bunch of unofficial stuff as well.

>However their ejaculation would be likely only with blood
Why the fuck would it be blood, that's not how the urethra works

>I think Therese should be pretty reliable.
Therese hates her, she might lie. I don't think she does in that case but she might.

Is saving Jeanette and Therese possible in the non plus patched version of the game? Was it ever intended to be possible to save both by the devs?

For me it's Damsel.

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That isn't in the real game she only ever gives you a signed autograph

Saving both of them has always been possible

>trying to apply human anatomy to a vampire

They're literally walking corpses with no fluids in them besides blood that also have to manually breath/blink/activate other human bodily functions, if they were going to cum the only thing they'd have on hand is blood. Also, blood in semen isn't as unlikely as you'd think.

Vampires are dead. Their bodies don't produce... anything. No tears, no urine, no saliva, no semen.

yes you can save them both in the basic and non-patched versions

I have never managed to do it and I've played through the game over 10 times with drasitcally different builds, sometimes even with all my points crammed into persuade just to try and accomplish this. I wonder how small a percentage of people managed to save both on their first play through, I always figured it was bugged and you need the plus patch to fix it or something because I am aware that there is real voice acting for the scenario

Therese is the superior personality, so I never felt too bad about offing Jeanette.

I've heard that it is bugged and has to be excatly 4 persuasion, if you go over it it fucks it up, the requirements are 2 in seduction, 4 in persuasion and you need to have said all the right things in every encounter with them

VV may like you. Maybe. It's possible.

The thing is, how she acts will be no different from those she manipulates. She manipulates people using the exact same lines she'll use on you. If she actually likes you it will sound no different than how she manipulates others.

You never put her to the test and find out for sure, unless you do mess with her and then she'll obviously like you less for being a skeptical cynical jerk.

It doesn't matter really, it never matters in the course of the game. You can just play along and imagine whatever you like. You can see yourself as just knowingly flirting back or you can see her and you as in love. Whatever you like. You're free to see it how you like.

you need basic seduction like 2 points into seduction
You always need to be nice to both of them, take seduction+persuasion dialogues, dont give jeanette the ghost necklace

I tend to save both since I'm a nice guy but as a virgin the jeanette blackscreen sex is very appealing

in the original version of the game you need 2 seduction to get jeanette's special dialogue and make her like you, and then 4 persuasion to get the dialogue options in the final conversation
in the unofficial patch you only need to be nice to both of them in your interactions and have 4 persuasion in the final conversation.

Dumbest shit I've ever heard.

I don't even need to read your entire post to tell you how retarded you are for thinking VV likes you.

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If you save both, do you get to meet both of them again? I've only ever saved Jeanette

>cainites want to open the coffin, with or with you, Croxy or not
>and one certain faggot actually opened it before you even found it, risking everything on lolitrolu gamble
>meanwhile, the noble Kuei Jin will dispose of it safely and remove anyone who might know it's location
>somehow greedy butthurt cainites seeth at this logical solution

You can visit them again, and both of them speak, but they don't say much new, apart from joining the Cam

user I'm sorry to tell you but since she is the only female toreador in the full game they made her a toreador sterotype, the most blatantly manipulative character in the game she even tries to have you personally tear hatters script in half after handing it to her, she is a master at wrapping men around her finger.

VV is a good cumdump and nothing more. Shit, that's basically her entire backstory.

You never see either of them ever again after that quest

well which one is it?

>Yfw you will never sit in the corner and watch VV get conquered in the bed room

Why even live bros

Nice fucking try Ming

If you save Therese it's implied that she is on the correct path to becoming the prince of the city and you are on the path of replacing her. It's all just favor text but basically she says she could use someone like you later.

Torching the sarcophagus is exactly what the Sabbat would do
The entire organization is based around nipping gehenna in the bud

Too bad 90% of the Sabbat are retarded mongoloids that think leaving behind their humanity is smart

you can visit them again at the Asylum. They don't appear any further in any quests or down the story.

>Letting your dick decide which characters you like
I sure hope you Neonates don't do this

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Has anyone played with the Clan Quest Mod?

Replaying Masquerade, and I keep thinking that Jeanette is a lot like Junko, so similar I think that Junkos like a knock off or something.
They wear similar clothes, look kinda similar, have personality changes that change how they look and act, and both can turn into stuck up girls with glasses and their hair up that also look similar.

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Everything rips off Jeanette

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her sister is better and isn't a massive slut

But you cant fuck her sister can you now

Don't vampires feel a powerful urge to sleep during the day which they can only resist with Fortitude or something?

Therese did say she could "use" someone like you when the time comes

Which end-game mission did you find most dissapointing? Definitely Giovanni Mansion

Anyone have the Plus Patch posters from the Poster Session? I fucked up Tangled Web and can't get into Kamikaze Zen to get the item from in there, and I don't feel like doing a whole new run just to redo that one quest.

Yeah, you gotta have really high willpower to resist passing out every morning. High humanity score also makes it easier to stay awake irrc.

does achieving Golconda make vamps immune to sunlight?

So what does Caine do all day?

I'm getting annoyed at all the hormonal teens bringing up sex in this setting. Like, holy shit, just fap before you post. Not everything revolves around stuffing your pixel dick into something. It's people like these that makes devs break canon to sate them.

Shitposts on /x/

Drives taxis.

