Reminder that she's not going to pay for her mistakes
Reminder that she's not going to pay for her mistakes
Other urls found in this thread:
i unironically want a "safety fist" sign in my room
everytime I see it it makes me giggle
She did nothing wrong.
What are some other characters who are massive cunts but are obviously a writer favorite and never get their dues? Not Yea Forums related but Lisa Simpson
One of the trailers shows the antagonists stripping her siren powers (her tattoos are gone) so here's hoping
stopping Jack was a "mistake"?
Based retard
>What are some other characters who are massive
Tiny Tina
What did she do?
People joke about rats not counting, but shes still portrayed as a bad guy until it was convenient for the plot to hand wave her crimes away.
Well, some people would argue she was who "started" Jack in the first place.
Jack was already unhinged from the beginning.
Jack lost it long before Lilith fucked up his face.
women aren't responsible for their actions you incels
Don't have sex.
too late I can't stop my hips
What did she do wrong exactly?
Athena deserved to die for helping space hitler reach power
Despite popular belief, your hips are liars.
Lol! I mean it, lol!!!
I'll lol you right in the dickhole, you roasty cunt.
ooo that sounds fun
You need to go back.
She gets rekt by the antagonists in BL3, as seen in the trailer.
Now if only she got corrupted and becomes the final boss.
I quite frankly don't give a shit
Why did they ruin my favorite character's face? Is this the Lord's punishment for her mistakes?
She took the Bogpill
They fixed her. Now she legit looks like a girl who dates black guys. I don't see the issue.
She just became as ugly on the inside as she is on the outside.
dios mio
what's a good build for her? so far I've taken phoenix
this is my build. Currently working on capping out the phoenix keystone. What tree should I tackle once I'm done.
Also got a question regarding class mods, I found something that gives bonuses to skills I haven't unlocked yet, do they still take effect or do I need to learn the skill to at least lvl1 for any class mod bonus to take effect?
>Gaige hasn't been shown yet
>aside from Maya every female character looks inbred
Randy please
don't do this
This is your bread and butter then throw the last 13 points wherever.
You need at least one point in a skill to gain class mod benefits. They can also go past 5/5 with class mods.
She killed billions of my sperm cells
It's a fate worse than death and every woman knows it. Did they hire a fat woman to design her face?
Must be the 'muh cheekbones' craze
>he bought?
Wouldn't doubt that Randy hired a bunch of people who are basically Anthony Burch but somehow worse and now they are fucking the game up with their shitty writing and poor character design
It's been a while, but if I recall, she wasn't exactly exonerated, but given the "soldier doing her job" shtick. During the epilogue, I think she felt bad enough that she was going to atone for her crimes (not sure how) and Steiner was all like "Nah, it's cool, let's smash" and they do.
>doesn't take elemental tree at all
uhhh have I fucked up? I haven't found a respec station yet, so I don't know if it's possible to respec at all
She didn't make any.
You can respec in any of the locations that let you swap your color palette/hat.
There's one right next to where you spawn in New Haven.
Unless they changed it you should be able to respec at new-u stations
Is the entire reason Roland go killed and Jack was able to unlock the Vault. If she had fucking listened for once in her life her BBC would still be alive.
>all the resetera trannies in this thread
She's a cunt. She was written to be a cunt.
thanks, I'll check it out. Currently have the quest to restore the teleportation system, I didn't have a reason to check out the new u stations yet so I must have missed the option
>Is this the Lord's punishment for her mistakes?
God works in mysterious ways, user.
Borderlands characters have always looked bad in the games
>inb4 Jack is alive and there will be a Hunt Down the Siren mission
She looked okay in 2, bad only at weird angles in 1.
these are my personal opinions:
>While the aussie humour of The Pre-Sequel is lost to me, it was still a fun game
>Athena is fucking amazing and I hope to see her again in BL3
>There is no better feeling than to tank a boss's load with Athena's action skill and bounce it back Captain America style, beheading and exploding bandits and a good chunk of the boss HP
Jack is definitely alive, his AI is
God I hope we can nail her sorry head to a fucking wall with a jakobs rifle
Shh don't tell Yea Forums that, then they won't have their "I hate all women" fantasy.
