Why are gamers so apathetic to each other?

Why are gamers so apathetic to each other?

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lmao who cares

who cares lmao

lol women am i right

because life was shit to most of them the rest have a huge boner for competition, or both. Being a loser at gaming you might as well not be considered a humanbeing.

Gamers are brainwashed by society to be apathetic to each other, so they don't unite and take over.

You know, to get a girl you have to offer a little more than just interest.

so gamer gate wasnt filled with gamers!? holy shit!

>why are a bunch of autistics apathetic

>life was shit to most gamers
That is a pretty simplistic world view you have there.

read the rest. it's open ended, it could mean anything that involves being shat on.

I think the picture is signifying that too.

*ahem ahem*
apathy is DEATH

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Someone being mean to you in a video game means you had a shitty life, and that is the reason you play video games? That's a bit incoherent, so i decided to just not adress it.


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no dipshit, you beinng asshole in game is probably from your own shitty life. Wow you are dumb.

Is this one of those

looking into a mirror is the most painful shit ever and relationships no matter how small take effort
i have over 80 friend requests pending and im just an above average skilled faggot, i decided that one person i used voice with i would accept and we would play together
we didnt really have any meaningful conversation, i took a break from the game for a couple of days and when i got back he was upset that i was gone for a few days asking me where ive been
isnt that fucking weird? i prefer leaving the game without having to find the right way to do it without seeming "rude"
maybe im autistic idc

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Is there a version with an empty door at 30? 35 of they hit the wall later.

But I'm not an asshole in games. I'm more the silent type.
All kinds of people are playing games. Saying that they all fit neatly into two boxes is just simplistic.

Because everyone has their own set of guidelines and gets upset when someone else says they are unreasonable.

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I think you're partially right there. How skilled you are determines how well you perform in the game. If you are playing a team game and you are unskilled, you are a detriment to your team. There's no room for touchy feely shit if you want to win, you either do or you die.

Depends really but nobody likes a crybaby.

Pretty sure you're an asshole and it doesn't mean that you say anything either I'm pretty sure you also teabag people and do some unsportsmanlike things. In the end my point was the shittiness of your life varies.

This but unironically. I just wish I was gay, the only thing leading me towards women are primal urges. Women offer almost nothing of value besides their bodies.

>Why are gamers so apathetic to each other?

I'm not sure what you mean. Can you elaborate? How are we being apathetic to each other exactly?

So they want dates, but not from disgusting betas who try to get a date through reddit PMs?

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he probably thinks banter means we don't care for each other
or something stupid like that

I don't even play shooters. Most I do is taunt in a fighting game, but that is just banter, not being an asshole.

Anyway, I think you're severely stretching your argument by saying "everyone has shitty lives, so everyone plays games", because by saying that you end up saying nothing.

>there are people here and even the artist themself so socially undeveloped they still see this image as satire

here's a food analogy for you Yea Forums
Woman who claim to be lonely are like someone starving to death at an all you can eat buffet

That and the ability to generate an army of mini (you)s

If anything, the insults, even sincere ones, show a lack of apathy.

Only if most of the food is like rotting meat.

isn't apu supposed to be a kid? this is child porn user

That's included in the "besides their bodies"

Not that you incels would know but it takes more than a warm meatbag to alleviate loneliness. It has to be someone who gets you and who you connect with. Yes, I know you fedoralords think you'd be the most doting and caring boyfriend if only Stacy (REE) gave you a chance, but for that very reason you are the absolute worst.

they have standards user, women are not allowed to have them
they HAVE to suck the reddit whiteknights dicks, remember incels are of reddit origin

Women will never know true loneliness.

people born after the spread of the internet will never know true loneliness

why is it okay to call a guy an incel for not wanting to date a fat chick then?

>it takes more than a warm meatbag to alleviate loneliness

It's much easier to connect with men than women. You have a much higher chance of finding a man that gets you than a woman who gets you, aka a friend. So the literal only advantage women have is a wet, warm spot to place your dick.

making food analogies is like going to mcdonalds and ordering a salad

I think being thirsted on by selfish retards who just want to have sex with you is pretty lonely

That's why I feel lonely on this website

fucking KEK

not even an incel but, it still looks retarded
They would rather starve to death and whine about how they are starving than to eat some of the food they don't like and actually live

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depressed and anxious people sit inside alone
where's the crossover for the people who sit inside and play games all day?

I used to think this was how it works until I realised I was gay.

Beggars can't be choosers user. Also it's easier than ever for women to get dates these days.
>use tinder
>or the myriad of women-first dating apps
>swipe to accept
>fuck chad
>ask if he wants to do this again

You're correct that meatbags don't cure loneliness. But you'll still get REEd at.

It's not, incel women are retarded too

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it isnt morally good but people don't care so it's morally neutral

this, don't blame it on 'muh gender' you have every opportunity to find people, we even have you dumb NEETs

I am okay with dating a slut t b q h.

Bullshit, most of the lonely people here want someone to fuck AND to feel emotionally validated

because they hate themselves, and anyone who resembles them. They only chase after the ones that push them away, since only that reinforces their self-hating narrative.

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I wish I came to the same realization. Dealing with men's shit is much easier than dealing with women's shit. Though maybe that's not true for gay man, I don't really know that many.

I think making food analogies is like jogging to a bakery to get an ice cream cake


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meeting other people who are in the desperation tier is a really awful environment 90% of the times
thats why tinder sucks cock

I was just going with what the other user was saying you absolute troglodyte. Learn to read before making a mongoloid post like that next time

Never ever forget that Gen Z is unironically the least promiscuous generation and it's literally backed up by Pew and several other research centers. Tinder hardly works for most people and no, exceptions are not the rule, etc. etc.

>Has to be someone who gets you and who you connect with
How can you ever possibly have that if you don't want to open up to people and give them a chance to grow with you?
Ah, love at first sight, right?

Reading a food analogy is like being at computers

Yeah but yall stink like shit

I just want to date a cute weeb again, but since graduating college I dont know how to find them.


Lmao, imagine unironically believing this. To imply we have control is to imply free will exists, and that my friend is a brainlet claim to make.

Being with someone shitty is worse than being alone.

read: someone who validates you well enough so that you don't realize they're doing it
it ain't special nigger, its just slightly mroe advanced warm meatbag tactics

That's because everyone grew out of that dumb teen phase. Everyone except for you.

This is a good thing.

Isnt it just Gen Z men who are celibate, while Gen Z women are getting laid the same amount? Or am I mixing that up with the millenial study?


You only got yourself to blame if you don't try to find the 10% in it either way.

There are many ways to tell. In the case mentioned about it's pretty obvious that a guy in the horde of social retards who try to court women they wrongly perceive as vulnerable to their advances isn't worth much.

Tbqh saying no to a date from reddit seems like a sign of sanity more than anything.

Yes, you are supposed to validate and support your partner and people you care about. No matter how much that says about society.

At least fucking try to date one of them
the women got hundreds of DMs so its likely at least a few are good.
>but too much effort
then maybe you deserve to be alone if your going to refuse to actually put the effort into finding someone who will love you


>Ah, love at first sight, right?

While the idea of love at first sight is obviously ridiculous, I've usually been able to tell shortly after meeting a girl if there's a chance we could work or not. And with the majority of them, I immediately knew it wouldn't work out so I didn't invest any more time into it. Not that the other ones were love at first sight, but I could tell there was something worth nurturing in the relationship.

i mean that's what we do here on Yea Forums right? blame ourselves and rant about things that don't matter to anyone else
or are you under the delusion that you're in this thread to talk sense into people

Then don't whine about being alone, it makes you look like a cunt. It's not that you're alone and nobody likes you, it's that you have standards and the people that are interested in (you) do not fit your criterias

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Wrong, my girl friend will sit down and listen to my bullshit even if it's some of the most petty things that I just need to get off my chest, plus she hugs me when I feel down and makes me do what's best for me

>teen phase

>you HAVE to date at least SOME of us!
Incel entitlement right here.

Rationality and truth are counter productive in some areas and it's why we come stocked with efficient delusion making.

