This is it lads, Bioware is kill. You'd think they'd learned by now.
Press S to spit on grave
This is it lads, Bioware is kill. You'd think they'd learned by now
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Sucks, I have like 120 hours in inquisition and quite enjoyed the game.
So they will make it more mmo like than cisquisition and with microtransactions?
Well of course, EA hasn't changed their disgusting E3 conferences the last what.. 5 years now? They aren't ever going to change.
Andrew Wilson is the same money-grubbing asshat as the previous guy before him.
Following Andromeda and Anthem, this might actually be the game that kills Bioware.
>Did the same shit for MEA
>It was a dumpster fire
>Did the same shit for Anthem
>It was a dumpster fire
So, uh, they never learn, huh? Can't wait for more webm.
did ANYONE have any hope for da4? I mean, after andromeda and anthem.
Become EA for a second, though.
>takes fucking forever to "develop", literally nothing gets done in years and game is crunched in under two years
>lukewarm reception at best and largely seen as disappointment
>literally the same shit happens with Anthem
>panned even worse by everyone
I'd be looking for heads to roll.
Bioware died after ME2/DA:O
Anyone who doesn't know this is new, underage or an unironic biodrone who is only now experiencing disillusionment after 4/5 shit bioware games.
It's been going on long enough, EA will not tolerate another flop and man there have been heaps
The retardation of the whole art direction and overall design, or lack thereof
Everything about it, really
The ending shitstorm
Inquisition was mildly better than 2 but still shit. It tried so hard to copy skyrim it was pathetic
Diversity is not anyone's strength
The game no one asked for
Their time of troubles began after Origins aka when EA took over and plenty of former leads left quoting "not liking where the series was going" as their reason. Flash forward ten years and we are where we are.
he doesn't look like ventrue prince there
>Anthem bombs
>make DA4 more like Anthem
If it wasn't for the mongoloids who buy FIFA every year EA would have bankrupted themselves 20 years ago.
You just know it's IRL shitposting because Andrew Wilson is Australian
It's simply how business runs. These games take YEARS to develop. You cannot course correct on a dime like that, and that's real bad for a trend chaser publisher like EA. You'd think they would bury the idea of microtransactions after Battlefront 2 died on that hill, but nope.
>Anthem but with swords and dragons!
I fricking cannot wait for this epic master piece!
>DA2 was horribly executed because 18 month dev
>bioware got slapped for it
>ME3 spectacularly failed to live up to the marketing hype
>bioware got slapped for it
>DA3 released in a terrible state and only had some success because it released 6 months ahead of Witcher 3
>bioware received some praise from the press and meh sales
>ME4 was a failure we haven't seen in AAA gaming so far
>bioware got slapped for it
>Anthem was and still is a massive failure in every single regard
>bioware got slapped for it
>all in all they flushed about 500mil
EA shuttered studios after one single failure and bioware gets to keep existing after 5. No matter what they do, they are never getting the axe. It's EAs last studio focused on AAA singleplayer games.
Because EA really wants their in-house RPG studio.
Bioware has been an empty name since ME2
Anthem is such a shitshow. The game somehow get's worse with each new patch. This is one of top players in Anthem and even he is done.
Bioware started being smugger than ever around 2010 because ME2 was successful. Then they put out that abortion of a game called DA2 and started a one sided cold war with CDProjekt. Dragon age was utterly ruined by their rushing to beat The Witcher. Canacucks defeated by poles, glorious.
>blamed homophobia for DA2 and ME3's shortcomings
>forced diversity in an attempt to gain invincibility towards criticism from Inquisition onwards, it didn't work
>now they want to monetize
And if BL2 turns out to be a big success EA might buy hardsuit labs and then slowly fade out bioware.
And then Andrew Wilson will be a true Ventrue prince, memes are real
>Bioware died after ME1
DA:O is good. GritEdge Effect should've been a side story at best, true.
Is that Big Lenny
I spit on you, I spit on you mother, I spit on your father. *Ahchoo*
>120 hours in inquisition
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Wowie. Dead before it even started, let alone arrive.
gg EA. You’re doing good work
Bioware has been dead since ME3.
You know user, you may have a point, but you're a dumbass.
But Mass Effect 3 is literally fastest and best selling game they got
They got funding for another game? How?
Because of its insane marketing campaign and they were riding on the success that was ME2, it attracted all the GoW and CoD kids
Because of the release hype. It made something like 90% of its lifetime sales in the first 2 months, the other 10% are curiosity sales caused by the shitstorm.
>Diversity is not anyone's strength
Diversity is good, though. In Nox, for example, playing the game as a different class is still very enjoyable as it shows how events would unfold from a different perspective. Even when you go through the same areas. What you mean is agenda-pushing.
You'd think they have a working formular after 3 games.
Yes, agenda pushing within the game itself and how the dev team was diversity above competency. A studio that has since then been shutdown.
>be like anthem
What? They want to make a $60 with a cash shop that's basically empty? Even anthem fans were bitching at bioware to add cosmetics to buy but they didn't have shit to sell. Imagine that, the game is fresh and new and in its honeymoon phase, people have money to burn on cosmetics in a $60 game but they end up not spending money because there's nothing there.
Anthem's whole monetization scheme is to trickle out shit to buy and make it available for 2-3 days at a time before it gets rotated out for other cosmetics, one problem is they show the same items a lot, the other problem is that the game is a mess and it sucks so when the honeymoon phase ended no one wanted to spend any money on that shit anyway.
Anyone who is hyped for DA4 has to be retarded at this point, EA is retarded too for not just closing bioware down, they killed off visceral and criterion for making good games that didn't sell enough but they keep bioware who just makes garbage and wastes money.
anybody who had any faith in DA, or any "BioWare" game for that matter after DA II is legit retarded. I have no remorse for any of you
>This tier of graphics and animation
>Years of time to improve and innovate
I suddenly understand Graphic-Fags pain.
No one knows. It's funny, the Dead Space devs were shafted after Dead Space 3, but not Bioware. Funny how life works.
I know right..
Literally doesn't matter.
EA is making more money than ever. That's what matters to the shareowners.
Yeah. EA's retarded GaaS mandates are doing their part to kill Bioware, mainly because Bioware's strengths as a developer were partial to single player games and not live service shit, but BW leadership has appears to have dicked around for years with nothing to show except bad games and worse PR. EA should clean house of management there almost entirely.
Not from Bioware games that's for sure.
Bioware is changing to appeal to better money making type of games as the ceo dictactes.
Money acquired through sales are no longer enough to EA ambitions. And either bioware delivers much more profitable games(which is not the same as good) or it gets the axe in favor for better money investments.
They want that kind of profitability in the rpg world. As then can't simply pump more fps and sports games as they dry their base in micro transactions, they are trying to get more transactions in other genres.
So they're gonna make it even more like an MMO AND with microtransactions? Yeah, that'll definitely go well. It's almost like EA wants BioWare to fail.
Das rite
It's better to sell 1 million copies to people that keep paying every month for more than year, than an oldschool 10million sales and thats it
EA is shitty but I agree with this. EA gave them funding for a Mass Effect game (which was hyped/desired by the community) and a surprising amount of free reign over the project, supposobly only needing to meet the requirement of: multilayer with "supply crates" and dlc potential.
Then what does Bioware do? They say 'no thanks, we'd rather make a destiny mmo rip-off and will send all of our best writers/programmers etc to work on that instead'
They deserve what happens to them.