Is competition a good thing or is there such a thing as competition making things worse?

Is competition a good thing or is there such a thing as competition making things worse?

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There is no such thing as bad competition.

/thread /end of discussion /close thread

Competition is good, the problem is when neither competition are consumer friendly.

Using sales, pricing, and features to lure customers from one platform to another.

>Anti-competitive dogshit
Bribing publishers with big payouts to use your platform and only your platform thus holding titles “hostage” to coerce customers into using your platform.

Lesson Over.

Competition is always good only if certain standards are held & met.

>It's okay when Valve does it post #63846
Incoming post #63847 in 3...2...1...

Name any single instance where valve paid a third party dev to only sell on their platform.


does what?

If Yea Forums has taught me anything


you have no idea what a monopoly is

Competition is fine, but basically what said. Epic is shit.
That being said, even if Epic wasn't shit I still wouldn't use it. Having Steam for all my games is convenient and simple.

Double whammy

If you kids were not 3 years old when steam first came out you would know Valve did pay developers to release their games on the platform with sweetener deals like epic does. Go look it up.

I'm going to go buy some games on steam and epic stores now since I'm not a drone with retarded allegiance to a company, see you on epics platform in a few months when you give in just to buy that game you cant avoid.

This fucking thread again? It's the just same shitty arguments going back and forth every time. Strawmen, cherrypicking and outright lies. I swear I'm going to shoot up a shill factory one day, just for shitting up this board.

>maybe 2 games
>literally every PC release worth mentioning in the last three decades

Wow what a competition!!

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>Not one single example, the post.

>Go look it up.
wow, what amazing proof. really convinced me

>competition bait thread instead of asking why these games dont just sell on multiple stores


Competition can be worse
See netflix/hulu/amazon fucking up digital distribution of movies and requiring you to have several subscriptions to see all the movies you want
There's also collusion where companies work together to keep the price of goods and services high

Steam vs EGS isn't as cancerous as it could be for gaming but you're still very fucked if you don't want to support steam or EGS

>epic is competition and competition is good
What is it actually going to do for us?
>it will make steam compete which is competition which is good
But what ACTUAL benefits are we going to get?
>error: null reference exception

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PC is an open platform, not a console. Multiple storefronts are a given.

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someone will reply to the post above me

with the huge number of streaming services fragmenting content piracy will make a resurgence.

Competition is great. Companies competing using prices and/or better products is great.

if one company has government funding and intentionally underhands the market by bribing developers, it's not healthy competition.

>see you on epics platform in a few months when you give in just to buy that game you cant avoid.
There's exactly one game that'd make me do that and they already confirmed Steam release.

what game is that?

Epic is introducing harmful practices that Valve may be doing as well. If it weren't for Epic, MCCC may have been on other platforms than steam and MS platforms. Congratulations Epic.

steam has been around so long and had so many sales that most steam users have a library full of games they will never play because they simply do not have the time for them

you're not going to lure people away from steam by offering them games, you need to do more

epic doesn't even have VR integration, if you ever get a VR-capable game on epic store you will have to install steam just to play it

Both are competition. This is free market capitalism at work, you commie bitch.

>zoomed calling others zoomers to try lead people off the zoomed scent
No such thing exists, and I looked. The closest thing to a paid-for exclusivity deal on steam is if you count the money valve put towards the development of their games.

Service run by a man who looks likes he has down syndrome runs like it has down syndrome. Shocking.

>Go look it up.
The burden of proof is on you, pal.

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what competition? steam has refunds reviews and profiles, what does epic have

Epic‘s job is to buy rights for a Bloodborne PC version then fuck off back to jew hell.

Bribed exclusivities.

The irony of this is that a commie business is trying to take control, seize the means of production.

>steam has refunds
That they were forced to implement because of Australian law.

That are currently getting bombed by butthurt faggots, thus making the review system completely worthless.

>and profiles
This is not a good thing. I don't need to see some animefaggot or furfaggot profiles.

Microsoft to gain more profits had Xbox Live where you had to pay to be online where no other console was doing this. Years later Sony got into it and made you pay to beat the competition this is bad for obvious reasons and only fucks the consumer up.

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>moving the goalpost
classic epic cuckolding

You don't know what communism is. Epic is using aggressive market tactics, and they're working. This is what can happen in a free market. It's the invisible hand at work. So what do you want? An unregulated free market where all players can do as they wish or a regulated market where everybody plays by the same rules and nobody can try to innovate or shake things up?

Just because you don't like it doesn't make it not competition.