Yell at children

Ventrue Tower right up to the last boss fight. Unless you're a complete crapout and put zero points into stealth, you can basically just snap necks all the way up, and the Ventrue guards are only marginally harder because you can't snap their necks. The actual boss fight against The Sheriff is a pain but still at least poses a challenge.


this but unironically

The Chinese temple. A lot of it is bland same-looking corridors. It gives the sewer level a run for its money in the visual variety and art department.

How do you think levelling up and skills will work in the new one?

I mean, there were sex rules in World of Darkness prior to VtMB, but the general consensus was that most beings in the setting really don't care about it outside of a few outliers. And at the very least it's not like WoD has an equivalent to the Folio of Unlawful Carnal Knowledge like D&D had.

Probably however it works in the core rulebook..

The same-ish
kinda hard to deviate from the RPG formula without going full bethesda

yeah and the new video game might just go full bethesda

Just hope XP is gotten from completing quests/objectives. FUCK combat shit

I doubt it

Vampire is a role playing game about personal horror. Part of that personal horror is that your dick doesn't work any more.

let's hope

You know one thing I find strange? How none of the characters ever express existential dread that they'll go to hell. I mean-they are literally the Damned

i will make it work

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The game takes place in LA, everyone there is already in hell.

If they play their cards right, then they'll never die.

Celerity 2 - Kill 30 sewer monsters achievement
Celerity 3 - Kill 30 Vampire Hunters achievement
Celerity 4 - Download True Cainites Pack - $29.99 plus tax plus tip ;)

It's hard to feel existential dread when you basically can live forever, assuming you don't fuck up hard. Eternal life gives you a lot of time to come to terms with your situation.

You can, if you expend blood points, but it's never going to feel as good as it did while you were mortal, and still pales compared to sucking blood.

does bloodlines have good sfm/blender porn?

Go to the WoD general on /tg/, they have a MEGA with basically everything related to WoD, and all 3 books released for v5 so far.

Regarding sex, we have this discussion in EVERY vtmb thread

They can fuck, but males need to use their blood points to focus the blood to their cocks to make it hard

And they’re usually uninterested because an orgasm is nothing like the high they get from sucking human blood

In real life, people addicted to heroin will choose heroin over sex usually, so I’m assuming the same concept applies to undead blood junkies

I found the books at another source but I went to that general and I think I must be a brainlet because I couldn't spot the books anywhere in the mediafire or mega

>without dick or other bodyparts

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its oWoD->Vampire(c)->5e in the mega

ah I was being a brainlet lol, I did get the books from Yea Forums actually

What happens if a mosquito sucks Kindred's blood?

Probably the same, Mitsoda just seems to want to make bloodlines but actually finished this time.

Implying Golconda is real

I hope Paradox and the other social justice writers don't fuck him up too much.

I'm not a big WoD lore buff, but I assume you need a soul for that stuff to work on you?

The mosquito would be ghouled, though in practice it wouldn't happen, since the mosquito would be unable to tell the vampire apart from a conventional corpse.

It's doubtful a mosquito would attempt to. They tend to be attracted to CO2 because it signifies mammalian respiration, and vampires are corpses that don't have to breathe normally. But otherwise, it would probably be akin to ghoulification, just with a tiny, easily-destroyed insect.

Is there other duos with such possible potential?

That's not how it works you double fuck.

Avellone is overrated as fuck.

To be fair you're a very fresh vampire. Also you can pick your clan and one's such as Brujah are absolutely more inclined to pick Jeanette off the bat.

>she is infatuated with Isaac Abrams because he is her sire.
> he is her sire.
He is explicitly not her sire.

How would a guy like this not lose all his humanity almost instantly?

Avellone is based.

He's a Nossie, they're only a single step closer to humanity than Gangrels, who are literal furries.

2 humanity is pretty fucking low. Or at least I assume it is, I don't actually know how VTR works.

Is there any full working repacks of the mage, because my GoG version have bunch of problems (Milligan, guy from the hospital, doesn't working, Heather doesn't appear in haven, sometimes game shows AI disabled etc)?

>2 humanity is pretty fucking low. Or at least I assume it is, I don't actually know how VTR works.

Humanity is rated out of 10, with your average human being 7. Humanity 2 is one step away from a bestial, depraved serial rapist and murderer. Kindred who hit Humanity 0 become completely feral and can't be played any more.

>get dutifully dicked down by daddy every day until jeanette kills him
>not a massive slut


It was Therese who killed their father.

Oh, that's right, she got jealous. Couldn't keep the dick all to herself.

This thread belongs to Tore Gang

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Only women and trannies like Toreador, user.

>tfw no cute college communist gf


I did my first playthrough as gun wielding Toreador, want to do melee next run, do you guys reccomend going weapons or unarmed?

>and since most players are humans and not vampires,

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Ventrue for tank
Brujah or Gangrel for damage dealing

Weapons are much better after the first hub. Better damage, better damage type. Unarmed is good early on and that's it.

Is he the hero we need?

Gangrel looks fun since they also have access to animalism, kinda look like melee/mage hybrid, I don't quite understand frenzy though, is the trick to have low humanity so they can frenzy easier?

>Sick Chuckle
Later Sick Sneedle

Keep in mind the player is a newbie, so they don't totally know sex isn't as great as sucking blood yet. Sex also doesn't feel bad to vampires using blush of life, it just isn't as good as drinking blood, so why wouldn't they go for it? It's a good way to kill some time.

