>what about em
based AS parodying on the ess jay dabuyas
Boring, I didn't get it.
Fuck off
Harassment is just SJW code for Tenderness
>What about them?
I know this shit is fake that's funny as fuck.
don't give them adclicks faggots
Is it already socially acceptable to make fun of feminism? Are we getting there finally?
It's Adult Swim, you dense niggers
>what is adblock?
i really don't know which side of the debate this fall on what the fuck
you double nigger, why did you reply to me when i knew that it was adult swim and said so in my post
mass repliers are gargantuan retards no exceptions
Good. If both extremes of the socialist retardation spectrum are either equally angry or equally confused it means they are doing it right.
>received death threats
>received really rude and graphic messages
You think people really do that? Just go online and tell people to kill themselves and/or call them names like dogshit player or retard?
He's a retard
yes and it's literally the same thing as an actual death threat
Do we ever actually see these 'death threats' from twitterfags? Do they simply amount to 'I'm gonna fucking kill you' or some other edgy shit the 14 year old who sent it obviously won't do?
No one talks like that without being wronged
>both extremes of the socialist retardation spectrum
so your/their point is that noone should have opinions of either side?
stop wasting people's time with pretentious faggotry like this
>Ignoring the parts where they're clearly making fun of you.
Is she supposed to be some unfunny Nathan Fielder?
i make fun of myself on the regular and let others do so. why should some company making fun of not me in particular bother me if it wouldn't have bothered me even if it was particular?
You sound like guys I knew in middle and high school who would laugh along with their bullies to hide their hurt feelings.
Adult Swim shill where's my MDE Season 2?
did you work part-time in your middle and high school as a projector? coz you really lighten up my day with your cute attempts at making insults
>Every criticism of me as a person is someone projecting.
>Hides behinds clowns and Pepe
>I-I-I make fun of myself all the time
This song and dance is embarrassing. I'm gonna go play video games.
I think the only time I’ve ever seen someone post a threat, it backfired on them. Phil Fish sent false death threats to himself, and Brianna Literally Wu made that hilariously inept “criticism” about his own game on Steam trying to pose as a stranger but forgot to sign out of his own account.
>...I'm sure you're used with the things of this size in your hands
how is "you remind me of person who does X" not projecting?
>getting this bent out of shape he's not going along with your plan
the left can't meme
It's always the same...
They were making fun of people that make fun of feminism retard. AS is run by some of the most lefty retards around.
Imagine letting corporations hurt your feelings
Lol go outside righty
I'll put it this way.
There has never, at any point, been a case where a death threat sent over social media in the gaming space was actually proved to be a legitimate threat.
In fact in several of these cases the person who received the threats actually went to the police only for the police to tell them that the threats were obviously not serious or legitimate. Because it's always just edgy retards and that's in the cases where the person claiming to have received threats isn't just straight up lying about it to gain free sympathy and silence dissenting arguments by trying to associate those arguments with violent. extremist behaviour.
It's basically just a cheap way to defend against any and all criticism that happens to work even better if you're a woman since people are more likely to feel bad for you and see you as a victim because you have boobies.
it's meant to make you laugh, not take a side, it's fucking adult swim m8
I love how these people cry about death threats even though almost every person that has played a competitive online game has received one.
It failed
But the VR thing just showed a guy jerking off. Is the video implying that toxic male gamers don't realize that gamer girls constantly have men jerking off in front of them? Because I don't think that actually happens.
>tfw your co worker or boss will never jack off in front of you
why do only women get sexually harassed its not fair bros
If you don't get called a nigger and recieve a death threat after a match that just shows you're bad.
As a man you have no right to comment on the experiences of women. ALL WOMEN ARE FORCED TO WATCH A MAN JERK OFF TO GET A JOB!
>adult swim
is this parody i really cant tell
That was hilariously fucking stupid.
there is no such thing as sexual harassment in video games
if someone gets angry at you in video game they call you nigger faggot
if they know you are a girl they call you a slut
Poe's law at its finest.
They send those threats to themselves, and why wouldn't they. You get so much attention for it to the point where careers have been started over "online harassment".
Is this irony? I can’t tell
yes, that is the joke.
The video is them making fun of asshole keyboard warriors but also female gamers complaining about stuff that isn't real
>for now maybe the best way to avoid harassment in gaming is to just not play
>why do you still game?
>virtual reality with bands of sex offenders is still more fun than real reality with a few sex offenders
the whole point is to say that these guys are losers and you shouldn't treat it like actual harassment because it's not.
Having someone say mean stuff online isn't even a fraction as bad as being in a work environment and having a dude jerk off in your face.
Its obviously parody. Later parts of the video make that very obvious.
>man or a guy
That conversation should have given it away to you.
call me a brainlet but i didnt really get the joke
pretty funny
lmaoing @ the people disliking not realizing it's a parody
what was funny about it
>Male gamers bad
>Female gamers.....also bad
The joke is in the sheer stupidity of the whole thing.
the host acting like an autist
the sausage on a stick
some of the dialogue
humor is subjective man
While it's still satire it still baffles me how, even if you leave out the sjw thing, people will always nod at "women getting bullied with sexual insults in gayming" in virtuous empathy
Being a man and called a faggot or a virgin, though? That aint sexual harassment at all it's just the game being bad and the likes.
>adult swim
how long have they been this cucked?
It's a parody, retard.
Pretty much.
The message is basically "Yeah, there are people who are total dicks on the internet but hey, since they're on the internet you can literally just ignore them so it's not even close to being the same as someone being a dick to you in real life".
Basically just a drawn out version of pic related.
They are doing a Nathan For You act. Jesus people.
