Movie games bad

>movie games bad
>yakuza good

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Well I can the Yakuza games to play an actual video game, like Outrun or Virtua Fighter, therefore, it's not a movie game

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Yakuza has more than enough gameplay to make up for it.

haha yes good meme user, you did the npc face and associated something you don't like with the mannerisms of a philosophical zombie. how groundbreaking and original, how previously unconceived and not redundant, you'll get Yea Forums gold for this one my friend.

Y6 is atrocious.

>OC bad
>redditjak good

>mash xxx
>press y for cinematic super move
good gameplay indeed

trying too hard

the movie meme is just nintendofag COPE. nothing more.

I sincerely hope that all these threads are just a joke/bait

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Yakuza is worse than a movie game. At least movie games are more straightforward and don't waste your time.

it's a wojack so duh

This, Yakuza has plenty of long cutscenes and flashy cinematic moves in combat but always gets a pass
I actually prefer the combat in Spiderman and nu God of War since it doesn’t get old after 3 hours

Movie games were never defined by the amount of cutscenes for me, it was always a general feeling. It's something that tries super hard to be a low budget Netflix adaption instead of a videogame. Yakuza has a distinct "gamey" feeling about it, its something that could never work as a movie because you'd miss so much stuff like the sub stories and general wacky aspects like pocket circuit or whatever. Then you have shit like uncharted where the game part feels like it was added out of obligation and you don't really lose anything since it even plays like a cutscene.

Yakuza gameplay is shit.

Shenmue > Redditza

Serious question tho: why watch any movie now that games exist? Netflix reported that video games are the biggest competition and threat to them. I havent seen a single movie in almost a year.

I really hope you're joking.

I haven't played 6 but are you sure all of that are cutscenes? I've seen a few of those "movie cutscenees" videos for gamees and they had quite a bit of gameplay.

I'm not.