The Cult of FromSoftware/Soulsborne

As an outsider to the Soulsborne genre (it's not my cup of tea) I can see why people like them and why they dislike them. I can see what they do right (old school challenging trial and error to learn patterns) and I can see where they falter (horrible IQ, performance, jankiness, and accessibility).

What I don't see however is why FromSoftware and the Soulsborne genre is treated with such mythic reverence here and elsewhere online. The games can be rightly called good, some excellent even, but they aren't revolutionary. They are an evolution of an existing genre and From isn't even the sole proprietor of said genre.

Every good developer gets praised here for the most part, that's not an issue. What I see however, is an intense hyperbolic worship of FromSoftware and the Soulsborne genre. It even gets to the point where it gets nasty, see the accessibility "debate" over Sekiro.

I want to understand why.

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Other urls found in this thread:

underdog mentality
before Demon's Souls, they were obscure
some games were interesting, others were flawed
associating yourself with such a developer is a quick path to internet brownie points

It seems personal bias has clouded your mind. Think about that for a while and come back.

They don't follow trends.


what did OP mean by this


The games were build around their fucking communities nothing else. If that rat faced chink Miyazaki thinks he can remove the pvp and builds from these games he's in to a rough wake up

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Oh no nonononoNONO!
Trannies confirmed for hating Souls games. This is BULLSHIT!

What did he mean by this

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Precisely this. You can tell by the way Sekiro sold a gazillion units that he won't forget to break his games for shitty tacked-on PvP.

you're overthinking it. they make good games, that's it
also this probably

Fucking hell, the discord trannies are at it again

Their games require a lot of effort to play well and have a lot of opportunities to set even more extra challenges for yourself.

People who base their own self image around beating difficult games can finally have something to lord over the 'casuals' and feel superior.
Even better, the goalposts can always be moved (you can't beat the game? - casual, you have beaten it with summons? - casual, you have beaten it without summons but only on NG? - casual, you have beaten it with parrying? - casual...) so there is always something new to show how much better you are than the new players.

From obviously encourages this, as it prevents legit criticisms from being heard (the camera is fine, you just need to git gud, etc.).
This reinforcement combined with the self-entitlement has created the most ridiculously autistic, self-hating fanbases on the internet which probably discourages a lot of people from actually trying out and enjoying these otherwise fun games.

It can be occasionally fun though, watching the turboautists argue over who is more of a shitter (I once legit saw a post under one of the no hit runs on youtube screeching about how badly the streamer was doing)

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Yeah except for it selling a billion copies
I hope he makes an armored core game next so you pvpnigger have to wait another 4 years minimum on a new game for even the hope of having a new PvP
Go back to ds3, I heard they found a new twink one shot build to ruin PvP with

This, but the for those that enjoy their games, they scratch a very particular itch. Plus the build variety in most of their games is killer and changes up the gameplay enough to be a fresh experience.

Completing From software games gives me the smug satisfaction of being able to do things that disabled people can't.

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They have that little extra. Dark Souls 1 was highly regarded because it was a difficult, punishing game that was overall very fair. It doesn't hold your hand what so ever, not with exploration, not with telling the story, and not with how to even build your character. It punishes being bad, while making it difficult to get good. This creates a sense of accomplishment in the player when they do get good.
Games these days just don't offer this. Either the progression is too slow (online multiplayer games) or the progression is not there at all (most RPGs).

>What I don't see however is why FromSoftware and the Soulsborne genre is treated with such mythic reverence here and elsewhere online.
Because if you don't treat the series well it means your accomplishments are cheapened. This is also why everyone insists you play a certain way with a certain weapon, certain armor, etc. If you prove that the game design is shitty and/or flawed, it invalidates the quality of the game and the sense of accomplishment for people who beat it "the real way".

I like Dark Souls. I like Bloodborne. I don't like the community for these games because it full of retards that think the games are hard, when the reality of it is that the games are just jank as fuck action games full of enemies that hit too hard and have shitty hitboxes.

More like game journalists.
There's already videos of a quadriplegic styling all over those retards and beating the entire game with any easy mode shit.

Honestly, there's no such thing as a good action game.

Go play the last of us 2 of you don't Like games with pvp


As a much better and more important PvPer then you, I have to say PvP wouldn't work in Sekiro.