Men are expected to be able to deal with juvenile shit. Women, having the image of overgrown children, need protection from bad words.
So the men laugh off all the comments by the woman but because they don't want to watch a guy masturbate that proves women right about harrassment?
>t. never played any online games or visited forums in the 00' decade
>Did you learn anything from this experience?
I think there's beauty in getting shit talked online by someone across the globe.
The fact people can't understand that the video is as ironic as Devolver E3 conferences worries me.
Our entire culture has, for thousands of years been built around the idea that women and children need to be protected and men need to do the protecting and therefore do not need protection themselves.
Problem is that this deeply ingrained cultural standard still remains in people's subconscious when they interpret these scenarios. Thus it typically doesn't even occur to them that logically, harassing a man is just as bad as harassing a woman as without even realizing they've already decided that the man should be able to take care of himself but the woman can't subconsciously.
So we end up with weird double standards and cognitive dissonance caused by this recent and dramatic shift in gender dynamics such that even those who claim to advocate for equality still have blind spots where they treat people unequally (and even worse, you get many people who rationalize why treating people unequally IS equality with even more cognitive dissonance).
Does harassment even mean anything anymore
is this guy for real or is it a joke
Great, it's SJW shit. Wonderful video. Retard.
It's bait, no need for concern.
>that first "victim" girl looks exactly like my oneitis
>we used to talk to each other everyday until she just ghosted me one day
i miss her eevery day bros
That makes it worse.
>harrasment like, uh, i bet she's got big hooters
This is a spoof right?
What do you think zoomer
Right, and the sjws are the only sensitive ones then yeah?
based centerism triggering babies on both extremes and confusing the shit out of them
the replies are really good too
the host is acting utterly socially inept, she asks weird or completely irrelevant questions and the peoples reactions are real which creates humour.
Some of the dumb shit like the sausage on a stick, some of the contradictory speech.
You're too defensive to chill out and take it as humour dude.
fucking kys you seething centrist cuck
>sexual harassment
this makes no sense
i thought for sure this was a parody tweet but she is celebrating assange getting arrested so its probably not
im not defensive about anything i just didnt get what was funny about it
oh uhh ouchie wowchie my feely weelys are all hecked up now umu
Navy Seal pasta best pasta of all time.
oh no, she's very serious
Looks like you're the one that's seething bud :^)
>all the best Tim and Eric skits are ones without Tim and Eric
Really makes you think.
>a fucking adult swim video is too complex for current day Yea Forums posters to comprehend
Good fucking lord
I mean if you didn't find it funny whatever dude but if you CAN'T understand how people might think this is funny you might have like autism or something and I mean like genuinely not like internet dude ganking on you autism
>Did you learn anything from this experience?
>>a fucking adult swim video
Footage of a Bear and This House are too complex for pretty much anyone to comprehend.
when your internet "culture war" is such a big part of your life that you can't put it down for 5 minutes or laugh at yourself
>Adult Swim
>too complex
Get a load of these zoomers thinking the network that spams Fox reruns is high IQ.
>shitting on Adult Swim
>n-n-n-no you're the zoomers
Way to out yourself
>((((((((jenna friedman))))))))))
Guarantee someone at AS is about to apologise for offending women and making light of a very serious issue.
>thinks modern Adult Swim is good
>calls others zoomers
I bet you cant wait for the new season of Rick and Morty and Mr. Pickles.
>fucking kys you rational dude
Fucking AS, made my day
>Feminism is okay when Adult Swim does it
Wow. You guys love sucking the dick of companies and franchises, huh?
This. Anytime you hear the word priviledge used they’re more or less saying that the person in question is already taken care of or able to handle it themselves.
Since when has Adult Swim ever been funny or entertaining other than stoners that watch TV at 3AM?
>Be glownigger.
>Have to take every meme sent by edgy 12 year olds as serious.
>refusing to pick a side
>not rational
hope that fence you are sitting on goes straight up your ass you fucking faggot
How dumb do you have to be to open an email with an address that looks like that?
It doesn't make it better.
Cope and seethe, my friend.
Venture Bros
Are there people out there who actually likes Tim Hidecker? Dude is a smug cunt with a punchable face. Also he fucked over Sam Hyde.
not him but are you being serious right now, do you really think there are only 2 "sides" in politics and centrists dont have any opinions on anything?
I swear 2 party politics have made Americans retarded
>tfw Venture Bros has been on tv longer than the age of your average Yea Forums poster
if you are white, theres the side that wants to destroy you and everything you love and a side that doesn't
which one do you pick
>Sealab 2021
>Harvey Birdman
>Morel Orel
>Venture Bros
Notice how all of those shows are incredibly old at this point. This tells you the absolute state of current day Adult Swim. Only Venture Bros is continuing.
he's taking the word centrist literally
Dont forget seasons 1-3 of The Boondocks.
>muh white genocide
Don't you have a mosque to shoot up? Why are you here?
>Adult Swim
Judging by your post I can see why she ghosted you. Also I know this post is bait as there is no one this irritating or pathetic making these kinds of posts.
they can't help it
>boiling down the spectrum of political views into 2 sides
Just because someone likes universal care doesn't mean they're a commie, just because someone doesn't like wealth redistribution doesn't make them a fascist.
So is the best satire the type that makes all political positions seethe or the type that makes all political positions think it supports them?
his local PD sounds quite based
Damn that police advice is spot-on
>(((adult swim)))
fuck off faggot
>Venture Bros has been on air for 16+ years
>only has 7 seasons, each averaging about 12 episodes
What takes them so fucking long?
Why are women so fucking stupid?
they probably get bombarded with complaints like that
the latter in theory but i dont think ive ever seen it done well
>advice to bullied child: "stop being gay"
>I know that and I think its funny
Based retarderafag
>makes all political positions think it supports them
Do you have an example of this kind of satire? I've never come across any.