>Are you a man or a cuck?

>isn't worth much
Neither are those women if they're complaining about their lonliness. All just comes back to
doesn't it? Sure that's a good thing?

enjoy it while it lasts

no you are an asshole.
Assholes make any excuse for their behavior and call it banter.

It's just overall. There's some studies suggesting men are getting laid less but I think it's due to new hobbies (like VIDEO GAMES) and shit, so we have new ways of being fulfilled and occupied. I'm sure poorer areas and places without modern technology are probably more promiscious but it's all speculation on my part.

Not on Yea Forums this board is hopeless as fuck, but I myself have made several friends from other boards, it's not that difficult either.

Nah you just have to find a woman with high IQ, which is super rare but they exist


Seems a lot of dumb cybervirgins find them worth courting so I dunno about that logic.

They're no different than forever alone males. They want their ideal man to come in a sweep them off their feet without having to do any actual work. Also doesn't help that the majority of those guys that were PMing them were most likely ugly ass men looking for a desperate woman to fuck.

they also hive mind apparently

I know, my problem is that some people don't like it unless its done stealthily. Otherwise it makes them more accurately judge themselves and that feels bad if you had a good impression. It's pathetic.

They're too busy RISING UP.

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I never said connecting with women is impossible. I've been there, I've been in love, I like the comforting embrace of a woman, but the fact remains - men are much more likely to understand you than women.

Why is it so much work?

No, your problem is that you think you have everything figured out and wrapped in a hot take that comforts you. Life isn't that simple and you don't know shit.

Nobody wants to be with some shitty beta orbiter

If you want a GF you have to be the person she wants

sure you have a qualitative life, i can tell because you're wasting time posting here despite how hopeless it is
nice cope though

this is the text of the spoiled little girl

I'm still looking. Sadly, the last time I found an intelligent girl that was interesting to talk to, she just happened to be a complete slut. So, there's a combination of factors needed for things to actually work out.

ah sorry, let me guess, BMW and giorgo armani is part of the criteria ?

>Boys won't raise their children...Men will raise someone else's
Hello everyone i'd like you to meet my wifes son

can i find love if im a 5'9 manlet

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This. Think of how many people you see every single day and how virtually none of them are people you want to fuck.

the average height is a manlet now?

No, but you definitely need a way better attitude than that.

Actually it's always been like the "after" because women have always had the short end of the stick when it comes to reproduction.
Impregnate a woman and you're fine the second after.
Get impregnated as a woman and that's 9 months of keeping the child in the womb, not to count breastfeeding afterwards.

That's why women always want better than them, it's nature

Someone edit chad into this

Manlet is a state of mind.
>actually listening to literal memes on an american patty flipping forum

I like shitposting like everyone else

>tfw virgin 5'4 manlet with a receding hairling

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Sure, if you're rich

6'3 is the cutoff now

In 2030 the cutoff will be 6'9 and only bigfoots will be able to find love

5'9 was the manlet cutoff in the early 2000s before fitness became mainstream and everyone started going to the gym. Now 5'9 either means that you started off like a gigamanlet or you're not even trying.

>Men will raise someone else's

The only kid I'd ever raise that's not mine is my brother or sister's kid in case they died, god forbid. What is this cuck shit

As long as you're not a mouthbreather jawlet you're fine

Manlet detected

Imagine thinking choice is a bad thing because you can't get your dick wet.

And yet the affection apparently isn't returned, is it?
Strange, isn't it?
Says a lot, doesn't it?

Women have less incentive to lower their standards, the fact that they have to find a providing male to be secure in child rearing is enough of a strain that they even developed cheating instincts as a work around all to get the best genes available.
Men can lower their standards and will lower their standards to pass on their genes. The fact that human males have standards to begion with is an anomaly compared to most species but even then it fails to trump the female sexual gate keeping that will always result in the male being being twice as attractive as their female mate in most pairings.

It's also made worse in this modern era because women are not attracted to men who have no providing traits. This means men that make less money than them, so basically you have a pool of attractive women hitting their 30s who have a hard time because they've cut themselves off from a lot of attractive men due to them making less.

Don't project your inability to understand shit on me. I dislike dishonesty.

Says a lot about you. Very little if anything at all about women.

Why does it feel so nice to hold a girl?

I have a strong jawline, but I also have doctor diagnosed assburgers and really bad social anxiety

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>TFW no gf for years

i have had girls send me signals and i kind of turn around and run away because i just don't know what to do or say, every time they think im not interested but in truth i just dont know what to do im actually romantically retarded
sometimes i also panic because when my mental health is shitty i feel like they can see right through me
what do?

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Nice try. The biggest manlet posters are like 5'6", go away you gnome.

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>The virgin journey
>The chad destination

I havent known the feel in a long time bro

This comic is partially correct but conveys the message in a very shit way.

Literally me except I'm 5'5

>be 5'8
>have no trouble finding women since 95% of them are still shorter than me

I know it's basically a meme but I feel like a lot of you guys really think being relatively short is a serious hindrance. Sure, women might prefer a taller guy, but you have other things to offer, right? Right? Women mostly care about a guy being taller than them, they're not necessarily looking for 7' guys

>tfw 5'5, chinlet and balding
It's over

I've heard people say they have a strong jawline and then they posted pics and had
>no ramus whatsoever
>forward head posture
>pube beard to help "pronounce the jawline"
So now I always take that statement with a grain of salt

Damn, sucks to be you

Cool story and all but there's a current situation where gainfully employed men flat out enjoy a single sedentary lifestyle.

So go to therapy and learn how to cope with your issues (or get anxiety meds) instead of making excuses.

It's more like there is some rotten food and the smell puts then off from the rest. If you thinky they only get attention from ugly neckbeards then you're retarded and probs an actual incel yourself. I've literally seen the ugliest girl(Hairy arms scarred from self harm, flat and butterface) get attention from chads before. The difference between a guy and a girl is that the girl will have a crap ton of guys trying to get with her and the guy has to then out compete all these guys as a result of this.

The game is completely stacked in favour of the girl yet she's complaining, if she used her head like any man( or even incel) she'd not be lonely. Tl;dr(cus I know you use reddit):A girl crying about being lonely is like a 6'3" chiseled jawline chad crying about being lonely.

40% of adult women over 30 are single and can't find a man to date. Even Charlize Theron, a beautiful and rich celebrity can't find a man willing to date her.

I don't give a fuck about dating but they are doing the equivalent to drowning in a one foot pool

Fair point I guess, maybe it's not as defined as I thought

stop putting pussy on a pedestal and sex for that matter.
Self improvement is all that matters and friends and family

Where do you think you are? These incel spergs are too busy jacking off to cartoons and bitching about life to go after real women lol

>Even Charlize Theron, a beautiful and rich celebrity can't find a man willing to date her.

Just goes to show that beauty and wealth get you nowhere if you're an insufferable cunt

Don't bother. Refer to if height isn't a factor they'll find something else to complain about as an excuse.

This is the lay of the land.
You don't see wild animals fucking the lesser specimens. They mate with the strongest or most virile.

If you're a basedboi beta cuck incel, then get used to not ever reproducing unless with inferior genetics.

I'm 6'5 and attractive, have had wicked good luck with women in the past, but now I have this irrational fear of knocking one up. What do I do? I don't want to be stuck with a woman that I don't love, paying for a kid for that long. It's fucking terrifying

I don't know if I can counter with a simple enough analogy because loneliness isn't like drowning, starvation or anything simple like that. Anyone won't do, and you certainly won't.


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Because a huge portion of them are vain cunts.

Honestly, just be real and honest. It's funny actually. Most people will say, "don't show weakness" but if someone expresses interest and the first thing you say is, "it's not that I am uninterested, but I'm romantically retarded and have no idea what to do in a relationship" they might still be willing to take that chance with you and you can both learn more together.

I've learned that people who are worthwhile will be willing to an extend a hand and help you if you're in need.