So, let's get this straight.
The advantages of epic games launcher:
>more money for developers
>gave 2 games away for free to anyone who could get it for a week or so
>buys the shit out of exclusives
Not a single benefit is passed onto the consumer.
Meanwhile, Steam takes a bigger cut of the dev paycheck, but also has
>social media features and profiles
>very common sales and bundles
>huge selection with lots of filters to easily view what you want
>community forums
>community reviews
>Linux support
>shopping cart
>Mac support
>screenshot hosting
>in-client streaming and game clip hosting
>steam family sharing
>steam link/ big picture mode
>significant VR hosting
>profile inventories and trading
> live pages where debs can post news and patch notes
How do Epic drones convince themselves that Steam is worse than Epic?

>But what ACTUAL benefits are we going to get?
>>error: null reference exception

Maybe Valve will actually make a new game you retarded Gaben worshiping faggot

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no it isn't you ignorant twat. Epic literally has chinese government funding. This is not free market, this is a manipulated market. Open a book.

>steam is bad because it added features for the wrong reasons!
Holy shit, I've seen plenty of people shilling for epic by dumping on steam features, but criticising refunds is a new level of retarded.

>As they try to literally seize the means of production

Competition is a good thing which is why Epic is not doing a good thing by removing competition

Figures whoever would write this would be an illiterate moron.

More games coming to PC (Journey and the David Cage games, for example, who are only coming due to Epic's assurances). Possibly cheaper prices since devs can afford it due to taking a larger slice of the pie.

you won't be able to refute this because you are wrong

>Epic is buying exclusivity so that means Valve will make new games!
>Implying Valve won't just hit back harder
Enjoy that MCC in Epic ;)

TF3 perhaps? do want.

both epic and valve are a store
them shooting out a random game every now and then doesnt have any significance to the narrative >competition is good

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Epic isn't the reason they came to PC. The developer of Journey released their other game on Steam already. epic bought exclusivity. That's all. Epic has literally done nothing

Competition is when two companies either try to outdo each other in quality, or undercut each other in cost, not when one decides to try to monopolize products knowing their platform is inferior in every way.

Steam has lots of garbage on it, yes, and they do need to re-think how big a cut they take to publish games, but trying to force your way into a marketplace through monopolizing products is shitty no matter what industry you're in.

Will not support Epic, or any developer that takes their deal.

Perfectly happy with GOG, Origin, and several other platforms, they offer actual competition by just trying to provide good, alternate services.

Epic does business by not allowing consumers any options, no alternatives, buy from them or fuck you.

Paid exclusivity is nuclear warfare

It only works if you're dumb enough to give them money as a thank you for being fucked.
Too bad the broad masses are just idiot consumers.

>As they try to literally seize the means of production
You don't know what that means, retard. Again, what Epic is doing isn't communism -- it is, in actuality, pure capitalism.

>Free market capitalism
>In which one of the groups in funded by a foreign country for the express purpose of gathering data through exploitation
No this is just national espionage.

>There is no such thing as bad competition.
But there absolutely is. Even if competition itself might be a necessity, that does in no way mean that all competition is good.

If Valve was to respond to Epic in kind, then it could most certainly quickly spiral into being just as cancerous as you were implying it could be.
We're lucky that they haven't. Yet anyway.

But seriously fuck everyone painting this picture of this whole thing being nothing but Steam versus the Epic Game Store. PC gaming is much more than just Steam and the Epic Game Store, and the only ones who are winning something from this Steam versus the Epic Game Store narrative, are Epic.

it is,if both sides fight fair

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-Already refuted profiles.
-Steam sales have been complete shit for at least 5 years
-Filters are barely functional when you're actively looking for something
-More specialized forums elsewhere are better
-Already refuted community reviews
-Piss-poor Linux support and Linux isn't worth supporting anyway since they can't figure out what audio subsystem to use
-You get a cookie for naming one "useful feature"
-You get another cookie for naming a second "useful feature"
-Macs aren't worth supporting since Mactards are too stupid to understand the concept of "minimum specs"
-Especially worthless and cancerous
-Extremely limited
-Worthless gimmick shit
-Cancerous shit that's responsible for the scourge of loot boxes
-Patch notes are better placed in-game

All those "points" and only two were worthwhile. You lose, good day sir.

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Oh wow. Amazing. 3rd party key sites are fucked, smaller companies like gog are getting muscled out, games are probably going to get more expensive in the long run, publishers are turning into even bigger sellouts, pc gaming as a whole is becoming more fractured and the standard of launchers is being lowered, but! Valve -might- make a new game. Fantastic.

Sure thing you communist fuck.

>Monopolies are known for lowering the price of things

If there's no bad competition then torrenting is the only accpetable way to buy games.
You can't outcompete free.

So you're saying that attempting to acquire as much wealth as possible by any means necessary is communism.

Psst, that's what capitalism is you retard.

