Am I crazy?
So basically there is a gun you get in Borderlands 2 when you finish a quest to kill a 100 bandits, and that gun talks. And what it does apparently is it nags and mocks you no matter what you do. But I remember very clearly how when I played this game back when it first came out and got this gun it basically changed overtime from telling me how bad of a person I am, to enjoing what I do and almost flirting with me in a weird way. I got this gun again now just to see if it would actually talk to me like I remember it to do but it doesn't seem like that's gonna happen, at least not so far. What the fuck?
Am I crazy?
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Sounds like you have brain issues. I do too. Don't worry, being insane isn't as bad as it sounds. You'll learn to live with the voices, in time.
You probably just played the game for a while and then had a dream about it thinking it was real.
makes sence. I would like for it to turn out to be an actuall thing though
different user
Sounds cool af.
A game where you build social links with your guns would be neat.
Maybe the game has randomized loot so you don't get the same weapon every time you do a quest? I never played more than an hour of BL2 because all of the characters were fucking annoying, but I imagine that's probably how it works so that every playthrough isn't the same.
The stats of those weapons are somewhat random but I don't think they would go as far as to randomize the lines that it can say
Yes please
I'm saying the quest reward itself is random. As in it pulls from a list of possible guns you could receive as a reward and you get a random one at the end of the quest. One of them could be this talking gun, and maybe this time you got a different gun that doesn't talk. Again, that assumes the quest loot isn't static. I don't know enough about the game to be sure.
Alternatively, you're schizophrenic.
Sounds like something Molyneux would pitch
It does talk, there's actually a few guns that talk in bl2, but what I'm saying is that it doesn't seem to change the phrases that it says
>Your gun identifys as female
>calls you senpai
>MFW you molest her everytime you reload
Enter the Gungeon has a weapon called Gunther that goes from overly negative to positive as you kill people with it. It's the only gun in the game that does this, though
I doubt it exists
there are autists who play this game like it's the greatest game of all time so the idea that none of them came across this is unlikely
Alternatively, an RPG where you play as a gun, and you can collect/convince different people to wield you.
I looked it up and I understand what you mean now. The gun is a fixed reward and, according to the wiki, only has lines that berate you. Maybe you confused some of its lines with a different gun that likes the killing and flirts with you or something.
It's more likely that I just had a dream about the game and had mistaken it for reality. I did play excessive amounts of it back then so it wouldn't even be surprising to be honest
Would be great if it was an AI core so you can transfer it to your better guns
>Get your gun to rank 10
>You can fuck it
>when it's time to clean up the gun
>keep firing to increase accuracy
>ammo capacity: 6
It's an smg and you get in a desert zone after taking the train there i believe can't remember the name. I think it's the same area where you feed that poor skag and rob the bank
I've played it a few times. It was a good game, not even close to the best (favorite game of a similar kind of grind-based reward system is Terraria by a mile) but still good.
Some people are definitely autists though, like the ones who still take it upon themselves to piss on Yoteslaya's grave 5 years later, MorningAfterKill in general and all the stupid rumor shit surrounding Bahroo and Gothalion's falling out.
Happy I jumped from that shit when I did.
That's the other one. that one just screams annoyingly and makes you unable to run
proc gen baby baybee
but you're right that there should probably be and if statement there that stops that attribute from appearing on sniper rifles
I'd say Girls Frontline, but they're just generic animu girls
I mean, I can think of another weapon that almost perfectly fits that description, but it's not a gun.
This but with swords
And now they have a quest to free her from the blade.