>ugly bitches with high standards unwilling to lower them to be loved
Gee wilikers

i really dont have much to offer its why i dont even try

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If anyone did manage to get their shit together then answer this. How did you go to sleep when you were starting out and had to face all your negative emotions?

pills and condom user, both at the same time if the fear is that huge but she's probably gonna give you a weird look.

No I'm pretty sure polygamy makes shit societies like the middle east.

Get sleeping pills from your doctor. But don't let them talk you into therapy because that's just a waste of time

That's because of this Women psychologically perceive men making less money than them as them being unable to provide. Feminists bitch about independence but women naturally love to be catered to even in the smallest sense.
If a guy can't get things they already can get on their own, they don't perceive him as viable. So you have this hilarious phenomenon of the rich, lonely Stacey who "can't find anyone" even though the majority of the male population would instantly jump to her because her pool of viable men is incredibly tiny due to her wealth.

Going to the doctors scares me to shit
I have a lot of trouble going in public anywhere else than my job, I just spaghetti everywhere

what makes you think taller guys don't have those same other things? if not even more?

vido games

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People can be retarded when comes to picking a movie or game, but normies are by default skilled in social shit.
after getting personal with enough girls you realise most of them actually get you, but as a general rule they simply give no fucks about you.

I felt really good actually, like all the bad shit was going away and had some hope in my life for once.

>don't bitch about this shit because look there's this much worse shit that makes your shit look like a buffet I wish I had

Is the fear unjustified? What's the combined risk if I use spermicide and a condom? I've just read way too many horror stories of getting stuck with someone awful, and courts never favor the man

>get girl pregnant
>you are now both parents
>she's the only one who gets a say about keeping it or not
>if you want to keep it but she doesn't, she gets to kill the kid you wanted
>if you don't want to keep it but she does, you're still obligated to support the child

Why is the system so rigged?

Aren't pills really harmful in the long run?

Smart sluts are the best you fucking idiot

I would date a fat gir, depending on how fat we are speaking. But the difference is that you have control over your weight, unlike your height and face

That's where you're fucking up

You need to do something other than sitting around expecting change to come to you. You'll figure it out eventually. It's hard, but so was coming out as suicidal to my dad but it helped me along the path to treatment.

Reminder that you short bros (provided you arent alpha short) can still drown in pussy provided you have confidence (VERY important), work out, get fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle and build charisma.

We're not other animals. Western societies formed monogamy because it was better.

Facing negative emotions is just par for the course. Sometimes things will be hard, stressful, and even seem doubtful, but you work through those things. A wise man once said if you want a relationship to work you never go to bed on a bad note. Communication is a vital role in a relationship. Keeping negative emotions bundled up inside you is not healthy and will lead to complications down the line. Best to be open about everything with your partner now then do damage and admit it later.

I don't fucking know I'm not a doctor. But what might be harmful in the long run is not sleeping and as a consequence not doing whatever it is you want to do. It's not the point that you are supposed to take them forever either.

>All these losers making excuses why they don't have a gf (female)

You do have a gf (female) Yea Forums right?

Does this artists draw all this dumb shit on purpose knowing it’s going to annoy people

I know dude, it doesn't feel safe for me to hook up with girls

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No. It's fucked because I sent a PM to a girl who said she was lonely on reddit and she didn't even have the courtesy to date me for a few weeks and give me a proper chance.

Then don't get the girl pregnant.

Because a lot of gamers on here at least are competitive with several complexes. If you say you think a part of a game was difficult, bad or just stupid they will jump all over the chance to let you and everyone else know how easy it was or how shitty you must be to have that opinion.

It’s like there is some invisible woman around they are trying to impress. It’s all the downsides of having a girl in your group with literally no upside.

Nah it's completely understandable user, sex can be a russian roulette but I heard the pill is safer than spermicide.

Talk about putting the cart before the horse. Worry about getting laid before you worry about consequences of this imaginary sex not having.

well, yeah? Whining about your problems when they are not even that bad makes you looks very entitled.
It's like western feminists whining about how females are unequal to men in the US and then doing nothing and not even caring about females in islamic countries who ARE actually oppressed

>Women: "plus-sized"
>Men: Overweight
Why aren´t men allowed to be called plus-sized?

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Women are useless

Yeah I have no one I can open up to

I know it's hard, but you must to leave that broad alone cold-turkey to wallow in her own self-pity. After all, it's the future she chose. If you're lucky, she'll eventually realize she made subpar life choices and come to her senses, but don't expect any miracles. Chances are, she's shit, has always been shit, will always be shit, and you just need to move the fuck on.

That’s the fucking point of having a date, to see if you connect at all

I've dated plenty of girls and have had plenty of female friends throughout my life. What you said is true for basic, superficial shit. Of course almost everyone will get you on that level, but not many people will get you on a deeper level. This goes for both men and women, but what I'm saying is, about 10% of men will get you, but only about 2% of women. Obviously those percentages are made up on the spot, but you see my point, right? Even though most people in general won't really connect with you on a deeper level, there are still a lot more men that you will be able to connect to and have a mutual understanding with.

i would say yes but your retarded mom isnt even worth of that.

but what should i do if i get a girl staring me down and being all giggly and touchy
should i confront her and ask her if she wants something or is that too rude? i literally don't understand what could be considered rude, its to that degree of incompetence if a girl displays any interest i literally go from socially capable dude to malfunctioning bot

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Oh shit a dating expert! No fucking shit that's the point but why would you test if you already know the answer?
>b-but you can't know! i'm a supreme gentleman!
You know that joke that virgins have a sign over their head that only non-virgins can see? It's kinda true.

because a lazy man is less of a provider

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I know I need to improve, but it's hard when just going out of the house to some place I don't know about stresses me so much I sometime vomit

t. voluntary roasted beef

Don't project your incel problems onto me. I don't have tons of sex, but it's been 8 years since I lost my virginity. I just always have a talk about pregnancy before having sex, even if I use protection. It's good knowing you're on the same page as the girl when it comes to this shit.

In your next life breathe through your nose, not your mouth, and eat tough food like meat.
That sucks I guess

Everyone would be gay if men weren't so fucking disgusting.

that's because we don't want to get divorce raped might as well wait 10-20 years for androids

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I believe you user, I bet you're not an asshole.

There's no such thing as a good slut if you're actually looking for any sort of relationship. If you're just looking to get your dick sucked in the club bathroom, sure.

That right there is why you'll die a virgin.

Then start calling someone. Getting started on getting better is the worst part, that initial hump is always the biggest. If you can't go out then call someone or something.

Women have a very hard time dealing with the idea of being selected. It's a relatively new thing for them in our evolutionary lineage and a complete and total lack of attention by higher tier males really eats at them.

can i get an irl monika gf in 10-20 years


I fucked up and got a bf (male) instead. My ass hurts everytime we have sex but I don't want to be a lonely loser.

How many times has it happened user? How many times have you said to yourself that you'd leave this shithole, work on yourself and get your shit together? And you're back here. I've lost count.

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Oh shit I'm sorry I thought you meant after you were in a relationship.

A lot of people make out negative emotions to be this thing only they have, when reality, everyone goes through that shit. Try talking to a friend or family member about it. It's not gonna be a foreign concept to feel shit about yourself. It's par for the course. Instead of dwelling, start thinking about why you might have those negative emotions and how you may go about solving them and turning them into positive emotions.

>Like women
>Have insanely low libido
>So low most women I'm involved want sex more than I do
>More so when they find out my dick is on the large end

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>all these projecting failed normalfags ITT

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Jesus christ just get a vasectomy. If you want to have kids down the line you can get it reversed. Condoms tear, women forget to take their pill, spermicide is awkward to apply in the moment and you probably won't do it right. Just get fucking clipped if you're so scared.

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>implying it's a bad thing that women have self respect
>implying it's a bad thing that women dont want to date disgusting neckbeards from reddit

I don't blame them

women are more disgusting, they just spend their entire teenage years learning how to disguise it

Wait a minute that spacing.

Not really, everyone has their own problems.