Frenzy isn't really something you'll need to worry about so long as you keep your blood full and have at least middling humanity. In my most recent playthrough I only frenzied once, and it was because I let my blood bottom out and I was very low on health.

>Strauss waves off the thott
What a based man.

But it seems like the gimmick with Gangrel is they get so much stat bonuses while in frenzy, so they want to be in it right

VV is just using you, bro

Gangrel are okay but they're weaker than Nosferatu or Brujah overall. Protean has a shit moveset until you max it out, and even then it's just okay. Nosferatu/Brujah aren't as fancy since Potence just gives you a damage bonus instead of a whole new moveset, but it's a very good and very reliable bonus.

>that user who won't accept the Velvet Pill
You are lost

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damn, Mario Galaxy 3 looks like THAT?

is potence meant to be used with unarmed? and are nosferatu at a disadvantage for not having celerity coupled with it?

I appreciate this post, user.

>is potence meant to be used with unarmed?
If you mean in the pnp it scales stronger with unarmed and especially one of the level 5 powers turns unarmed users into monsters.
>and are nosferatu at a disadvantage for not having celerity coupled with it
In a straight up fight, yes.
They have the obvious advantage of clan inherent invisibility though


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Is it possible for me to get a prostitute for the guy at the graveyard as a Malk?

forgot image

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Potence just gives you a strength bonus, so it works with unarmed or melee. Not having Celerity is a big disadvantage though, since Celerity is ridiculously good. But I'd still recommend playing Nosferatu anyway because the extra dialogue is brilliant.


That's in v5, potence generally just adds die to your strength checks in earlier editions. Which is boring desu, I actually like the way v5 handles disciplines for the most part.

Is "common sense" just her way of saying "I don't actually know if it would work, but I like to think it would"?

Same. Potence, Fortitude and Celerity were extremely boring before.
Celerity was absolutely broken and mandatory for every combat character but still pretty boring

But dude, just imagine the hate fucks you could have

yes has a repack i have used before

Probably. If I don't like it, it cannot be common sense

Just like every Communist ever.

Pretty much. It's the 2000s version of "It's not my job to educate you"

Nosferatu can spam level 2 Animalism while meleeing if you have the blood packs for it which lets them do a ton of damage. Makes up for no Celerity.

>max perception and ranged weapons
>mfw the UZI

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It's in the vanilla game. Only the laptop in Confession with emails between Fat Larry and Venus is added by the patch. That has shit tier fanfic writing.

It's pretty good, especially since you can choose to leave the base game alone and only add the new content. The new hub and everything is pretty high quality for the most part.

The wiki says otherwise

>max firearms
>max perception
>max auspex
>max celerity

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Not gonna lie, i came a little while speedhacking through prince faggot's tower and pumping his lackeys full of magnum rounds. Fuck meleefags, Colt for life.

Says what otherwise?

>fanning the hammer works on the colt
>despite it being a double action

what's the difference though?

The wiki talk about how there's a a BDSM relationship between Fat Larry and Venus with her being the dominatrix

where do you get ammo for the Magnum?

Yeah and there's nothing in the vanilla game to show that's the case, the laptop with their emails isn't in the vanilla game. The only time Fat Larry talks about Venus is if you're a Nosferatu IIRC, and he doesn't say anything about that, he just directs you to her for the jobs she needs done.

from any vendor who sells guns? tripp, mercurio, fat larry, etc.

Trip doesn't stock all the ammo and I'm not sure about Mercurio but all the others should have it.

i mean you could still technically do it

>since most players are humans and not vampires,

What do you know that we don't?

If you have the spare cash, I think all vendors stock all guns that you sell to them and buy back. Not 100% sure though.
At any rate, no shortage of ammo sellers.


whats with Frank the Rabbit being in World of darkness. This isn't donnie darko

It was merely a joke, mortal. Move along.

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does the bat attack work on supernaturals?

Can't speak for Animalism, but Thaumaturgy works on supernaturals the same way, except for the instant kill ones

the buffs gangrel get from both max protean and any amount of fortitude are so great that the ONLY thing that will do any realy damage is bladed weapons and even then only when used by someone proficient in them. otherwise the only downside to gangrel is that protean is slower than it should be and has janky combo.

>presence to command people directly

Gangrel can also learn Celerity from Beckett

It does damage but doesn't return the blood

Only in the plus patch

That's more plus patch masturbation, fuck off with that.

Does anyone else feel like all 3 choices in Therese/Jeanette questline are bad? If you save both and visit them afterwards they seem kinda messed up sharing the same body, and with saving only one the other one is dead, so either let 1 live happy or let both live in a weird sat state

They were messed up from the start, just in case you didn't notice. And everyone knew.

Did not know that. Haven't actually seen it with my own two eyes, but doesn't Beckett have voice lines for it?

Wearing the half-half makeup is just a stylistic choice. They are still in the same state as before you come along only they know don't try to murder each other anymore

I'm just moreso disappointed that they were never relevant to the plot again

Dude, she's a Malkavian.

With Jeanette you can go to her when you feel like for some black screen sex,

Plus patch usually recycles old voicelines for things like that

>ut doesn't Beckett have voice lines for it?
There's a fuckload of cut content, like there's bits about the prince letting you embrace someone.

but she's so adorable, even if she is a filthy pinko!

