Whatever happened to it bros

Whatever happened to it bros

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Ross is working on some gay shit and got divorced lol

ecelebs belong to

>got divorced
what the fuck, ross was married? wasn't he gay with Julian?

boat too many games

Arin couldn't stand that a show that he wasn't a part of was popular so he shut it down

>Video games and their culture
You're never gonna win this, user.

Wait, Ross and Holly actually divorced?

Yeah she wanted to live in the woods with her birds or some shit and Ross wanted to stay in LA as he continued work on his show

>Someone calls Ross a faggot in the group videos
>He stays quiet for the remainder of the video time

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He was married to a crazy pigeon lady
You must be thinking of Dingdong, he's gay with Julian

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I completely believe this statement desu.

Like everything else at game grumps, it fell apart

so do they actually finish games or not

I wanna fuck Suzy's feet!

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Ross abandoned the game grumps LP shitfire and is now working on his own show

happy for him to be animated again instead of doing unfunny LPs tbqh


thats their whole gimmick dude

Fuck that shit. What about B O A T

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FWOB is like autism concentrated. They hate on everything and don't actually enjoy games. They are also ugly as fuck and use anime avatars and small webcams to try and hide that fact, but you can tell by some group photos on google all of them are 3/10's at most. I cringe more than I laugh or get invested at their content.

Super Beard Bros. is where its at. They actually enjoy games, can make fun of themselves, can properly critique a game, and aren't a bunch of early 20 spergs whose humor relies on "this game is awful" and "lol random BOAT!"

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>watching reddit incarnate

>Super Beard Bros. is where its at
It is very hit or miss, and it really feels like it's going down hill fast now. I don't get why they made a big deal about adding a third member when Chris was incredibly vocal in recent playthroughs anyway, and has way better chemistry with Jirard/Alex. LTTP/Metroid randomizer was a perfect swansong to it

Where are my TRGchads at?

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Chris prefers to remain an editor, I think its in one of his tweets. Brett already worked with TOVG on Super Couch Fighters but since that ended it was a perfect time to juice up the Bros. They've all worked on Competitionist Episodes for years now though under TOVG inc, similar to GG inc. The Alien Isolation and Bloodborne playthroughs have been gold so far. They were actually getting into a lull before Brett came but the LTTP/Metroid and Gungeon playthroughs brought some of the best old school kaizo bros back to light.

Thats' Game Grumps

Ross is desperately trying to cash in on the recent monster girl trend

I still occasionally enjoy the grumps, but I greatly prefer SuperMega and Oney.

ProtonJon is the biggest chad in gaming

I miss classic SBFP with all four of them.

Also OneyPlays with Ding Dong in them. Zach is probably the funniest of the funny boys, but I loved Ding Dong cause he was funny, pretty great at/knowledgeable at games, and a great editor. DD was a triple threat. Shame he's paranoid as fuck and hates LPs.

That shit was big in 2013

He's a massive asshole and his wife has a scat fetish

nah beard bros is reddit game grumps is twitter/ tumblr

>He's a massive asshole
yeah, if you're a chuggababy

The biggest chad in TRG is clearly Emile, btfos that fat fuck Jon even though he’s autistic

He sucks dick at Pikmin

>Funnels 50 Pikmin into the mouth of a bulborb

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I hope this year's coliseum has another DnD session.

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Jon left

jon is a smeller nigger and anyone who thinks anybody involved with game grumps is cool either before or after his departure is also a smelly nigger

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I wonder how he’s gonna embarrass himself live this time

I liked the variety of having several people involved with Ross, bird girl, Suzy, Ninja Brian, etc. Is it just the Arin and Dan show now?

Sometimes they don’t even play video games

They've had couple interesting guests very recently. Like celebrities. And on their (hit or miss) live action thing they do now, often the rest of the staff gets involved.

anyone remember when Suzy posted that Instagram photo of her sink without noticing that it showed her enormous bush reflected in the faucet? Then deleted it?

It was getting more popular than the main Show. The reddit would take about a ST episode a lot longer than a GG episode. So Arin Axed it.

I got 10 bucks saying he makes a Gay joke about himself on accident.

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What a gaffe

watch Friends without benefits (fwob) instead
they call themself blue gamegrumps


haha boat

From the look of there newer videos, they aren't even doing playthroughs of games anymore. Looks like a Sonic Adventure 2 episode was there last real video.