>Athena is fucking amazing and I hope to see her again in BL3
>tfw can't stand playing her because of Janey
Gets away with everything, death is an obvious fakeout and the team not only forgives him, but also beg him to join them again, and cry over his death. The game was fun, but holy shit he's just a vortex of bad writing.
Roland would've died anyway. Jack didn't kill Roland with her power or anything. Jack just showed that he could've killed Roland pretty easily.
Fuck off discord tranny. Even I played that shit heap of a game and know that if it wasn't for Lilith Jack would have been a run of the mill asshole on Pandora. But due to her actions he became a full blown madman. But please, continue on with your "hurr woman haterz" fantasy.
she paid by having a long ass giraffe neck
It's gonna be hard for the Calypso twins to fill the big shoes of Jack, but I'm positive they will manage somehow
Damp eet
Jack would have had zero reason to enter the chamber, the man was insane but not suicidal. By air head being there Jack had a reason to show up and pop one into Roland. Also nice attempt to ignore her being the whole reason Jack got The Warrior, he lost his key but a dumb bimbo decided to show up providing him with another right away.
She didn't start it but she for sure made it worse. What was the point of just punching him and then fucking off anyway? Why not kill him right then and there?
Still best girl.
I didn't ignore her causing the warrior's awakening? Your post concentrated on Roland dying. Jack risked more going there to capture Lilith than he did if she wasn't there. Even if he just wanted to be a prick, fighting off a siren AND Roland is harder than just Roland.
Stay mad /pol/ock
I mean visually they look interesting, and with the whole cult sthick I think Gearbox saw how well done it was with Far Cry 5's plot and are trying it out here.
>Fighting off a siren and Roland
>She can't even put up a struggle
Oh I didn't realize I was talking to a retard, my bad.
>basically already confirmed to be lesbian
Do these people have to fucking integrity? With this series any time a new character is introduced it's a 50% toss up of whether they're gay. It's so fucking dumb. Just focus on making a likable character instead of going "oh she's a lesbian so you have to like her now" before the game even comes out.
Why is this allowed?
Quit dancing around the issue. He risked more with Lilith there objectively. Without Lilith there, what was stopping Jack from going
>tps behind roland mid speech
>Kills u
>tps out
Can we not talk about BL2's narrative like it made any fucking sense at all and was anything other than absolute trash writing? Every time I've played it I can't look at Roland's death as anything other than a plot device that was horribly thought out. The game establishes New-U revival stations and personal energy shields as canon, then in the same breath acts like Roland can die from one gunshot to the back.
If you like playing BL2, that's great, so do I, but it is definitely not worth debating the finer points of its shit plot.
Burch is literally gone though.
I just want some hot bara characters to beat muh meat to in 3, that is all I want
>any time a new character is introduced it's a 50% toss up of whether they're gay
That's pretty much how real life works too.
I think everyone forgot the part that the reason Jack took the risk to capture Lilith was because he still needed a Siren after his daughter died to pump full of Eridium to charge the Vault key.
What would he gain from doing that? One dead vault hunter, a lot more to go. They had killed his only siren, the warrior would not awaken, Pandora was pretty much saved.
Then Lilith did what she does best and fucked everything up.
Warrior was a fucking jobber.
Lilith needs to fucking die, as with Moxxi
in terms of what? Being annoying, unfunny, psychotic douches?
Jack was a big pile of bad writing in BL2
Because I think something happened during the attack on Angel and she was the only one to help.
Plus she had a connection with Roland, which is why she also came along to make sure he didn't get hurt, and so as soon as Jack killed him, she would get emotional and charge to attack, right into his grasp.
It's not as impossible as you imagine, or trying to round it all up as "THIS IS WHY WOMAN FUCKING SUCK" as this thread's OP is blatantly trying to do.