So it was never intended by the devs?

If you're having them reconcile they mention getting along when they were younger and how they created worlds to rule over together, it's only more recently that they were trying to kill each other. So having them reconcile is the best choice.

Plus is shit, basically

Not entirely sure. It's possible it was an idea they had but cut it due to it being unbalanced or just not having enough time.

It probably was, but not as an isolated thing. They probably had a concept around being able to pick up disciplines via quests for all clans, but had to abandon it because... well, it's vtmb.

Clan Quest has you do a couple of quests for their new Lasombra NPC I liked his VA to bury the hatchet with the sabbat. Then you find him in the upper floors of the Hallowbrook hotel and can talk it out with him, skipping the lower sections and the Andrei fight. It was actually kind of nice. A detail I liked was that, when you find him in the first place he's wearing a suit but when you encounter him on the Hallowbrook he's wearing jeans and a t-shirt, like you found him during his downtime.

She's sorta right. I imagine without hunger/thirst kindred could probably make something akin to communism work better than humans could. Until some butthurt ventrue came along.
I mean, the first city kinda worked like that for kindred. Though obviously not for the humans, but they're just livestock anyway

Why does your power increase over the course of the game? I thought it was due to Cain but apparently he's non-canon now and the sarcophagus was all a ploy by Jack and Nines

I like how some people think this is an unironic endorsement of communism when it's saying it fails for humans and you have to literally be a supernatural blood-drinking predator for it to work.

Caine. The devs always intended for it to be Caine. What White Wolf says no longer has any bearing, too

Except the more blood you have the more vampire power you can use, so vamps will naturally try and take more to dominate the underfed masses

Because you level up, it's entirely for gameplay reasons

WW's retcon doesn't really matter, in the game it's still Caine. Nines wasn't really involved with the sarcophagus, just Jack. But the two theories are it's either because of how much shit you went through which gave you all the XP so quickly, or Caine was buffing you to take out LaCroix. People dispute the latter theory as having no basis but Andrei makes a statement about you getting stronger for an unknown reason and someone speaking through your blood, although I suppose he could've been talking about a possible Antedeluvian too.

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Communism WOULD work for vampires.
>just keep a low profile
>don't kill the cattle, let them reproduce
>keep a low vampire population so everyone has tons of food everywhere
>no need to have private humans you suck on
>they don't need to work, they only need to suck on blood to survive
Communism doesn't work because it requires people's effort, with vampires you just don't do really dumb shit and you live forever.

A lot of vamps you meet also say that you have remarkable power for one so young. The only way for it to really make sense in-lore is having Caine be involved, because the PC can take out Eldar vampires all night long

How much of the other splats do you think will end up in Bloodlines 2? I expect to see some Hunters, given the threat of the Second Inquisition.

Attached: VtM 20 - The Hunters Hunted 18.png (632x1786, 350K)

my hopes:
>cam vs anarchs main plot
>hunters thrown around whenever anarchs do anything big
>sideplot with all the tech stuff leading you down a technocracy hole where you end upfighting a HITmark

Ever wondered why it's called World of Darkness, fledgling?

How did he do it though?

What do you mean? He's Caine. He can do whatever the fuck he wants when vamps are involved

Shitposts online.

Attached: Caine shitposting.png (1855x257, 28K)

By being Caine. It's really that simple.

In game rules Caine is effectively a plot device. He can do anything except say sorry

Steam version or GOG version which one do I get fellow bronies?

You pirate the GOG version obviously. Buying it gives no benefit, neither to the devs who are long gone, nor to you.

I meant what did Caine specifically do to enhance the PCs capabilities. Did he sneak a bit of his blood into the PC or something?

I hope you can be Sabbat this time.

Attached: tzimisce.jpg (892x896, 71K)

GOG already has unofficial patch implemented

Caine just pretty much has complete control over all vampire blood and can do whatever he wants with it. So he could've just wanted you to be stronger and you would be by him just thinking it.

He can manipulate any vampire's blood, since it's essentially his own

You can't. Wanna know how I know? Humanity is a thing in the game. Sabbat-oriented Clans don't have any use for humanity, they have Paths of Enlightenment.

>tfw Toreador with Malk bf

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Take care, Neonate

Let's say that you can play as a Tzimisce, or in the game have the opportunity of gaining Vicissitude in Bloodlines 2, by idk like some fully loaded DLC that gave you another history to play in the game and being a Sabbat member.

How can we use the discipline more than change everything about your character and maybe being a fucking monster? I want to see your ideas

>If you blood bond one someone and they bond you, you'll love each other. Love is pleasurable. If you drink their blood it's intense pleasure for you, and if they drink your blood at the same time its intense pleasure for you again. Nothing stops you from also having sex or whatever during this as well. I would suspect this sort of thing isn't considered that respectable in Camarilla society though.

Thats cool. Is there noticeable lovers in metaplot though or is it just exist for players to play with?

whats a bigger curse
cleopatra nossies
a down syndrome malk with a compulsion to be logical
or a tzimisce with parkinson's?

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There's been more than a few known vampires who loved each other, blood bond or not. But among the better known blood bond romance couples, there's Madam Guill and and Luc, her being a Camarilla Justicar, him being a Sabbat Templar in the Black Hand.