Something I'll never understand is why this is targeted at such a broad demographic.
There are so many like sensitive "gamers" that are borderline whiteknights and wouldn't insult or say bad things to a woman, probably wouldn't even dare approach a fucking woman so why target them?
No wonder we see people being angry online when they're being targeted in this way. The real sexist fucking scum out there aren't watching adultswim skits, the real ones aren't following socially conscious gamer podcasts, or left wing verified twitter users.
I know some gross fucking people in real life, these people don't give a shit, they coast through life treating women like subhumans, yet I'm forced to feel like he acts because I engage more with the culture that surrounds various things, gaming being one of them.
smaller brains and that retard hormone
It takes three years do to one season which only goes for 7 episodes. It's either budget problems or they want to make sure their cartoon is not a rush product. It's Always Sunny seems to do the same shit but modern It's Always Sunny fucking sucks.
you're definitely a woman then
Letting soccer moms on the internet was a mistake.
>You think people really do that?
I used to get some harsh shit thrown my way in eve online for suicide ganking, for me it was incredibly satisfying to piss someone off so much that they threaten to kill you for real.
Imagine being a member of the NYPD or whatever and getting this reported to you. How do you even react?
>be girl
>some fag says he's gonna fuck my ass
>I say come here then and fuck it
>he doesnt know how to respond and shuts up.
Is it so hard?
>Aqua Teen
>Venture Bros
>Morel Orel
>Some of the specials
Adult Swim is an interesting station that always took risks and aired shit that definitely did not have any mass appeal. For a site that bitches about the unoriginality of hollywood I'm surprised there aren't more people defending it on that principle alone.
I've liked some of his stuff, but it's obvious from interviews that he has very little self awareness despite making "ironic" shows.
>lefty/pol/ screeching ITT
>a few /pol/tards ITT getting whooshed or falsefagging
tthat's how you know it's good.
Women are good
it's actually really really funny when /pol/ posts here because the things they say are so fucking insane it sounds like a parody outside of their bubble. And Yea Forums itself is already a bubble /pol/ is just much smaller
woman really have smaller brains, thats why they are not as smart as men.
and estrogen is also responsible for them acting retarded.
they are inferior creatures and they shouldn't be able to vote or have any rights at all.
>the rick and morty network
Thanks but I'll pass
back to the kitchen bitch
Why can't we go back to the time where beating and raping your housewife was the norm. Everybody legit seemed happier back then. Why do women want to work? Who fucking wants to think and work?
they shouldn't be allowed to use the internet
What the fuck is wrong with you?
call the isp and tell them to cut the service these people are a danger to tax money
I enjoyed Tom Goes to the Mayor, and some of the Tim and Eric stuff. But overall he is pretty lame. And no one cares about Sam Hyde.
So is this parody or not? It has clear jokes but it also has some serious points.
This is fucking gay.
exactly thats what every man should tell to a woman.
if every man did it we wouldn't have such problems in society.
I think Yea Forums would be happier if they just admitted that they really fucking hate women
This is gold.
first day? every single post on this website is an admittance to hating women
>confirmed for not watching This house and Unedited Footage
Why has AS become so shitty? Even their anime is shit now.
>those fucking new "seasons" of FLCL they paid for
I'm on the fence about women, I do despise trannies tho
Most men would hate the vast majority of women if hormones didn't make us love them.
>resetera already here and completely pissed off
woman are fucking annoying, its like talking to retards
This sounds like something a 16 year old fedora neckbeard would say after being rejected by stacy
Jesus christ lad
It hasn’t and the animation quality has almost always been shit.
Change in their target demographic. Their audience is now zoomers and millennials who have had their brains rotted by the internet.
its called gorilla warfare for a reason
>muh two spoopy 2deep4u Youtube videos mean the entire network is good
Fuck off zoomer.
That's probably more because during it's worst crunchtimes, VB was worked on by a total of two people. Deadlines are probably why season 7 feels like it doesn't ACTUALLY start until episode 4
wow police actually giving useful advice for once
If you actually had male friends who confided in you you'd know that it's true.
Honestly, people always pushed for equality but does anybody ask if a woman being a non thinking housewife all that bad? Literally all they do is clean the house and cook mediocre meals. What first world human being wants to give that up just to be treated like a man on a daily basis?
we do
I don't get who they were even targeting with the FLCL cartoons/psuedo-anime
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me you little bitch?
>daytime slots is Steven Universe and Teen Titans Go spam
>night time slots is Rick&Morty spam
What a shitshow of a channel
I do hate women. Wanting to fuck a woman and liking one are two completely different things.
All men hate women, they just like females.
Women are universally horrible persons, they're just good bodies.
A woman whose mind was replaced with that of a dog would genuinely be better than average.
>but does anybody ask if a woman being a non thinking housewife all that bad?
turns out, some people don’t want that
Everyone hates trannies because they are men.
They're making fun of both sides.
making women equal under the law was a good thing. trying to social engineer society to make women equal financially is not and most women dont like it either
>What first world human being wants to give that up just to be treated like a man on a daily basis
That's not what they want though. They want all the privileges of men without any responsibility.
they were memed into careers so that companies have 2x the labor force. it's just one of the reasons why wages haven't gone up.
some women are just finding out now how much it sucks.
umm sweetie
This, hormones don't make us "love" anybody. All men confuse love for lust. Has anybody actually had a decent conversation with a female they weren't attracted to? They are so fucking boring and petty. Anybody that says otherwise are making shit up.