Borderlands is the game series where I'm ashamed to admit that I'm a Yea Forums drone. I dismissed this game on reputation on Yea Forums alone until one day I just played it and had one of the most fun experiences in a video game ever. I have 120 hours in BL2 and 119 hours in TPS, and some dozens of hours in BL1. I can't wait for BL3 and yeah I'll probably even install Epic shit launcher for this, who gives a fuck?
>as with Moxxi
Now what did she do to you?
She did nothing deserving of punishment though. She fucked up by only disfiguring Jack instead of finishing him off but she spent years making up for that and finally contributed to stopping him in BL2 so she's paid her debts on that front.
Oh, but what's that I hear?
Half the friendly NPCs have tried to kill a PC over virtually nothing at some point and aren't held accountable after an apology. Lilith has the excuse that she was working with Jack for an extended period and virtually everyone else in Athena's squad went on to be a cunt that wreaked havoc, she had a solid reason to think she was dirty too.
In the end Athena got bailed out, Lilith admitted she was wrong and said sorry, and the two of them moved on. You should too, because it's honestly pathetic how buttflustered retards get over misunderstandimg a storyline as simple as Borderlands' one and she's not going to suffer shit beyond a temporary loss of her Siren powers to set up the new villains.
The only once dancing is you conga boy, it's been known for a fucking long time by that point Jack has a way to neutralize Sirens. He outright tells anyone working for him to give him a location and not be retarded. So what reason is there to show up if it's such a dangerous risk, but oh yeah he can just nuthin personal you all if Lilith wasn't there so there is no real risk according to you. Get your fucking head out of your ass before posting next time.
No it's not. Either you're a fucking retard who doesn't understand how percentages and ratios work or you're just shitposting.
Both of them are writer's pets. Moxxi especially. They'd never kill them even if both of them are just garbage human beings.
That's not what all the characters thought at the time. Everyone agreed that the warrior awakening was pretty much the end of Pandora.
A character should be judged! based on the decisions they make with the information they have.
Not all, quit being disingenious. Roland's guard was down, that doesn't mean Jack can kill us all - obviously he can't if the final fight is anything to go by, dipshit. I never said all, I only said Roland.
She fucked your mom
>In the end Athena got bailed out, Lilith admitted she was wrong and said sorry, and the two of them moved on. You should too, because it's honestly pathetic how buttflustered retards get over misunderstandimg a storyline as simple as Borderlands' one and she's not going to suffer shit beyond a temporary loss of her Siren powers to set up the new villains.
Because this is modern Yea Forums, which is basically /pol/-lite, and as such, try to find an excuse to go on about how women are useless fuck machines or something like that.
Jack was driven to madness by thots, namely Moxxi and Lilith
He did nothing wrong
The toll is always paid.
he was mad from the start
after playing her in TPS it really sucks she had to die in BL2.
>Literally embracing the pancake meme
Wew lad.
You're right I misinterpreted your meme arrows for killing Roland and You my bad. Now it's an even stupider risk because there's nothing he gains outside of killing one man and still having no Siren, luckily though that wasn't an issue for him because someone is stubborn. Without Lilith there the risk wouldn't have been worth it, because it gains him nothing since he's clowned on Roland forever.
On the bright side she was an optional mission in BL2, so if they really wanted they could just make that non canon and have her still be alive unlike Wilhelm who you kill in the main story. But I doubt they'll bother as BL3 seems to already have a pretty large cast.
He had a hero complex but was committed to being an actual hero, keeping civilians safe, and helping as much as he could
It wasn't until literally everyone besides his closest hired guns betrayed him for no real reason that he decided to be judge jury and executioner on everyone that slighted him
So did Jack but you killed him
>He had a hero complex but was committed to being an actual hero, keeping civilians safe, and helping as much as he could
his actions say otherwise
> betrayed him for no real reason
I would think being a douchebag, even by borderlands standards, is a good enough reason.
