You did play her game, right Yea Forums?

You did play her game, right Yea Forums?

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It was a nice adventure but felt a bit drawn out and parts where you needed to defend the village was major road bumps for me as it ruined the pacing.

I'm working on it.

This. I really don't think the defense segments were needed, especially when they can come at any time.

I did and i think its my favorite. Might play it again soon. Cant wait for Ys9 and hopefully a pc port

100% completed although I settled for A ranks instead of S ranks in the last couple extra-hard beast raids, fuck that last one with three copies of that secret boss at once and then a level 120 one.

Yes, I loved it. The true ending was good.

I heard NISA fucked it up so bad that I never bought it

I would but the game doesnt like nvidia and windows 7

Imagine looking at that character design and thinking “I want to play that” or even acknowledging you have any idea what game it’s from. Lmao holy shit the absolute state of weeb faggot incels lmao!

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have sex

I did and got the not true ending, I liked the music. That's all.

His bait was way too obvious

No I didn't.
I bet she also dies at the end like certain other blue haired heroine from the other game.

I know this is bait but I honestly can't understand why peopel have more problems with Dana's outfit than with the rest of the cast having literal shirts in medieval setting

once school is out for summer I will finish her game

Its even worse


>playing Ys after the shitfest that was seven
>playing party-based Ys games
>playing nu-Falcom shit

Sasuga Falcom.

yes I am

Tia was mediocre. Dana is best Ys girl. Do treat yourself and play her game.

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Probably the most complete game I played last year. I hope Monstrum Nox is anywhere close to Ys 8 in greatness.

Her Luminous form is god tier

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True ending left bad taste in my mouth. It was written like it's supposed to be a bittersweet ending, but felt like a tragedy to me.

If I liked this and it was my first Ys game, which should I play next?

Aside from the village defense segments, it was pretty good.

>Tia was mediocre.
Won't disagree with that.
>Dana is best Ys girl
Doesn't sound like a good thing.

Celceta and Seven are the most similliar to 8, since they both use the party system. Rest are Adol going solo, with Ys I and II using a drastically different combat system which involves bumping enemies. Keep in mind that Ys 8 is the best looking one in terms of graphics, though the rest are pretty good looking for its time.

Dana is great.

for me, it's Gratika

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I beat her game, really enjoyed it. The game had some good music tracks too. Sunshine coast is god tier. Also blacksmith milkies

Dana is legit the best written female character in a game I've seen in over a decade.

I'm not doubting her greatness, but if she's as good as you guy said then I really don't want to know what happened to her in the end.

What is it with Falcom games and having daughter-esque party members you want to protect?

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I really didnt expect a such a good story from Ys, especially since i was coming from just playing CS 2. Honestly Adol had it easy, compared to the shit Dana had to go through
Just get the bad ending and you'll be good

i feel ashamed that i stopped using based sahad for some brown cunny

>true ending is worse than the bad ending
What were they thinking?

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user, the suffering is what makes blue-hairs great.

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>fails to accomplish anything, watches in horror as all her people are starving to death, then tries to an hero herself

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I only got the true ending, what happens in the bad ending?

Nothing, they sail off, everyone but adol forgets Dana and they never visit the ruins

Feena and Reah didn't die, they're just full-time statues.

yeah, that would be one of the few complaints about the game, the ending sequence and that random boss was really out of nowhere. At least the journey was great tho

cold-blooded cloaca

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Every Dana is the best Dana.

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Isn't that just the normal ending? How is that better than the bad ending?

>Dana would have been an amazon if japs didn't have shit taste
japan was a mistake

8 was a let down desu. Hopefully they'll think things through and make it right this time.

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>Random boss
user that was the true final boss. It's like Persona 4.

That's a weird looking pokemon.

Yes, going through it again, this time on Inferno.

Id personally be better off not knowing the person i care about has to suffer for eternity, destined to do the thing we tried to stop

>not knowing
Pretty sure Dana just dies in the non-true endings

>Cant wait for Ys9 and hopefully a pc port

You do not know what you ask

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>your entire fucking civilization dies right in front of you, all of your friends and loved ones, many of them slowly starving and freezing to death
>you have to witness it because a bunch of assholes made you immortal and want to break your will so you join them
>sleep and wake up in a new era, make new friends
>have to sacrifice yourself for them, resurrected as a pawn of the goddess who first set all this in motion, can't interact with your friends anymore and now have to decide when to kill them all
They just kept doubling down on her suffering throughout the game.