>A woman whose mind was replaced with that of a dog would genuinely be better than average.
no shit
dogs are smart and loyal
Why do you feel the need to put a label on instinctive, healthy desire of a sane human to distance himself from rabid socialists?
Blacks are victims, though.
Imagine having a black woman give birth to you, dooming you to being a negro until you die.
>they were memed into careers so that companies have 2x the labor force.
This. There's a delicious irony in the fact that the popular "anti-corporate" set of political views ultimately push for shit that corporations love.
The responses to this post are really depressing. If you expect every interaction with a woman to go badly, it's very easy to make that happen. But to convince yourself that emotional connection with a woman is impossible puts you guys in a very dark place. Things won't get better for you and women aren't going away
>j-just pretend they're humans and it will work!
Tried that before I learned
Maybe you should try learning
its a fucking meme phoneposter relax your asshole
not really. there's nothing inherently wrong with being black or white or any skin color. just don't act like a nig and you're okay with me
if you disagree, you're the same person you're bitching about. they used the same argument you're possibly about to make
>/pol/ and redditera retards getting dabbed on by adult swim of all things
Blessed video.
>women aren't going away
As a housewife(male) it's pretty fucking wonderful, I play vidya all day and get to cook whatever I want.
Pretty funny, 7.3/10
>get death threats
>report them on the platform you are using
>death threats end
I'm failing to see whats so difficult.
me too. comfy as fuck. in about 2 years, I'm reversing roles though. I'm okay with that
Could you please cool it with the racism? Thx sweety
according to the first paragraph im a woman and my gf is a man, nice
incels are incredible
>there's nothing inherently wrong with being black
Yeah, just like there is nothing inherently wrong with being ugly, low IQ, raised in culture of violence and disrespect for intelligence and work
And yet most people would prefer not to be any of those
>But to convince yourself that emotional connection with a woman is impossible puts you guys in a very dark place
It's not that it's impossible, it's just that 90% of the time that connection is built on your hormones telling you to cum in her and not any kind of intellectual connection. I'm assuming you have little experience with women or are one since this is a very common viewpoint among men, they just don't talk about it with anyone other than their close male friends.
Women do not have real feelings. I don't know why people push the whole "women have more empathy" meme. Does that make them bad people? No. But for the happiness for both men and women, they need to learn their place.
not all blacks are like that. some are, some aren't -- treat them thusly
wowee that one flew over your head didn't it
Your girlfriend is abnormal and has masculine tenancies so she chose a broken feminine man as her mate. It happens.
Lol hydefags are still a thing
there are black people that are handsome, have high iq, were raised in a civilized culture and respect intelligence and work. whats the point youre trying to make
The first paragraph is literally me except I'm not a chick.
How do I get ambition?
>there's nothing inherently wrong with being black
Wrong, any black that is "good" mostly have white ancestry to curb out their inner nigger.
>Yea Forumsmblr thread
Just remind them manga is outselling american comics in america and watch them seethe
so you agree that the problem is culture and upbringing and not melanin?
>girlfriend is rich and has a good job due to nepotism
>basically a house husband
>always see women bitching about how hard and terrible the life of a housewife is
>it's the best thing in the world and only a few hours of extremely light work a day
I'm convinced they only hate it because they have no hobbies other than watching shitty T.V.
Unironically the world would be a better place if both sites stopped existing. This place is a poison for its users
no he doesnt agree, he thinks culture is informed by race even though its demonstrably not true
>according to the first paragraph im a woman
keep projecting tranny incel. I'm married to a woman
>there are black people that are handsome, have high iq, were raised in a civilized culture and respect intelligence and work
Unicorns are not real.
>socialy retarded ppls take refuge into video games after normies told them to fuck off IRL
>normie womens dont understand why ppls playing video games a socialy retarded with them
>I'm married to a woman
>even though I hate women
Lmao user is fucking some twink who puts on makeup :DD
>there are black people that are handsome,
Black girl here, I have literally never seen a handsome black guy in my entire life.
that was hilarious.
i hope that was the real intent and not actually making any point.
No by inner nigger he's talking about their inherently lower IQ and violent impulses. It's all on a curve though so it's stupid to think that literally every nigger is a frothing ape.
It's both.
you will never be a woman
It's not melanin, it's the IQ, which is strongly genetic.
Blacks have about a standard deviation lower IQ than whites, meaning that dumbfuck normaltard joe average is smarter than 80% of all blacks
>that one BLM cuck
He'll make excuses for black people forever, yet he despises hispanics
Walking contradiction that man
yes user attractive, rich or smart black people have never existed they were all a jewish scam
>who would laugh along with their bullies to hide their hurt feelings.
holy shit how much of a beta were you?
>I'm married to a woman
>even though I hate women
This is pretty fucking common. Most people have a biological need to be intimate with a woman and that need is so strong that they're willing to put up with a lot of dumb bullshit.
That's funny as fuck coming from a blue checkmark on twitter.
>implying whites dont have violent impulses
There's a reason white dudes LOVE military shooters
not very trans-positive of you >:(
>Low IQ
>Raised in a culture of violence.
One day...
it is fucking boring tho
the beginning is serious shit you would see in these videos, then I guess it is slightly exaggerated?, but still not funny
you retards are just laughing on this becuse you believe it makes fun of sjws, when it is just nonsensical bullshit
You mean twitter and facebook right?
>tumblr already killed itself
They do, but they also usually have the critical thinking and empathy required to outlet them in dumb shit like video games instead of beating people to death in the street.
>straight people force themselves to live with people they hate
Thank God I'm gay, Jesus Christ
>everything must be binomial i am such a robot i can only understand 1 and 0 reeeeeee
Its fucking clear americans are the "npc" fuck sake , imagine thinking there is no more than 2 options.
