Smite is dying bros

Smite is dying bros...

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was it ever alive?

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to be honest? good. Their monetization is probably one of the worst ive ever seen and it can be bullshit. Loot box, Limited season, limited events with lots of skins that wont be coming back ever.

Games with shitty monetization practices should fail.


>goes 0/57/2

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no good asia server
I have to suffer 200 ping if I want to find people
and 200ping makes the game unplayable


Hercules is roman you circumcised american retard, Heracles is greek


yea bro.

That's awful since the asian gods are all super popular

He is the biggest tool on the planet and when he got canned I laughed. Fuck that guy.

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what is this guys deal. he turned up when i looked up info on how to build kali, now youtube spams me with him. hes very rude

He's a total asswipe. During his streams he would regularly ban anyone in chat who merely disagreed with him. He insults his own team members and is overall just a mean-spirited dick.

the only gods I can play are mages with a lot of AOE abilities
ranged is impossible, can't hit anything

he absolutely is and I'm this ironic dmbrandon fan but only watch when he's losing/having a fit when it's his fault but blames others, he never fucking bottoms out
he's a complete narcissist and refuses to accept when something is his fault or that he can fuck up, he goes negative regularly in customs with his own community

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>approach mage """player"""
>they hit their cc ability on me and i die from full life instantly because it guarantees the rest of their rotation
wow it's just like league of legends

He seesm good tho


hi rez deserves to suffer

He's a former streamer for HiRez who got axed because he went on a rant on stream about how anyone who commits or attempts suicide is a worthless waste of air. His chat rebelled, he wouldn't apologize, so he got fired. He would also frequently insult his own chat and teammates (his friends on his team, not pubs) and without an ounce of brevity or banter. He's just an asshole.

Idk, being able to pay a fee to unlock all past and future gods is pretty good.

he's not a complete mongoloid at the game and is a good commentator and i'll admit he knows a lot about the game but he's not as good as he thinks or likes to say he is

it's very telling that when he dies he always tries to spin it a certain way to where it's his teammate's fault/the game's fault or by him dying he wanted it to happen because his team would get ahead because of it

True however, and this might just affect me as i like how a character looks, locking all the good looking skins behind lots of bullshit hoops is just disgusting

>Be guardian chad
>Force your to approach with my pulls
>Eat your entire combo including ult
>Barely notice
>Rotate on your face
>Rape 28% of your hp no matter how tank you are via soul reaver
>Slow you
>Laugh as you kill yourself hitting me

He has a ton of experience but he mostly plays in custom games with a curated group of people, removing anyone that so much as looks at him funny. This has led to him developing a massive ego because he basically lives in an echo chamber that he rules over like a tyrant.

>Nu slutty terra skin
>Like 15 thousand version of the loli dragon thing

let me buy the eevee ratatoskr skins and I'll play again

So a white LTG? sounds atrocious.

Mad that you're shit at the game, faggot? NEVER respond to me again or you'll disappear from this realm...

>Letting you buy anything good
I have like 300-400 gems gained for free over the years unspent because nothing good can be simply bought, its all gambling. And I am not gambling.

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the exclusive shit is fucking annoying
if you want a specific skin you have to buy the season boxes that contain all the skins for that year
chances that you get what you want are close to 0
I have more than 1000 gems and dont even know what to do with them

and of course 99% of the skins are limited/exclusive, unless you want shitty recolors

Wow the first 20 seconds and he's already awful.

Yeah, he's like that 100% of the time.

there's nothing to do with them lol

I want to present Discordia with the Golden Apple after she says to present it to the fairest of them all.

>used to play Smite religiously
>pretty much all of my free time spent playing
>around the time they released Cerberus was dealing with a move
>started getting out of the house more
>haven’t played in over a year now
>kind of want to get back in but the yearly item total overhauls and the fact that I probably missed out on a fuckton of limited shit kills my interest

Honestly I was feeling the drain when they started coming out with a limited skin like every month. The game is way to jewy now

so i tried watching but dear god is the guy bad. He is ltg levels of shite, i wonder what would happen if the two ever met.

Lots of Greek gods were romanized, otherwise the Roman pantheon would be pretty empty
>Heracles - Hercules
>Hermes - Mercury
>Hephaestus - Vulcan
>Dionysus - Bacchus
>Gaia - Terra
>Nyx - Nox
>Eros - Cupid
>Eris - Discordia

I guess so. I'm definitely not in favor of loot boxes, but I really wish more freemium games would have a one time fee that basically unlocks all the non cosmetic content. I don't mind paying for these games, but they're out of their minds if they think I'm buying small pieces of content individually.

Is no one going to mention the shitty fucking queue system they made?
Or am I the only one who liked game modes other than conquest

doesnt help the gods are so samey now
cerb ult is literally just ares ult but sterr

i just play arena and its annoying how often it doesnt tell me the game is ready then punishes me with a 30 min ban

legit main reason why I quit. I just want to fucking buy the skins normally why do i gotta suck hi rez dick even more