Imagine being this much of a autistic libertarian faggot market worshipper

Name ONE THING good that comes out of fucking online platform exclusive games for consumers who actually play the games. Quality, content, etc. You can't. There is nothing and in fact the only thing a diverse load of different storefronts that restrict games to their services does is encourage people to pirate them, which in turn encourages Live Service and Always Online cancer shit as now justifiable countermeasures. Literally FUCK you

>games are probably going to get more expensive in the long run

How, paranoid chinkoid?

>Possibly cheaper prices since devs can afford it due to taking a larger slice of the pie.
Devs are being paid the same, publishers are getting more. If a lower cut was needed for that, then why haven't platforms like Discord (5%) or Humble Bundle (10%) (I might have those swapped) lowered the price of new games?

>smaller companies like gog are getting muscled out

GOG deserved it though for not being competition

Pic related, Steam and GOG

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No that's literally communism. Capitalism is not by any means possible.

Reminder. Valve pays devs to release on as many platforms as they can to promote a healthy industry.

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>have already refuted features elsewhere because "refute" means calling it shit with no elaboration
>haha, Linux and mac uses are retards!
>community forums are bad because they exist somewhere else too
>maybe if I say it's worthless over and over I'll win the argument
Do you get paid your rice bowl in commission if your shilling is this poor, or are you paid beforehand so low effort posts like this don't affect your pay?

>not when one decides to try to monopolize products knowing their platform is inferior in every way.
Competing for suppliers is no different from competing for customers.

Only a brainlet would thing competition is solely about "outdoing itself in quality and pricing". These days it's mainly about advertisement and "influencers", just think about where do internet molochs like youtube, facebook, instagram or even Yea Forums get their money from.

Epic literally makes my CPU idle at 75%
I'm pretty sure it's coin farming.

There is no competition
Epic is trying to monopolise big names as exclusives with a small cut and no features
Steam has a monopoly, a huge cut and platform features

Yea Forums is being raided by people stirring the pot with EGS posts

Netease is the reason David Cage's games came to PC tho, they invested in Quantic Dreams

Yeah I'm sure epic have shut down all other avenues for buying a game just to keep things exactly the same.

You know, you can sound as convincing as a slivertongued Jew with a mic on a soapbox but at the end of the day this is just deflection and dismissal. At the end of the day, Valve is frankly, objectively the superior platform to Epic, which requires artificially locked exclusives to stay relevant.

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>12% cut isn't viable at current pricing, says Epic CEO
Do you think they're going to
a) raise their cut
b) raise the price

>and they're working.

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buying games already costs more on EGS for some people
eventually they're just going to say fuck the 12% cut and raise that too

You dumbasses are so fixated on calling me an Epic shill. Read the reply chain. Every single one of my responses has been a criticism of Valve because Steam deserves it. Steam isn't what it used to be, which was better.

GOG is my store of choice now. It does what Steam should do without any of the unnecessary bloat, and it does even more.

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Probably not for AAA releases (turns out the suits afraid of piracy don't like anti-DRM storefronts), but older games found a market on GOG. Paradox is starting to trust them as well, I hope good things happen to them soon

Except it is capitalism. Communism is public ownership of everything.

Not him, but:
-Explain how profiles are a bad thing? Don't see hoe this has been refuted".
-Sales are down on ALL platforms, not just Steam.
-Used Steam for 15 years now, literally never had use for a filter.
-No shit, specialized forums are better than general ones?
-Community reviews are a must for me, don't see how this could be "refuted" either.
-Fuck Linux, learn to dual boot.
-Marketplace, workshop, groups, content (user created content).
-Fuck your cookies fatty.
-I agree there, fuck off with macs.
-That's just like your opinion, man.
-But has one, which Epic doesn't (along with everything else on the list)
-Lootboxes ARE shit, but TF2 keys are fine for free games, every other company is worse.
-Tell that to the devs.

You are a fucking idiot that would rather use a glorified keylogger with no features other than a service with some faults that can be easily corrected.
Epic has offer, simple as that, and you just might find your credit card info on a chinese site after using it, but doubt you're old enough for a credit card.

ching chong

Except it's not. You legally cannot remove product from competitor shelves through bribery.

They're both a form of competition, it's just that the latter doesn't benefit consumers, just businesses. Which is why I don't get why Epic has any enthusiasts on Yea Forums.

It isn't bribery. It's Epic making a better revenue split offer in exchange for exclusivity. Believe it or not, Steam is not entitled to every single PC game out there regardless of its status as a market leader.

If that was the sole reason Discord would've had big exclusives left and right

we do it for the seething (you)s

Valve has done more since the Epic store came out than they have in years

They're actually paying publishers for exclusives, you dumbass chink

Discord has a terrible revenue split

Epic is much much better.