I feel like this video was genuine and then proceeded to call it "satire" at the last minute to avoid backlash which failed anyway. It makes sense why the people that made this are bitching and moaning on twitter. What the fuck happened to Adult Swim? When did it become the stoner and the Pickle Rick show?
yeah instead white guys just lose their shit and shoot up a school or their workplace and kills tons of people at once, that's way better and more efficient too
pay attention Yea Forums, this is the kind of man that only cares about looks and then complains when the wife is a bitch after looks fade away/you get bored of them. dont be like this man. personality is not a meme
as it goes: can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em
I'm 100% convinced the vast majority of twitter death threats are just the Navy Seal pasta
Gays instead get to live with someone who is likely to have been mistreated by society for years and is filled with pointless insecurity.
As has always been for stoners and the few idiots that didn't realize it.
my wife also hates women though. probably way more than I do.
Out violence always has a purpose even when the media claims it does not make sense. Nigs just lash out for the sake of lashing out.
yes, subscribe to this train of thought and don't you dare google chicago's black on black murder rate lol
Impressive. Very nice.
>black girls posting on Yea Forums
Funny coincidence my bf works at adult swim :3
>my wife also hates women though
All women hate other women.
>and a few am stations
that legit hurted me the most
I wondered when the resetrannies would find this thread.
Why stop there user? lets get rid of the internet!
it's a funny gag but I don't see how this makes fun of femenists
>When did it become the stoner
Nigger NIGGER the fuck u think Space coast to coast was?
>rich or smart black people have never existed they were all a jewish scam
sounds about right. my wife is always bitching about her fat roastie co-workers
Including herself obviously since she has posted here before and got shoved out
Not him but you must be delusional if you dont see that Yea Forums creates a culture of nihilism, irony and self hatred, so much that many posts need to start with "unironically" and even then im sure most times those very same posts are meant to be taken ironically, in Yea Forums the idea of genuinely talking about vidya and liking and discussing vidya its shown to be answered with shitpost after shitpost as if that was the true purpose of the site.
While FBI data shows that the national homicide rate has hovered near historic lows in recent years, Chicago is one of a few big U.S. cities that has struggled with gun violence in recent years. The city endured 777 homicides in 2016, 660 in 2017 and 561 murders last year— more than any other U.S. city in each of those years.
The city saw 100 shooting incidents for the month, the fewest in five years, according to police department data.
>comfy thread will always get invaded by trannies and /pol/
Lads how we genocide the both of them?
>make a quick fap
>satisfied, can enjoy vidiya
>try something with alive woman
>often blueballed and have to fap anyway, requires a ton of more time and energy
And yet my subconsiousness yearns for a second one. For what purpose, if you`re not a chad who can get a lot of affection with little investment?
hey man when a nigga disrespecting you, you gotta take his ass out
Nonwhites commit proportionally more mass shootings than whites. I'm pretty sure that even in the bullshit stats where they fold arabs into whites this is still true.
>all men are rapists
>all women are stupid whores
funny coming out of someone that also celebrated Assange's arrest
The takeaway is that blacks are inferior even at the violence they so love.
the first one is false and the second one is true
funny how that works out
>you must be delusional if you dont see that Yea Forums creates a culture of nihilism, irony and self hatred
That's reddit, though. Retard.
It's just a simple concept, someone else would have done them.
Dumb people ruin this site, not the other way around.
These are just tools
The video is clearly a joke, but.
>White women
women requiring "a ton of more time and energy" is a fucking meme conjured up by virgin incels. its possible that you were retarded enough to fall for some hoe just because she looked good but thats just your own fault and people should laugh at you for being so vapid
you are way overcrediting this crap
the video didn't really make any point at all
>Having someone say mean stuff online isn't even a fraction as bad as being in a work environment and having a dude jerk off in your face.
the problem is that the video never pointed out this shit out
the topic of duscussion at that part was that "if men would realize how it feels to be sexually harrassed then they wouldn't do it", which is what they did (even though in a pretty stupid way (since homosexual harrasment is a different thing) but which is something you would expect from sjws). There was no comparison to online bullying at this point.
fuck everyone this is why i dont use a mic or embroil myself with e-friend bullshit. everything i have to say to someone in an online game i say it in my head.
"dumb fucking cunt wont shut the fuck up in lobby"
"attention whore bitch"
"i wish someone would fucking kill this motherfucker"
all in my head
>For what purpose
Satisfying the lizard part of the brain
You are a descendant of those who wasted their time on doing this shit and you inherited that.
Evolution doesn't want you to win, only to copy the DNA around.
"dude making jokes mean you are depressed"
What makes me laugh about these people is that they truly do believe they're some sort of moral person when they're talking about getting rid of free speech and anyone they don't like.
The 13%-50% joke is one of the incredibly few good things to come out of /pol/ since the 8gag exodus fiasco.
>white dudes LOVE military shooters
So do black dudes.
isnt this supposed to be 7-8%? since you know half of black people are women
Tits or gtfo
fuck, really? I only watched a min or two before I got bored and clicked off
Equating shitty behaviour online with actual, tangible improper conduct IRL, for one.
>/his/fag admitting he enjoyed a /pol/ meme
Holy shit, hell just froze over
Probably more around 9%. I doubt chicks don't do some shit as well.
>The 13%-50% joke is one of the incredibly few good things
Sure it is you /pol/cuck
they dont actually. crime rates similar to white women
>you now remember when the internet wanted a zombie apocalypse
I fell for some hoe just because she was kinky and not too stupid, i give you that.
But it`s not like it`s easier to seduce other girls, and prostitutes feel worse than fapping.