Attached: madame_guil_by_bellabergolts_dc8c0ec.jpg (2560x1472, 732K)

Communism wouldn't work for vampires because they don't produce anything. They're parasites. They don't build anything, they just consume and destroy. They're also inherently stratified by clan and generation, which makes the communist ideal of a classless society impossible.
>twas caine! that's the only way! that's the only conceivable explanation
At least you guys are getting smarter. You've dropped the artificial generation lowering argument in favor of Caine vaguely influencing the player character in some fashion. That's much harder to refute.

should I open the ankaran sarcophagus?

How do you know its not both in the game?

sure, there's a special message from jack inside

Most Sabbat are still on the Path of Humanity, they just have low scores. Alternate Paths are more common in the Sabbat, but they require a lot of dedication and your average Sabbat foot soldier is going to meet a violent Final Death before they bother spending all that time philosophizing.

>ou've dropped the artificial generation lowering argument in favor of Caine vaguely influencing the player character in some fashion
That argument is one and the same, really

I don't see why not

don't you want to possess the most explosive vampire powers in the world of darkness? open it.

Being able to craft your enemies on the fly into weapons against their own would be pretty neat.

Attached: years of research into Vicissitude.png (863x863, 242K)

It's a dog whistle


For me, it's the Brujah

Ah, forbidden love, my favorite, thanks.

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Sex is a big part of human interaction, and you often play a vampire that's just been turned so they haven't spent centuries to forgot what being human is like. Also thinblood on 2.

what a tame version

>Sex is a big part of human interaction

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>no vampire gf

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>you often play a vampire that's just been turned so they haven't spent centuries to forgot what being human is like
That is just not how it works in this setting. Vampires derive no pleasure from sex and do not crave human desires. Toreador pretend to but it is all just a facade.
A thinblood is different but you don't stay thin blood for long in 2.

You don't ever want to frenzy, because it can end up killing you. You lose all control of the PC and can't make tactically sound decisions

This is why werewolves are better

>Vampires derive no pleasure from sex
I'm pretty sure that they do, only the pleasure is small time compared to drinking blood


>how's that following the litanny going for you?

For VtM porn I'd recommend "Eternal Hearts"

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the litany doesn't say you can't fugg, it just says don't mate with other Garou. Unless you really want to bang in Crinos form, there's plenty of Kinfolk available, both human and wolf.

Sure but how do you explain the massive increase in Metis

Bloodlines doesn't do a very good with the Sabbat from what I'm reading about them.

Vampires have literally been a thinly-veiled sex allegory for hundreds of years, and Vampire the Masquerade comes from the period where it was thinly-veiled fetish pornography instead.

The Sabbat have always got the short of the stick. They were originally introduced to the game as one-dimensional villains. Both video game adaptations of VtM treat them as adversaries. The community misinterprets them as Masquerade-breaking psychopaths on the verge of Wassail or as "they the gud guys cuz they fites the antes." v5 has pretty much written them out of the setting.

They're more or less used as cannon fodder with little more exposition than "the Sabbat are blood thirsty assholes and the opposite of how you should act".

>v5 has pretty much written them out of the setting
Do we know which edition vtmb2 will be following?

v5, the latest.

They're existing giovanni who are still human, sort of how the tzimisce have revenant bloodlines, the giovanni have human descendents that they choose new kindred from well performing ghouls.

You start as a thinblood, effectively new whitewolf from sweden switched the lore so that instead of thinbloods being a joke. they're secretly incredibly powerful.

The new garbage v5 has the same lore, so you'll start thinblood, which apparently allows you to join any clan you want, somehow.

There will be no canon ending, probably just a reference or two to Bloodlines. Characters that can die or be irreparably changed probably won't be showing up

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Letting people start as blank slates and allowing the player choose who to associate with as the game progresses is such a hugely better way to build an rpg that I'd say it's worth breaking the lore for it.

Achieving golconda is effectively becoming a zen vampire jesus.

So few ever master the beast in such a way. Caine would most likely kill you even if you achieved it if only to be a dick.

>Literal communist parasites

>This revisionist v5 garbage

Eat glass neonate.

Jeannette likes you it's just that she's a fucking headcase

>The community misinterprets them as Masquerade-breaking psychopaths on the verge of Wassail
That's not a misinterpretation though.

>switched the lore so that instead of thinbloods being a joke. they're secretly incredibly powerful.
That's completly wrong though

>butthurt snack

werewolves are bigger losers than the tremere

This will enlighten you, neonate.

Attached: Thiscamewiththegame.png (500x663, 195K)

Then why isn't it possible for VV to like you too? They both manipulate you in the same way at times. Jeanette does it with the fake pouting and VV does it with acting concerned about something in front of you, but people only complain about VV being manipulative.

In that case it would be more sense it you can start as a human, doing some misions that can look like normal activities and by your choices a vampire of some clan embrace you, not starting like a thinblood and just that.

Like in the first game where you can do this quiz or go to the sheet. But in this game you have several options, like for example getting access to a club, if you make a character with ton of money you can give some to the guard and make your way in like this (and that would add like a point for you to joining to the Ventrues, or if you seduces him you add a point to go in the Toreador), or maybe looking around for some back door and those kind of stuff.

Tzimisce is usually a thread favorite across multiple boards, Tzimisce and nozzies are usually the top 2 clans followed by Venture/Brujah and rest of high clan love.

It will follow the garbage v5 lore. But at least Owod will always be safe now.