>If that was the sole reason Discord would've had big exclusives left and right
Funny, because Discord DOES have exclusives, like that multiplayer horror game at a school that came out a while back.

Even if they are, so what? That's free market capitalism at work. Publishers can choose where they want to sell their games for any reason.

Foreign party spending money to aggressively take market share, in the economy of capitalist countries.

Just because the country that owns the launcher is not capitalist doesn’t mean they can’t adhere to capitalist values.

Like what? Because before epic they did a lot for VR, refunds, big picture and controller mapping, Linux etc but people don't seem to count that for some reason, possibly because it goes against the narrative.

I remember that game
Everyone played it for a week and then it fell off the face of the planet
I wonder why devs bother making games like that, it was like dead by daylight but shittier

>Explain how profiles are a bad thing?
They allow weebs and furfags to attention whore.

>Community reviews are a must for me, don't see how this could be "refuted" either.
The community reviews are currently worthless because they're being review-bombed by people who are mad about publishers putting games on the Epic store.

>You are a fucking idiot that would rather use a glorified keylogger with no features other than a service with some faults that can be easily corrected.
How about I use neither? As stated in I use GOG now. It does PC digital distribution way better than anyone else.

You missed the part where they're paying publishers for exclusivity. I wouldn't go as far as calling it bribery but it is shitty, especially when they do it to games that were already up for preorder on Steam

Like what?

Epic is staunchly anti-consumer, offers a platform with no features, that has a plethora of security risks and has monopolization as it's only marketing tool.

Valve promotes options for the consumer, even going as far as paying devs so they can get their games on other platforms.

I don't give a fuck if what Epic is doing is legal, it's a fucky way to conduct business.
Give consumers the finger and then tell them they have no other options but to pay them.

I'll pirate every single fucking game from every fucking dev that takes the Epic deal, fuck them, I genuinely hope every single dev that takes the deal goes out of business, and that Epic gets shut down for it's dirty practices.

>Steam sales have been complete shit for at least 5 years
Although not as good as the previous flash sales they still offer good deals
>Filters are barely functional when you're actively looking for something
works on my machine maybe your just adding too many tags
>More specialized forums elsewhere are better
people still use it so its still something that has use
>Already refuted community reviews
Reviews are still useful for games that aren't shit
>but its cuz of my Epic Store
its because publishers and developers have absolute shit communication with their actual consumers so the only way they can voice their displeasure is by review bombing its not the consumers fault that publishers are retarded
>Piss-poor Linux support and Linux isn't worth supporting anyway since they can't figure out what audio subsystem to use
read below
>Macs aren't worth supporting since Mactards are too stupid to understand the concept of "minimum specs"
It still supports a good number of people even if you think they are "worthless"
No its not
even if you decide that its worthless because "its just for retards to post their funny pictures" it still has a practical use for reporting abuse, bugs and hackers
>Especially worthless and cancerous
Fair enough
>Extremely limited
How so?
To be honest that's fair
never used that myself
>Worthless gimmick shit
Just because you don't have it doesn't mean that its worthless
Fair enough although its still nice to have just to complete challenges like that L4D2 gnome achievement
>Cancerous shit that's responsible for the scourge of loot boxes
It also built a community of online traders and actually got traders money for doing something they like
>having to go into the game to look at patch notes
that's just tedious
But even if you were right on all of this why would I still Browse Epic Store? It still offers absolutely nothing while at least Steam has somethings going for it like good games

90/10 is better than 88/12

Epic isn't good in any sense of the word.

>hey dev, you need money. Here’s a big amount of money because you don’t know if your game will sell
>I sure need money. Sounds good! Thanks!
If this is fucky to you then you’re helpless

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I'm seeding epic store exclusives 24/7

> You legally cannot

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You know you can do this without exclusivity right? Valve literally did the same thing except there's no exclusivity

-So no way of connecting to other people on the platform what so ever is a better alternative?
Sure, maybe for people with no friends like you, I like being able to join and build communities.

-Review-bombs happen because there is no way for the consumer to have a direct dialogue with developers that consistently make bad choices that affects the consumer negatively.
Review-bombs are a valid response when there is no other way to make your voice heard.

-I agree, GOG is a great service, I also use that along with Steam since they do a good job of optimizing older games to modern hardware, it's their best feature if you ask me.
Bought my first game on gog the same month the store became active.

Steam I've used for 15 years now, so my profile is literally older than most people with an Epic account.

>Oh no I glanced at a profile picture of an anime picture or anthropomorphic animal. My fragile masculinity!

Grow the fuck up retard

eat shit faggot

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Nice of you to ignore literally every single valid complaint against Epic you fucking chink.

