RIP me

I'm going to get Dark Souls 1 today. I've always been shit at action games and boss fights,and I hear this game is 90% boss fights.

Any advice for a scrub? How do I git gud?

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Spare some time on each enemy to learn what they can do, will take you longer to finish the game but overall will make everything easier.
Every weapon is viable in some way, play what you want.
Be patient, if you are a srcub at games you will die. Don't get discouraged, just keep trying untill you succeed.

For years I avoided dark souls because I thought it was too hard for me. I'm glad I gave it a chance because it became my favorite franchise as of late. Be patient with it and enjoy!

Thanks for the advice.

>Every weapon is viable in some way, play what you want.
I'm also pretty bad at making choices when it comes to weapons. It always feels I pick the wrong thing... same with levelling up.

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>90% boss fights
You sure you're not talking about Cuphead? Yeah bosses are a big part of Dark Souls but 90% is quite a stretch. It's about 50% exploration and 50% on bosses. It's a perfect mix of the two. Enemy variety is also really good as well.

Thanks I just saved this image.

Okay, I heard that even minor enemies can be like boss fights in this game.

>Any advice for a scrub? How do I git gud?

Legitimately just keep playing and attempting things, there'll come a point where Dark Souls will just "click" for you, and you'll realise why so many people consider it one of the best games they've ever played. And then, if you keep playing after that point, you'll realise why more experienced players call it easy. Because it's a game that prizes knowledge, experience and technique more than reflexes or skills (which it may appear to prize highest at first), so there's all kinds of ways you can break it completely.

Your first playthrough you should probably use a Shield for, but I recommend you stop using one after that, Dark Souls is legitimately more fun when you're not hiding behind a shield. Light Armour and Fast Rolling is just the best way possible to play.

My biggest tips for you are as follows:

1. When you get to Firelink Shrine, take the RIGHTMOST path out. The other ones will just waste your time and/or kill you. People debate this point, but I actually consider it a flaw, the right path is almost hidden in comparison to the other ones.

2. Take it slow and try to understand why you died, when you die. Explore too, you can find all kinds of amazing shortcuts that will be a huge relief.

3. Don't use Summons. You'll stand atop the corpse of a boss that someone else defeated for you, robbed of your glory, and just feel stupid.

4. When you're a decent way into the game, after ringing at least one of the bells, ignore what I said above and take the LEFT path from Firelink Shrine and head to the Graveyard. You can get spell called the Rite of Kindling there, when you've got it, leave and make your way back up (if you try continue, you'll be going through a pitch black area, which you will be blocked from completing). The Rite of Kindling lets you Kindle a bonfire to give you up to 20 charges of Estus. 20 charges is a LOT, it's borderline cheating.

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5. Borderline cheating isn't cheating though. The game plays hard, so play hard in response. If you find a strategy that works, then use and abuse it. Outside of straight up cheating, there's no "cheap" in Dark Souls. If it works, that's your victory.

And now I'll teach you two methods to straight up break the game, be careful with these

Circle Strafing will trivialise almost any humanoid enemy.

You can stack Estus charges to tank damage. If you're stuck in a drinking animation and see you're gonna get hit, rather than futily trying to roll out of the way (you can't), hit drink again. Drink twice of three times, the subsequent sips are almost instant and will tank through the damage. You'll lose 2 or 3 charges, but be back at full HP. This technique will trivialise most bosses

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>Okay, I heard that even minor enemies can be like boss fights in this game.

Nah not really, and when you're really good you'll just run past anything but boss fights

Honestly, there's some really obtuse things in Dark Souls, I'd say if you feel like looking up where the hell Weapon Echantment upgrades are, that's fine. There's no fucking way anyone would find the Fire Weapon enchantment without reading a guide for example.

Remember this, it won't mean much now, but will later:

"When you get to the Church, go past it and down the path to the right. There's a bonfire and a blacksmith there."

"When you get to the Church, go through it and on the bottom floor to the left, there's an Elevator that unlocks an amazing shortcut."


"When you finish the Church, you can take the path beyond the Blacksmith if you want, but that area is mostly for later in the game. You're meant to go back to the Bridge where the Dragon attacked and open the door that was locked there with the key you find outside the Church."

That last one stuffed me around for ages.

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when I first played Dark Souls someone told me that I could stick with any weapon I wanted, so I took up the challenge and used the starter knight sword through all 3 dark souls games (not in demon's souls though because I think it used dexterity)
it's doable

also don't listen to any weapon recommendations because some will make the game less fun, just pick what you want

Don't play it on the Switch. The frame rate is fucked and the sound quality is bad due to compression; you lose a lot of the atmosphere without the good sound.

>all 3 dark souls games
but there are only 2 dark souls games

Nice way to end the list. When I defeated the Capra Demon I had to give myself some time away from the game, then 6 years passed. Now I believe it's time I came back to it.

>I hear this game is 90% boss fights.
Well, you heard it much wrong. 90% is you looking at the wiki to see where the fuck do you get to farm stones for the infusement of your weapons and to see if you didn't mess up the quest line of any npc. Except that
>WoG was nerfed into the ground
Who cares anymore about that fucking bitch lol

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The framerate is ok for a console. The sound compression is bad yeah. I noticed it when the drakes from the valley of the drakes were missing their voices all together. All you hear is the electric breath coming out of them.

Honestly, you should just avoid the series; it's a product of its time and if you didn't get into it back when it was released, you aren't going to like it now.

Don’t Summon, ever!

The game is not fast like most action games are.
Focus on figuring out strategies that help you avoid damage as you progress. Speed is usually not the right solution to problems.
Except for dogs. Kill the dogs fast.

Game is harsh but fair. People die for the following reasons:

They rush
They button mash
They don't read the enemy properly

Take your time, play conservatively until you know the enemy, treat every corner like it's an ambush waiting to happen, spend the start of any new encounter or boss fight being evasive and learning what the enemy does.

Don't get mad at dying. It's going to happen. Learn from each death and that's how you "git gud".

Literally just pick whichever weapon you want.
Always level up vitality and endurance. If you pick a weapon which requires lots of strength, leveling up strength will make your weapon's damage scale with the strength attribute. In the level up menu, you can see which attributes make your weapon better.

Don't get too wound up on leveling. It isn't as important as you may think.

Zweihander unlocked and light armor is most fun. Stop leveling str at 27.

go away

>don't get any free sunmedals
Yeah don't listen to this guy. Summon sunbros. Otherwise have fun farming larvae for hours.


Claymore > Zweihander

I never got the appeal. Seems to like people just like it for the infinite stunlock which is pretty boring. Maybe with a shield it's pretty cool for parries then you can 2h for bosses. But I wouldn't expect a new player to clear the game with parrying.

>When you finish the Church, you can take the path beyond the Blacksmith if you want, but that area is mostly for later in the game. You're meant to go back to the Bridge where the Dragon attacked and open the door that was locked there with the key you find outside the Church."
...fuck then I guess I'll go back to the Moonlight Butterfly another time

I prefer the simpler design of the Claymore

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