Serious question, is this a children's game? I've been playing for about 3 hours and the story, characters and dialogue all sound like something out of a kids movie. Also that fucking music.
Why is this so highly regarded? I don't get it at all.
Serious question, is this a children's game? I've been playing for about 3 hours and the story, characters and dialogue all sound like something out of a kids movie. Also that fucking music.
Why is this so highly regarded? I don't get it at all.
>is this a children's game?
Yes, are you a retard?
Based retard.
Yes. It is. Don't expect anything groundbreaking out of a DQ game.
If you don’t play it on the harder difficulty it’s stupidly easy. It also has the same problem every JRPG has, that it’s tutorial lasts like 8 hours.
You've played 3 hours of a 127h game. You have quite literally not even scratched the surface.
I recommend sticking with it, as the story actually ends up being quite mature and emotional without resorting to autismal otaku-bait JRPG tropes so many games, including those made by well-respected developers, use as crutches these days (looking at you, Nintendo first-party and Atlus).
Dragon Quest games (written by a guy who has a PhD in literature) and certain Falcom games, and a few Matsuno games are a step above when it comes to quality of writing. This one is not different, so definitely give it another chance.
Things get darker and combat gets more complex as you get further in, the same with every Dragon Quest game. It's never going to be grimdark, but the character building, world building and quirkiness of enemy design and combat are what makes the game fun. There are definitely more mature themes approached, but if you want a more tragic story then DQ 5 is definitely the one for that, which you can get on the DS or phone, or better still the
translated emulated PS2 version.
Combat does not get more complex. My 13 year old brother auto attacked every fight including the last boss
Dragon Quest is for 12 year olds and Japanese salarymen who wish they were still 12 years old.
It does?
I'm 34 hours in, and the combats are a snore for now, I really wish there were a turbo mode so I could make the combats go faster.
Sure thing kiddo.
Playing through the DS reamake of III in the original nip. Was the burger version this hard? shit.
But FF is soulless and DQ is so much better as a series it’s not even funny.
FF should be compared to KH or Compile Hearts stuff, DQ is way out of your reach, sorry.
The game is shit and is only liked by actual hikikomoris. It's horribly outdated, slow, clunky and the story, like you said, is shit. Totally generic trash that only an actual hiki living in a perpetual, frozen state of mental childhood could possibly like. Anyone with an IQ over 80 would see it as an outdated piece of rehashed shit with bad game play, dumb story, crappy characters with no personality whatsoever, and most insultingly bad music.
It doesn't help that one of the characters is a literal flaming faggot that is obnoxious as fuck and he's stuck with you for the majority of the game and you even have a fucking gay pride scene with this fag that is a perfect "are you winning son" moment.
Your autistic ass wanting to complete everything doesn't make it a 100h+ game, most people will be done with it in 50-70 hours.
Maybe you ought to play a fucking kids game called "Killing Yourself" you stupid faggot FUCK. I'm going to fucking find you and bash your dumb nigger face in.
>this entire post
>50 hours
It’s 80 minimum, skipping all side quests and cheesing the final true boss
>t. someone who played the game on normal
that time seems right if you have the draconic mode for harder enemies on.
Not really, the game isn't that short, unless you stick to the bad ending.
>every game needs to reinvent the wheel in order to be good.
Me, somewhere at chapter 2.
I just want my 30 euros and 60 hours back.
>Dragon Quest games (written by a guy who has a PhD in literature)
Seriously? Because it's some of the most generic JRPG shit in existance.
>ancient evil returns
>you are the chosen one of light
>participate in martial arts tornament
>only sword of light can defeat the bad guy
Etc. I like the game, but damn
There's reinventing the wheel and then there's ignore tires and sticking to wooden wheels.
>DQ game has child-tier story and 128 hours
>"oh boy, story is good, game has a good lenght"
>Persona game has mature story and 128 hours
inb4: Mature story? more like muh bad adults, waifu simulator, datesim...
>Turn based??!? Fucking turn based?!?! There’s millions of turn based home console RPGs being made every year!! I could name 20 of them easily!! There’s ... uh... Persona 5... and... uh... Persona 5... and.. Ni No Kuni 2.. oh wait nope that’s action now... uhh... Persona 5 too!!