Nah thanks I'd rather play Sekiro instead. Thanks for the tears tho, they're delicious.

99% of people know from software from dead internet "memes".
I wonder what it would be to start a company 30 years ago.
Never accomplish anything making niche game here and there.
But then some stupid asshole makes internet joke 20 years later and now you are only known for that despise of 30 years of work.

They're good developers, people like their products. What other company has made 6 consecutive hits lately? I know people shit on DaS2 here, but it's still universally lauded. It might be a 'bad' Souls game, but it was still better than the majority of games released that year.
So that's what explains the 'fandom' of From. Why you think it's an "intense hyperbolic worship", well I think you've got to look inside to answer that. Seems like you've already made up your mind on the point and just want to rile people up. Doesn't seem like you want to understand why anyway, you just want to push some kind of narrative.
Like; said.

>Never accomplish anything making niche game here and there.
Armored Core was massive in the PS1/2 days, hell the japanese PS classic console comes with Armored Core games.

well first of all, subjectively speaking, i dont find the games to have poor performance or be janky at all. obviously the games are still SOFTWARE so will have bugs/quirks (Yea Forums loves to post those hitbox webms) but those are the exceptions, not the rule. not sure what you mean by "horrible IQ".

part of why i like them is hard to put into words. sometimes certain games just click for certain people, and these games fall into that category for me. FFT, Homm3, older civ games, and a handful of others also hit these buttons for me. i could go into specific reasons there too, but ultimately there's a certain intangible element where the games just ...feel good. if i had to put it into words though, here's my best shot:

1) whether you enjoy them or not, you cant deny the games' focus is around GAMEPLAY. you can skip virtually all "cutscenes" (of which there are few anyway) and dialog throughout the game and just get into the combat. that's a big plus in my book, nothing turns me off more than having to sit through 5-10+ full minutes of F-tier writing and voice acting. compare this to something like witcher 3, where the combat blows and the narrative is...videogame-tier. all the power to you if you enjoy that, but i cant stand it. good story/lore/atmosphere is awesome but souls treats it more like 'icing on the cake' vs. the 'main course' which i like.

2) the combat is engaging. you need timing/positioning/reflexes, and the game punishes button mashing; in short you have to pay attention, which sounds silly but most games these days can be steamrolled.

3) this holds a bit less true for sekiro, but i love games that allow "character building"/progression.

4) i like the settings, esp dark souls (i'm a sucker for medieval fantasy type games).

5) once you play for awhile you realize that death really isnt as punishing as people make it out to be, but even so there is much more at stake when dying in souls than in most games these days

None of the people that worked on those games is still around.

sekiro is not a soulsborne game

it's like saying AC is a souls game

>I want to understand why.
Good level design and variety
Good world building
No interactive movie horseshit

kota is still around

Armored Core PVP is a lot more fun than DaS PVP anyway. At least it's actually team based instead of always being a gankfest.

Wanna know how I know you're retarded?

Not totally on topic here, but the debate on Sekiro is stupid, and neither side gets the true core of the issue:

Not all media is meant to be enjoyed by every person.

That's it. No other statement needs to be made. You like sekiro, cool. Play and enjoy. Don't like it, in part or in whole? Fine, don't play it then. Not difficult to figure out at all.

And before someome says I'm entitled, considder this:

>a northerner who lives in a cjty listens to country music and says "they need to change their lyrics, because it doesn't appeal to me"
>a homosexual man watches lesbian porn and says "woah! This shit it nasty! They simply MUST change their content so I don't get grossed out"
>a hardcore science fiction fan watches a soap opera and says "man, they need more time travel and aliens in this shit. Better start a social media campaign to shame them into the changes I want"

All rediculous scenarios, right? So then why is it OK for people who just consume AAA mass appeal games to bitch and whine because a niche game isn't their cup of tea, and demand changes be made? It's equally as stupid, and entitled as the outlandish examples I gave.

If a game doesn't appeal to you, then don't fuckkmg play it. End of story.