>complains about looking at furry profiles
Nobody's fault but your own
>community reviews are worthless because they get review bombed
If only there was a feature to hide such review bombs. Hmm...
>GOG does digital distribution better than everyone else
I like GOG but come off it. A library of mostly 90s point and clicks prevents it from being 'better' than all others. Once GOG gets a similar library to Steam (but is curated), I'll gladly agree.

>B-but Valve also pays developers to release on Steam!
>Here, I have none of this proof to back this statement up, you have to believe me!

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It was scientifically proved that you only help them

All things which are good for consumers while developer's numerous issues went ignored for literal years. If you think 'Valve time' is bad for the public you have no idea what it is like behind the scenes, there are a lot of reasons every developer is happy Epic exists.
They adjusted their revenue cut the week the EPS was announced (as did Discord), they've added fucking social media links to store pages in 2019, they're finally addressing review bombs, all direct responses to Epic.

>A gaming economy which doesn’t involve gamers and is funded by an opposing nation is free market capitalism
I hope you aren’t genuine.


every day

You chinks can have Borderlands 3, we just got Yakuza Kiwami 2 and Octopath traveler

The problem is Epic is forcing devs to engage in false advertising
>People kickstart game expecting a DRM free game or a steam key
>Epic makes the game Epic only
>no more DRM free game, no more steam key
I'm glad I don't kickstart any games, hopefully people kickstart less because devs seem to take their backers for granted

To say it'll help Epic is a misunderstanding.

Piracy helps sales because it creates exposure and pirates DO consume a lot of stuff legitimately.
Many just want to try shit out before they want it part of their game library.

The reason behind the piracy actually does matter, if people pirate SPECIFICALLY so Epic won't get any money, how will that help them?

Competition for the publishers affection is bad
Competition for the consumers affection is good

They're competing by buying exclusivity. NOTHING is being innovated here. No extra effort, no better product, and nothing special about it. Its just a slimey grab that will leave tards who buy from epic very disapointed when the quality of service starts going down as fortnite stops paying the bills and they run out of money to bribe publishers.

Are you serious? According to this logic everything valve does from now on is in response to epic

Why the fuck would they not ask for exclusivity? It’s a business transaction, with two potential buyers, and one buyer is offering a better deal, while also protecting his own interests.

> pirates DO consume a lot of stuff legitimately
This is absolute truth. I've just consumed some coffee with cakes.

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What the fuck do I care that their launcher is shit and probably a Chinese data farm? I don’t use it, don’t care to use it, and probably never will. You guys are all just foaming like rabid autists that you won’t be able to play your precious video games on X platform. It’s a business deal, grow the fuck up

Even without exclusivity, there's no real competition since the prices are made by the publisher.

Then why the fuck are you arguing against your own fucking opinions dummy?

Bad is bad, good is good, don't argue bad is good just to be fucking contrarian.
you're the one making no sense arguing against Your own fucking opinions.

>go look it up

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You think it is a coincidence that simple features remained absent for years and then got added within 3 months of someone spooky coming along and having them?

Tim Sweeney's whole spiel about 'appealing to developers' isn't bullshit, they're looking at every feature developers have been complaining about with Steam for a decade and addressing them.

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Competition is good.

Anti-competitive measures such as buying exclusivity are not.

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9 points for creativity.
-9 points for it being a low-res gif and not a webm 5 times the resolution and 1/5th of the filesize.


I don't know how new you are to steam by valve changes shit all the time, the only thing that can be directly linked to epic would be the revenue split.

You don't really think something like valves new networking APIs is because of epic do you?

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it has nothing to do with the specific government in question.

If one company receives government funding, then it's not a free market. It's manipulation. It doesn't matter what china in particular is or isn't. It could be fucking Greenland for all that matters.

>just google it
fuck you you dumb fuck

What if we stop comparing EGS to Steam for a minute. There's lot of other launchers out there.
How does EGS stack up against uPlay? Origin? GOG? Windows Store?

like all epic/tencent workers, they don't care about that shit.

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still worse than all of those.

Still has better features and takes up less memory
equals really
I would say is worse because you can be permanently paused if you pause the download, takes a minute to switch updates and overall has a shitty UI
>Windows Store
Better features and takes up less memory

>Published on Jul 26, 2018

fucking based

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They don't exist, Epic is the first competitor to Steam, get your facts straight

fuck off with that shit. people want to discuss this.


Bad bait

Could you elaborate on any of those features?

Did you trigger a nerve because of the truth?

pick one retard

>In this 2018 GDC session, Valve's Fletcher Dunn presents a quick overview of denial-of-service attacks, standard solutions, and the unique challenges game developers face in preventing them.