>just noticed the tap reflection
no wonder this cat looks fucking distraught

Jon is a weirdo with his views in politics.

Cade isn't all of FWOB

What am I supposed to see?

Look at the reflection

They still do, they just have a live action thing they do on Monday. Everything else is an LP, an animated, or a best of, which are all still pretty much LPs.


>Game Grumps
>Not the Chad Cow Chop
tfw Cow Chop is ending this year

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Damn, least they're both happy and doing what they care about.
Personally I can't imagine wanting to stay in LA versus the woods but it's all personal preference.

Cow Chop just reminds me of The Creatures' golden days which reminds me of pic related which makes me sad.

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Face it user, most things they play now are for clickbait thumbnails. Seems like the only "real" gaming they do is during the streams but I haven't had enough interest to look into those. Am curious to watch the Dead Rising 2 one though.
For me their classic content died with Majora's Mask. Doing so many episodes, getting so close to the end only to never finish it.I didn't expect them to get all masks and they made it to the final real dungeon. There were maybe 5 parts left to that series.

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Their humor relies on not being humorous in the slightest and hoping their viewer has Tourette syndrome and randomly laughs, so that they might associate that laughter with their videos.

They played all the games they bought.

Hey I agree with you. I haven't been enjoying the games they've played lately. But they still do play games.

Arin's too retarded to know how to play games that most of us beat as children. That entire series was a joke.

that guy fucking sucks and dan doesnt work without a proper top

this was the last thing I remember about grumps. Why was Dan a part of steam train as well as normal grumps? If arin is the main grump he should be the one on both shows.

damn poor Ross

The series just reminds me so much of the Mario 64 series. Arin said he was going to get every star but bailed on the last level and just finished it anyway. Anticlimactic but the level was bullshit and I was happy to have closure.
I assumed the same would be for Majora, where they wouldn't get all masks but they would finish the game. My tinfoil hat theory is that they did another session where Dan guilt tripped Arin into going for all masks and as soon as Arin got going on the process he got really pissed off with the game. It went so horribly they threw the whole session out and they never looked back on it. Course we'll probably never know exactly.

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>Anticlimactic but the level was bullshit and I was happy to have closure.
>The level was bullshit
I don't know what specific level you're talking about but I guarantee you that it wasn't actually bullshit and that Arin just sucks dick.

>Arin says he 100% SA2
>Doesn't remember Chao Garden (which is needed for 100%)
>Doesn't know that the Knuckles levels are random and based on cold/hot even after playing SA1
What a fucking joke, it's just MM all over again.

I miss house era Cowchop it was just so fun that it even surpassed the golden era of GG and the Creatures for me. It hurts bros

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I know it was at least Rainbow Ride but there might have been some in Tick Tock Clock still. He got really frustrated with that clock.
Rainbow Ride starts off with an autoscroller every time you enter it. I've never gotten all the stars in it and I don't think I will until I try for 120 stars. It's pretty shit.

Look I understand they're running a business and should please fans, but Arin was getting so frustrated and enjoying himself so little that he couldn't be funny about it. If they would have continued you just would have been watching a guy hate his life for hours. There are other series where it's baffling why they didn't complete them, but I think they made the right choice to stop Majora.

is too full of furries for eceleb shit but still belongs there because one of them is a furry.

>Rainbow Ride starts off with an autoscroller every time you enter it
You can just turn around and long jump off of the starting platform to end up right next to the centre of the level. It's not even remotely difficult to figure out or pull off.

>LDO ended almost 3 years ago
>yahtzee sank his career for a thot
God damn it

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God damn is she ugly

Game Grumps was originally built on Arin and Jon playing classic games, critiquing them, struggling though, but ultimately finishing them(with the exception of Joe and Mac) to lend weight to their opinions.
Jon has been gone a long time but the other factors were still there for a bit. They played classic games, had a fun journey and got through them. Over time they've just done shorter and shorter series where they play fewer and fewer classic games. Maybe other people find something in the comedy alone but that's my point on what I originally signed up for.
Watching the recent Yoshi Island playthrough was heartbreaking. A classic excellent game that Arin enjoys and Dan had never seen before but was really enjoying. Both were having a great time and it was a treat to check back in every day.
There were 6 parts, that was 4 months ago.