No it isn't, have you read v5? Thinbloods in old lore and old bloodlines game were seen as a joke, especially in dark ages.

I think it's worth arguing that Jeanette only cares in the end because she's a needy headcase especially in the end because she'll most likely have killed her sister and wants someone to be there. VV just plain has no use for you anymore in the end.

Is it actually him?

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Despite them trying to retcon it later, it is. Father of us all.


It doesn't even break the lore so long as they force the player to diablerize another vampire in order to get their clan. As long as you do it as part of a blood hunt you wont even trouble for it.

meant for

Yes and you haven't.
Thinbloods are weaker than every regular vampire.
The only difference is that they now have their own system instead of just being boring.

I want to hold hands with her so badly

The one and only. Dont believe what anyone else says. His blood makes our fate.

Attached: Caine.png (555x566, 148K)


anyone has a link on the first game? Im not giving money to actijew

You, LIE.

Thinbloods creating new disciplines is from the revised/v20 situation.
V5 has thinblood alchemy as a unique system.

You are a liar for trying to say they haven't been made powerful, and you know it.

>Caine meets some random nobody who's participating in a scheme that's honestly a bit small time for him
>"Lol hey what if I gave him blood roids?"
Yeah I'd buy it


Caine punished his grandchildren for killing his children. Him punishing LaCroix for what he did isn't entirely out of character.

He's punishing the camarilla for messing with the childer. Lacroix especially.

Ok let's talk baseline
>take damage like a mortal
>can't rouse
>still take sunlight damage
>can't embrace
>can't bloodbond
>no access to alchemy without a merit
>has to take a special flaw for each merit

And on the positive side
>automatic blush of life
>sunlight damage is only 1 superficial per turn
>heal like regular neonates
>has access to some nice thinblood merits

That's lewd

All I really want from the new game is to be able to eventually embrace someone late into the game.


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That is only the baseline, they can grow through diaberlerie stronger than any vampire and they completely flipped generation to favor younger vampires, that is why onus is on thinbloods now.

Not by just the merits of the clan as a thinblood

you should have been able to turn her.

Knowing her fate still makes me angry.



you can save her, but her storyline ends if you prevent the kidnapping from happening

Plus patch I believe allows you to tell her to stay in so she doesn't die.

There is some mod that allows you to embrace her but there's so many big mods for this game I don't remember which it was. Maybe the companion one?

Can you make it any more obvious that you have never read the book?
>they can grow through diaberlerie
Every vampire can
>and they completely flipped generation to favor younger vampires
Look at this and tell me how it favours younger vampires.
Blood Potency being a stat that is determined by age and limited by generation

Attached: file.png (904x1052, 87K)

>mfw my Heather is invisible now and there is no way to fix it

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Antitibru. Let's you embrace any human followers

>tfw you will never have absolutely submissive goth big-tiddy gf

blood pool was completely limited by age and tied directly to generation except for a few merits that could change it, that was it.

What does that have to do with anything?

>forced to kill to slake hunger
ruh roh

ghouling her is really not a good idea, and kind of immoral tbqh

>not the bloodlines version

Attached: 1553411933352.jpg (500x498, 106K)

Oh no an ancient monster might kill someone.
Could always drink from vampires


We got a hero here

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Its the same as getting her addicted to hard drugs, and puts her in yuge danger. I can understand saving her life but severing ties right after is probably the best play. She's also not too bright as a ghoul either

Its the recent v5 nonsense about how they view humanity now in-world.

Sjws are cancer.

Annoying bitch

Why does Heather act like an addict for your blood but other ghouls you meet don't act this way? Knox and Mercurio don't act like Heather.

Because they're not addicted to your blood. Also patty kind of acts like that, but because she's in withdrawal

Go away stormfag, wasn't asking your diseased brain.

Nonsense. She gets food for you. She gives you money. Keeps the place clean. Watches over you during the day. What more could a Kindred ask for

He is right though.

What? They changed how they handled in game humanity, what are you even talking about.

I understand they don't act that way toward you but they don't act like junkies at all reagrding the people they are ghouled to.

Patty just acts like a groupie bitch.

>You shouldn't ghoul Heather because of something that changed in the PNP years later and has nothing to do with the game itself. btw fuck SJWs

and if they had time to finish the game properly, I think they would have added the ability to turn her because that quest line makes more sense as a childer than ghoul.

Nah, Patty's that annoying cunt that never grew past high school. I wouldn't be surprised if she's never left LA.

>Plus patch I believe allows you to tell her to stay in so she doesn't die.
You're also given a lot of chances to let her go before then to let her live

The recent opinions of how to handle heather have been directly affected by people that play v5 which had a major push on /tg/ and most likely has crossposters from all media boards, stop acting so naive. That opinion is parroted by anyone that shills the new-owod garbage by nu-whitewolf

Attached: NuWhiteWolf.jpg (1920x1080, 320K)

Well Knox, Romero, and Mercurio were all competent, even headed(ish) people before they got ghouled

I'm the guy that said it's probably immoral, not lefty by any measure lol

V5 lays it out like so:
High enough humanity equals you not only enjoy sex, but you might not have to spend blood to get it up.
Middling humanity will let you fake enjoying sex, and low humanity means you get absolutely nothing out of it, and can't even meaningfully fake it.

Pretty sure that's every version of the game but players didn't like that they couldn't keep her and had to send her away to have her survive.