>Jack kills scientists to make sure that the Vault Hunters aren't killed
>Moxxi and Lilith devise a plan to kill Jack and the Vault Hunters
>Roland says hes sorry
>Lilith says she isn't sarcastically and even implies she is enjoying it
>Lilith captures Athena and makes her tell her a story where she witnessed everything important that happened
>Athena would have died if the alien didn't stop the bullets
yeah no Lilith is still a piece of shit
No he was just an asshole with an overinflated ego, in other words he was no different that Vault Hunters that people love so much.The constant betrayals in TPS topping off with Lilith disfiguring him for literally no reason drove him off the edge. Roland getting killed was karma.
>So did Jack but you killed him
Jack did everything wrong.
>No he was just an asshole with an overinflated ego
aka "mad"
You deserve to be Warriored
>I would think being a douchebag
What stupid logic. 99% of characters in this franchise classify as douchebags including the vault hunters from Bl1 and Bl2. By your logic all of them are deserving of getting fucked over and ultimately killed too.
It was confirmed canon she died in TFTB, so no way of tap dancin' around it
Was it? I didn't play Tales. If so then that sucks, waste of a cool character
>a Jack fanboy resorts to racism
>99% of characters in this franchise classify as douchebags including the vault hunters from Bl1 and Bl2.
and it says something when even those people think Jack is shit.
I get that part of the point is that everyone on pandora is kinda a shitty person or a fuck up
but damn would I like to see lilith get some fucking retribution
What's up with the rabid redditor in every Borderlands thread who does nothing but strawman whenever someone questions the retarded plot or characters?
you should play tales if you got the time, it's a great borderlands story and personally I'm really happy they seem to include it into the BL3 story
If it's any consolation, even Burch said that one of his (many) regrets was how he killed off Nisha in BL2.
she's definitely gonna get saved or get them back
Go back to resetera if you hate racism so much
>his actions say otherwise
He fucking stayed behind on Helios to fight off an army and help the PCs escape, and stopped Dahl from destroying the entire fucking moon
And even when one of his friends sold them out to Dahl he gave him a second chance (which he completely squandered)
Jack in BL2 is ENTIRELY the fault of others constantly dicking him over
This is canon.
Dear Doctor Tannis,
I fear I am losing my mind. Pandora has driven me to the brink of madness, and I am not sure if I can handle another moment on this godforsaken planet. I've watched my friends die. I've watched complete strangers murder one another over the promise of a shinier gun. I've seen skags perform horrors the likes of which I will have the good taste not to relay to you within the pages of this newspaper. Suffice to say, I do not know how to handle it. Despite your obvious, if charming combination of Asperger's and incredible condescension, you seem to be relatively sane. Tell me, if you would, Doctor: how do you do it?
- Losing It in Overlook
Dear Losing It,
Constant masturbation.
Look you just have to have a very high IQ appreciate the subtleties of Borderlands.
>Jack in BL2 is ENTIRELY the fault of others constantly dicking him over
because he dicked them over first.
TPS/Tales is just retconning the douche to make him seem like he was "right"
If anything it's Malfurion and Tyrande
Don't worry people that didn't play the game love to be retarded when discussing the game.
Don't worry.
The best twins since Solid and Liquid are gonna break that little firebirds wings.
So that officially makes him right then, doesnt it?
I could understand Tales but really nigga? You're gonna pretend it doesn't count because you don't like it and it gives context to the situation?
I kinda want to help Tannis with that
>because he dicked them over first
How? He kept giving people chances and they kept screwing him over. By the end of the game he was a mental mess and then Lilith and Moxxi decided to act retarded and drove him over the tipping point.
Burch isn't involved in bl3 so no
>So that officially makes him right then, doesnt it?
>and they kept screwing him over.
because he was a douchebag, even by Borderlands standards
I really hope the DLC characters don't get screwed in 3
The only VHs I want to see more of are Krieg and Jimothy
All I know is that this guy looks cool as fuck.
>confirmed to be lesbian
The day of the rope can't come soon enough.
But it does, Jack officially did nothing wrong.
Stop arguing with redditor. They didn't even play the games.
Note that the characters who specifically didn't dick him over where still at his side in borderlands 2?
