What games can you watch something and play a game at the same time Yea Forums?, (pic unrealated)

what games can you watch something and play a game at the same time Yea Forums?, (pic unrealated)

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You're such a low attention-span spastic that you're not even capable of sitting down and doing one thing at a time.

You're fucking pathetic.

that's the thing you do when mindlessly grinding, so about any jrpgs or garbage you're going for 100% in

MTG Arena

Some grindy shit that requires only your spinal cord's attention. Like a lot of MMO, JRPG, hack and slash, etc. do.

That girl is cute.

I'm sure you're the type of stupid man that doesn't enjoy playing or anime anymore, so he thinks that doing both at the same time will maybe prevent him from feeling so dead inside.

Listening the books while playing is the only acceptable behavior of that kind.
I listened to several books while doing a run of DaS2 recently, it was great.

God, what a qt

Civ games
Some JRPG's if you are grinding for some reason
Minecraft to some extent
Also nice fluff

Wow, rude

Profiler user on the case

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why won't an anime girl date me

is it because i'm 3D?

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It's because you're a bad choice.
Who would want you as a life partner with the way you currently are?

Slay the Spire
Grim Dawn
Any grindy game

I still play World of Warcraft because I can binge watch TV shows on the second screen while I do dungeons, quests, crafting etc without it impacting my performance in game
pretty sure if I ever run out of shows to watch I'll unsub

well, i would

Literally any turn based game with animations

Of course, because only someone as pathetic as you would be ready to settle down for someone as pathetic as you.

I would date that user.
t. cute anime girl

I would be with user if I was an anime grill
Then I would give user confidence and be a housewife for him

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I did this for Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei and SMT I, II, and If. Worked pretty well. I never would have gotten around to watching Bojack Horseman if I hadn't.

oh thanks

A bad man with confidence in himself is only a bad man with confidence in himself.
Bad people should be shamed into changing.

Anything with no cutscenes or that you dont care to listen to like replaying something. Both the game and whatever you watch should be things you dont mind only paying at best half attention to though.

old school runescape

You are a retail worker 20something dude. The ego is unfounded.