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Holly a cute.

>Dan and Arin find a game they both enjoy
>The series is lighthearted and they're funny at times
Why do they intentionally play games they dislike if the video's quality suffers

>it’s been like 10 years since the Superman 64 looks started
>still not done
Never ever

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you're right, Dillon is also there. Major and Dad can fuck off

Yeah like I said, I agree. But I've played most of these games before. Sure it's cool to see others experience them, but I'm there for the laughs, not to experience the games again. Which is why I'm more forgiving with them not completing series. In fact the series they have chosen to do 100+ episodes are coincidentally the ones I enjoy the least. That's just my taste, though. All of that said, the comedy is extremely hit or miss with them. In fact I generally like when they play shitty shovelware because I think that produces the best results. But everyone has their preference. This is why I like SuperMega because the comedy is often way better yet they also are more likely to finish a series.

Just because Dillon called your favorite game shit doesn't mean you have to get so assblasted

>No more moments like "Oh it's a pumbloom!"

I agree, her feet are better than Suzy's too

I mean she's not a supermodel but she's fucking pretty, hipster shit aside.

>that time FWOB selected a random Game Grumps video and copied it exactly to show how excruciatingly boring they are
boat boys are based as fuck youtu.be/_xdF6SshuLs

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Ross is like 9/10 cute, he could get any guy he wanted

oh damn (currently still watching while typing this), if dan and arin also get divorced, game grumps will become even MORE emo.

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I think I just prefer long form content in general. At the time Game Grumps was the best outlet but I have much better avenues now.
I prefer the 100+ episode series because they become so comfortable and true emotions are guaranteed to just eventually flow out. Given enough time they don't have to introduce the game every time and they're not as concerned about shoving jokes in every chance they get. We just get a real conversation between Arin and Dan with a little glimpse into their lives. I particularly liked the SA2 Michael Jackson talk recently. Very light on jokes, just two dudes coming to terms with a very difficult topic. There is no way that conversation could have happened in a one-off or 3 episode series.

Speaking of SuperMega I'm really enjoying their Animal Crossing series. It feels like exactly what I was looking for and is so comfy.

Like I said I think I just prefer the format of streaming in general and I've long since accepted that whatever Game Grumps is now, 85% of it isn't for me. And that's okay.

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>talking about yourself in third person

Ross is too busy working on his shit cartoon nobody will watch and will fail hilariously. But follow your dreams I suppose even if nothing fruitful comes of it.

>saying oof

steam train was going to be a fully independant show with dan and ross as the hosts. dan was signed on to do both gg and st because of jon's departure (which apparently involved steam train to some degree)

Hobbit body, gross

Oh so this is why people hate Eceleb threads so much.
I don't know what their intention is but that's cringe as fuck.

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Grayfruit is slowly becoming one of the only channels I like.

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>saying yikes
holy moly

what a grim life

I replaced the Grumps with Oney but there's not nearly enough content with Lyle in it.
Demon's Souls with Jakey was fun though.


>saying holy moly
jeezy peezy

The move to LA really fucked them up, they really should've stayed in Colorado.

FWOB used to be good, but it feels like they've lost their way and rely mostly on post-ironic memes and in-jokes. It's not the same without Alpha.

>saying jeezy peezy

>saying zoinks


I normally don't care about LPs but Grayfruit's the exception.

Why do so many people move to LA anyway?

suzy looks like she can suck dick really well

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At least James is a lot happier doing his streams and videos. He did everything he wanted with Cow Chop, and I'm glad that he knows when to let go of his passion project.

Is well within the rules cock gobbler

>on another tab have the secret lolicon dump thread open
>switch back here
>almost throw up

hes going to come back one day, right guys?

Yeah she wanted to move to Washington or something because the air in California was making her pigeons shit uncontrollably

This is why you don't take pictures of things when you're naked

This is fucking incredible. How did Arin respond to this? Or did he not respond at all? It's the most savage roasting I've seen of them and they didn't even do anything mean.

Why would Arin concern himself with a group of nobodies? Literally the only reason someone posts that video is because they think they can use it to tear him down, not because they actually like whoever those faggots are.

Oo I know nothing of this, stopped watching a long time ago. Educate me