What these Anons say. The "difficulty" do the games fosters a smug, elitist atmosphere that allows virgins to lord superiority over other virgins because they can roll and dodge better than you can. Any legitimate criticism of the game is met with a thousand "GIT GUD"s because autists don't want to admit that the game that made them feel so good and accomplished may have legitimate flaws. If you like the games, fine, go ahead. I can see the appeal. But don't try to lord superiority over others and shit on other games because they're "casual". Not everyone enjoys endless trial and error with no real reward besides the self-esteem boost you get completing a hard boss

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i saw the trannies at resetera unironically saying “they are no naughty dog / sony santa monica”.

nearly spat my drink when i read that. they legit think uncharted 2 and dad of war 2018 are ‘masterpieces’.

i will never for the life of me understand what these trannies find so amazing sbout uncharted 2. its a bogstandard setpieces third person shoot em up interspersed with shimmying climbing, its the same fucking formulaic gameplay for 4/5 hours and can be completed in a day. I would put any action Resi over it since setpieces dont impress me, and the ‘story/writing’ is Indy Jones-tier. There is absolutely nothing impressive going on.

>sekiro is not a soulsborne game

sekiro extends the souls combat formula, but its combat is still fundamentally extremely similar. even enemies like the dogs/chickens are direct carry-overs from previous games as far as their animations and behavior. it has bonfires, shortcuts, "souls" (Sen)--simply having a 2nd currency that you also lose on death doesn't magically make the whole system different. the game is designed around content between boss fights, which throw up fog walls, just like souls. NPCs also operate identically--you can skip most of them altogether, rush through their dialoge, etc, or they have some obscure quests you can follow.

i could go on further, but you see the idea. bloodborne added some twists on the souls formula, but was ultimately still the same formula. same deal here. i dont know why it matters to you.

get good retard

Please don't tell me you're going to say something about people that worked on Armored Core released about 2000. Might as well leave it dead, because that series was bargain bin trash after Master of Arena.

You suffer from a special snowflake condition, you think you're unique and special for not doing something

Try being less uo your own ass

>It doesn't hold your hand what so ever
Yeah this aspect is so well designed I'm sure everyone farmed the chalice dungeons or found any dlc on their own instead of looking up a guide

People jerk off dark souls because they want to make themselves believe that they're really good at video games despite dark souls not being hard. Dark Souls certainly has its moments, but the majority of the wank is shitters. People love Armored Core despite its flaws because it has some really good challenges and great customization. You don't hear the majority masturbate about AC because game journalists don't actually like challenging games.

I like master of arena but I don't know how you can say that when everything until last raven was basically building on top of the ps1 games

You don't know anything about Armored Core. Shut your retard mouth.

>farmed the chalice dungeons
why would you farm chalice dungeons unless you are intentionally trying to "meta" game?

>horrible IQ
What does this mean?

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>because that series was bargain bin trash after Master of Arena.
Holy mother of pretentiousness, at least play the games you're supposed to shitpost about.

onto dad of war, their other ‘supposed’ masterpiece -

a posterchild of how western devs cant ‘get’ how souls approaches difficulty and instead thinks difficulty is HP sponges

a game that prioritizes shitty cinematic cameraplay over actually being able to play the game. enemies that are continually behind you and have to be signposted because the fucking camera cant just zoom the fuck out

a story that, again, is nothing special, is not deep, is just bogstandard action movie stuff. must appeal to thirty something marvel manchilds who think logan is a deep movie.

the same basic 4 enemy types everywhere, 2 legit bosses that it wasted all of its budget on, one of them being a gimmick boss. tons of copy paste troll mini bosses that all do the same shit

tons of talking with the child walkie talkie sections that ruin replayability and are no longer important on any second playthrough and just get in the way.

tons of climb here/climb there sections to hide loading times.

but yeah, from aint no sony santa monica. thank fick for thst. stay seething, resetera trannies.

You're right, up to Last Raven was passable. AC4+ is when the series turned to outright trash.

Started playing AC before you were born.

That's funny, I thought AC came out in 97.

You need to reach a certain age. Clearly, you haven' t.

Because people like games that are actual games and not movies.

The secret of souls games is that the multiplayer was designed as an extension of the single-player experience, and pvp fags are a minority of the fanbase. sekiro lacks multiplayer because the standard souls multiplayer system does not work with paid online, which is the same reason it was downplayed in bloodborne. Dont expect souls online to make a comeback any time soon unless console online goes free again or dark souls 4 is developed

>I want to understand why.

