>slyly laughing at Yea Forums shitposts at work during break
>co worker asks why I'm laughing to myself
>other comes in and suggests i have a gf
>then a bunch more come to make jokes about it
Slyly laughing at Yea Forums shitposts at work during break
>at work
Go away, normalfag
That's what you get for browsing 4channel at work
Wtf is worth laughing about on this board?
>being a wageslave
Take the NEETpill.
>gotten used to browsing Yea Forums at work
>open nsfw loli pictures at desk when nobody is looking
>have thousands of chan images saved to work computer (including hentai and loli shit)
I hope I don't end up regretting this.
Aren't people that asks you to get a gf but don't actually introduce you to any girls the worst?
It's like rich people asking others to get richer.
nice b8
how do you make money as a fucking neet though? What do you survive from
I can understand why your parents don't love you enough to support you, given that you're a reddit spacing FAGGOT
>just laughed at this
>coworker asked me what I’m laughing about
Pure concentrated luck.
You just got a promotion, OP
You aren't funny, kiddo
Get the fuck back to work wageslave
Your boss needs another yacht
You should be grateful for him to give you the opportunity to get 5% worth of your labours
>be browsing Yea Forums at work
>disable images
>nobody in my vicinity speaks english
>even if they try to read it they cant
>say it's just a tech forum
gfs are overrated user enjoy your freedom
My coworkers think I am a creep and rarely talk to me, and when they do it's always with that "white people smile" face.
What's the matter user?
Did your slave mentality kicked in?
Goddamn if i was a boss of someone i wouldnt even bother to block websites. Every time i see Yea Forums ip thats one hour of job im not paying you.
>muh vpn
Yeah when you are connected to the fucking mozanbique i'll have some suspects.
>Browsing Yea Forums on a uni PC
>Some guy passes me by and calls me an incel
>gotta respond somehow or else my fragile ego will be too damaged for me to keep working with a smile for the rest of the day