Shrine asks you to bring them an ice cube

>Shrine asks you to bring them an ice cube
>jets of flame everywhere
>obviously I have to avoid having the ice cube touch the flame
>come to the last obstacle
>can't figure out a way to get it past without touching the flames
>look up a guide
>you have to literally THROW THE FUCKING ICE CUBE THROUGH JETS OF FLAME to complete the shrine

10/10 puzzle design, gg NIntendo

Attached: Kuh_Takkar_shrine_10.jpg (1000x563, 81K)

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based nintendo, cucking faggots that can't comprehend bending or breaking their own assumed rules

only took me like 2 tries
adapt, faggot

did you think it would completely melt on contact

are you actually autistic

>he didn't stasis it and hit it across the ledge

Even my little bro at his 7 years realised how to pass this shrine. Git gud this is not darksollus

>didnt make elevator out of block of iron

I got stuck on this one and ended up just throwing it through and was surprised it actually worked.

The only one I couldn't figure out was the constellation one in Korok Woods. I have no idea what the hell I was suppose to do. Even after looking at a guide I still don't get it.

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You fucking idiot.

Bring a metal cube over, lift it up with magnet to block the flame outlets, switch to stasis and freeze it, blocking the flames so you can walk through with it or just hit it to knock it through.

fuck those shrines where you have to figure out in what holes you have to put the balls in

Crazy, I got BotW a couple weeks ago and did this one today. Anyway, you're a dumb faggot. I stasis'd the ice, then used magnesis on the metal block to block the vents of flame.
The real trouble I had on this one was not understanding why the block melted so fast. I had a flameblade equipped.

Stasis the ice block and hit it a few times, then lift the iron block so it blocks the flames

I drew that one on paper.

I tried that, I couldn't switch to magnesis before it fell. It only had to fall like 3 feet, are you on adderal or what?

>there are people who have trouble with puzzles designed for literal children

The Twin Shrine on the mountains were easy. I don't know what constellation I was supposed to look at or how it was related to the holes.

The constellation puzzles are one of those 'You're overthinking it way too much' type of puzzles. Once you actually understand how it works, you'll be headbanging over how simple it is.

>Walk into that shrine
>Read sign talking about constellations
>Immediately leave shrine because I think it's referring to the in-game night sky, don't even stop to look around
Felt like a bit of a muppet. It was easy once I realised that mistake, though, you just count the patterns on the wall and then put balls in corresponding holes. It's barely even a puzzle.

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It honestly might have been this
I don't remember, but I certainly remember not throwing it through the fire.

do you think fire instantly melts ice user?

Count up these fuking constellations(how much are the same) and just put balls according to number of contsces

t. never played the game

t. hasn't played any other LoZ game
Which were also designed for children. :)

I figured I was over thinking it, but I just ended up looking at a guide.

I feel like that's the real difficulty of the puzzle. It's like one of those IQ questions where they throw a large amount of useless info at you to confuse you, and in the end, they ask you what color is your eyes.

>grab the ice cube
>it starts melting immediately
>try rushing through
>doesn't work
>run around like an idiot trying to figure out some strat for like 10 minutes
>look up a guide
>ice doesn't melt
>spend 10 more minutes running around and thinking it's broken
>realize i have a flame greatsword equipped that is melting the ice
10/10 game

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Did anyone else have trouble with the Lost Woods puzzle like I did? I assumed because of the initial bit where you follow the torches that it had something to do with being in the light.

The gyroscope puzzles were the fucking worst ones. They never worked properly. Fuck whoever decided to throw those in.

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Am I the only one who loved the golf one? Gyroscope controls were a bit shit but I enjoyed it

I pretty much trial and error-ed it, got through without too much trouble. The real fucked for me was the tailing mission with that little faggot Korok. I never quite worked out what angle he could see you at, and I kept losing him when I'd give him extra space.

i remember solving this in my own way
which is why i like the puzzles in this game
its so much rewarding when you break that shit and do it your own way

>the one where you have to roll a ball down a narrow part on a platform and tilt it up at the last second to barely launch it onto the other side

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I literally just fucking ran through the Trial of Wood. I ran by everyone and just hoped I made it to the shrine.

Literally all the shrines in botw are lazy physics puzzles. Yeah, i love zelda because it reminds me so much of garry's mod.

If we're thinking of the same one, I eventually just flipped the whole board over and tried to just launch it.

>Trying to do the gyro puzzles on a Wii U gamepad in handheld mode
The cannon one from the DLC was absolutely fucking horrendous even by the gyro puzzle standards. I'm so glad you could cheese that shit with bomb arrows otherwise I might never have done it.

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>those fucking motion conrols shrines

who thought thta was a fucking good idea

that one gave me feels of "the witness" It's one of my favorite shrines for that reason

Is that the one with the electric bulbs and the 4 fans?

>motion controls
>trying to play on CEMU with a mouse
I think I spent an hour on the one where you had to get the three balls on separate tiles. What a fucking nightmare.

Constellations are identical and written above rows. Each hole represents a number as indicated by the torches on the far wall. It's actually a good shrine where you need to take in the environment rather than just guess.

Did anyone actually do the shrines where you had to rotate the block to light torches but not let the lit flames touch water legitimately?
It was too easy to just shoot ~6 fire arrows and be done with it.

I did at least one of those before I had fire arrows, so yeah.

I didn't want to waste fire arrows so I just made a fire and made homemade fire arrows.

Nah, it's this one

No you don't, you can magnetize the steel block to stop the fire and then stasis it really fast. Get good.

Oh, okay. I never played the dlc.

I honestly regret getting it, it wasn't worth the asking price at all.

>not shaking the joycon like a retard until you happen to send the ball the right way every time you encounter a gyro puzzle
You asked to suffer.

it was really overpriced imo. Oh well atleast you get master mode which makes the game a bit more enjoyable

>Shrines asks you to stasis a ball through a room into a hole
>Shrines then asks you the same but with random bits of wall between you and the hole to make it near impossible without emptying your whole inventory
Whenever I play the game I just skip the bonus chest of this shrine, it's not worth it.

I did it specifically because I didn't want to cheese it. I like that the are multiple solutions to the puzzle though.

Me on the left


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>Figured it out how to get to the Master Sword following the directions of the ember in the torch in the obscurity of the lost woods
It's almost poetic

I've honestly never looked up so much shit for a game before I played BOTW. I have like 50 google searches for various shit in the game, mostly how to beat shrines and how to find them

I actually found the Trial of the Sword to be the most worthwhile content in the DLC. Master Mode is something that should have been in the base game for free, it doesn't change anywhere near enough to warrant a second playthrough.

>"Have the monkey dance for the snake"
>Figure that I have to lead a monkey through the long tunnel where there are hidden lizards and unique hidden enemies everywhere while protecting the monkey.
>Lol no there's a random monkey at the end of the tunnel, it's just there.
At some point in development that tunnel 100% was made as a challenging escort area, but changed due to play testers sucking.

I've only looked up a few things, but one I remember is the shrine quest on the plateau between the Gerudo and Lake Hylia regions where you had to position a snowball so that its shadow would cover a specific spot on a rock wall at a certain time of day.

I don't think the enemies even have aggro ranges half that long.

Solving the shrines were pretty easy. Finding them was a different story.

You're supposed to count the instances of each type of constellation on the far wall, put them in the right things, turn around, count the constellations of each type on THAT wall, move the balls, then get the chest and talk to the monk.

What game?