I hope you've never complained about being hungry or about basically anything in your life because oh boy those little kids in africa are starving something fierce.

because men are expected to improve and make it in life, and life is hard.
fat retarded women are simply ignored.

But why do I need to fix myself?
I'm already quite happy just having my waifu, my guns and my autistic grand strategy games.
It's comfy and there's no people to make fun of my mental health and uber manlet status (outside of people on the internet but I don't care about that)

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I don't really have one night stands on a regular basis, the last 3 girls I've had sex with were friends with benefits type deals and I convinced them all to take the pill. It was pretty clear they were about as excited as me about having a kid, so they were pretty regular about their pill taking. Vasectomies are cool but I like being able to actually blow a load.

Have sex

and supposedly its the men who have it easy, I cannot stand this retarded, pussy whipped society, hope you all burn alive, melted into your car seat

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>I know I need to improve
>But why do I need to fix muself?

Are you retarded?


I don't want to improve myself. I want sympathy.

I think you'd be happier if you did. Also being isolated tends to make your mental state worse, especially regarding self-esteem. But you do you, user, its your life.


If you feel like she's expressing interest, just saying something like, "Hey wanna grab a coffee or hang out, later?" or something along those lines. Despite what a lot of people say nowadays, women are still human. They might be just as nervous or attracted to you as you are to them, so don't worry about it. If you really can't think of something to do afterwards, just be honest and say, "Look I've never done this before and I don't really know what to do. You wanna meet up somewhere or do something together later?" Honesty is a key part in any relationship and the more honest and open you are the better the relationship functions. Ask her if there is anything she'd like to do later if you can't come up with anything. If she's really interested, she'll help come up with something.

complaining about being hungry and joining communities to whine about a non-existant problem are two different things
And i'm not just talking about """""lonely"""" women but also incels. Sitting on your dorito covered chair and being a fat lazy sack of shit is not attractive and you don't deserve pussy for it

Not all of them are neckbeards. Some of them are failed normies with low self esteem, some could even be called chad. The problem is that they just assume they are all neckbeards because if a few bad experiences and/or don't give most of them the time of day. Do you honeslty think you could fail as a woman user?

Honestly the only thing that saved me form this was changing jobs and moving away.

Good call. The whole improvement meme is just that. You are what you are for better and worse and there's nothing wrong with that. Others have their own shortcomings and the gym might conceal them but for the most part they cannot be fixed. You just have to find someone who accepts you and who you can accept.

Then why not actually try dating someone you dumb fucking psuedo-roastie?
Maybe if you weren’t so fucking picky, you could find someone that “connects” with you. Most of the incels you bitch about don’t get the oppritunity to do so in the first place, let alone hundreds.


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If there were a ‘girl or woman’ version of this it’d be considered horribly sexist.

>maybe im autistic idc
You probably are.

"Lonely" women are lonely for a good reason. You better stay the fuck away.

>5 years improving myself
>finally have a mental health and trying to work out
>lived through some drama and matured as a person
>finally have 2 real close friends that get me
>the void isnt going away and gets harder to deal with

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yes? That was the whole point of the argument
I "know that I should improve" because it would make me a more productive member of society outside of my small wagie job
But i'm already somewhat happy with the little things I have and I don't want to disturb my routine because it scares me shitless
Maybe you're right, thanks user

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Pal, if you had options or experience, you wouldn't date just anyone either. Female incels exist but they aren't as overt as guys so I sympathise that you don't really understand the position girls find themselves in when they signal that they exist and are single. It's overwhelming and not very helpful.

You don't date someone who you know isn't for you, and while it's hard to find the right guy it's very easy to tell who's not it.

Do remember any "girl" you might be talking to in one of these threads is actually one of these things

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thanks user this makes sense, hopefully il be less cold/awkward next time someone shows interest


Men in japan are afraid of sex.
Having sex with someone and that bitch starts thinking about marrying, and marrying means you have to work double.

Work culture is killing the bugmen

Finally someone with a brain

I'm 22, user, I don't know if that's a good idea
t. 6'5 guy

>being the same thing
Trannies fucking despise traps, at least get your shitpost right next time

>tfw women want men that man-handle them yet they preach about "nice guys" as if expecting you to change personality on their whim
Then they still have to audacity to lie about cheating with big nigger dick and screech about PATRIARCHY

Today is the day you get to learn about how your dick works. You will still blow a load. Your load will be literally

muslims have the right idea

>be me
>in highschool
>awkward, nerdy, pizza face sperg
>on the way to becoming a kissless 30 year old virgin as my
>really hot artsy goth girl takes an interest in me because I'm the secluded weirdo kid
>start talking to her on msn (it was still a thing back then)
>we click
>start dating
>lose virginity to her at age 16
>confidence skyrockets
>people ask themselves how I landed the sexy goth girl
>rumor spreads around school that I have a huge dick
>acne starts clearing up
>suddenly I'm popular with girls but I'm still dating the goth chick

I dated her for about 8 months before things fell apart catastrophically, but I'm still thankful to her to this day. She saved me from being an incel.

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Im 34 and haven't been in a romantic relationship for 10 years. Anxiety, depression, yadda yadda. My unqualified theory is this: One needs some amount of self-worth first, else you radiate negativity and others will find it hard to sense and value you. Probably the best option to create some for yourself is work-related, even if it's burger flipping. I worked at subway, delivered pizzas, worked night shift at a factory and other stuff. When you do a good job, recieve your first salary, have a good standing among your co-workers, all of that reinforces your self-worth, makes you feel useful and all that good shit. From that position, it becomes way easier and comes more naturally, to establish contact to girls.

Why the fuck not? Freeze some sperm if you worry that a reversal might not work. You dorks are selling yourselves as gigachads who are just too concerned about dishonest or complacent girls to have sex, but guess what we all figured out that you are scared and deflecting. Because there are simple solutions to these problems.

Good luck, user.

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But I'm 6'4 and fit with a decent jawline and I get lonely all the time. I'm not going to just settle for the first girl that swipes right on me. Yeah a decent looking guy will fuck the odd fatty but sex doesn't cure loneliness dude.

>user isn't an incel that demands women to accept you
Get off this board

Nah, cutting out the shit genetics is a good thing.

Thats the past 10-15 years for you

Do the research, it's not as big a deal as people make it out to be, just an option if your phobia is affecting your overall happiness. Otherwise talk to a shrink about it. Good luck.

Don't worry, bud, I believe in you. At the end of the day we're all human and sometimes in the heat of the moment it's hard to remember that. Just talk to them and be honest in letting them know how you feel. You'll make it, bud.

Scared and deflecting? I've actually turned down an offer for sex this week, if I'm going to have sex with someone, and risk being stuck with a kid, I'd prefer it to be someone I have a connection with. It sounds retarded, but I've met too many people stuck with horrible women because they accidentally got them pregnant, and I don't want to be one of them

Yes, you are inflating hypotheticals, not doing anything to solve them and in turn end up limiting yourself. That's you being governed by irrational fear of... something. But it's not really the kids.

Never said I’d leave, but I am slowly getting my shit together. Very slowly, but progress is progress.

>Source: Dude, just trust me

Someone please post music to take away the pain.

I guess it's limiting myself, I'll look into the risks of a vasectomy. I feel like I'm going to get weird looks if I go in for one lmao

I am under the impression it's actually better to be a virgin. I never got laid until 19 because I played video games nonstop in my teens. When I got my first gf and she was borderline.

Never date a girl with BPD guys she will ruin your emotional stability and it is not recoverable. I have lost interest in dating and almost everything else ever since the cunt gave me PTSD. Obviously I am responsible for that decision but there is no reason to idolize women. Just go your own way they are pests who are dependent on men.

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>caring about weird looks

I think you have to actually have a set of balls if you're going in for a vasectomy


wtf did she do?

This is the gayest shit I've read in a long while
t. someone who has sex regularly.

Kinda me except without the gf
Just have some really close female friends throughout my life and i really appreciate them despite how shallow they can be at times.
At the end of the day we're all human anyway.

Why are you projecting so hard, user?