Here are all of them compared to each other

Attached: Launchers compared to each other.png (3065x1786, 229K)

Attached: images(8).jpg (225x225, 7K)

That's really informative, thanks user.

Imagine 3rd party Steam exclusives

Shills only care about talking shit on the biggest fish.
That being said, all of those are superior to Epic, which is fucking barebones. Galaxy at the very least is optional.

>hello Gabe, I am paying people so they don't release their games elsewhere
>I shall do this too then, as it clearly is the best means of winning this competition

>no early access
explain anthem then

There is no competition here that improves the medium or is better for the consumer.
EPIC's method of competition isn't via pricing or making a better product. Their method of competition is literally throwing money at publishers/developers, bribing them into their platform and having them sign exclusivity deals.
That doesn't benefit the consumer at all, in fact, it is bad for the consumer because it means the consumer will have to suck up and deal with an inferior platform in order to get to the games they want.

If the competition doesn't bribe game creators for last minute exclusives, and has no spyware in it. then yes, competition is good. That being said, I don't want 50 launchers on my pc taking up 75% of my RAM by running them.

Sure is strange that all three of these images tend to pop up one after another in every thread about epic. Just a coincidence I'm sure

Picture was made before Anthem so its a bit outdated

They did it for CSGO and Dota, opening it up is a recent change.

Why did you post your cock size? Doesn't impress me

Isn't every developer getting 20% more gross revenue to make cool games good for you?

If EA marketed that as early access they would have gotten so much less shit for it

Epicggers on suicide watch

We've seen proof that making companies richer doesn't mean better games, we have actiblizzard, ubisoft, bethesda and EA as proof

The revenue split happened in november a month before epic store even existed. That i think was in response to call of duty and bethesda leaving

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As long as games come out on both and we can choose its fine.

Don't lie, user. That isn't what's happening.
Publishers get 20% more money as profit to pay for ever more marketing instead of game quality.

Why would they?
You are already buying them anyways.

Competition is only a bad thing when it ruin the hegemony of my team. That's why I hate the Tencent Epics, they are trying to oppose my Valve Steams

You are an idiot if you think a single cent of that money goes to the developers. The developers are the people who actively work on the game. The code monkeys. The artists.
Between all the people "above them" like shareholders, marketing, "team leaders and project managers", directors and CEOs, there is nothing of that left.
You have to be joking if you think that 20% is going to be effectively used towards improving their next game. Lack of money isn't the problem with game these days. The industry has never generated more money than it has now. Gaming is several times bigger than it has been in the past. The problem isn't money, the problem is greed.

The problem is terrible business practices. The problem is companies turning on consumers. The problem is shitty marketing and design decisions. The problem is the stagnation of the genre with people following "winning models" like battle royales, looter shooters because other games made money through it instead of being original.
If you think the thing that is separating us from good games is that 20% extra profit then you are out of your mind.

yeah plenty of things steam can learn from this fucking garbage platform

>he thinks companies don't pocket extra cash

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epic shills fucking blown out

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>If it weren't for Epic, MCCC may have been on other platforms than steam and MS platforms
Games on PC releasing on places other than Steam is super rare. Steam exclusive is the default. At least Epic only does timed exclusives, as someone who doesn't like Steam I would be fucking thrilled if I found out a game I was interested in was coming out on a platform I like in 6 months or a year.

>wtf why are these Nachos Bellgrande a Taco Bell exclusive?

this is a bullshit response and you know it. valve doesn't stop anyone from releasing their games elsewhere.

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You can buy the game from just about anywhere and use its key to unlock a steam copy. Epic games can only be bought on the epic storefront.




What games?

Why does anyone think this is an actual argument? How is the means by which they get exclusives even relevant? If you're trying to argue that Epic is making the industry worse by increasing the amount of exclusives you're just wrong, because all these games would have been exclusive anyway. Whether they're made exclusive through offering developers a good deal or not is completely irrelevant, it's actually better for developers that Epic is giving them deals and the end result is that the game is now just a timed exclusive when it probably would have been a permanent exclusive otherwise. Epic is not causing more exclusives to exist, you are just wrong, you cannot argue against that by saying "well these exclusives don't count because of this arbitrary reason!".

You're obsessively focusing on the 'evil' big dogs and 'evil' publishers and not the hundreds of smaller studios who's pay cheque and ability to make more games is directly determined by sales. 30% vs 12% is literally the difference between success and failure for a heck of a lot of studios, especially considering that is gross and not profit.

Yea Forums is constantly lamenting the decline of 'AA' games, those are exactly the people who benefit from this kind of thing.

