Dragons Dogma Switch

Convince me to give this game a chance

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is good

I heard great stuff about it, is it similar to Skyrim or the Witcher? Is the story any good? Im worried it feels dated.

it's free

Harpy tiddies

It's a masterwork, you can't go wrong.

it's fun
also, pic related

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No go ahead and waste your autism bux.

It has in-depth character creation that actually effects different things in gameplay and great combat. Also literally has the most satisfying magic in any rpg I've ever played. Don't take the words of people on Yea Forums, though, watch some gameplay on YT or something and see if it looks like it's for you.

Story is pretty much non-existent until the last 10-20%. It has some cool really cool characters and dialogues though.
It's a lot more action and item gathering focused than Witcher or Skyrim. The side quests can be cool but more often than not it really shows that it's an unfinished game because there are so many questlines and characters that are completely forgotten throughout the game.

The combat is absolutely great though.

anyone want to dump some character creator sliders?

It's a great game, don't play it on switch for your first playthrough though, the pc port runs great even on toasters

It's probably the best fantasy action-RPG from a gameplay standpoint.

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>the pc port runs great even on toasters
Not on mine. I barely get 20 FPS.

It's fucking trash
Only a retard would listen to a waifufag

>is it similar to Skyrim or the Witcher?
sort of but not really, it's more like zelda but a heavily stat based arpg with a lot of western influence. It gets compared to dark souls a lot but to say it's a dark souls clone would be very misleading.
>Is the story any good?
no, but it's not really bad either its just weird. game is more about atmosphere and that is something that it really does well.
>I'm worried it feels dated.
it really doesn't. the game holds up if you've never played it before. Controls can be rough at times but the overall gameplay is good enough that it more than makes up for it.

I'd say there's not really any other games exactly like it and you should play it at least once. Don't play it on the fucking switch though play it on PC if you can. DD deserves better than to be played on a fucking handheld.

Im thinking of buying a Japanese physical copy, it says the audio is in Japanese but has English subtitles. Am i missing anything or is the voice acting generic in English?

Whats the difficulty like?

Easy to incredibly difficult

So we can customize it?

The game was made with english voices in mind. The japanese voices options came later just for japanese players.

Are the sidequests and stuff good, or is it just fetch quests