Yes, just keep your BMI in check and be social

Great insult, user. I've just heard mixed reviews in terms of someone my age trying to get one, in terms of getting turned down for being "too young"

Are insecurities removable or there to stay?

>complaining about being 5’9”
Fuck you
t. 5’6” manlet

I'm not saying you should swipe right on the first girl but if you are 6'4" and somehow alone then you are retarded or just have some crazy high standards. You should easily still be able to get a girl that you're happy with as you are. The same could be said for a woman. All you need to do is sit on tinder and swipe away until you are happy. The average guy has to compensate for his inadequacies and go out looking for girls facing rejection until he gets the girl and that doesn't always happen. Also god help you if you let the rejection erode your self esteem because then you'll fall into a hole nobody will want to help you out of. It doesn't matter what mental state chad or any girl is in finding a partner.


Fuck you
t. 5'4" turbo manlet

It's all like this because of weak men, kill all the endlessly pussy hungry orbiters and betas. Women live life the way they do because they are handed it over by men.

Im 18 and turning 19 in 2 months but am still a virgin.
I have a strong social circle and I get along well with girls, its just that whenever a girl makes an advance on me i end up pussying out since i find it so hard to step out of my comfort zone.

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I'm the king of all of you.
t. 5'10" manlet

You guys do realize you could just aim for jailbait for a season, right?
Most are low-maintenance and don't want anything longterm

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Fuck you
t. 5'2.5 ultra manlet

>”Wow I’m so lonely”
>Hey, I’m actually very interesting in you and was wondering if I could go on a date with you
>*without even looking at who they are*”WOW! Just Wow! Do you think you even have the authority to even talk to me? Go kys you fucking incel. I only date chads and tyrones.”
>*repeat several times over*
>”Wow why am I so lonely?”
Stuff like this is why Women should have never been given the right to vote, and why incels hate most women.

>if you are 6'4" and somehow alone

My guy, don't believe the memes so much. A height of 6'4 alone is absolutely no incentive for a girl to date you if you happen to be a loser/fat/ugly/autistic/poor.


When will incel get filtered?
I'm tired of getting called one just because my views on women, hell my grandfather would be called an incel by you white knight faggots

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Go join the Navy. Fixed me up real quick. Had a mentor who I even learned my stroke from. Almost worth the price in the two lifelong medicial conditions I developed because of the physical trauma.

>>*without even looking at who they are*”WOW! Just Wow! Do you think you even have the authority to even talk to me? Go kys you fucking incel. I only date chads and tyrones.”
If that's how you read a simple "no thanks", then there's no wonder you're a racist incel.

They get you as vulnerable as they can in the beginning of the relationship so you're as dependent on their approval as possible. Then they isolate you from every one you loved before them (friends, family, etc).

After that they gaslight you and fuck your mental up and you don't even realize it's happening. There were times I told her to wait until my game league was done and she would go and cut herself in the bathroom. I would walk in and she would play victim likes somehow she was the one who was suffering the trauma there. I was apologizing for her cutting herself. Tons of other cheating, lying, etc. in that relationship.

I know I could still find a more traditional gf out there but I just so fucked up from letting in that borderline that I would prefer to just go MGTOW at this point.

Protect your emotions boys just play videos games and live for you.

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No one wants to friends with me

Only a true incel would get this offended at being called an incel

I dated a girl with bpd once and agree, you should run the heck away from them.
Nevertheless you are an idiot for suggesting that being a virgin is in any way a good thing and for thinking that because the one girl you dated was mental, all women are pests.

Fuck you
t. 4'7" hobbit

I have fairly high standards, but a real relationship requires more than just height and looks. I want a partner and an equal not someone I have to micromanage. And that's hard as fuck to find if you also want someone who takes care of themselves.

s o y got filtered but this one won't, pretty much this site in a nutshell at this point

People on Yea Forums love shortcuts, they think that height will make them exude some sort of pheromone that will make
females spread their legs for them.

Fuck you
t. son of a 4'8" mother

>too pussy being called a word that he has to hide it
Pathetic incel

i had a similar story but i stuck around long enough to watch her grow out of the goth phase and turned into a lazy basic bitch with a princess complex
dodged a fucking bullet, last time i saw her she had dropped out of college, living with her parents and was three times wider

I'll be friends with you, user!

>that almost perfect bell curve for how men rate women

Is this conclusive proof that men are more objective than women?

lol incel

Guys I could have gotten laid years ago, even had a GF, but my standards are just too high.

I get that the point of posting this is to rile up and recruit incels but if anything men are in the wrong here. Most people are disgusting, men and women, and I think men's feign positivity is just cope.


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Seething incel. your grandpa is a fucking boomer whos opinions don't matter.

>hell my grandfather would be called an incel by you white knight faggots
I bet he never even had sex, just like you never will.

noone does this

But I have other aspirations user
And i would never sacrifice them in order for sex

i think its just most people in general, being a wagecuck drains all your time and energy and so by the time you get off work and are playing an online game you just kind of want to zone out. i get it. i'm not a wagie anymore but i used to be so i can relate.

>Chad browses reddit
Whats your excuse for staying here then Yea Forums?

This is Facebook tier generalization.
>Men protect women from boys
Shouldn't we be teaching girls to protect themselves? Or for "men" or guys to not be overly protective and only offer help if it's asked for? I mean I'm all for helping people or even strangers if they're cornered in an incredibly uncomfortable situation but this just image seems so half-assed and uninformed. This kind of implies that all women are helpless and always need protection.

Its just that smell

Being just sexist and being incel are two different things.

PMing a girl out of nowhere is going to make her think you have no social value, are weird, and have no confidence in the normal world. Women value much different qualities in men than what fedoras assume.

And confidence isn't 'I play my 3ds in public bcuz I'm an adult and I decide what that means!'

can I find love? I'm 6'2 and 75kg

>most people are disgusting

You're retarded. The majority determines what the norm is. That's like saying "most people are stupid". Most people are by definition of average intelligence/looks. The majority can't be disgusting, because if they're the majority, they're the norm. Are you getting this at all or am I wasting my time explaining basic shit to you?

So you’ve had sex then right user? No? Then you’re an incel too.

>Men will raise someone else's kid

>That's like saying "most people are stupid".
You telling me they're not just proves I'm right.

Then don't get triggered when you're called an incel. Wow, that was so hard. I've been called an incel in this very thread yet I'm not crying about it.

I disagree. Standards can shift. For example most people are fat these days. That's not attractive and wasn't true just two generations ago.

I'll agree that dealing with borderliners is pretty fucking garbage, but if you get the fuck out of that fast enough you at least leave with the experience of knowing the red flags for the next time. Couldn't get a straight answer out of her, or if it was, it was a straight lie (it's the truth, honest!) and it was a different excuse every day but honestly tomorrow/next week definitely for sure.

It wasn't a unique experience either but at least I noped the fuck out faster every time.

>reddit spacing
shit story

Thanks I guess.

These are not really accurate, because only the ugliest emotionally broken fucks use dating sites/apps. The only thing it shows is that ugo men at least know their league and ugo women are delusional enough to think they can get a fit tall chad.

replace the girl's sign with "i don't" and you have an infinitely more believable situation

That's not how it works, lad. You don't have to be a virgin to be an incel and you can be an virgin without being a virgin. The state of incelism is a mental prison that is presently keeping you celibate.

No, it just proves you're a dime-a-dozen faggot who uses anonymity as an excuse to climb onto the highest horse you possibly can

>Grandfather never had sex
Ummmmmm how does that work beta phaggot?
I never said it offended me, it's just annoying.
Just like cuck and based boy, people will move on to new buzzwords.

You know for all this bitching and moaning about life yall could be doing something about it, sitting here and complaining ain't gonna get you anywhere.

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Standards don't shift, the world shifts and the standards don't adapt.

If you have the audacity to be tall and fat then you deserve to be lonely.
Doesn't matter. The only reason tall autists end up alone isn't because their autism repulses women but because they are too autistic to see the signs that girls are interested in them.
Unless you are homeless then even neetbux should suffice here.
How can chad be a loser?
This is the only real thing that could you back and you need to be really ugly for it to matter.