The problem is publishers see no value in making games more widely available on PC. DRM free games scares most of them and they can't be fucked to have services up and running for their games outside of steam.

Look at that new dangerous driving game, the devs can't be fucked to give the PC version leaderboards because it's on epic's store.

>Dangerous Driving is currently an Epic Games Store exclusive title. This usually wouldn’t impact a review in any way, but the client’s lack of features makes this PC release strictly inferior to its console counterparts. Since the EGS currently doesn’t have achievement support, neither does Dangerous Driving. This is excusable, but the additional lack of online leaderboards is the real bummer.

Competition is neither an inherently good or bad thing, it is how one chooses to compete that determines if it's good or not for the consumer and even then there's many factors to take into consideration. You can't simply label something as good or bad when discussing it seriously.

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Competition is always good for the consumer. Platform exclusivity stifles that good to an extent, though. It seems most people against Epic just want all of their games in one list, on one account out of laziness.

Its not competition if the other part is locked out entirely from it.

>indie devs self publish

Lmao go jump off a bridge, self publishing devs make up like 1% od the gaming economy

>Fast food analogy

Good competition:
>Offering same or similar products as competitors to customers, incentivizing them to buy from you in one way or another over the competitors
Bad competition:
>Being the only place that sells a specific product with no particularly close alternatives (vidja are unique products so there are no alternatives to any given game)
Epic isn't competing, they're simply taking market share by sheer force and offering developers unsustainable deals with massive signing bonuses for temporary exclusivity. This is not a good thing.

Did you misquote or something

What does this have anything to do with it? If I buy a Steam key I still have to use Steam. Does that somehow not count? Would Epic exclusives be ok if you could buy Epic keys?
Where did I say they did? What does that have anything to do with it? Whether the developers CAN or not is besides the point, the fact is they choose not to. MCC would almost certainly have been a Steam exclusive on PC regardless of Epic. I could use this same argument and say that devs don't HAVE to accept Epic's exclusivity deals, it's all the developers fault for accepting and not Epic's fault. But that would miss the point, just like how your post is missing my point.

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please stop bringing logic into epic shilling threads, you're scaring all the shills.

>Whether the developers CAN or not is besides the point, the fact is they choose not to.
It's either that or communism. Steam's low entry cost and lax rules make it the easiest platform to release a game on PC. It also comes with forums, servers, reviews, payment processors, etc.
To this day, Senran Kagura games are only available on Steam, probably because everyone else would require to censor certain parts.

The small studio will never see that extra 18% because to get on the epic store you gotta have a publisher. Publishers are not going to give the extra cheddar to the devs.

Herp da derp

In reality it has nothing to do with steam. There are dozens of other stores.
It's only about the fact that epic are spyware, anti-consumer, and use disgusting forced exclusives to try and win the market.

fuck epic, we will not let the Chinese shills win.

>would've been exclusives anyways
no one respond

>because all these games would have been exclusive anyway
You know, there's always the option by part of devs and pubs to sell non-Steam'd version in a future and it has happened. Check Bethesda, Take-Two and Io Interactive.

You can buy steamkeys in mass when they are on sale then sell them later out of your own storefront, if not just selling keys out of physical storefronts of which get there own cut.

Epic keys only come from the store and are locked to your account the second you buy it. No potential for resale or competition of getting the lowest price for the game in the launcher.

Not one thing in that post is true.


Show me a self published game on the epic store. Ill wait.

Sorry, I'll leave everyone to it then.

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Quantic Dream games, Super Meat Boy Forever and that space game that screwed over their backers.

Oxenfree, The Witness

The consumer base is the publishers, and in this case it does benefit them.

competition can be bad when consumers show that they'll happily take worse deals than before. like paid online where sony saw that there wasn't any meaningful backlash against it so they did it themselves.

Sony interactive published all of there titles
>super meat boy
>star citizen
Not even out yet

user, netease is publishing the PC versions of quantic dream's games.

>Sony interactive published all of there titles
In Epic Store it's self-published.
Source: your ass.
>Not even out yet
Not that one, the other that was created by the X-COM creator.

it's not about competition. it's about literal chinese government spyware and info farming.

>tfw EA is a better competitor than epic
>decide to look at origin's store
>there's way more 3rd party and indie games than EGS and with EA's subscription thing you can play a chunk of them for a month, kinda like renting a game but instead of just renting one you rent dozens

I feel like origin's lack of marketing makes people forget it even exists

I guess so. Only gripe is that it's one more login credential I have to remember and maintain. As a game library manager I still prefer Steam.

I remember when Steam first came out, people were shitting on it so hard. People would just continue playing CS 1.5 for years after 1.6 came out as Steam-only. Now it's probably the preferred distribution platform of the vast majority of PC players.

