I'm a few hours in and so far the game has been a bit dull. Does it get better?

I'm a few hours in and so far the game has been a bit dull. Does it get better?

Attached: index.jpg (225x225, 14K)

It picks up in Chapter 2, 3 and 4, and then nosedives after the end of Chapter 5. I would keep going but I'm not sure the payoff is worth it anyway

I'll say what Yea Forums doesn't want to
Its shit and so are all R* games after GTAIV

We all know it deep down, RDR2 is better than GTAV it just gets bashed because people get bored of R* shit which is obscenely low quality. Bye.

But RDR 1 was very good and no one questions that

No, it's boring trash.

depends on if you like slow films
if you do then it's GOTY

It's a rewarding experience if you take your time with it.

not very good, but something fresh after another shitty gta

By this you mean playing it on small doses or doing optional content?