>Dragon Quest XI should have been an ACTION RPG, we definitely need more of those, there’s barely any of them!
Low IQ and a short attention span.
Go play GTA, GoW or whatever western trash you consider "adult" then, retard.
Turn based combat is not the problem in DQ11. The game is long for absolutely no reason. If you played at least 2 DQ games before it you will know EXACTLY what's gonna happen when you go to location A and meet character X. It's too predictable.
of course it is, video games ARE for children retard
It’s literally the complete opposite, have you actually played the game?
Here I obviously did.
>unironically defending a game that makes New Super Rehashio Bros XXVII look original by comparison
shut up retard
>If you played at least 2 DQ games before it you will know EXACTLY what's gonna happen when you go to location A and meet character X. It's too predictable.
So? IX came out in 2010 and XI in 2018. As long as they're not pumping these out every single year I can still enjoy them.
I made it to the post-apocalypse act before dropping it.
is the blonde man getting angry about not getting a handshake supposed to be mature and emotional, or what?
How about when the old man archetype who has no more relevance in what little plot there exists is revealed to be a secret pervert? Whoo boy, haven't seen that before.
Let me guess: You gather all the dragon balls and wish everybody back to life, including the titty mermaids.
Game's a fucking joke, my man, if for no other reason because the gameplay is fucking horrendous.
I dropped it at the time paradox. I can only handle so much retarded bullshit in my video games nowadays. I could have excused it if it had waifu material but all the girls in this game are shit, and don't even get me started on how much I hate the faggot character. Fuck this game, thank based FitGirl I didn't pay for it.
So a game having a bit of levity to contrast all the serious shit that's happening in the world is now bad writing?
The absolute state of nu-jrpg fans
>is the blonde man getting angry about not getting a handshake
Can you seriously not grasp subtext? Do you think he went apeshit literally over a lack of handshake? How can you call it kiddy and yet not grasp basic story events?
I am not sure, but its the best JRPG in a decade. you seem to have a bad taste.
Drop the flashback exposition on me
to all the FAGGOTS who called dragon quest xi shit, tell me what recent jrpg (you) would consider to be decent. I swear to fucking god if you say persona 5 or xenoblade 2
I too only like to consume mature and adult media made for my highly mature and adult self. How can media be entertaining without explicit violence or adult drama?
sounds like it isn't the right game for you, but that's okay. Good that there are many different franchises out there. I'd recommend trying SaGa and Metal Max. Or some of the bottom series on this meme chart.
>tell me what games you liked
>but yeah, don't mention games I hate
You are taking this DQ11 hate too personally.
Why is Lunar under weird, Phantasy Star under otaku and Drakengard under weaboo?
why is Drakengard under weaboo?
cover features anime slut with lewd dragon
as I said it's a silly chart.
Some of those are placed correctly, which is why I'm confused.
that is the 3rd one fucktard.
Video games aren't mature unless they have BRUTAL 180 degree neck snaps and close ups of horror stricken death faces with blood pouring out and bones sticking out
>this thread
Sure is full of OCD toddlers in there.
Stick to your online zoomer pc games.
fuck outta my face waifu fag
>implying there are no waifus in DQ11
Xenoblade 2 has no wedding scenes, though.
All games are children's games
the porn of the little girl is good, but yeah it's a pretty subpar entry compared to the best DQ games.
>The game is long for absolutely no reason
That's part of the appeal of DQ games, might want to find a new series.
>it's another it gets good 47 hours in episode
Except Fortnite and Sekiro.
It's nice when you can immediately spot a newfag these days.
Since VII, user. Old DQ games had normal length.
It's just a japanese game.
The music is great, if you have the original score
Haven't played a DQ game yet, how big of a contributing factor is the Toriyama art style for its popularity?
So what was the point of going back in time and undoing everybody's development just to save one loli who'd willingly sacrificed herself and died a hero anyway?
I have no idea what you're trying to say. Can't even tell which of those two you're supposed to be shitting on.
Devs were having too much fun making the game and thought "Horii-san, what if..."