I can answer this. They have become symbolic of obnoxious incel loser gatekeeping. Now these incels losers aren't actually that good at games despite basing their entire personality around them (you can't expect much of someone who thinks anime is the pinnacle of media) so they don't play any actual difficult games, they're too hard. What the Souls games are are just hard enough that "normies" don't really care to play but easy enough that even an incel loser can beat it. And so they flock around this franchise like it's god's gift to mankind because to them that's what it is. Anything that reinforces the notion that games are their super secret private club is.

How embarrassing
Soulsfags really are this insecure

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Not him but I ran out of blood vials while trying to beat the orphan so I had to

i dont think that's the only reason sekiro lacks multi. souls games were already plagued with latency problems since the combat really required both plays to be reacting in real time, but it still worked since the combat was slower. with the focus on parries/deflects etc pvp in sekiro would be tough on anything except a perfect connection.

Because Souls games are genuinely great. Even if we aren't talking about the gameplay, the atmosphere/world design/lore/characters in these games are just top notch

that's not the kind of thing he was referring to though, you didnt need a guide to realize you could buy 50+ vials at a time by clearing the first room in loran chalice, which obviously isnt "hidden" in any way shape or form.

nice projecting

Why are you so mad? This post was made by a person who got filter'd by
>Capra Demon in 2011
>Gascoigne in 2015
>Chained Ogre in 2019

the community with demons souls wasnt even pvp heavy it was about sharing info on levels and tactics on bosses. it was built on the online community but the pvp community has always been a separate pulsating tumor.

i dont actually believe that playing souls games makes me "hardcore" or anything like that, but i'm genuinely curious what games you consider "actually hard"? vidya as a whole is a manchild hobby because it's inherently easy (HURR DURR SIT ON COUCH AND PRESS BUTTONS). souls is therefore easy by definition, its just tougher RELATIVE to most other vidya.

It's the sort of game that a lot of people have wanted at least since PS2 era. It feels a great deal like old high fantasy action adventure games, which alone is not so fancy although entertaining, but it comes combined with a realistic aesthetic and more demanding gameplay mechanics.

It feels like an extension of a lot that made older video games good. That's sorely missing from other modern games, like lessons from previous generations have been completely forgotten.
I think this is the biggest reason the series is highly respected by modern gamers. It makes the competition look really stupid in a lot of ways, even though they don't do much to achieve that.

>but i'm genuinely curious what games you consider "actually hard"?

Golden Axe: Beast Rider is significantly harder than any Souls game.

the combat isn't what makes a game "souls"

You do not traverse fog like in soulsborne, you do not level up your stats like in soulsborne, you do not create your character like in soulsborne, you are not grounded in movement like in soulsborne, you do not upgrade equipment like in soulsborne, you do not have armor like in soulsborne

The list goes on and on. Souls did not invent boss fights or checkpoints.


you do not invade other worlds like in soulsborne, you do not leave messages like in soulsborne, you do not have classes, etc

>i'm genuinely curious what games you consider "actually hard"?
*action game I was struggling with when I was 12*
*action game on the highest difficulty*
*a ninja gaiden game I haven't even played*
>'''''''''''''''''''''''easy''''''''''''''''''''''' button masher game
*any souls game*
Here, expect at least 20 replies like this

ahem brace yourself the autists will come flocking in now
ninja gaiden black

Demons souls was revolutionary. And at this point it’s had just as much influence over the industry as skyrim

>as much influence over the industry as skyrim
What influence did it have? As far as I can remember Skyrim doesn't have any clones

>AC4+ is when the series turned to outright trash
Parrot. Want some crackers, Polly?

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>And at this point it’s had just as much influence over the industry as skyrim

Not really. Some Europeans tried and failed to capitalize on it but everyone else hasn't really taken anything from it. The closest that comes to mind of any major dev taking anything from Souls is the pvp hacking in Watch Dogs, something which is actually better than invasions in Souls games.

Yeah, it even has the same combat!

>The closest that comes to mind of any major dev taking anything from Souls
You act like Nioh doesn't exist. Team Ninja are huge fans of Souls games. Also nuGoW was inspired by Bloodborne if I'm not mistaken

>intentionally trying to "meta" game?
That's my point. The only reason they're challenging at all is because From doesn't bother explaining how anything works so my 12 year old brother who looked it up completely steamrolled the game. I don't think that's good design at all.