Even if they did matter, all this shows is how much you need to have going against you to lose the tall guy advantage.

Attractive people can feel lonely. When everyone you know has an ulterior motive to being nice to you it's quite depressing and makes you wanna shut people out.

so sekiro is pretty good

Pretty funny how adding one word to your filter list filters half the thread.
>retards can't ignore bait

>zoomers falseflagging as Cuckera calling everyone incels

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attractive women will never need a dating app, your stats have been busted from the start

The claim "most people are stupid" makes no sense. If we define stupidity as below average intelligence (and that's being generous), that means the left section of the bell curve showing IQ distribution are stupid people, meaning exactly 50% of the population is stupid. And most people use the word stupid to refer to even less intelligent people than simply ones who are below average. So, the fact that you don't have an intuitive understanding of this shows you're probably in the bottom 30% of that IQ distribution.

Because neo-liberalism has atomized us all so we don't collectively get together and challenge authority. Why else do you think public spaces have been disappearing over the decades? Can't have the plebs banding together.

>you can be an virgin without being a virgin.
Is this incel logic?

I mean BPD women are crazy. I agree not all of them are gonna be like her. But even these other women are pretty fucking disgusting and don't really get my dick hard. Porn is just better. These women are really just gold digging pests in my experience. So I stand by my claim.

Women truly only stay for men for their utility. This concept of a woman wanting me for me is not going to happen. I'm good bro you can have em honestly I'll be chillin

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Buzzwords are cancer.

Gangweed bro for reals

>I have a strong jawline, but I also have doctor diagnosed assburgers

Literally me witout the diagnose. Tried tinder, got a fuckton of matches which made me realize that I'm actually attractive. Never even considered it before due to spending my teens as a fat sack of shit.

Had some dates as well but I'm too lazy/autistic to seal the deal so I went back to fapping. I'm a fucking waste.

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That takes effort user. It's why everyone here complains about niggers but does nothing.

t. basedboy

"Buzzword" and "cancer" are buzzwords, you buzzword spouting cancerous faggot

Average is a statistical term that doesn't necessarily translate to anything meaningful to how we intuitively experience the world. Not a bad word about statistics or maths, but these abstract exercises are the opposite of humanity. They can only try to explain us, and when reality doesn't match the models it's the latter that's wrong and never the other way around. The point isn't whats "average" but where the ugly cutoff is. There is no reason why it should be in the dead centre, and arguing about whether someone is more or less unattractive than the next unattractive person is pointless. It's really a binary thing whether you're attracted or not.

So hey what about those videogames, fun stuff aren't they

Same. I was too picky back then.

I'll say it.
Men in general are not attractive. At least women got ass/tits/hair/face. What do we have? Face and maybe height for some, and it's probably only rating by the photo so we can't talk about dicks or income here.

You get what I meant, virgin.

Then why shouldn't incels lash out?
Literally name one reason.

This sure is a great video games thread. I love video games! Do you guys love video games too?

Or because she's 45 with two adopted black kids, one of whom she's brainwashing.

I liked Sekiro.

lol 3D
Just Monika.

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I like that one jackie chan game

>Men in general are not attractive.
Nigga you straight.


Buzzwords:The Post

Good taste

This used to be true but isn't any longer.
You shouldn't adapt to something like that.
Because we'll just toss them in jail. They should rise to the competition instead of being crabs in a bucket.

imagine being dan and walking past some fat incel smothering this thing on the street

>straight man doesn't find men attractive

What a shocker

videogames are responsible for the state of half the posters itt

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This, but more importantly, attractive MEN will never need a dating app, so that's why it actually makes sense no men are rated as attractive. I'd rate myself just above average, 7/10 on a good day and get girls easily. Never even considered checking one of these.

Stop obsessing and actually go out and do something. Find groups with similar tastes or develop new tastes to join new groups.
Great video games thread btw

I don't think you need to be gay to figure out what is and isn't attractive in a man.

Is everyone on this site a Lumpenprole?

Based retard.


vidya ain't responsible for the poor life choices of these autists

>You shouldn't adapt to something like that.
Then die a lonely virgin I guess.


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>Western societies formed monogamy because it was better.
And how well has that worked out? People have cheated for years, user.
Our own President does it.

My wife is my friend. Also the mother to my two little dopplegangers, and my MtG playtester, and my killing floor 2 partner. I do consider myself lucky

Do you think straight women find girls' tits, hips, thighs, etc. attractive?

Silly incel. Calling you out is a reward in itself.

Video games aren't the problem for men and our lack of sex. Video games and porn are the solution for men and a replacement for women until AI Sexbots come.

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>normies ask me if I have ever had a girlfriend
>tell them no, and that I dont want one either
>they get upset and ask why
>tell them "women are time and money and I have neither of those things"
>they get irrationally angry
>two women have actually assaulted me
I retaliated by slapping one of those chicks across the face. She started acting much nicer to me afterwards, even flirty.
women are crazy

>This used to be true but isn't any longer.
Yes it is, there's just more of them now, because society doesnt encourage them to improve anymore.

if i get more seething pics like this i'm gonna include the word incel in all of my posts
have sex

I was just want a girl with big boobs, like I can't get turned on easily without that. Except when I do see girls like that I lose my spaghetti around them.
Meanwhile I've ignored other girls who clearly wanted me, especially black girls.

Can jannies either nuke this thread or move it to /r9k/?

I'm neither really. I have lonely periods but I can get a girl when I'm tired of being single. Tinder makes it easy.
Obesity shouldn't be normalized.

I've had chicks who showed interest in me (usually someone I'm hanging out with pointing it out to me, because I'm either too retarded to pick up on it myself or have such shit self confidence I dismiss it as me just reading into whatever they did too much), but I'm too fucking nervous and lazy to go anywhere with it when I do know.

this desu senpai.

Monika? More like MoniKUTE

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Yeah we'll just toss them in jail after they've murdered multiple people and then themselves.
God you're dumb.

Nah, I dated before online dating and after. The women you used to find in clubs or meetups are now on dating apps. Nearly everyone is either taken or on apps these days.

I don't know how to talk to people.

>why are people who sit in a dark room by themselves for hours doing a solo activity for fun apathetic
gee I wonder user

Kenshi is pretty fun, but I keep meaning to play pathologic and Kingdom Come Deliverance.

You can just smell the incel who made this.

seething incel, you have to go back


Well they can say which one looks good and which one isn't. I mean if you put an ugly dude and Chad Thundercock near each other you could tell which one is better looking and not go: "I'm straight, I have no opinion on how handsome someone is"

Dude you got it right on the money. They're just too much work fapping is just better.

There are retards who think dating and sex is worth what you lose. You guys really have time to just waste on these temporary thots for 10 min of pleasure that is 85% identical to fapping?

Then the room clapped.

When I was in a very bad place once, I also thought like that. All women only use you for their benefits, there is no real companionship and love. Everyone is dumb for pursuing relationships, except me the enlightend one for I have seen the truth. Or maybe you might consider that your perspective is skewed in some way.

>until AI Sexbots come.
I fucking wish user, we'll likely be long dead before robot waifus are a thing. I'd rather something like deep dive VR but I doubt that will ever exist.

bless the monikaposters in this thread


More feelings for vidya than interpersonal connections. I'm no Casanova, but I know I don't just want to be the rebound/filler option for the "why did they abandon/abuse me AGAIN" sort of codependency. Maybe I've just had some bad experiences and there's more to it, but it's not my concern right now. I'm better off working towards a career that can sustain me rather than babysit adult children that flake on every plan to meet up and never learn from their mistakes or take personal responsibility for their decisions.

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Basedboy and cuck got filtered.
So yes it's a safe space.

I need more monika. I wish she was real.

Wanna know how I know you are american?

So, you're saying that you can tell an attractive man from an unattractive one, but you're ALSO saying how men are unattractive in general? Are you by any chance retarded?

Lmao worst girl in her own game.

lmao women aren't human
always remember to discriminate against women, lads.
make their lived harder in any way you can.