All his TPS allies who don't dick him, didn't get dicked by him, but instead were killed or stopped by the BL2 protags.
Jack is fair to people who don't screw him or are complete fuck ups.
Hell he wouldn't even of been one to kill fuck ups if it wasn't for the people who dicked him in TPS, he was legitimately attempting heroic things until he was pushed over the edge.
if you're 12 then yeah
Who hurt you?
>because he was a douchebag
>Reeeeee, the only person on this fucking planet with the desire to save people is kind of a dick let's blow up his head
She will pay with her body
That applies to this entire series.
I'm a big Jackfag but he did poison Wilhelm and kill that one rando in Tales for no reason
Didnt he canonly poison Wilhelm so the Vault Hunters in 2 could more easily kill him?
>while male
Wasn't the whole poison thing unused dialogue? Is it even canon? And yes BL2 Jack was a complete monster, I don't think anybody is debating that. But people are discussing TPS Jack where he was just a snarky asshole with a bit of a psychotic side at the start not unlike most of the Vault Hunters we play as.
Don't worry, he'll be a gay furry in two lines of dialogue
Literally Adam Jenson of Pandora.
>discord tranny can't even spell properly
Except literally causing Jack to go insane and then killing him. Also, tried to have Athena killed with no mercy at the end of TPS.
well she has a vagina duh.
Thems fightin words, buddy.
>Killing a lot of peaceful people from new haven
>Nothing wrong
I think there is some kind of a lesson coming for her in b3.
>Bandit scum
Kind of hope they make Lilith into a lesbian too. Actually just go ahead and make the entirety of Pandora gay and/or bi.
Have you even played bl1? People from new haven were just people. Bandits usually used them as target practice
Lilith is an impulsive bitch that is true, but that doesn't make jack a good guy.
Relax Andy, take your pills.
Is Rhys still banging Sasha? Or maybe Fiona? Was Fiona even an option? I remember Tales forced the Sasha romance pretty hard.
Ummm, yikes?
In a planet with 70% male population, gays should be more prominent than what has been shown. Doubt psychos care much. A hole's a hole.
>hated claptrap in 2
>played him in TPS
basedbot pressing my random skill button to kill nerds.
>watch all the trailers
>tons of characters are shown to be returning including vault hunters from 2
>my crazy pure boy is nowhere to be found
Please don't tell me they're just gonna kill him off like a generic psycho.
>ugly bulldyke is a lesbian
Color me shocked.
Tiny Tina I think was shown using some of his gear so...I'm so sorry, user.
Was that his or just a regular psycho mask and shit like she had in 2? I didn't pay enough attention because holy fuck they made her ugly.
I hope it's "Advanced Methods of Taking Dick"
Didn't he have his own daughter locked up and pumped full of eridium before TPS though?
>kills Claptrap
>kills a guys entire family for asking why anyone would go to Pandora
>tries to kill a guy for asking questions
>poisons Wilhelm
She was an SJW anyways so keeping that bitch shut in and pumped full of shit was the only way to make sure she didn't spread her liberal filth
>He's too far gone now
>Maya gives you a quest to kill him because she's too sad to watch him live like this
>boss fight
>he uses Slag and switches his weapon
Dany in Game of Thrones/ASoIaF
but tbf, It'll probably all come crashing down on her towards the end.
He’s the new Hyperion CEO
She burned the coal, so she must pay the toll.
she started off a mass murdering manipulative bitch and slowly became hussies waifu
the whole plot is resolved by her coming back to life then becoming leader and fixing everyone's problems
I unironically want a 'safety fist' sign on my android girl.
Why do these threads constantly ignore that Jack was already manipulating Lilith and the rest of the Vault Hunters to do his bidding since the first fucking game?
What's the deal?
Reminder that Tiny Tina grew up to be a Black Cock Slut
no one remembers what actually happened in the first game
I hope every time you activate Amara’s melee rampage skill she says something stupid about “these guns” or welcoming people to the gunshow.
Even Burch fucking remembered and he didn't even play BL1.
That looks more like Tiny Tina Lòpez
Just like me!