I think the market will decide how this goes. Steam has such a massive head start over Epic, what could Epic possibly offer long-term over Steam? A few exclusive titles that most people could probably go without? It's not enough to disrupt Steam. Steam is comfy enough as-is. Epci has a shitload of ground to cover in order to be competitive, in my opinion.

There's not a single mention to Netease in the Epic Games Store page for QD's games.

Yes, but only if it's not denying people the choice to select where to buy stuff. EPIC Store would have been great if it had from the start a lot of both old and new games along with decent options. However, the whole timed exclusivity shit, dowloading Steam data from people's PC's and not having options like reviews or a shopping cart from the get-go is atrocious.

I doubt anyone except the Valve cocksuckers would complain about the exclusive bullshit if their service would atleast be a good one. But EGS lacks in so many damn departments that its emberassing. Not to mention the Tencent situation just makes it worse.
This is not healthy competition, this right here is bullshit.

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For now.

In the end some games that were exclusive to Steam landed on GOG.

EA shill pls

>the hundreds of smaller studios
Ah, you see the problem there is epic wants nothing to do with them

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Shakedown Hawaii is self published and developed by one guy and Epic paid him; nice try

What is your point? Where am I saying Steam is in the wrong here? Are people not able to follow a simple argument like this? My point is that it's ridiculous to act like MCC is only a Steam exclusive because of Epic, games have always been Steam exclusive since before Epic was a thing. Whether that's because Steam did something wrong or not is 100% irrelevant and I don't get why you don't understand that
So you would say Epic exclusives are ok if Epic keys functioned the exact same way as Steam keys? Because I don't think most people in threads like these agree with you.

And all he had to do was already be widely successful with retro city rampage. Wouldn't want to be taking on anything too risky now.

Not that user but epic adopting steam style keys removes the 'forced monopoly' argument most have. Still arguments to be made about exclusives/features, which is how it should be.


A lot of people are going to discover why competition is good when Stadia comes out, when they discovers how shitty the US internet really is due to monopolies.

competition is good for the consumer, but the consumer does not profit from what epic does, so it cant be competition.

competition is only good when the companies are competing for consumers, what's going on currently is epic is competing for developers and steam is doing nothing as usual so the consumers are seeing basically no benefit whatsoever

Unironically this. Pretty much all of the problems with the gaming industry would be fixed if we lived under communism. No DRM, no microtransactions, just fun games made by people with a passion for gaming

More like some of the rules that govern capitalism should be changed in order to counter stuff like any forms of agressive marketing or implementation of microtransactions and other deriverates of it.

Ew mommy, is it a girl or a boy?
Neither sweetie, it's a monster

Give it a rest, Peter. Epic isnt providing anything better than its competitors such as better services and options in the spirit of competition, Epic is trying to force the market to bend over to its whims. But of course since 'real' communism hasnt been tried, what do I know if it will work or not?

I just love no commie or chink will even TRY to refute this

Not when the competition's store is literal spyware and everything about the platform is scummy.
Rent free, tranny.

it's become a competition of who can jew the customer harder and the chinks are like the protojews

While I do agree that neoliberalism is cancer that only brought us feminism and lots of immigration to keep wages lower and LGBT rights, communism isn't a solution either.

Competition is good, but this isn't healthy competition. It's would you rather get your wallet raped by American Jews or Chinese Jews? Choose wisely.

christ this place is fucking infested now.

you know those of us who've been here a while can easily spot you niggers right?

That's because consumers are retarded and will eat up whatever shit companies serve them. That's not Epic's fault and it's not the developer/publishers fault either

Wow, I love competition.

They really don't get how easy it is to spot them, it would be funny if they weren't so fanatical in their retardation.

LGBT rights would certainly be stripped under communism though.

I forgot abortion and commies are quite split in the LGBT matter, even the classic ones.

The practice is 100% fine. That is my argument.

This is all happening in a capitalist setting, the government is just funding a purchase. Not a breach of capitalist practice.

>Im not gonna use this launcher to play this game, so I dont care its so shitty!
>Oh, you want to play this game? Then use that shitty launcher!
>Oh you used this launcher? you say its so shitty? Come on, its competition!
>Stop complaining! Its competition! Its better than steam! Dont give the publishers bad reviews!
>See this is why capitalism is bad! This would never have happened under Communism!
He would definitely make a good chink leader

Market manipulation is not capitalism and those attempting it cant survive in a free market, not for long. Under communism, you would have only one game service, with chosen games and you would not be allowed to look for anything else. Does a lack of choices appeal to you that much, smoothbrain?

Government cannot partake in capitalism, because the government has no money. If the government is partaking, then it's no longer capitalism, it's socialism because cost is socialized.