I wish I could push a reset button on Yea Forums and return it to being an obscure Vietnamese Basket-Weaving Forum. All the racism and edgy humor just existed to keep normies out, but now the site has become a mecca for actual racists who want to make every thread about racism and politics wherever they can. Almost everyone with sensible and moderate beliefs has been pushed out and now parts of Yea Forums are basically just an extension of stormfront.
Miss and miss
Proud in/v/oluntary celibate here
Didn't they axe MDE not for any reason but the "alt-right" liked it?
Love something, create something from it and learn from mistakes. Its ok to make mistakes if you actually move forward after understanding what you did wrong.
Hell, start drawing little stories about shit thats fun. Share your interest with other people, learn from their opinions and make up your own.
Not everyone in life is a bitter asshole and not everyone is out there trying to make your life misarable
>guy says "if you can't take it just leave"
>tries to instantly leave the room when shown virtual dick, taking his own advice
>gets fucking bullied into staying and watching the whole thing.
What a fucking cuck
That was pretty hilarious and here I thought adult swim weren't with the times
these are the same fucking people who tell you to watch their children over the internet make sure it's sfw and pure, we aren't their fucking parents you cunt
>it's yet another "newfag pretends he's actually an oldfag" post
You people need a new playbook.
no I want sealab 2021
Blacks are an all male race, they have no women. Wtf are you talking about?
provided he's still a productive human being otherwise, i see nothing wrong with this. i still play lots of vidya and drink/smoke too much, but at the same time i hold down a six-figure job and have a family. probably more than you can say, you underage cocklover, kek
The amount of post-post-post ironic jaded asshole aura resonating from that post is cringeworthy.
no you don't lol
>i hold down a six-figure job
>you underage cocklover, kek
Sure you do, you just talk like a literal child
Yea Forums thread?
You say this, but literally 90% of men agree women are a pain in the ass, especially the married ones.
I know that was my personal experience. Even butterfaces and such stop cherishing the favor and turn into whores sooner or later.
Have sex first then you can talk to me again you /pol/cuck
>>socialy retarded ppls take refuge into video games after normies told them to fuck off IRL
They usually tell people to fuck off and then you try to get better. Nobody is seriously telling you to kys
Lots of dead kids?
honestly the reply below is way more fucking cringe than the actual image
what the fuck is wrong with these unironic nihilist neckbeards?
>"Yeah, fucking strip away those fucking losers' single place where they can come and relax and be autistic without anyone shitting in their face publicly twenty four seven, that'll lead to only good things!"
I'll talk to whoever I want
is the Yea Forums retard applying you can't be happy if you watch cartoons on drugs.
nothing is wrong with it we just see the world for what it really is, wasting time with fake joy is not good for you
>fake joy
l o l
goddamn i bet you think youre really fucking smart dont you
didn't Tyler disown this statement saying that bullying on the internet has gotten more real since he posted it or some shit?
These posts are rich coming from vidiots. OP is probably well off than most of us here. So he likes to smoke lmao and watch cartoons with sugar cereal. All we do is play vidya and take government handouts. Whose really in the wrong here?
>Yea Forums has come so far
>not only are we allowed to shill Kotaku, Pewdiepie, whatever the /pol/ site is called
>no, we can also shill our own and other rnd clickbait channels
I am proud of you guys.
bet you have a wicked sense of humor
Black women get a FUCKTON of abortions
i would love to teleport that fucker to 2019 and have him torn apart saying XBL shit from that era.
you can't do anything now without people hunting you down, its so fucking stupid. there is no hate mail now because everyone jumps on their twitter and tells everyone to dox you instead of crying in a corner like they should.
>bingtendies spring to action
>Whose really in the wrong here?
me, i take government handouts, play vidja AND smoke weed
the wannabe technocrat who calls people who are socially and financially incapable of supporting themselves "parasites"
Soft Focus with Jena Friedman
every time
>this pissis off the denialfags
go back to playing your escapism video games, you'll see how the world is when you decide to grow up if you ever do
i do
I really don't think the FBI investigates stupid online trolling threats, and as far as I know any law enforcement agency explicitly tells you to not speak about the threats at all if you get help from them.
yes but thats not a crime. you can question the ethics of it but if its legal its not a crime
funny shit, like she tried out for samantha bees show and got denied for being too deadpan
Fetus ownage isn't a crime outside nigger shitholes like poland.
denial? fuck are you talking about, it's just fucking morning cartoons and weed
>escapism video games
you're on fucking Yea Forums
Hit a little too close to home?
video games are not escapism to me i exclusively play hatred, its training me to enter society
>mistaking navy seal copypasta as death threat
how new you have to be in internet for that
sexual harassment in gaming is right and important
It's also something a Queen would say.
It's from Yea Forums
Smells of discord newfags in here.
Stop raiding threads if you don't want to get called out.
you're fedora is on too tight, m'sir
God bless
she is right though.
I know where i'm at, I'm just telling you like it is. I'm sorry you refuse to see how useless it is to play games when at the end of the day nothing matters one bit. I've just come to accept my fate
try smoking diesel
Imagine defending someone who's a fully grown adult that still behaves like a child, except now they do drugs. You don't even know the guy but you're worked up because someone doesn't approve of a lifestyle where free time is passed by consuming junk food, watching cartoons, and doing drugs, alone.
and a wicked sense of humour!
jesus christ women ruin fucking everything
>I know where i'm at
a very dark place apparently
i hope you get out one day
>mfw these fedoras people used to mock 5 years ago are in their 20s now and found 4channel
Weird how the one thing that got under the Yea Forumsmblrfags' skin was the implication that their hobbies are childish
Really makes you think
You just described over 70% of Yea Forums, though.