All he was doing was giving them the adventure they wanted so he could get at the eridium, it's not like he fucking killed them after they outlived their usefulness to him.
She probably is since it is shown in the trailer that the brothers get to her and she is the only one in the preview trailer with angel wings.
She's probably dying. That's what I am betting at least.
He made them heroes to Pandora. They quested for riches but got glory.
He was literally keeping his daughter captive in order to trick mercenaries into doing his dirty work while feigning innocent, all for a power play.
>He was literally keeping his daughter captive
Because her power was unstable
>in order to trick mercenaries into doing his dirty work
All he did was put the message about the vault out there, everyone who came to Pandora did so out of their own greedy volition.
Because that’s a stupid retcon.
The suicide mission was so based though. You give Jack hope that he can still defeat you before you send him straight to Hell. And he really does pay well.
They ruined Athena by turning her into a lesbo with the most annoying character in the series. Having her date scooter sister would have been funnier for example.
Besides the doppelganger and the sniper chick were the better characters of TPS.
Probably damage from using that big pile of raw eridium to phaseblast the city, and afterwards when Jack used her to finish charging the key. We know that shit is toxic with long enough exposure and Lilith's been exposed to it since the aftermath of the first game.
Sirens are SJW power fantasies, why should we make Jack look like a villian for fucking them over when screwing over SJWs is the morally right thing to do?
>her power is unstable
Maybe because her mental state was fucked up because she was held captive by her father
>All he did was put the message about the vault out there,
False. Angel literally went into people's minds and pretended to be a higher power in order to get them to open the vault. You also can't call them greedy when Jack was just as greedy.
>borderlands 1
>shes fun to play and likable, top tier skill set
>borderlands 2
>ugly annoying coalburner roastie
the sequel was so fucking bad I have no hope for BL3. my guess is it will be even worse with even shittier and less fun gameplay
>laughs at something you don't like
honestly have you forgotten the reason people don't like reddit?
>Maybe because her mental state was fucked up because she was held captive by her father
Nope, her power was unstable first, it's why Jack put her in the machine.
>Angel literally went into people's minds and pretended to be a higher power in order to get them to open the vault
No? She gave guidance to the select 4 that were the greatest vault hunters that had come to Pandora yet, she didn't mind control them or anyone else into opening the vault.
>You also can't call them greedy when Jack was just as greedy.
That's a retarded fallacy doubled by the fact that I never implied he wasn't greedy, he did everything to get the eridium so he could go on his self absorbed hero's quest of eradicating bandits.
for some reason I keep seeing bogdanoff in them.
Enhanced edition got me playing BL1 for the first time in years, and I'm starting to wonder why I ever eve played BL2. It's so nice to be able to play without NPC's talking in my ear constantly. This game actually has some atmosphere.
You've got it all wrong. 75% of the people who think Jack dindu nuffin are women. Check tumblr, if you dare.
i can ignore a lot of dumb shit in persona 5 but god i fucking hated akechi and how the game tried to forced you into feeling sorry for him
At the very least though, I'm not Anthony Burch.
some user said that last thread while affirming that FL4K was binary (true due to the desriptions of the VH on the website) but no official statement about Amara being gay though. I'll still say that she is not until we get a confirmation from the writers/voiceliness in the game
If she is indeed gay, it would be comically stereotypical desu
Because then they can't say he dindu nuffin
Isn't she going to get her siren license revoked in BL3?
Which Siren has the best powers for sex?
>not being in touch with what 12 years old you finds cool when it comes to vidya
Tyrande more than Malfurion. Malfurion at least jobs sometimes despite easily being the strongest druid ever. Tyrande constantly runs around being the fucking worst and suffers no real consequences.
Best case scenario is Amara being in love with herself and constantly talking about how good she looks.
