Name a more iconic puzzle in a videogame
Name a more iconic puzzle in a videogame
not enough blood
okay but that blood looks tasty i wana lick it up haha
fuck this retarded shit
I had to look it up and it legitimately made me mad how stupid it was
I haven't played this game or know what the solution is, so here's my assumption:
you need to press the keys in the right order, and that order is defined by the amount of blood on each key (most blood = first key, least blood = last key)
how close am I to the solution?
Not even remotely close. But there's more to the puzzle than just the piano, so you don't have the full picture.
The book puzzle in SH3 is kinda infamous for the hard difficulty version where you actually need to know about multiple Shakespeare plays.
I assume the blood splatter resembles a word or something and that's the key to figuring out what order to press?
I guessed that straight away by pure luck of clicking one thing on another. The hardest puzzles in monkey Island are when there's an environmental object you're meant to click on but it doesn't stand out from the background at all
I think literally the only part of the game that wasn't directly related to finding the solution to this puzzle was the five animal eyes that lead to the Moiety age.
Every other aspect of the game itself was in some way directly necessary to either accessing this panel or finding out the solution.
Wait a minute, those keys...
Does the blood have any clues in it whatsoever?
Push block onto pressure plate.
Silent Hill had the most autistic puzzles I've seen.
>he never read shakespere in highschool
It's not a hard puzzle, we were just brainlets back in 1999. Once you just know that the notes on a piano on the right are high and the left are low the rest falls into place. Doves are white, crows are black, "without a voice = the keys don't make sound". I like the puzzle.
At least it's not the fucking cans of juice or face cube from SH2.
There's a poem in the same room talking about black and white birds.
>Silent Hill had the most autistic puzzles I've seen.
You've never played a point n click
You've never played Silent Hill.
Forbidden Siren is more autistic than Silent Hill but still nowhere near old adventure games
Someone post the fucking poem then, so I can try to solve it.
Dude, not even commenting on quality, but as far as autism factor goes SH is low tier. Play Myst for starters.
The clue for this puzzle is a poem, stuck to the classroom blackboard, entitled A Tale of Birds without a Voice.
First flew the greedy Pelican,
eager for the reward.
White wings flailing.
Then came a silent Dove,
flying beyond the Pelican,
as far as he could.
A Raven flies in,
flying higher than the Dove.
Just to show he can.
A Swan glides in to find a peaceful spot
next to another bird.
Finally, out comes a Crow,
coming quickly to a stop, yawning and then napping.
Who will show the way?
Who will be the key?
Who will lead to the silver reward?
dried blood looks nothing like that
puzzle made feel like i had a big brain
The entire game
Dont forget that the puzzles in Silent Hill change based on difficulty, so on easy the hint and solution is different from that blusshit that is on hard.
um well you cant cause the puzzle involves with sound
I don't think there were multiple difficulty options in the first game, were there?
Okay, so
Obviously, these birds are the keys. Each a different key? The pelican, dove and swan are white, the raven crow black.
I'm assuming both "beyond" and "above" mean further to the right/higher note. Subsequently, "before", "below" or such would mean the opposite.
I assume the available range of keys is signaled by what the blood covers.
Pelican, a white key. I'll have to figure out which with the clues gives by the others.
Dove, as far beyond/above the Pelican as possible, which means the Pelican is at least the second white key from the right.
The Raven, a black key above the Dove. This means the Dove cannot be the rightmost white key, as there is no black key above it. Thus, the Dove is the second white key from the right, and the Pelican is at least the third key from the right.
The Swan is just a white key next to an already occupied key, I'll have to figure out where it fits in. Might be above the Crow, between the Dove and the Pelican (bordering on either one or both, depending on the distance), or under the Pelican.
The Crow stop quickly, I'll take this as meaning as soon as possible, which means it's the leftmost black key.
I got something, but not enough. Even if I assume the Crow is the leftmost bird, there's still multiple options regarding the Pelican and the Swan.
they did I think
Any puzzle from myst 1, 2, or 3.
Also I don't know about iconic but the most memorable puzzle in a game I've ever played was from Myst: Uru
I've never gotten around to playing Myst. Is it a legit brain challenge or more like "haha you unlocked something somewhere in the world, now go look for it fuckwad"?
What was the solution?
Yes there were 3 difficulty, easy normal and hard, each with it's own different puzzles
Now try to do this as a 10 year old kid playing his first horror game.
Now you understand?
This is stupid and is making me angry.
Makes sense.
I never played horror games until I was 19.
I'm still easily scared.
I played all of the SH games with easy puzzles
The challenges ranges from high IQ head scratchers to just read the book to get the solution.
>first flew the greedy pelican
oh okay, so the pelican is the first bird in line
>then came a silent dove
Then, in this context, literally would mean second in line
>flying beyond the pelican
yeah fuck you riddle
Riven was the peak of adventure games everything after it was just meh.
>tfw I thought this puzzle was from silent hill 2 or 3, one of the ones I never played
>it's actually from silent hill, which I did beat as a kid so I should know the answer
damn, I think I actually was smart once
The first game is the easisest in terms of puzzle difficulty imo
Anyone else remember doing mourniings end part 2 in RS?
I remember brute forcing this puzzle by trial and error lmao
The lighthouse in bioshock infinite
The Longest Journey
>five animal eyes
Fuck them, had to actually look up the solution. This one, though, is the best puzzle in all the adventure games. The whole game led up exactly to this moment.
Too bad Obduction kind of sucked. Let's hope Firmament will be better.
That's just hanoi towers, no?
You should be able to solve this
Here's your solution bro. Figure it out before they find you
>the fourth verse of the poem exists just to fuck you up
>game has a rng timed puzzle
fuck that honestly
Is that a simple repeating sequence? 2, 1, 3, 4?
>when you don't know there is bloody beds for easy mode
And any other time when you trying to remember how to get taser.
Literally impossible
it was hard as a kid, with no dictionary and not knowing wtf a pulley really meant