>When will incel get filtered?
Never, because it legitimately triggers people and this site is only for shitposting nowadays


attractive women will use a dating app even just to feed their perpetual hunger for outside validation

Says the söyboy who had to get S O Y filtered.

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>check the catalog
>many threads with a few replies
>non vidya thread
>over 400 replies
Yea Forums sucks now.

Thanks user, I'm glad you gave me this reminder of why I'm a raging homosexual.

I was always secretly a sub and I wanted girls who were into latex and a domme. This of course was a dumb criteria during that age bracket. Porn really killed my standards back then.

i cant beat isshin bros...

There's no contradiction with those two statements.

Everybody needs more monika
Try the monika route hack
it's rly good

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Discussing video games all day gets tiresome. These threads are a little breather.

I'm not even joking.
I was working at a call center and this annoying cunt who always bragged about being on her high school wrestling team kept on hitting me whenever I walked by her cubicle.
So I retaliated by smacking her hard across the face.

They've moved to both hating them but also "reclaiming". I've had one refer to Feris as "she" multiple times, despite the character very clearly identifying as male.

Fuck I don't want this to happen to my trap fetish.


What the fuck do you suggest? State mandated GFs? Honestly bring back bullying it worked in the 70s. Dunk and incels head in a toilet enough times and he won't have the energy to plan anything.
I'm not though, swing and a miss buddy.


I am open to the idea that my perspective is skewed and I even consider it somewhat probable. But the facts that are pointed out to you when you take the red pill are irreversible. You can't unsee the shit these thots do.

I won't hold my breath on this "just being a phase." It seems much more probable that these women are just too manipulative and needy to be compatible with men like me who have aspergers.

how's it hanging sayorifag


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Is hating half the population of the world the best solution any of you could come up with?

I'm so sorry you lost your word of power, incel.

>straight man finds men generally unattractive

Just as shocking as the first time. What exactly is your retort to this again?

Loneliness, like poverty, often compounds. If you're over 20 and never had a real relationship, it becomes worse; it's like women can smell your desperation and lack of experience. Shit sucks

Women love agressive men and want to get pounded by them.
This is the only reason why they act the way they do. From wanting Islam in their countries to making false rape claims and more, all of it has to do with getting men more agressive.

Have sex

>Yeah we'll just toss them in jail after they've murdered multiple people and then themselves
by that logic we should toss chads in jail as well, because Ted Bundy was a chad
Bundy also had a much higher kill count than Rodgers

i wish Yea Forums wasn't a blue board
might make this shithole interesting again

No it's leaving the house and talking to people, but if you say that people get triggered and call you names.

Holy shit, normies are actually evil.
Imagine wanting to torment people for being ugly..
You guys deserve every shooting you get desu

2040 man just be patient. Use Replika and buy a 2,000$ sexbot until then. Women will be replaced so easily. I never really liked the way they acted I only like their aesthetics which are fraudulent anyway.

>saving that image
Lmao typical incel

>half the population is shallow, stupid, annoying and needy
>lol is hating them the best you could come up with?

>White males started to treat every female like a princess after feminism. Have low ass fertility rates
>Every other race treats women like shit and they have the highest fertility rates.
Reminder sexism causes less incels.

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Yes you are you fat fuck.

Talking about the same thing over and over again gets boring, it's nice to change it up. That said, too many cucks in here ignore actual vidya threads for the "subtle" /pol/ bait threads, which just ends with faggots calling each other Incel/Virgin and Söy/Cuck or trying to derail threads about games into that. You can't discuss even the original vtmb now without someone dumping shit about the nuGame fishing for (You)'s.

40% will get filtered first.

People have started posting it in response to totally unrelated things.

>Western societies formed monogamy because it was better.
No. It was formed so we would stop killing each other over sex. It's neither better or worse.

Best word of power is '"cunt" actually, it really gets under female skin.
Also, making fun of their periods sends them into a frothing rage.
Women are easy to upset.


Features that define attractiveness are well known, you don't need to be attracted to someone to tell if they're good looking or not.

>implying I liked 2nd worst girl


Cry more, incel.

I can think of several kids I went to school with who were better through bullying. Bulling corrects deviant behavior before it can become an issue.
I'm a glorious Canadian buddy boy.

>Ummmmmm how does that work beta phaggot?
Hoped for at least a couple more (you)s but I take it.


Same as soi and cuck:
When it starts targetting nintendo fanboys

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Women are walking contradictions. They want to be treated as equals but all of evolution has put them in the natural position of wanting to be dominated. This is why feminsim has done absolutely nothing in terms of female happiness and has actually hurt it. They're doing it all out of spite but are going against their own natural interests.

No but it's by far the easiest. Anything else would require an organized effort with decades of work.

retarded nigger janitor is jacking off to the most vile furry shit


If this is true, then it only proves women are fucking insane.
>get physically assaulted by some autist
>want to suck his dick afterwards
holy shit

>"W-why didn't she text me back yet?"

based yuriCHAD

Give it to me straight. How many people in this thread are real incels and how many are just larping?

Oh so you like one of the lesbians, that cool too user

then why wojak hasnt been banned from Yea Forums?

Lemme tell you the story of how I lost my virginity...
>have this huge crush on cute blonde girl as a teenager
>blurt out "well if it isn't the girl I WANNA BANG" like an autistic retard
>girl laughs and I immediately think I severely fucked up
>she then smiles and walks directly up to me suggestively, asking "Really?"
>I somehow manage to look directly into her eyes and say "That's right".
>we skip our extracurricular activities to engage in hot sexual activities in the school boiler room
I learned then that it doesn't really matter if you're a fat sweaty fuck: girls respond most strongly to a man with confidence and a sense of control in social situations. Fake it if you must - I do most of the time and it still works. Also I feel I should stress, I don't know HOW in the fuck I didn't get that girl pregnant at the time, so make damn sure you invest in some protection and be sure to carry a spare or two in your wallet.

>implying a subreddit like that wouldn't be loaded with obese 30 year old women who demand 6'4" 6 figure-earning 10" cock chads while offering nothing in return
Female incels exist too you know

You can tell a women made this who is cucking a beta orbiter.

hummm... sweety
if I can't tell a woman what she should be like, why can you do the same with men?

At least someone gets it. Good luck man stay strong and care about yourself because if you don't nobody will.

This is the only thread that has any kind of discussion to it, despite not being video games.
Anyone wanna talk about Days Gone?

Maybe, but these 'male feminists' are 100% just trying to get positive attention from women. I don't hate women, they are our moms/daughters/sisters/wives, it's beyond stupid to hate women.

But these "male feminists" are usually the biggest creeps you'll find anywhere.

Well, this thread was shit. I'm gonna go play Rimworld for a bit since Yea Forums can't stop pretending to be cuckera fags for 5 minutes and not call everyone who remotely disagrees with them a incel.

>I'm a glorious Canadian buddy boy.
Canada is in North America, uneducated fatty.

At least they have someone to cheat on


>Bulling corrects deviant behavior before it can become an issue.

No it doesn't. Bullying isn't about targeting individuals who are not following the crowd; it just targets weakness, which is usually the result of bad parenting or a lack of it. It does nothing to address the issues that lead to children from unstable, abusive and ill family units.


Women and men don't have the same internal model of what is attractive and what isn't. The fact that you can tell a giga chad apart from a loser incel doesn't imply that men and women have a shared view of what exactly is attractive and what isn't. You might look at a guy's hairy, muscular chest and be like "well that's not very attractive", but many women out there will find that sexy, rugged, manly, whatever.

I'm probably clinically retarded

>implying it hasn't always been like the right
Your ancestors are all WINNERS user. Don't be the only loser.

honestly cool fat guys are kind of based

>Im-fucking-plying I like 3rd worst girl

Seriously almost 500 replies and this thread isn't deleted.
Did the Janny just stopped being paid?

are you me? it legit gets worse as i try to get better

are you 12?

