Yamaku high school, home

Yamaku high school, home...

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>glass her

man, that shitty "art" face really takes me back.

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Shizune was the best and cutest girl, I don't give a shit about the faggot writer being a piece of shit and writing a boring route instead of just give her away to someone who actually wanted to write it, she's still best

Attached: Shizune_in_her_fashion_wear.png (647x533, 415K)

least it was, til I had an existential crisis and fucked errythang up

Attached: Rin not giving fucks.jpg (628x369, 88K)

Her route in the demo was the best one, and the first half of her full route is pretty good. Lesbian drill drama ruined it, and the whole attempt to show the struggles of a mute girl in maintaining/balancing two opposite relationships by "not showing it because she is mute" didn't really work in the end for obvious reasons.

I liked Rin

Attached: shizune.jpg (795x599, 118K)

at least it was before I raped that burn victim

Stockholm syndrome is ok if she says yes and nobody says no.

I don't know man...she really didn't seem into it

It's not a crime if she didn't call the cops.

best cripple

Attached: rin check.png (481x629, 339K)

>youll never fuck Emis asshole
Never gonna make it bros.

Except that's literally what happens to everyone who reads this VN, because spending time with the girl you want always leads to buttslut because the programmers didn't know what they were doing.

>that fucking painting

>Try to impress girl
>get put on girl's route
I know this is babby's first VN but there's a point where common sense should kick in

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>reading comprehension

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I only did Shizune's and don't remember sticking it up her poo, I remember however some top tier nudes and being raped

Are you not talking about the "I'm NOT interested in Emi but I deliberately chose to commit to running with her AND tried to impress her by racing her so I got put on her route, wtf bros how did this happen" meme?

Attached: emi.jpg (800x600, 348K)

No. Learn to read.

>How to impress Emi
Just answer yes to this simple question
>How to impress Hanako
Find out the questions which solve this third grade parametric equation

I fucking got Kanji ending THREE times trying to get on Hanako's route and I gave up that literal roastie in the end

daily reminder that you are forced to get emi if you take it easy like the nurse tells you to

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Then explain.

That is the exact opposite of what happens.

Hanako and Lilly's points are shared, just side with them and it comes down to "Pick the one you're actually interested in" at the end. It is incredibly simple.
Rin's route is the only one that's reasonably hard to get without a guide.

Attached: KS Act 1.png (2120x2655, 291K)

boy oh boy its this discussion again
and again i have to write that only socially inept people or absolute brainlets dont get route they aimed for.
>b-but game autolocks you on emi if you do logical thing and follow nurses advice
You play as MC whos got heart disease and spent last few months in hospital bed without any training. Running at your own pace seems a bit smarter than trying to catch up to female Pistorius.
But idiots dont get that its not excersise/dont excersise routesplit. Its be reasonable/ i like this girl lets try to impress her
I even checked the route flowchart to prove a point
you get 5 decisions to gain likeness for Hanako, Lily and Shizune; and 4 for Emi and Rin
i think thats enough for someone whos not a retard
the only problem occurs when you try to get points for each girl and end with kenji, you should know that its a dating sim vn and you need to focus on one

Why the fuck was [Glass Him], a well known term that even a god damn American like me understood, became a meme but not [Comfort Her]?

because comfort her is much more obvious that glass him, I think both are easy to understand but I can kinda understand the glass him meme due to the situation. But if your alone in a bedroom and you have the option to comfort some chick, then I know where its going


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It is, it was just contained to KS

Also I can understand why someone might just not know that phrasing with [Glass Him], but the [Comfort] thing is built up to with her coming to room, closing the door behind her, sitting on your bed next to you, fucking kissing you, and saying "Please comfort me, just for today"
It's extremely obvious what she was there for, Hisao even comments on it in the narration if you do go for it. And it's the ONLY choice in the route.

Anal is gross.

It's still one of the comfiest VNs ever made

It's possible to be nice to a girl that kissed you without sticking your dick in her.

Imagine being this much of a fucking faggot

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She a lesbian though

Yes, and it was beautiful...

Being a faggot is exactly how I become disgusted with anal.

But faggots love anal. It's their only option, after all.

Anal is good on paper, but what they don't tell you is you find your dong covered in shit, her ass gets loose, it feels bad as an asshole perimeter is very dry.
If you're hetero you should stick into putting it into the vagina and enjoying the ahegao, which you can't see with anal

I wonder what her shit tastes like haha

>thread #29395

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God I'll never not be mad at Shizune's second part of her route, it was boring to tears, especially compared to the first part which is worlds better.
In general I just wish the entire VN was better written, the concept is just so good and the characters deserved better. Are there any similar VNs in terms of tone and scope?

i want to stick my dick in those drills

Anal fucking sucks. It might be exciting the first couple of times because it's a unique experience but after doing it more than that there's just no fun in it left. You only keep experimenting with anal after that because you've already gotten used to it and your body starts confusing your need to poop with a need to have something in your ass so you keep trying fit even bigger things in your ass. Eventually your asshole is too fucked up too feel anything even close to pleasure no matter how big things you stuff inside it and all you're left with is just a bunch of blood and shit every time you try it.

>Rin's route is the only one that's reasonably hard to get without a guide.
Wow, I got her on my first try. Why is her route hard to get though?

It's not, he's just retarded

emi number 1

She's more of a number 2 kind of girl though.

im gonna replay the rin route today

have fun
but remember she will never be real