Yes and now she's a goddess forever watching over me

just a prank bro

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Oh wow, it's like they thought Tia didn't have it bad enough so they're tripling down with Dana.

i'm playing on inferno and fuck these stupid big ass sunflower motherfuckers

they have 1 million HP and they keep spamming sunflower seeds that 1 shot you

Felt like they're one-upping Ys Seven in other regards as well.
The thing Rul-Ende did, wiping out all life and and allowing new life to grow, repeating that cycle many times?
Turns out the Tree did that, too, but bigger and better.

But user she got a hug from adol. thats the most intimate adol has ever gotten with a girl so they're pretty much married.

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Who is this shitty Talim?

Deepest lore

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>ywn have a magical waifu that can turn into an lightning fast aryan blonde and an inhumanly strong delicious chocolate at will.
Why even live

>ywn protect her smile ;_;

What's with Falcom and their suffering boner for blue-haired beauties?

It's a male trait to want to protect women. Many different color haired lolis are punished in Kiseki games.

It's their shtick.

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>Many different color haired lolis are punished in Kiseki games.
And that's a good thing.

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>Playing Tokyo Xanadu right now
>Student Council President who just joined my party has blue hair
Oh no.

FUCK that doctor guy on inferno, holy shit what a bad fight

is Adol a bigger homosexual than Leon Kennedy?

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He's just adventuresexual.

Ehh it was entirely on Tia in Seven. She could have avoided it all by just being a normal maiden in her village, but she had to go and harbring the end.

I played Ys right after Divinity Original Sin 2 and was laughing my ass off because they start off the same exact fucking way

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What did you guys think of the final boss battle of Dana's solo adventure? The one with the dragon creature that was the little girl?

the fact that she became a dragon instead of a 1vs1 human vs human fight was lame as fuck
The fight itself was great, just like the whole solo dungeon

I really liked it, felt like an appropriate final test for dana, mirroring her form changes

Why didn't Dana just make Adol a watcher so they could be together forever? Surely she deserves at least a little something for all the suffering she's been and going to go through so trading a single adventurer for the fate of humanity seems like a pretty good deal.

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Her game was shit. I liked her sections though and I liked the idea of swapping forms for different attack types. I wish they would dump this retarded party thing and just have us play as Adol or do a dual protagonist thing again. Also fuck flash guard, makes the game brainless and repetitive

Favourite track from it? For me it's either Iclucian Dance or this.

For me its a tie between these two

Nobody knows what happens to Adol after his death. For all intends and purposes the entire pantheon will want his dick by the end of his life so they will ascend him as a god of adventurers or something only for him to fuck off to adventure on different planes of existence

>only for him to fuck off to adventure on different planes of existence
gets isekai'd to kiseki

iirc it's fixed now and can easily pirate it, fuck NISA

Adol would body the Kiseki world though.

Perfect time for Kiseki to jump on isekai bandwagon and isekai Adol into Kiseki world.

Sunshine coast has the only memorable track.

>a dramatic finale of kiseki series with all the top tiers being present, from Grandmaster to Gralsritters, happening at some ancient technomagical site
>everyone gets casually BTFO'd by some guy who decided to explore the area


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You will play his third game

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I'm still early in the game but
1. Sunshine Coastline
2. Footprint in the Wet Sand
3. Overcome the Rocky Path

I haven't even played his first game

Have you played her games, then?

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of course

Then you're quite rightfully excused, as long as you've also played Third.

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Should I play Ys 8 on vita or not at all?

vita is the worst version
Just play it on PC

Iclucian Dance is just godly but other than that one of my favorites is the post game dungeon which was Dana's trial dungeon in the past but now in ruins.

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Not an option

You have shit taste then.

Its worth a play. Though it doesnt have the solo dana sections, which were one of the best parts of the game, so take it as you will

I want to cum inside dana and take responsibility

But user, she's a dinosaur-person. Could she even get pregnant from that?

What's wrong with the party mechanics? I found it fun to play different fighting styles.

Its pretty much new bad, old good meme. That said the only annoyance i have with it, is that its using a rock paper scissors system, which kinda limits your party line up.

Only have time to invest in this or xenoblade 2. Which do I pick bros?

I finished it a few days ago and it was mediocre.

Decent game but I find suffering-bait characters obnoxious as fuck.

You get a bonus for stacking the same type

desu I'll take party members to switch to for weapon styles instead of just switching Adol's weapons

If you pick xenoblade 2, look up tips online. It does a very poor job of explaining how to actually play the game well.

What is she bait for?

You my nigga