>Railing her
>about to come
>she phase locks your dick
>infinite stamina
if you didn't gave a flower to Sasha in episode 3, when Fiona says "stay away from my sister" in Eps5 you can say to her (as Rhys) "I'm interested in someone else", he says that to her while looking at her and smiling
People were really autistic about shipping in the telltale game forums, the romance wasn't even at the core of the game and it's just useless shitflinging because Rhys would be better of with Vaughn, no homo
I can see her being infatuated with Tyreen and having internal debates on whether to fuck her up or FUCK HER up.
I just started tales from borderlands and it's awesome just giving you guys the heads up
Make her bi and want to fuck both of the twins.
>not Zero or Loaderbot
Think about it
Throw Axton into that 3some and make it a 4some.
Wasn't really a big fan of Tales, but I did like AI Jack. Even though he was doing the usual and manipulating Rhys with the full intention to fuck him over, they buddy buddy scenes between the two were actually nice.
Non-binary, my bad
I can only think of Yea Forums characters
I don't know what that means and I don't really want to know.
I'm just going to assume it's a hilarious programming joke
Too bad she's asexual.
a sexual what?
You know damn well that's only because she was a woman, not because she was a sexy, likeable character.
Asexual, she is not attracted to anyone.
For the lbtqitbraaap++ community it means that you don't identify as a male or female (so you don't use he/she/her/he pronouns)
They (so FL4K) are (wants to be)designated by They/Their or whatever shit they come up with such as xer or xhir.
I figure that as FL4K is a robot it's neither a male or a female but hell, he has a more masculine appearance and there will probably be some joke about him being non-binary despite being a robot
Jack was at his best in Tales, probably due to his interractions with Rhys.
>they made lilith into an insufferable mary sue blacked
why did randy have to ruin the perfect jailbait emo girl
I want to be another of Moxxi's divorcees!
Luckily Krieg isn't someone, he's a someTHING
in tales even if you partner with him he straight up trys to kill you
>my own opinion is a fact
yeah but it doesn't mean that she is aromantic!
I hate myself for knowing the various tumblr-tier lingo, I still don't get what Queer mean though
It's canon, there's even a line in one of the DLC where she implies that she doesn't understand that she's considered hot.
She got blacked
yes but she is a cunt so it's not a huge loss
roland deserved better
Why is it not okay for women to fuck black dudes but for you faggots to lust over anime girls
What kind of logic is that? And if a girl wants to fuck a black dude then that's her right, but she shouldn't expect anybody to respect her afterwards.
>her bbc was taken away forever
She's suffered more than any other white girl in western video game history.
Bringing back the Vault Hunters as NPCs was a mistake.
Not surprise a cuck plays Borderlands.
She couldn't phasewalk her way through this wall.
Steiner getting a piece is a much bigger win then anything she could have done to "atone" for gassing some furfags.
I get that Jack is a manipulative bastard but I do like to think he did respect and like Rhys at least a little, if nothing else he did have a genuine heart-to-heart with him right before he gets deactivated in Part 5
Yeah but not before getting a heaping helping of humble pie. Even in universe, it's acknowledged that Lilith fucked up a lot of stuff, but she's still generally heroic. She's gonna have a little redemption arc and come out a better person.
Joker. To the point of it not even being funny anymore.
Which is a fitting punishment for the character, really.
How do give the joker dues though, I don't think it's a writer jerk off thing (although yes I agree that Joker is a favorite of writers) as much as it's that he See's everything as a huge game and joke, what can you really do to the guy that will piss him off to a mega degree other then kill batman
>poisons Wilhelm
When does that happen?
Yep. There he is. Best boy. Too bad ge jobbed to death. Too bad Jack poisoned him. Yep. Poison.
There's an unused Echo where Jack talks about how he purposefully poisoned Wilhelm to make him lose the fight so he'd drop the generator.
A cut echo log. It explains he poisoned Wilhelm to weaken him in the fight so you'd be guaranteed to pick up the fake power core. He would've been raid tier otherwise.
Not canon
Why don't we just say WoW's characters have been bad since post-WotLK and call it a day
They were probably bad before that but I still like WotLK much more than it deserves
Ah, but.
Fill the void anytime, cumskin.
I'm sorry, but I don't speak in fatty, am*rican filth.