Hey, you should REALLY ask for the special.

Attached: Slater.png (891x891, 687K)

pretty neat tbqh

What was his end-game?

>be dickbag kindred
>get home to relax after eating people, raping, and crushing skulls cuz am asshole
>open door walk in home
>that thing closes the door behind me

Attached: 1538270251525.gif (256x256, 780K)

Selling guns and probably dope too. Not exactly a complicated character, but a chill one nonetheless.

I think what bothered me the most about bloodlines is how glossed over you becoming a vampire is treated. I cannot imagine most people would just be like "So, uh...I'm a vampire? I guess."

I feel like the average person would suffer a mental breakdown trying to adjust to a massive change like that that rewrites everything they know about the world and existence.

Yeah that's what I meant, the vanilla game gives you a way to keep her alive.

But it's stupid they complained about that. The devs wanted there to be a clear consequence to keeping her when it was obviously making her life worse.

>all the other vampires get to have a ghoul but if you do it's bad because reasons
Not surprised it didn't go over too well.

>I feel like the average person would suffer a mental breakdown trying to adjust to a massive change like that that rewrites everything they know about the world and existence.
Becoming a vampire brings with it the ability to soak up more psychological damage. Vampires have an easier time dealing with trauma than mortals

>tfw he's a secret boss in 2

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Indeed, if there was one part in which i really got mad it was that one. Killing those bastards was very satisfying.

Or maybe not everyone is suited to be a ghoul? Bertram specifically says he watched Knox for a while before approaching him. Vandal wasn't a great ghoul either.

oh frig didnt know that

Combat variation that lets you tear off enemy flesh around you and throw it around the area as a pool of acid to damage them
Immobilize an enemy by gluing his flesh together, possibly suffocating him.
Turn a downed weak enemy into a temporary blood tank that stores vitae from killed humans for later use

Diablo necromancer spells. Delete a lesser enemy and use its bones as projectiles or for protection.
Make improvised objects from bones to interact and use as platforms, stairs and whatnot.
Skeleton key.

>Horrid form
Your typical monster form, but it takes a while to transform into. This means the first half ot the duration you're increasing your attributes and attacks and the later half you're a huge multi-limbed hulk smashing everything to paste.

Can turn into a pool of blood and walk around invincible to most mundane things. Damage taken goes into your blood pool and you can replenish it by taking aggravated damage to health. Can devour corpses and weakened enemies in true blob fashion and recover more blood than from regular succ.

Or you can remove your limbs and throw it at enemies and have it replicate your fleshcraft and bonecraft no them temporarily. Bloodform lets you have blood replicas in its places, but your blood pool is reduced for each limb you throw at them.

V5 is great

I think part of it is a way to allow different playstyles. The player character is a blank slate. A low humanity run wouldn't work too well if the game spent a lot of time handwringing and cursing your fate.

I do agree with you, though. Most P&P players neglect the personal horror aspects of the game, which are really hammered home in the books. Becoming a vampire isn't like winning the lottery. It doesn't necessarily change your life for the better. But everyone just wants to be a badass anime character min-maxed to remove all the negative qualities of being Kindred.

You have to sometimes design your story around what the player may want. Players wanted their own ghoul, hence why almost everyone ghouled her and kept her. The game basically tells you to ghoul her, anyway by putting you in a situation where she will die if you don't.

Sure thing shill, go back to /tg/ and hide in your magefag thread now that vampire owod posting has died again

>character min-maxed to remove all the negative qualities of being Kindred.
>that guy that rolls up with a gen 7 caitiff with exotic disciplines and maxed contacts/resources

>The game basically tells you to ghoul her
And then it tells you that you're affecting her badly and to let her go. Letting you keep her without her being killed is specifically going against what the devs intended.

Welcome to tabletop, home of the munchkin faggots who can't bear the thought of non-optimal characters.

According to the V5 source book, which VTMB 2 is based off of, low humanity vampires derive no pleasure for sexual intercourse and have issues even faking having sex from lack of interest, higher humanity (8+) can enjoy sex and don't need to fake anything.

> love nosferatus
> hate rats

I wonder how a non Cleopatra nos would be treated by their clan if he had musophobia.
I bet the tech guys hate living in the sewers with all the mold and the little fuckers eating all the cables.

I wouldn't mind a good murderhobo playthrough of the tabletop but I can clearly see it isn't made for that

some people have no imagination too

Too many people confuse a rare splat or powerful abilities with an interesting character. I've ran multiple games where I've limited the characters to core Camarilla clans only. A generic Kiasyd or Nagaraja isn't more interesting than a well-written Toreador or Ventrue.

How would you guys rank the clans in difficulty?

Some people also just lack imagination, like genetically

Easy: Tremere, Ventrue, Toreador
Medium: Brujah, Malkavian, Nossie
Hard: Gangrel

Though Nossie straddles the line of Medium and Easy, since Obfuscate makes getting around piss easy.

What is it that makes Tremere so easy? Just spamming blood strike?

Thaumaturgy is incredibly OP. Blood Strike does damage and uses less blood than it replenishes most of the time, Blood Purge is a get-out-of-jail free card if you get surrounded, Blood Shield is better than most of the armor you can get in the game, Blood Theft is kinda meh, and Blood Boil is almost cheating. Plus, after one quest from Strauss you get an amulet that amplifies Thaumaturgy so you just spew damage all over the place.