>you refuse to see how useless it is to play games
It's not useless, it's fun. I'm sorry you have forgotten about fun.
>that /pol/tard at 8:00
How the fuck a dude jacking off is an allegory to the Trump supporters
>You don't even know the guy
neither did this guy but he seemed to have intimate details about his life
makes me think
I'm gonna say it, Stonetoss's artstyle is kinda cute.
>do you mind if I jack off?
no one said "do you mind if I join you?"
isnt this the guy who made the "bike cuck" comic? did he change his political views overnight or was the bike thing a joke?
It's stolen from Shmorky
haha.. must be nice
He's bragging about his saturday morning on the pot subreddit, it says a lot about him.
>They were making fun of people that make fun of feminism retard. AS is run by some of the most lefty retards around.
Is it just me or was that girl making fun of harassment in gaming as a whole? Like it wasn't leaning to men or women at all like the entire thing was just a joke.
what does it say user
i need her to sit on my faaaaaaaaaaaace...
That's a different guy. Last I heard of him he started drawing himself as a girl, so I figure in the next 5 years he's going to come out as a tranny.
Why can't Americans write good comedy?
Different artist
>defending gay habits because some nu-male was born more well off than you
Gay people like this exist.
>I need this 4/10 woman to spit on me
reevaluate your life
>Is it just me or was that girl making fun of harassment in gaming as a whole?
of course, it's obvious from how she treats that real game developer she interviews.
>don't respect yourself
>people don't respect you
there are people on both ends that like to make everything about politics, but I assume it was; sexual harassment -> the "woman game" -> trump has been accused of sexual harassment against women
shut the fuck up tard
fuck your "board culture"
That's how it starts out, then they talk them into dressing like girls and taking hormones
Grim stuff
American """Humor""":
>look at me
>i'm the best
>i'm so great
>i'm so funny
>look at how great i am
>look at how intelligent i am
>i'm very intelligent
>laugh now!
>look at how unintelligent these other people are
>they aren't as funny or as intelligent as me
>i'm the best
I both agree and disagree. Being anonymous usually is used for people to just offend as many as possible but I think there's plenty of people here who love having the ability to form discussions without their person being taken into account. I think this website could be a great tool for refining/altering your opinion on any given topic, but we seem to be in an adolescent state right now.
>implying this doesn't make it better
Have you taken a look at japanese """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""humor""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""", you weeb cocksucker?
Why stop there?
Let's look into british humor as well
This discord is literally a cult
I've had decent conversations with my sister about vidya and anime and shit. I'm in no way attracted to her.
Japanese humor is great tho
>I should be on a terror list
Finally someone cares about my existence.
Different guy, he falling for the tranny meme.
Any and all threats should be punishable by law whether legitimate or not
what are you talking about?
I have, it's just as bad.
Sisters are an exception to this rule as you grew up together. I mean nobody here wants to bang their sister, right?
crossdressing isnt really the same as tranny
sister is among the most popular fetishes for men who didnt have a sister growing up
Online "death threats" aren't death threats at all.
Something can't be wholesome yet depraved, what stupid fuck made that chart.
imagine being a parent and knowing that there could be a pedo trying to fuck up your child just because he wants to get off
None of that applies to the video in question.
Yeah but he's a fag now.
yes it can
t. brony
this, traps who know that hrt is shit are based
Holy fuck learn to language you literal autist
The thing that I hate about stuff like this is I can never tell whether the people being "pranked" on are actors or not. At least in Nathan for You it's stated.
>I'm a Trump... Believe in Trump, did you try to make correlations with Trump or...
>No you just did that yourself
That can't be spontaneous it's way too perfect.
That's why I secretly monitor my kid's online activity. Luckily she just likes goofy youtube videos.
Man, what do you have to do to get hate mail like that? I've never gotten hatemail in my life. not even back in the Halo 3 days.
Except it's just algorithms looking at your shit. The feds don't have time for small fish like you.
Unedited Footage of a Bear is not good
are you fucking serious its a fucking skit of course theyre actors
Yeah but how do you know?
cheat in csgo on an alt account and leave the comments open
People like you are the reason McDonalds has to write a warning saying that coffee is hot.
yes nigger its all a joke
because i have a working brain?
so is this scripted or is it a prank thing like eric andre skits
on one hand the ending implies that it's unscripted and a lot of the jokes wouldn't be funny unless it was unscripted
on the other hand >guy or man? had to be an actor
Sure, I do it on here all the time. Some of you fuckers really deserve to get shot
HRT is great for traps and trannies, SRS is awful
woah you're so smart user
You post on Yea Forums, I already know you're lying about that
I mean user's not wrong, but what in the fuck is wrong with that? Life sucks most of the time. It's nice to get away from your troubles for a bit and feel good from time to time, but I'd argue that having pleasurable mindless downtime in your routine every once in a while is good for your overall health and helps you get through the week.
kill yourself, keep traps toxinsfree and do not fuck up their lifes
The people who tune the algorithms may still look at this shit.
I worked at one of the companies that datamines users and even though we were explicitly forbidden by law to collect personally identifiable data, people who categorized the users called them by their sex and country because it was obvious from their searches.
If you ever use a search engine, there is a small chance that someone is going through your shit. They're most likely normaltards who don't know what futanari tamazuri means, but some of them may then check it afterwards.
You people are more retarded than the ones who think this is not a parody and is 100% serious
It certainly was a simpler time, before the Left invaded and turned literally everything thread into a political racebait.
>before the Left invaded and turned literally everything thread into a political racebait.
yes man its the evil commie leftists and not the fucking deranged poltards
Yeah I wish you faggots could stay out too
"-fag" suffix implies channer, you dumb groid
Normie and normalfag mean different things
I remember when people complained about "WALL OF TEXT" so we had to space every sentence so it was readable.