>You act like Nioh doesn't exist.
Oh, fuck off. Tecmo has been doing this shit since long before From.

>Also nuGoW was inspired by Bloodborne if I'm not mistaken
You are mistaken.

You don't think From invented the third person action adventure genre, do you? Because they didn't.

Why are you like this? Both of the devs I've mentioned state their unfluences. Main inspirations for Nioh were Souls and Diablo, you can look it up.

That's called marketing. I could claim this post is inspired by Dark Souls and technically that's true but it's not true I took anything from Dark Souls to make this post despite that inspiration.

Yikes, OP blown the fuck out of the water.

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>He fell for the wider audience meme

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>Demons souls was revolutionary.
>Third person shadow tower
It only made games like Shadow Tower or King's Field more appealing to normalfags due to being able to see your own character, don't kid yourself.
The power of cosmetic value and narcissism is a frightening thing.

I mean, can you deny that Demon Souls/Dark Souls isn't the most influential game in the past decade?
Even fucking BoTW took major inspiration from the Souls games.

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sweet pasta

like i said, it slightly changes the souls formula, but it has so many other similarities it's silly. just because they changed "bonfires" to "idols", "souls" to "sen", and restrict you to 1 weapon doesn't magically make it a departure from the formula. you're just moving the goalposts.

This pvp is the only thing i care about

like i said, souls is just hard RELATIVE to MOST vidya, if the best you can come up with some obscure title that most of Yea Forums has probably never heard of, you're just proving my point.

did you actually play king's field? those games were cool but clunky as fuck and compared to similar games that came out around time they looked and felt like awkward garbage. it's fairly obvious you were born around that time

Stop posting RetardEra threads, faggot.

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why do you browse reeeee so much that you could immediately recognize this as a resetera pasta? why do you browse reeeee at all?

the last of us has PvP though idiot

>those games were cool but clunky as fuck
Exactly like Souls then.
>compared to similar games that came out around time they looked and felt like awkward garbage
Same as Souls, difference being that Souls is in third person, which allows people to go beyond the clunkiness and mediocre graphics and animations much more than a first person game, which is why no one uses the FPS mods for those games despite being made by people who want to make them look and feel like the old KF/ST games.

Before calling anyone underages at least read what people post in here, you fucking retard.

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>I want to understand why.
There's nothing to understand pother than the nasty behavior. Wanna know why people are mad as fuck about the easy mode whiners? Entitled whiny shitters are trying to dilute our games because they're jealous that we can beat them and they can't. So rather than admit to and accept their inferiority, they whine and try to make the devs accommodate them.

>why FromSoftware and the Soulsborne genre is treated with such mythic reverence
>I can see what they do right (old school challenging trial and error to learn patterns)
Games that respect the fact that you're human and capable of thought/learning/pattern recognition/prediction are worthy of at least the asking price.

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>Exactly like Souls then.

if you think king's field is as clunky as souls, you've clearly never played king's field. like i said, you're clearly an underage little kid, you're really just embarrassing yourself.

>Not open for further replies.

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>if you think king's field is as clunky as souls
It is, KF was only slower and didn't have rollspam, which isn't saying much relative to its time, and starting from ST the games got faster either way, the general game paradigm is the exact same outside of STA being a bit on the crazier side when it comes to equipment, but even there there's not really that much of a difference, especially considering that the first ST was the game that introduced the concept of souls as a currency in the lore.
But keep calling me underage anyway, I understand it's cool and fashionable to be a good little fromdrone nowadays, but that won't stop people like me who actually played those games back in the days to laugh at you.

they were obscure until dark souls, in the west at least. demon's souls sold like a million copies worldwide. it's funny that so many kids pretend to have played it before they played dark souls though.

It's because the Souls series borrowed elements from other obscure titles (mainly other From games) and put them into one package. Because From was a niche company before DeS, most people haven't played these games and think they're revolutionary now that they're in Souls.

I don't see the hype either. The Souls games are just grimdark Zelda with equally simplistic combat.

And mods shut the thread down lol. God forbid people actually talk about games on era.