The only real weakness of Tremere is that their Strength/Soak will tend to be low, but with some research skills and other creative allocation you can overcome most of their weakness with ease.

They're all easy if you figure out tricks with the Disciplines and build them properly. Gangrel and Nosferatu can kill Ming the quickest if you know what to do.

Is Melee Tremere viable? I hate the gunplay so far

Yeah if you spam Blood Strike while meleeing tougher enemies to make up for no melee-buffing Disciplines

You do a hybrid but no reason you should consider it seriously when they cant go above 4 in physical stats

You're doing it wrong if you're not just shitting blood wherever you go. But that said, there's a part of the game where you will have to rely on melee, so yes, it works.

using this traps you into being taken over by the Tzimisce antediluvian who's clan blood and salot was used to make the Tremere and the blood magic.

9 vs 10 in melee won't make a big difference, I think the only time you'll feel it is when lockpicking since a couple locks need 10

I'd say malk is hard, towards the end specifically unless you specced hard into guns

Requesting the No More Memes Chunks meme

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You're the man, dawg

I'm hoping we see more Slashers, I've always liked them and the prosthetic place in the original game set a nice, creepy atmosphere for the rest of the game for me.
And yes, I know 'Slashers' don't technically exist as a separate splat in the oWoD.

The new why'd you post a Ventrue dipshit?

shut up baby i know it

Attached: smiling jack at vesuvius.gif (275x206, 593K)


why do you take advantage of the mentally ill

I'm doing a malk playthrough right now and obfuscate is carrying me and reskinned dominate aint half bad either, however that might change in the end game when the enemeis get auspex

Nah, those two idiots are too busy fighting each other in a fucking worm body to do much of anything else.

Clan Ventrue were the ones who pitched the idea of the Camarilla in the first place, back in the 14th century.

salot and tremere maybe but not the anti

>Not realizing both Saulot, Tremere are getting played

Lalala antideluvians are legends lalala

>salot and tremere maybe but not the anti
Nah, Tremere himself got the fuck out of dodge and took over his second in command, leaving those two behind. One of the Gehenna scenarios is Tzimisce winning out, and Tremere bungling his counterplan and helping Tzimisce infect humanity.

When I saw Velvet in the intro I was waiting all game to sleep with her and all she does is use you to do some tasks and act bitchy because you didn't do it perfectly

smells like burnt sausage in here

>Sire: God
Gets me every time.

he is playing them
open your eyes. join the sabbat
>Tremere himself got the fuck out of dodge and took over his second in command
salot did the same most likly because of the same reason.
>One of the Gehenna scenarios is Tzimisce winning out, and Tremere bungling his counterplan and helping Tzimisce infect humanity.
so like i said then?

i still don't understand out of all the clans the Tremere had to use the one who can bodysnatch his clan members. Hell in the clan book tremere even laughed and tried to play it off when they used tzimice blood in the vampire ritual

another problem is that the demon helped warp tzimisce's mind. kapula is the true problem

how the fuck does Yea Forums have better VtM discussion than /tg/
god dammit /tg/ how you fuck up this hard

Attached: 26502cda7336d63d239665e4a905adc7.jpg (564x705, 64K)

magefags and v5shills don't come to the other boards.

/tg/ has been dead for years, user.

What's your favorite Gehenna scenario, anons?

>let's use the blood of the clan know for having total control of their flesh, bones and blood, what could go wrong
I know they were desperate, but.

/qst/ was the nail in the coffin.

/tg/ died when /pol/ invaded. I miss fun MTG threads

Communism is literally impossible for vampires, because they are fundamentally power-gated by generation and age.

Let us, for a moment, forget all those decades and centuries of practical skills the older generational elders have accumulated over their neonates, I'll be generous, after all, half of them can even forward an email and had just gotten the hang of payphones when they finally disappeared.

Older vampires closer to the blood of Caine automagicly have the potential to develop powers that the 'commoner' teen generations can never even dream of! How can you fucking fairly distribute power when Granddad is still alive and kicking, has either centuries on you and can turn into a giant bat wolf when all you can do is grow a pair of claws and maybe use the internet. The older vampires will always accrue more and more power and 'privilege' the same way the aristocratic elites pass down generation wealth and education skill, except, wait, there's more! Half of these decrepit ass motherfuckers ARE ACTUAL, LEGITIMATE, TITLED ARISTOCRATS WHO JUST NEVER FUCKING DIED!

Attached: 7x75iLN.jpg (1038x770, 141K)

Hubris user, they weren't that desperate, they openly mocked the tzimisce, sided with giovanni and ventrue.

Attached: Ah shit!.png (209x278, 38K)

nu whitewolf tends to get lost in their own allegories and metaphors. Or they simply have limits, unacknowledged but there.

Played like a fiddle.

>Be huge asshole
>Go back to your base
>Laughing intensifies

Attached: FUCKING PANIC.png (1264x1000, 749K)

The game is easy as shit so it doesn't really matter.
Toreador are the most op along with Brujah due solely to Celerity.

Not the same user, but i see your point. In fact i think it would be harder for kindred to adapt than for kine. I mean, for us implating a new regim is messy, but with enough generations passing through it might become the norm for us.
Kindred literally are the same, the dude im power might have being there for centuries.
If anything a change like that would only become possible with something trully cataclismic happens and killing most elders along with their followers who also want to rise.