Now in 2019 these tryhard newfags are so against Reddit we can't space out our messages so now we have to go back to the very thing we originally hated.. WALL OF TEXT.
i never quite understood if this "reddit spacing" was just yet another excuse to dismiss someone when you had no arguments left or if some fucking mental patient thinks its a real thing. you must be 16 if you genuinely believe this
rent free
Sure they do, champ
You have to go back.
>"-fag" suffix implies channer
what kind of headcanon is this lmao
I was here first, 2016 newfag.
It also happens to be a decent way to format a post so it doesn't hurt to read.
I've browsed this site for more than 10 years and I've always done that shit then again I also occasionally browse reddit because it's a good source of news, bite me. I come from a time in which Gaia was the cancer, see if I give a shit
whatever you say election tourist
>10 years
Uh huh
I laugh at Gamers Rise Up images, will I be mad at some Cartoon Network sketch? For God's sake.
when did people first start calling it reddit spacing assuming you always type like that
how can one desktop picture make me nostalgia so hard
You forgot the 10 years is 2009. He came with the early cancer waves.
>normalfag clownnigger in charge of autism
I refuse the acknowledge these things as human
That's a fair point. Nigger probably has a reddit and facebook account that get regular use
>Classic Firefox
>MSN Messenger
Fuck I wish we can go back.
Yeah, well, uh, that's just, like, your opinion man
The more things change, the more it stays the same.
Except this time it's not war crimes, it's treason.
And this was one of the few threads where people tried to defend Bush on /n/. Try and do the same thing on /pol/ with Trump and see his personal defense force swarm you.
I browse Yea Forums and Reddit equally. And no matter how many people point out how much of a fag I am I simply don't care if you make fun of me for browsing Reddit. It's a good site.
Actually came around 2006, still cancer, as any influx into the site I guess.
Last year? Last 2 years? Maybe around the election cycle.
I don't use facebook since I loathe it's business model and think it's literally bad for you, I use reddit since it's nice to stay up to date with this and that, even though 99% of the site is unfit for discussion.
He's an actor, user.
HAHAHAHAHAHA no it isn't. it's a giant fucking echo chamber full of people who haven't realized that high school mentality is not how you interact socially
Reddit is compromised by the brain dead general public.
i thought /pol/ hates trump now they call him a zionist shill and whatnot
I want to fuck this interviewer
The former. But who cares? Yea Forums is broken at this stage. Not a single fruitful discussion going on anymore, it's all about shitty political bants and "OH NO NO NO" posting.
Reddit is good for browsing. I wouldn’t make an account and post though.
look at this early 2010s cancer who bought into the idea of a Yea Forums being a secret club and still hold that believe to this very day. its cute
Reddit's only use is to annoy thots posting naked pics of themselves.
It's an echochamber full of mongs who can't take a joke.
There you go. That's exactly the type of comment I was alluding to.
End yourself. Please.
>It's a good site.
Ok this has to be bait.
I know two people who browse reddit(none of them browses Yea Forums)and both of them say that they fucking hate it and wish it'd just burn down
Where do you think YOU are lol
what a chad, he didnt want a rape accusation
>dude reddit bad because of 2 people I know lol
What a weak ass argument
That's just to throw people off, they're bitching about Assange getting arrested and pretending Trump didn't care about him or wikileaks even though Trump famously said on national TV
>I love wikileaks
Yea Forums is ranked 300th place in the US, reddit is like 3rd place. You clearly don't know how many casuals have flocked to reddit in the past few years.
imagine writing all that and actually believing it.
not him but yeah, Yea Forums used to be pretty good in terms of not being too mainstream. sure, we talked about mainstream games but you could feel that people around here were trying to get away from it, or at least tried to find a place where not everyone is sucked up by populism.
of course this has changed over the years and nowadays Yea Forums is like one of those boulevard magazines that grannies read at the hairdressers, with how bad it is.
and you'd be delusional thinking that it ain't for the most part reddits fault.
see how all cancer started when reddit blew up in users around 2011 and fucking deal with it.
I love how desperate you are in defending your juvenile website
more like
reddit is shit because it is fucking shit.
up and downvotes are legit cancer and most upvoted shit is just based on the thread theme "dae think this is good/bad". as well as all discussion running the same course.
mods are the worst on the internet, and its full of angry trannies.
lets see how much trump really loves wikileaks then
Yea Forums and Yea Forums are just /pol/-lite and regular users inevitably get sucked into them, or at least sympathizing with them
I don’t even use reddit. I’m just cringing at your weak argument that doesn’t mean anything
>Ok this has to be bait.
Why? I am not in my early 20's anymore. I used to be tribalistic especially with Reddit. But now that I am almost in my 30's I don't give a fuck anymore. It's clearly easy to spot some young teen early 20's faggot that thinks they're the edgy 2cool4u Yea Forums poster. Like, I literally don't give a shit. I've been browsing Yea Forums since 2006 and only heard about reddit years after that. I'll do whatever the fuck I want now. Maybe you should do the same instead of acting like a fucking faggot
Windows XP > Win7 > Win98 > Win10 > Win95 > Vista
Whatever you say bud
I can only take solace in the fact that if World War 3 happens and China wins, their secret police forces will be able to quickly round these degenerates up and summarily execute them, considering that they are posting on the Chinese botnet known as Discord.
Newfag spotted!
Newfag spotted!
Newfag spotted!
Newfag spotted!
Name the bully.
Been here longer than you
Then they haven't been to /pol/ because /pol/ is just an alt-right /x/, nothing like Yea Forums or Yea Forums whatsoever.