He's a chink. It's their culture to copy everything and make money off of other's work. If he'd suffer any consequences, that's be racist because he isn't white and the land of the free is super inclusive and tolerant and shit
Brandon Gomez
Adam Thomas
But when pewdiepie does it it’s okay
Jeremiah Evans
the jews fear the samurai
Luke Hill
>journalist >reads reddit post >repeats the popular opinion
Logan Perry
Nobody outside of literal 18 year old zoomers say that.
Nicholas Mitchell
pewds doesn't pretend to be a journalist
Jack Ortiz
Pewds is also a faggot and will change his views based on where the money goes
Jonathan Howard
>is ok when japan does it
Xavier Jenkins
Levi Parker
Motherfucker! Are we talking about pubes? Stay on topic!
Lincoln Morales
He is correct though, doesn't matter how one note he is when that is the case. I mean do you people actually LIKE being nickel and dimed over and over again by shitty companies?
Elijah Thomas
Because 99% of people don't have the time or desire to read reddit posts or articles. People like this guy, Az and Quarterpounder provide a service as a news aggregator to people with lives.
Tyler Miller
>Makes 4000 video on Fallout 76 "Games are really falling in quality, unlike my content which has zero originality"
Kevin Carter
mgs v was the only good yong period
Josiah Perez
I don't even know who this guy is but these threads are funny lol
Blake Ward
Don't forget guys like Sinatra_Says and TheUmbrellaGuy that do the same for boomers and redpilled zoomers
Jaxson Hughes
he literally just reads reddit posts and Kotaku articles per verbatim, how does that make him a "journalist"
Jaxon Brooks
>Find X is happening and report how X is happening What do you think journos do
Carson Russell
I mean news anchor was probably a thing since news became a thing. When they didn't have telecommunications or literacy they had the town crier for it.
This reads like a Yea Forums post, except with indies and trans cropped out, what the fuck
Blake Powell
Also Schreier hates him for broadcasting dumps on Blizzard and Bethesda to millions when they would otherwise only be seen by reddit neets and other small communes of faggotry. He also made a based FO76 power suit helmet unboxing video that Bethesda gifted him where he shat on the studio the entire time. Say whatever you wish, Yong is /ourchink/
Jeremiah Parker
Because anti-SJWs are dumb sheeple, that's why. They're so desperate for any sort of validation that they dry-hump anyone who offers an opinion even slightly right-leaning of the far left. The left turn on each other like wolves if anyone expresses wrong-think. The right furiously sucks the dick of any figurehead in their own echochamber and calls them based or redpilled.
Samuel Russell
>one acts like a retard for the views of children, >the other likes to pretend he's a real journalist by reciting reddit posts and the opinions of others Yeah they're the same
Sebastian Peterson
Exactly, that's what's so refreshing. Felix is a disgusting Wh*toid chameleon who shifts from "Hehe im Tobuscus" to "hey fangirlz I do vlogs" to "lmao cuckz and liberals Ben Jewpiro is ebin" whenever his ratty swede nostrils sniff out more money and subscribers.
Yong on the other hand is unwavering in his stance and duty on predatory practices and informing the masses of ill intent, nor does he hide his monetary motives behind jumping ship to the next big craze in sacrifice of his core values. Yea is truely a metaphor for the rise of Asian civilisation, whilst Pewdiepie is a microcosm of the degeneracy and collapse of the West.
>Scams redditors out of shekels by reading their own posts back to them How do you not like this guy? He's based as fuck
John Edwards
This guy doesn't either.
Ryan Hall
So instead of reading something for 3 minutes you watch a video for 3 minutes? Sounds like you're just lazy.
Isaac Ortiz
you'd have to PAY me to read r*ddit posts
wait, that could have been me! noooo this can't be happening!
Wyatt Torres
No, instead of reading something for an hour---because let's be real, you're never reading one reddit post, you're browsing reddit or a publication--you're listening to a video in the background while you do other shit like work or game. I never read reddit or any gay tranny websites. I know about every major story anyway because of people like Yong. Granted, Yong is the worst at it. Just monotone, no personality or insights.
Chase Wood
That's the whole point, i don't need to monitor hundred of websites if i can get all my news from one source during the breakfast.
Kevin Sanchez
on the one hand thats correct but on the other he sometimes go somewhat indepth. it also saves you time since you dont have t o read the articles yourwself and filter all the fillers out.
Lmao what. He doesn't even do anything. He reads articles """""actual"""""" journalists wrote. He never goes out there himself to get information first hand at all.
Dylan Hernandez
Game journalism is a joke
Jayden Flores
I don't know who this is but he sure doesn't look like a video game. It seems like another board would be better suited to this post.
Reminder to report, sage and hide absolutely every single thread about this fat gook.
These threads are made by fat neckbeards who watched this gook's videos unironically but went full emo when MGSV turned out to be trash and then started shitting on everything they liked like a bunch of angsty teenagers.
Report all Yong threads, report all MGS-related threads, report all Kojima threads and report all Death Stranding threads.
The MGS fanbase deserves to be put down like the rabid dogs they all are.