It looks like shit

Everything costs mana, there are five types of mana, interface already has problems to be fixed by DLC.

Anyone else worried?

Attached: 330px-Imperator_Rome_banner.jpg (330x154, 10K)

I just want it to be good, Rome Universalis sucked.

No because i'm going to pirate

Okay, but can I drink titty milk?

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Not a fan of EU, more of a CK guy myself. And I don't really like how Johan does shit, so I'll be skipping this one.
Honestly I'm getting sick of every game primarily being based in europe.

>every game primarily being based in europe
just play Sengoku


>EUROPA Universalis
>Imperator ROME
Gee, I wonder why the focus is on Europe.

>muh mana
Fuck off with this.

That was my point though. A brand new game but set in the same region of the world as most of their other games. Yay.
I get that it has some new mechanics and different cultures than what we've seen, just seems boring to me though. You can't tell me that an Aztec based one wouldn't be fun as shit.

That's fair. I wouldn't really mind a different focus either.

I haven't been expecting much.

EU4 was their last game that I enjoyed, even with the shitty mana system and dumbing down comparatively to 3. At the very least they removed a lot of the clunkiness and bloat 3 had, like having to send out 10,000 royal marriages constantly throughout the game. EU is a more casual and accessible series anyway, much like Crusader Kings.

Stellaris had potential but never reached it. Too simplistic and lacking core diplomacy mechanics like trade.

HoI4 is a piece of shit. HoI is supposed to be an advanced series when it comes to the military aspects, much like Victoria is supposed to be an advanced series in every other aspect. I'm fine with Crusader Kings and EU being casualised but doing it to HoI simply tells me they're no longer capable of making a game with deep mechanics. The mana system being put into everything epitomizes this.

I'm willing to give this game a chance. I expect it to be very casual but if it's dynamic enough, like Crusader Kings, then I can forgive that. I don't expect it to be though.

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Europe is the only relevant historical continent. Deal with it.

>muh mana system
What did they mean by this

>Muh Mana boo hoooo

You could call any resource in any game mana you sperg.

Will it have family/dynasty mechanics similar to crusader kings II? What start dates will it have, will I be able to play Antony and impregnate Cleopatra? If no then Johan can fuck off with his EU IV reskin.

Not him but Sengoku is probably the most featureless undynamic game they've ever released. It's legitimately just a very rough beta test they did to help them make CK2. It's trash.

>You can't tell me that an Aztec based one wouldn't be fun as shit.
Might as well go full fantasy at that point. Developers focus on european history because that's what they're familiar with. Same with chinks and asian history.

I really wanted it to be good bros
>1 consul 5 year term
what the fuck man

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No to first question. Also characters stay in power for 5 years, and there's no second consul to challenge you.

Lurk more mesoautist. Btw you can play as Aztecs in eu4, you can download overhaul mods too

I never enjoy any paradox game but Stellaris which I played for hundreds of hours with friends and this looks fun to me.

So obviously I'm a massive casual plebicus maximus and this game will be lots of mindless fun and all the hardcore 4x fans will be very upset by this.

You can kick around a beer can and have "mindless fun with friends" of course people who actually want to play a good video game are going to be upset if it's shit

PDX is done, all they do now is DLC gold mines
nothing of importance to the world in history ever happened outside of Europe, or with help of European powers.

Also, PDX is form Europe, no wonder their games covering historic periods cover Europe

Also their India fetish grew old long time ago

Also if anyone from China, India, or whatever whant's to do game about their history is free to do so...

I'm sick of seeing people saying they should add China to Imperator.

Fuck the chinks

I'm sure you thought you sounded smart saying that old Yea Forums shitpost but you're not. Not all content is created equal and some games are better with friends than others because they are designed that way.

But proving your idiocy even more is bringing that up in a thread for a game meant to be played solo. Perhaps you should go reevaluate your life rather than trying to sound smart on a basket weaving image board.

Seem like it will be rather boring for me then.

wtf the Romans used magic!?!?

>oh yeah, muh china, muh provinces to paint your colour on, muh alternative history...

those people are fucking brain dead, they are the part of the problem, and part of the reason PDX just makes same game over and over again, never improving anything, and going by minimal effort every time

"let's just add some more provinces instead of developing new and meaningful mechanics for our game, people will think it's complex, cos map is big" - Johan, every fucking time

Lmao you haven’t even played any paradox games for years you angry little piglet

China is actually a very interesting region during the time-frame and was the most technologically advanced civilization on the planet.

That being said, there's no point in adding them to Imperator. They're not relevant and completely isolated from the rest of the game.