Can we have an エロゲ thread?

Can we have an エロゲ thread?
What are you guys playing? What are you guys looking forward too?
I'm playing 封緘 right now and it's alright but holy shit there are so many options to spend game currency on and I'm in a bit on a bind.

Also obligatory
>have sex

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Other urls found in this thread:

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give me a japanese twink bf

sometimes i

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Someone convinced me to try さくら、もゆ。 a few months back.
Currently I'm trying to finish Misaki's route in アオカナ. It's the only route I haven't done.
Then I might play Sakuuta.
I have a lot of 一般ゲーム backlogs too.

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Speak English, you weeaboo faggot.

And quit playing otome games.

It's fun to self-insert as an otome game protagonist, user. You should try it too sometimes. It's also really gay.

It's not otome game though.

Sorry, pal. I'd rather just go hard gay at that point. No otome game that's not eroge-tier would have a futa protagonist anyways.

Ssssh, just let that user assume it is.

>sekai project killed fan translations
>and now valve flip flopping has made japanese companies disregard the western market
I hate this.

>no fleurety route
fuck this game forever
i can forgive a lot of things but not this.
it was there, eushully. it was 90% there and all you had to do was write it out. but no, you'll take your dumb dolljoint fairy and you'll like her.

at least the dorf was cute.

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Which one is the dorf? Yunagi? Does she have route?

>What are you guys looking forward too?
Anything by Astronauts Sirius if it has gameplay
Eushully's artist still can't make fappable art

Cat ears blacksmith.
and nobody has a route, there's only one ending because god dammit eushully get your shit together.

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Speaking of Rosalind, how do I progress this? Is it main quest related?
Also the delivery system is fucking me over hard.
>got rare cool shit? Too bad we will pay you half the price for it so can buy them back at 4/5 the price

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buy her gimmick weapons in the shop, use them in battle once or twice until you get a short scene. then go back and buy the next one. for the armor, you have to get hit at least once.

and yeah, I get the idea behind it but in gameplay terms it's kinda dumb. best to not buy anything unless it's a BIG upgrade in stats. upgradable weapons are much more useful.

These (the GS and hammer)? I've been using the shit GS for a while and haven't got any scene yet. No idea which armor you're talking about.

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Nevermind, bought the hammer and immediately got a scene.

Nothing. Nothing.

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Jesus fucking Christ who can draw shit like this seriously, it's so funny

I like big boobs and all but this is body horror tier.

still better than the Eushully artist


untranslated weebshit belongs on /jp/ newfag

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Eushully games are garbage erotically, but they're still games faggot

Ok, mr. president.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture
All images and discussion should pertain to light and visual novels, figures and other otaku paraphernalia, Touhou Project, Vocaloid, doujin works and music, and diverse niche Japanese interests (kigurumi, idols, mahjong, tea).
This is the appropriate board for the discussion of Japanese visual novels and light novels. Western visual novels should be posted to /vg/, and translated visual novels are fine on either board.

unless you're the owner of Yea Forums, IDGAF

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It's not a ln or visual novel, figure, Touhou, Vocaloid, doujin, nor is it kigu, idolshit, mahjong, or tea.
It's an unlocalized game. We can talk about final fantasy/dragon quest games on Yea Forums before they get translated so we can talk about eushully games on Yea Forums

Literally fucking impossible.

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Has anyone played イブニクル2?

I was thinking of buying it.

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nope, but I'm sure it's probably just as good as 1

>ignored previous impossible shit
>ended up with this fucker instead
Guess I'll have to reload.

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Play Fumika's game

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That's weird looking megumin.

>tfw EOP and too lazy to learn moon
Why are there like 5 good translated gameplay eroge bros

there is an english partial translation patch for grasesta 1.03 + append 1,2
check it out


>interface only
But I need my shitty story

FR that's just her with a poorly drawn head.

Nah, just a costume. Game's Fumika Fantasy, huge lolige that got recently translated. Had a good time with it for a while.

use agth then

I need my shitty story to have the exquisite prose of random JOPs who translate Laotian porn games for free.

dude did you kill off Peyro (the ugly skinny guy)? he's one of the more useful characters

just learn japanese

I will NEVER EVER use the fat fuck and the seedy looking guy user.

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Delete kanji and I will

The fat bastard is completely useless 99% of the time but he is a big help in tough boss battles like because he has a skill where all the damage gets focused on him when he blocks. If you give him the right armor he can basically nullify those attacks. The problem is making sure he gets a turn before the attack happens.

On top of that I think you have to hire him a few times to unlock scenes for other characters like the elf (no they don't fuck)

But Kanji are nice. Japanese with only kana would have been a clusterfuck.

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Japanese would have developed much like any other language if they didn't adopt Kanji

>On top of that I think you have to hire him a few times to unlock scenes for other characters like the elf
Oh well.
What makes Peyro good anyway?

I'd play professional eroge more if they had a "just give me a short summary of this scene" option.
Getting bombarded with hours worth of VN scenes and taking guesses on which one of them are A FUCKING WASTE OF TIME to read isn't that interesting or fun.

any other western language*

The fact that kana are shitty alphabets doesn't make kanji "nice". It's not practical to memorize hundreds of squiggly hieroglyphs just to be able to read and write in a language that's really not that complicated.

He's really fast, give him and Yunagi speed boosting shit and they'll get like 2-3 attacks before your other characters even get 1

Well, looks like I don't have it yet.
Any other skills you recommend leveling up first? Everything being fucking tied to GP makes making choices a bit tough.
I'm thinking about saving 12k to get to the next rank first.

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forgot to mention grasesta version 1.04 and append 3 is out
download from support page

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If you aren't a middle rank slave yet do that first because you'll get a whole bunch of treasure that mostly pays for the cost

Get the skill that increases enemy's delay when you attack them, I think Yunagi and the elf both have it, if you keep spamming attacks the enemy will never be able to act