I can think of a kid who tried to kill himself because he was bullied relentlessly and had no escape.
The bullies were girls he couldn't do anything about. Can't fight a girl, and nobody cared when he said they were a girl.
Women deserve nothing but pain. I honestly 100% believe that and have nothing but contempt for them, I do not want to fuck the lesser sex, much less 'connect' with them.
If you have two X chromosomes, odds are I hate you by default.

have sex

You didn't say north american you said american. You're dumb and I'm in better shape than you small son.
Not true. We bullied some kid for playing with barbies and he started playing with acceptable toys. Probably prevent him from being overly feminine that day.

You’re not a manlet so yes

Dating apps,social media, and feminism caused right.

>I was only pretending to be retarded
Here's a (you) for being a based numbnuts.

Did everyone have that one cool fat guy in their group who somehow banged tons of chicks or was it just my college?

Lets say that women of the world documented every feature that they find attractive and unattractive. Given this information can you or can you not tell what man most women will find attractive or not?

You're only making excuses for yourself user. Don't disappoint your great grandpappy.

See just reading this makes me want to bully you. You sound so pathetic. My inner caveman tells me you can't be trusted on the hunt.

>liking the actual worst girl
You went from "that's great too" then "she's pretty good too" to "jesus fucking christ why"

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I wish I could

Lanklet cope. It's FACE.

janny is behind this


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>You didn't say north american you said american
..and you are retarded as well.

I acknowledge that there are shit people out there doing shit things, hell I have had my heart broken by a girl who considered it perfectly normal to cheat on me because I failed to give her enough attention.
It's also very easy to get riled up and angry when you see all those screencaps and stories on the internet, on how women fucked men over in the worst ways. Of course all the many cases of decent people being in relationships with other decent people are not really interesting to post on theredpill or whatever.

This literally proves everything incels have always said fucking lmao
Female incels don't exist because women control the flow of sex, its literally proven by the fact that the sexual revolution directly followed womens suffrage.
Women Also dont understand what true isolation and loneliness feel like.

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Called it! BOO YAH!

IMAGINE trying to get female attention.
Are normies so stupid they think I hate women because they won't fuck me
I hate them because they're absolute vapid retards, basic bitches who are only distinguishable by how evil they are.
Woman's capacity for cruelty is insane, the amount of grief they'll attempt to cause for a few moments of attention.

>lonely woman
>hasn't had Chad message her in 6 hours

>lonely man
>hasn't interacted with another human being for 6 months

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I see you've never had a girlfriend intentionally start a fight between you and another guy just so she can get off to you being manly.

It's a common illusion to see your place and time in this world as unique. But the failed male is not unique and it's the historic case that the same men put children in different women, while losers did not. The only thing new is this internet thing where you can find each other and make these cringy images and posts.

Mook is personally allowing this thread to gather data about us and sell it to advertisers who specialize in incel products.

not that guy but I could beat you up in real life lol


are you okay, user?

Thanks user!

And it's funny because people will just naturally assume that since you say that you hate all people with two X chromosomes, you can't get laid. They want you to play the game like them because they're miserable. By you not associating with women, your life always gets better. I'm with you man nothing but contempt.

The thing is that the incels wouldn't like it if they had their way. They think that that they're losers because they don't have gfs and if they had gfs, just about any would do, then they wouldn't be losers and all would be well. But they have it the wrong way around.

Reverse the genders and make the sign say "I'm kidding, I just pity you" and that basically happened to me. Pretty much right after she kissed me.

I'm still fucked up and haunted by that.

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Are you ESL? Honest question, if yes this conversation doesn't need to continue because you're beneath me.

Stew in your impotent rage grug, squirm and seethe.

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Monika > Yuri = Sayori >>>>>>>>>>shit >>>>>>>>>>> Natsuki

Doubtful, if you're fat I'll just slowwalk away until you die of a hear attack.

I hate gamers. I hate how toxic you all are. You hate games you are never satisfied because every single one of you hates yourself. You are manchildren faggots who takes games too seriously. It's just fucking games.

Unironically this is true! When I was with this girl for 3 years I still had periods of depression and anxiety. Sex isn't a cure all

Women do that? Jesus fuck.
Women are literally scheming jews.
Imagine causing conflict so you can get off.

I fail to see what makes you superior to him. Is he not allowed to have hate for women if he wants to?

>panicking this bad
Take a deep breath and come up with a decent comeback.

Underrated as fuck post

image reminds me of those text based porn games were you play as a girl and try not to get raped

well, I'm not

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Men die for Israel

Nah it wouldn't be empty. Replace human hands with cat paws for 35yo version

>Things that never happened for 100.

>Imagine causing conflict so you can get off
Nice slogan for Yea Forums banner

Imagine paying thousands of dollars to please some wet hole who stares at her phone all day.

On paper you'd have a list of things that women find attractive, but you'll never understand a woman's subjective experience when she sees a "nice smile" or a "good back", because their brains are simply wired differently. A straight woman might say she finds women generally unattractive and I'd have no trouble believing her, the same way I have no trouble believing you when you say you find men generally unattractive. However, clearly you can't have an objective view of this because female brains are wired to be attracted to male features in a way that you and I, as straight men, will never truly understand.

Are you not being toxic? You're spilling hypocrisy all over the place. Get a hold of yourself

I'm not mad, sitting in judgement is very peaceful. Feels like what I was born to do.
You don't understand the usage of English, so I see no reason to pretend you're on my level in any way.
It's hard to explain, have you ever seen some dude with a weak feminine posture and you just instinctively knew he wasn't worth a damn?

yes user, you got played hard by a girl.
What now? stop being such an unironic incel jesus christ.

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Imagine being so brainwashed you cannot fathom somebody striking a woman.
Good lord.

Yes. Women also like making you jealous so you get worked up and defensive over them.
Once you understand that women crave possession by a strong man (not necessarily physically btw) everything makes sense.

>Men love when it costs

My dad had a fucking coupon scrapbook so that if the time came that he needed an electric scooter or a pair of crocs, GOD HELP YOU HE WOULD SAVE SOME MONEY

550 REPLIES now.

Its really not like that for men, the "getting you" is just an act we do.

>Imagine causing conflict so you can get off.
where do you think you are?

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That reminds me, Brenton was also a chad
He had a higher kill count than all the incel killers on Wikipedia combined

>so recently I tried out online dating, im a good 7.5/10 I know im good looking.
>never got any responses no matter how many women i messaged
>I tried pick up lines, didnt work.
>I tried being funny, didn't work.
>I tried a long message to show that I was being serious, didn't work.
>Straight up asking for sex, didn't work.
>even tried being a cute which im terrible at, didn't work.
>so it finally clicked one day, insults.
>so I started insulting women on the internet left right and centre
>I tried a various range of insults from you look fat to ure ugly
>and before i knew it i was getting replies from a good 3/4 messges i sent out
>To my surprise these women were not that happy but at least i got their attention

>Unironically being an incel
>literally the worst type of bottom bitch beta

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Literally handcrafted for BBC

Of course women do that, why do you think they want immigration so badly? It isn't just to fuck foreign men, it's to stir conflict between men so they can fuck the victor of the conflict.

I know what you're saying. You can sense a beta when you see him and just know his genes are worthless. But you're still acting like you aren't just as expendable in the female eye. Wake the fuck up. All young men are disposable as hell. If a male is going through pain he has to go through it alone. If a woman is going through pain she makes one tweet gets 2k likes and 40 dms of support to put a smile on her face.


Pick one


5' 9'', 130 lbs here

I've had 3 girlfriends and my body count is in the double digits

So to answer your question, yes

Pay for hookers if youre a man, got that

>I-I'll pretend it never happened
Have it your way, coward.

>thinking the chad is the one who ends up with used goods

It happens, happened to me once.
>girls asks for my number on school trip
>say sure
>she starts messaging me
>next day i get a phone call from her bf saying "oi whatchu talking to ma missus foar"

Yuri/Natsuki fans have the highest rate of visiting incel subreddits out of any of the four fanbases, while Monika fans have the lowest rate. Yuri/Natsuki fans visit incel subreddits at a 2.57x higher rate.